Courtney Texts a Stranger Ch. 02

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Big Tits

Thank you to the readers of the first chapter of this story. Your comments were very encouraging! I present to you the next chapter. I truly hope that you enjoy it. As always, ratings and feedback are much appreciated.


The last text that Courtney had received absolutely floored her. A few short hours ago she had made her normal commute home and was ready to settle in for a quiet weekend. She did not expect that the evening would result in a steamy conversation with a woman she did not know. Now that same woman, Lauren, was inviting Courtney to her place.

The thoughts racing through Courtney’s mind were blinding her. Courtney found Lauren to be sweet, beautiful, and sensual. And while she certainly had not entertained sexual thoughts about women before this evening, Lauren had intrigued her with a few sexy pictures. Courtney couldn’t believe that she had the nerve to send Lauren some wild photos in return, but it excited her. But she was also nervous. She understood the dangers of meeting with a stranger, even if that person did not appear to have any malicious intent.

The orgasms had subsided as Courtney weighed the decision whether to accept Lauren’s invitation. She had not had sex in the two years since Matt had passed on, and this had been the most erotic fun that she had in some time. It didn’t help that she kept looking back at the photos that Lauren had sent her. Courtney could not peel her eyes off of the lovely brunette’s large breasts or her dark bush between her legs. She swallowed hard, realizing that she was getting aroused again at the thought of seeing this beautiful woman naked and perhaps running her fingers over her chest.

Courtney pulled her nightgown back onto her body and went into the kitchen to grab a snack. If she was being honest with herself, she was delaying the inevitable response that she needed to send to Lauren. She didn’t want to just ignore the question. Her body was pushing her to see the woman, but her mind kept instructing her to hold back a bit. She was still in the kitchen when she heard the notification sound on her phone which she had left on the bed. She walked back to look at the text message while certain in her mind that Lauren was getting impatient with her.

Lauren: “I’m sorry Courtney. I can tell by your delay that you have some hesitation. It was foolish of me to ask you over so soon.”

Courtney couldn’t help but think that Lauren was having a few doubts of her own. But her easygoing demeanor only drew Courtney closer to her. At last she made a decision and replied to Lauren.

Courtney: “Do you want to grab a drink? I don’t know where you’re located at, but I’d be happy to meet you somewhere.”

Lauren: “That would be wonderful! I’m in Ridge Township. Is that close for you?”

Courtney was shocked as she came to the realization that Lauren was only about fifteen minutes away.

Courtney: “Very close! I’m about fifteen minutes away. How about we meet at The Fifth Lounge in an hour?”

Lauren: “Sounds wonderful. See you then! Kisses!”

Courtney realized that she had only about 45 minutes before she had to leave. She needed to pick out something to wear, shower, and pretty herself. She wasn’t sure what to expect. Was this a date? Was it just a friendly meeting to get to know each other? She was a bit more nervous when she thought about the naughty photos that she had sent to Lauren. But, on the other hand, she now knew what Lauren looked like naked as well. They were both in the same situation, though she felt a bit more reserved than Lauren. After all, Lauren had invited her to her place!

Courtney quickly hopped in the shower. She had no idea where the night would lead so she made sure to shave her legs and armpits. She ran her fingers in her bush but decided against trimming it. Lauren had really seemed to love her thick red hair, and she didn’t want to disappoint her. After several minutes, she shut off the water, grabbed her towel, and headed to the bedroom.

As for what to wear, Courtney was lost. She wanted to look good but not appear to be slutty. She had a sexy pair of light blue lace panties that she slid over her ass. She had a bra of the same color and put that on so that she would match. She elected to go for a simpler look by sliding on a new pair of dark blue jeans that she felt hugged her ass perfectly. And, finally, she picked out a black v-neck top that showed just a bit of cleavage. She finished up by straightening her long red hair and applying some makeup. She looked in the mirror and felt beautiful. She hoped that Lauren would feel the same way.

Arriving at The Fifth Lounge with five minutes to spare, Courtney parked her car in an adjoining lot. She had never been to this place before, and as she walked into the restaurant, she noticed that it was somewhat dark and that the ambient noise was low. It seemed like a perfect spot to sit down and talk. She waited for the hostess who was busy sitting another couple. As she looked görükle escort bayan around, she saw a woman waving at her from a table near the bar. Courtney instantly smiled when she saw that it was Lauren.

