Whispers and Brush Strokes Ch. 04

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I awakened to miss him. I missed Milam. Reading his book made me ache for his presence. I masturbated, thinking how many times I had manipulated my body over the last week. I breathed rapidly as child-like screams came from places beyond my vocal chords.

“I saw you”, I moaned.

In my dream, he wore a dark gray suit. He walked alone on the sidewalk of deserted streets. A full moon, circled by black birds, bathed him. In my dream, I caught his scent. I longed to let my fingers slide a feigned innocence over his tight body before drinking his kiss.

I awakened to the dreary half-light of a cold spring morn. My hands were on either side of my head. My nipples were hard and my chest rose and fell like a stormy sea. I moved about the bed, my pussy like a small animal caught in the eagles’ talons.

After showering, I decided to let my hair air-dry. I moved quickly for coffee and Milam’s book. Merrick was not fully awake. He moved slowly to take his place by me on the sofa. I moved the book long enough for him to place his head on my naked lap.

I wanted to become one with Milam’s philosophies. “I want you”, I whispered.

I retrieved my cell phone then. I dialed three digits of April’s cell number before I paused to bite my lip and smile.

She answered on the first ring. “I knew you would call today!”

I laughed. “Then I have reached April’s psychic hotline?”

“I have missed you.”

“I missed you too. I just needed some time to clear a cobweb or two.”

“Today’s Friday”, she said gleefully. “I know you’re not going to the office.”

“Well, I-“

“Come see me.”

“Are you taking the day off too?”

“I am. That gives us plenty of time. I have to know how the meeting with Milam went.”

“You haven’t seen him?”

“Not in about two weeks. Besides, he would not discuss it with me. He is big on confidentiality.”

“Good thing we aren’t”, I said.

“You got it. Hurry up and get your pretty ass over here.”

The sound of her voiced was soothing. “Give me an hour, Miss April.”

I arrived at her house shortly before 10 AM. Her face glowed as the door flew open as widely as her smile. I laughed as she took my wrist, running with the excitement of a child. She kissed me longingly as we lightly touched each other’s breasts.

April told me that sex with Doug had been the best ever, since she relayed the story of her and me. Before my meeting with Milam, I might have been embarrassed, I might even have been angry. Now something in me loved the fact that April’s husband was aware. I knew April well enough to know that she spared no detail.

Then it was my turn. She wanted every detail of my meeting with Milam. No, I had no stories to interest him- unless our session became a story unto itself. Her eyes opened wide, the goofy smile making her face glow, as I relayed the experience.

From April, I learned that she had been a student of Milam for nearly two years. She had never had the pleasure I experienced, but she and Doug had attended a party at his home last December.

“To this day”, she laughed. ankara olgun escort “Doug cannot understand why I melted when Milam gave a reading of Federico Garcia Lorca.”

It had been a long time, but I recalled then that I loved Lorca when I was in college.

“You know Lorca?” I inquired.

“I do now. I don’t understand some of it, but it is romantic beyond belief.” She grinned like a Cheshire cat. “I bet you had no idea that Lorca is Milam’s favorite poet.”

I tingled. “No, I didn’t.”

“Do you know how to waltz?”

“Do I know how to waltz?” I laughed. “No.”

“I will teach you. I am not very good, but I know the steps.”

She took her hands in mine after turning on the music. My feet followed, not so clumsily, as she sang along with Leonard Cohen’s tribute to the greatest of all poets. Our bodies touched. Her eyes were locked onto mine.

“I dedicate this to your meeting with Milam, your love, and your freedom. I do love you.”

One great paid homage to a spiritual genius. I found April’s voice lovely as she stared at me and sang along.

“Now in Vienna there are ten pretty women
There’s a shoulder where death comes to cry
There’s a lobby with nine hundred windows
There’s a tree where the doves go to die”
I smiled as tears welled in my eyes.

She continued singing to me.

“Oh I want you, I want you, I want you
On a chair with a dead magazine
In the cave at the tip of the lily
In some hallway where love’s never been
On a bed where the moon’s been sweating…”

I recalled Milam speaking those words to me- “On a bed where the moon’s been sweating”.

I was gleefully surrendering my soul as we waltzed like little girls.

“And I’ll dance with you in Vienna”, she sang.
“I’ll be wearing a river’s disguise
The hyacinth wild on my shoulder
My mouth on the dew of your thighs…”

I did not attempt to hide my tears. Beyond the lyrics, words were unnecessary. I wanted the song to never end. It continued as we kissed. My eyes remained closed as we removed each other’s shirts. I did not part my lids until we were naked in the bedroom. I had followed her there on faith.

My mouth moved to her vagina. I was so hungry for it. It was wet and eager for me. I kissed it gently as more tears came to my eyes. She pulled me up to the bed. Everything was so quiet. She laid her body on top of mine as I went to my back. I felt eternity as she kissed me, as our bodies pressed together with gentle determination.

I felt the respite of our love, the connection to which we were now addicted. It became sweeter as April sat up. She moved her hair over her shoulders, staring at me as her pussy moved over mine with magical symmetry.

“Tell me”, she said. “Is there anything you would not share with me?”

I moaned as she moved her pussy sideways over my hard clit.


She grabbed my nipples, pulling them hard.

“Tell me the truth”, she demanded.

