A night with a friend

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


It is around 6pm and the light has started to fade from the sky. I have been asked to a friends house to watch a film with him. I know that he will be home alone. Although I suspect him to try something, I feel perfectly comfortable with this arrangement. As I approach his house, I notice that it is all in darkness, except the hall. I knock at the door and wait for him to answer. He takes a while and I am about to give up when he answers apologetically. He leads me through the door and takes my coat and bag. He hangs them in the hall then turns to face me. He leans in close and reaches past me to lock the door. He asks if he can kiss me and I say yes. As he kisses me, I feel his hands slide into mine. His kiss is so gentle, but so passionate. I hazard a guess he has wanted to do this for a while. As he pulls away, he smiles at me and ask if I feel safe with him. He asks if I trust him and I answer, honestly, yes to both. He leads me a short way down the hall, walking backwards so that he can still see me. He is smiling at me as if he knew this would happen and is loving every second of it. I smile back knowing that I have liked him for a while, and wishing something would happen. He stops suddenly and kisses me as if it is the only thing keeping him alive. I can feel his lips pressed against mine and his tongue frantically searching my mouth. His hands are running up and down my back and he Üsküdar Escort has managed to undo my bra. I start to feel dizzy at the intensity of his kiss, so I pull away and open my eyes. The hall is now in total darkness. The blinds are closed and he has knocked off the lights. I also notice there is a distinct lack of his body next to mine. I am totally alone in the hallway. I hear him call out from nearby. He wants me to follow the sound of the music he has put on. As I nervously approach where the sound is coming from, I feel him slide up behind me. He pulls my arms from either side of my body to behind my back. He leans in closer to my ear and asks again, very quietly if I still trust him. My heart is racing as I answer yes. He pushes me roughly towards the bed and I land, face down on it. He quickly ties my hands behind me so that I cannot free them. My eyes start to adjust and I can make out shapes in the darkness. Suddenly, the light is switched on and I cry out in shock. I complain that the light is too bright and ask him to switch it off again. He says that he is just sorting it now and wraps a piece of cloth around my eyes. He asks me if the light is still bothering me. I reply by asking why he has blindfolded me and tied me up. By now I am beginning to get a little scared and wondering what he has in store for me. He asks if I would feel more comfortable Üsküdar Escort Bayan if my hands were not tied together, to which the honest reply is yes. He is true to his word and unties my wrists but flips me over so that I am lying on my back. He then orders me to strip. I object to this demand and question it. He tells me that if I am disobedient that he will punish me. I start to question this again when he roughly grabs one of my wrists and ties it to the corner of his bed. He again demands that I strip and points out that it will be more difficult to do if both arms are restricted. So, with slightly shaking hands, I start to undress. I have managed to remove all but one side of my top, which I point out to him is impossible due to my arm being restrained. Without a word, he removes my bind, slips the clothes off my arm and reties me. I am very aware of the fact that I am totally naked, with not a shred to cover my body. My blindfold is so thick that I have no idea if the light is on, but I realise that he can see every part of me and there was very little I could do. I try to cover some of myself by lowering my free hand to cover my pubic region. My hand doesn’t even reach my belly button when he grabs it and ties it too. I question him yet again why he is doing this, but the only answer I get is the feeling of something solid brush my stomach as Escort Üsküdar he returns to sitting beside me. He asks me again, do I still trust him. I am aware that even if I said no, I could do nothing about it. I was not strong enough to fight him off. I ask yet again why he is doing this. My voice starts to shake slightly with nerves, but even as I ask him, I know he will not give me a straight answer. I hear him at the other side of the room and it hits me that he could do anything, including leave me lying here, totally exposed. Although something tells me he wouldn’t. I feel him sit next to me and stroke my hair. His touch is not rough or threatening but tender and almost loving. He gentle lifts my head as he strokes the back of it and I feel something brush my lip. As I open my mouth to ask what he is doing, a length of material slips in, stopping me from saying a word. I am in no doubt as to who is in charge. My heart is still racing but I am starting to enjoy this. He takes a deep breath and very quietly tells me that he didn’t want to gag me, but I insisted on talking. I need to understand that he is not going to hurt me or make me do anything I don’t want to. He only wants to play a few games. He asks me if I understood; my only reply is a nod. He asks me yet again if I trust him; and again my only answer is a nod. He leans forward and kisses me gently on the forehead. His lips start to slowly travel down my body, pausing first at my neck, where he strokes my hair and nibbles ever so gently. I can feel myself giving my body over to him, he was in control and I loved it. As he reaches my breasts, he takes each nipple into his mouth in turn and sucks and nibbles gently.

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32