“Welcome to The Fifth. How many in your party,” asked the hostess as she noticed Courtney waiting at the entrance.

“Actually, I see my friend already sitting at a table. I’m going to join her. Thank you.” Courtney hurried over to the table and smiled brightly at Lauren. Without sitting down, Courtney nervously said, “Hi Lauren! I’m Courtney. Pleasure to meet you.” She didn’t know what to do but extended her hand anyhow.

Lauren jumped up quickly and wrapped her arms around Courtney. “So glad that you came sweetie! I wasn’t sure if you would show up or not.” Courtney felt the warmth from Lauren’s hug fill her. It was hard to not notice her bright smile not to mention her large chest pressing against her own. It excited her just a bit, but she calmed herself and sat down with Lauren. Courtney noticed that the woman was wearing a similar outfit – tight jeans and a button-up shirt on which the first two buttons were undone.

“How could I not come? Initially, I was hesitant, but when you suggested meeting here, I decided to take a leap.” As Courtney was speaking, the waiter waltzed over to the table and politely waited for Courtney to finish her sentence. Both women ordered drinks – a gin and tonic for Lauren and a margarita for Courtney.

“So, I’m curious, would your boyfriend mind that you are meeting a strange woman while he is away,” asked Courtney.

Lauren anticipated the question. “No, not at all actually. He knows of my interest in women but insists that I be safe if I meet anyone. So it was rather ignorant of me to invite you over having not met you first.”

Courtney smiled and felt a bit relieved. “I’ve never met a stranger like this, so I was glad that you were open to meeting in public.”

Lauren smiled back. “It’s only fair that I would ask what your hubby would think.”

Courtney slumped a bit in her chair. She dreaded that question. The waiter brought their drinks and set them on the table, and Courtney quickly downed most of hers. Lauren could tell something was wrong. “It’s okay. I didn’t mean to be so intrusive.”

Courtney regained her composure and looked at Lauren and realized that the woman had nothing but genuine concern. She wiped at her eyes. “You’re not. It’s always tough to talk about, but my husband passed away in a car accident two years ago.”

Lauren offered her sympathies, and Courtney briefly recounted how she met Matt, their move outside the city, and the unfortunate event that took away her love. “It’s been very difficult, but I do appreciate the open ear Lauren.”

Lauren reached out her hand and placed it on Courtney’s. It was not a suggestive move but rather a heartfelt gesture from a friend. Courtney gave a hint of a brief smile to Lauren. She was more beautiful than in her pictures, and Lauren radiated kindness that transcended their earlier texting activity. She felt genuinely happy to be around Lauren.

The two women ordered some food and a few more rounds of drinks and kept talking. The conversation hit on everything, including the first meeting of Lauren and her boyfriend Chris, Courtney’s job, their shared hobbies, and what they had hoped to get out of life. The conversation would get deep at times, but both women were full of laughs as well after the initial awkwardness wore off.

Courtney was happy that she decided to meet with Lauren. What had transpired earlier in the evening was forgotten. Courtney’s new friend was not only beautiful but also sweet with an engaging personality. She was mesmerized by her eyes and, if she was being honest with herself, her curves. “Could I really be falling for a woman,” Courtney asked herself. She didn’t focus on the question too much. She was having a good time making a new friend, and that was all that mattered.

Lauren was similarly enthralled with meeting Courtney. Her new friend had suffered serious setbacks over the past few years but was still full of life. She was not only enjoying the conversation but also looking at the beautiful redhead sitting across from her. “She is more beautiful in person,” she thought to herself. On more than one occasion, she felt Courtney’s eyes drifting to her chest. That excited her while also arousing her nipples, and she quickly lamented her choice of shirt. The silky fabric accentuated the hardness of her nipples.

Another hour had passed. Courtney was on her third drink, and her eyes kept drifting onto Lauren. “Hey Lauren, will you excuse me? I need to use the ladies room,” Courtney quickly interjected. She felt as though she needed to compose herself.

“Sure. I’m going to order myself some nachos. Hurry back sweetie!” Lauren smiled at Courtney. As Courtney walked away, Lauren couldn’t help but gaze at her new friend. She was not the bursa otele gelen escort athletic type, but it was obvious that she took care of herself. Her jeans tightly wrapped around her waist and were stretched a bit by the round curves of her butt. Courtney didn’t realize it, but she walked with a motion such that each of her cheeks moved up and down in unison. Lauren caught herself staring at Courtney’s ass and so quickly looked away and took another drink. Her mind had drifted to the sexy video that Courtney sent her earlier in the night. She felt her nipples tightening more. She wanted to be with Courtney.

As she finished up in the bathroom, Courtney fixed her hair and looked at herself in the mirror. Her makeup was still in good shape. She rummaged through her purse for the small bottle of mouthwash to freshen her breath. There was no denying her strong attraction for her new friend. She didn’t think that the night was going to go anywhere, but she felt happier than she had in a long time. Though Lisa was her best friend, she felt a deeper connection to Lauren. She couldn’t explain why, but the fact that she was laughing and flirting with a woman did not bother her. It made her feel whole again, and she was open to whatever would happen going forward.

Courtney walked toward the table and saw Lauren smiling at her. “She is so sexy,” Courtney thought to herself. Her smile was perfect and she was radiating sensuality that pulled Courtney to her. As she sat down, Lauren was finishing a nacho. “My turn! I’ll be right back.” Lauren got up and walked to the ladies room. Courtney’s eyes innately followed to Lauren, and she started to salivate a bit. Lauren was just a bit curvier than her but in all the right places. Her hips were a bit wider and were framed by what Courtney considered a thick ass. It was a lovely sight. As she looked on, Lauren quickly turned her head back and saw Courtney looking at her. Courtney turned bright red and put her head back down, pretending to look at her phone.

Lauren turned back toward the bathroom but couldn’t help feel sexy. Her new friend, a beautiful redhead, was totally checking her out. She loved the attention. And it turned her on. She looked in the mirror in the bathroom and noticed her nipples were extremely erect. She wanted to touch them, but she wouldn’t be able to go back out to the table if she did so. She spent a few minutes in the bathroom checking her e-mail and quickly sent a text message to her boyfriend Chris. She had finally corrected his phone number in her contacts list, so she was sure it wouldn’t be going to Courtney.

Lauren: “Wish you were here. I met a beautiful redhead. 😉 Miss and love you baby!”

Chris: “Ooh, sounds interesting. Have fun honey. Love you too.”

Lauren couldn’t help but smile. Chris was a loyal, sweet, and hardworking man. He understood her interest in women and wanted her to be free to satisfy her emotional and physical needs in his long absences. He was confident enough in himself to allow that to happen but also wanted his girlfriend to be cautious when meeting strangers. She was extremely lucky to have met him and hoped that one day she would get to be his wife.

Lauren walked back to the table and Courtney was too engrossed in the happenings of social media on her phone to notice. Lauren walked behind Courtney’s seat. She leaned over Courtney’s shoulder, and in the process of obtaining a nice view of her cleavage, softly put her lips onto Courtney’s neck right below her ear. A sudden but pleasant chill drove through Courtney, and by the time she realized what had happened, Lauren was back in her seat smiling at her. Lauren reached over and ran her fingers over Courtney’s hand. Courtney smiled back and took Lauren’s hand in hers.

The connection between her and Lauren felt complete. The gentle touching between the two excited Courtney. She was smiling brightly as her fingers caressed Lauren’s. Certainly someone else in the lounge may be watching them, but she didn’t care. Lauren kept smiling back, the two women clearly focusing on each other and ignoring everyone else. Courtney started thinking back to the sexy conversation that she had with this woman earlier. She felt warmth throughout her body and knew her nipples were swelling again as the sensitivity caused by them pressing against her bra was sending a jolt of excitement through her.

At that moment, she felt Lauren’s other hand gently rubbing her knee under the table. She was being seduced by this beautiful woman and her restraint started breaking down. It was clear now. She wanted Lauren. She missed the touch of another person, and while she didn’t expect to fall for this curvy beauty so quickly, it was happening. She continued to smile at Lauren, and it was Lauren who finally broke the silence.

Lauren leaned over close to Courtney and gently kissed her ear. Then she whispered, “Care to come back to my place for a bit?”

Courtney bursa escort bayan was broken. The soft kiss on the ear, the hand holding, it was all so good to her. She smiled at Lauren and replied, “Definitely. Shall I follow you?”

“Sure. I live rather close to here.” Lauren grabbed her hand and they walked out of the lounge. Courtney followed Lauren in her car, and they arrived at her home a few moments later. Lauren had a three bedroom, two-story house in which she lived alone. She had bought it years ago after she had finished college as she thought it would be a good investment. It was dark, and Courtney couldn’t see much of the outside as she followed Lauren to the front porch.

Once inside, Lauren turned on the lights. Courtney noticed that the interior was decorated in a modern style. The floor plan was open, and there was plenty of space for entertaining guests. She couldn’t judge the outside, but inside, it was clear that Lauren had a knack for choosing furniture and accessories that brought out the best in her home.

“So, how do you like my place,” Lauren asked her guest.

“It is beautiful but not so much as its owner,” Courtney said. She realized how cheesy it sounded after she said it, but she didn’t care. It had been so long since she had flirted with anyone that she was out of practice.

Lauren giggled then walked over to Courtney. She took her hands in hers and pulled her to the couch. They sat close together, and Lauren was quick to break the silence.

“You know, Courtney, I’ve only known you for a few hours, but I am very attracted to you. You make me smile, and you are so lovely. I’m very happy I texted the wrong person.”

Courtney smiled back. “I am glad you did too. You are very sweet, and I’ve felt relaxed with you. I think we are going to be the best of friends.”

Lauren’s shoulders dropped a bit at the mention of being only friends. She thought Courtney was gorgeous and definitely thought that she read signals that indicated Courtney might want to be more. Certainly she thought that this evening would lead to more. But, she had made a great friend, and she could not look down on that. She did not want to press Courtney. The woman had been widowed and hadn’t been with anyone else. This night was obviously a huge step for her, and she did not want to ruin it.

“So who was the blonde in the picture that you originally texted me,” Courtney asked.

Lauren was taken aback by the question. Perhaps Courtney thought her friend was the more attractive one. “Why would she ask me that now,” Lauren asked herself. She wasn’t offended by the question but felt that the timing was off. She thought Courtney might have brought that up when they were at the lounge but not now as they were having a more serious conversation.

“Oh! I thought I mentioned her. That is my friend Michelle. We have known each other since high school. We typically take at least one trip together every year.”

Courtney quickly shot back, “So she is not your girlfriend?”

Lauren pondered the question. She had been intimate with Michelle on a number of occasions, but certainly, they were not in any kind of relationship. She couldn’t help but recall how Michelle had dragged her back to their room after the photo she sent to Courtney had been taken. They had spent the rest of the day pleasuring each other. It aroused Lauren, and her mind drifted a bit. Finally, she responded. “If you’re asking me if we’ve ever been intimate, then yes. But, no, we are not in a relationship.”

It didn’t take long for what happened next. No sooner than Lauren had finished answering the question than did she feel Courtney pressing into her and wrapping her lips around hers. She gasped but draped her arms around Courtney’s neck and pulled her closer. The kiss was slow and soft, and she ran her hands over Courtney’s back. She tried to put Courtney at ease by caressing her back and then running her fingers along the back of her neck. It must have worked as she felt Courtney’s tongue pressing against her lips. She opened her mouth and moaned as Courtney explored inside. Their tongues touched and Lauren felt as aroused as ever.

Courtney slightly moaned into Lauren’s mouth. She felt Lauren’s tongue dancing on hers and she grabbed the back of Lauren’s head to pull her as close as possible. It was the most passionate kiss she had ever experienced. She deepened the kiss, running her fingers through the brunette’s dark hair then onto her neck. She felt Lauren using her lips to gently suck on her tongue and moaned. Her nipples were hard and brushing against her bra which only excited her more. She felt them stiffen not just from the kiss but from thinking about the sexy photos Lauren had sent earlier. “Oh god she is so passionate,” Courtney told herself.

Lauren was in a frenzy. She had an attraction for redheads and now she had one in her arms with her tongue in the other woman’s mouth as they swapped saliva. She had no doubt that they both wanted this. She felt her nipples pressing against her shirt and loved feeling the weight of Courtney’s chest against her own. She slid her hands down Courtney’s back and squeezed her rounded butt through her jeans. She felt Courtney moan in her mouth again which only encouraged her to squeeze the redhead’s ass again. She wanted this woman badly.

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