My back arched. “I am telling you the truth!” I cried.

She ankara ucuz escort glared at me as pain sat perched on one shoulder of my being; rapture on the other.

Air filled my lungs as she released my nipples. Her smile melted over me as my hands moved to my breasts.

“Do you love me?” she asked, still moving slowly about my tight skin.

“I do love you, April.”

“Do you believe that I love Doug?”

“I know you do, yes.”

“Do you believe that I love you?”

I smiled. “Yes.”

I watched Doug enter the room pensively. He seemed a bit nervous as he spoke to me. April continued to writhe on me.

“Doug”, I said softly.

“May I share Dough with you?” April said.


“Will you share yourself with Doug?”


I remained as I watched April stand and move to her husband. I stared at her ass as she removed the clothing from him. From behind the distance of his hard, throbbing penis, Doug’s face displayed both longing and fear.

April knelt before me then, holding her husband’s cock in her left hand. “Milam” she began with a smile. “Told me of how he used to feed the wrens. He spoke of how they would feed each other.”

My body pulsated with ripples of pleasure. They spread from my vagina to my stomach. My breasts tingled.

April moved him to me. Doug looked at me with trepidation. His hard cock felt good as he slid into me. His eyes widened as he continued. His face bore the look of a teenage boy who was feeling pussy on his shaft for the first time.

“Oh my god, Geneva”, he said.

I was turned on beyond words in a way that was a first for me. It was not me; it was not my pussy or the feeling of Doug’s hard penis inside. Rather, I felt his pleasure. Spiritually, I felt his love for me. I felt his love for April.

His eyes became the windows to his soul as I touched his face. I stirred with the slowness of his movement. Happiness comes in measures, in shades, in moments. The words of Alexandra echoed softly in my mind as Doug kissed me.

April moved to her knees beside us then. Doug’s lips left mine before meeting his wife’s kiss. My eyes went to the lovely perfection between April’s legs- the perfect distance of her spread and the art that was her sweet pussy.

Doug kissed me again. He moved in and out of me slowly. From my throat came the sound of a waking baby. My right hand moved to April’s loveliness. My middle finger moved blindly to her clit. It stayed there in the measures, the shades, and the still moment, before finding its way into the creaminess of her vault. Her eyes closed and her hips moved sublimely as I felt Doug’s’ swelling.

“Oh my god, Geneva”, he said again.

I felt his pulsating as April moaned. Simultaneously, April’s vagina tightened around my finger. Her hips moved faster. Doug shouted my name as I felt his cum explode into me.

Long moments of heavy breathing ensued.

Doug remained hard within me as April’s lips took my right nipple. Her husband’s mouth then took the ankara yabancı escort left. I began to moan louder, moving my hips and feeling the push of his erect shaft. This lasted until my skin temperature rose.

My heat permeated the room as Doug removed himself from me. I touched myself as I watched April take his cock into her mouth.

He called out the name of his spouse several times before taking me into his arms and moving me to the sofa. April smiled at me longingly before adjusting me. She moved me so that my ass was just beyond the edge.

“My little girl”, she said.

They seated themselves then, April to my left, Doug to my right. Her nipples beckoned as I felt his still-hard cock against me.

I thought I would cum as April whispered in my ear. “Our little girl needs to cum”, she said.

Her left hand went to my pussy then. Doug held my right thigh as he began to stroke himself with his other hand. Minutes later, April paused to lick his white warmth from my belly and my hips. Like the wrens, she fed me with a kiss. I swallowed Doug as her hand found me again.

“Are you a little girl?” April asked from a fog of heated breath.


“Are you our little girl?”

“Yes”, I moaned.

“Does our little girl need to cum?”

Her hand moved faster. The aching welled in me.

I screamed. Doug sat in awe. April smiled as my cum jetted at least three feet into the air.

“I’m coming!” The words echoed.

I squirted again. They both licked the cum from my body before kissing one another passionately.

Our bodies sparkled between dual showerheads. We laughed and kissed and bathed each other’s bodies as, for the first time in my life, I saw true love. Doug and April were one on every level. I faced my envy, confident and unbothered as Doug kissed my neck and I lathered April’s breasts.

Doug prepared lunch while April and I dried our hair. We talked and giggled playfully like very young women.

I enjoyed the mixed field greens. It was adorned with balsamic vinegar, goat cheese and pepper corns, and topped with strips of grilled tuna. I sipped wine as they told me they had sold the bar. They had worked hard and invested wisely. Now they would seek freedom. They would see Vienna and the museum of winter frost. They would hold each other in the thousand-windowed dance hall.

April laughed after lunch as Doug and I danced to the music of Selena. I laughed too, struggling to follow the steps of ethnic dance. My Spanish was rusty, translating slowly through my mind as Doug sang to me.

“Caminando en calle dose. Debes estar en la escuela. Dulce angelita… ¿De quién eres tú?”

My body loosened. I flowed with Doug and the music as my Spanish came back to me. My heart filled with the memory of Milam as he continued to sing.

“Canción del vampiro…Gloria de amor…Es nuestro reino…Pero vean lo que hemos hecho.”

That evening I was home again. Merrick snarled and smiled, his tail wagging like a pup. I let my baby out as I thought of Milam and recalled “Little Viennese Waltz”.

I spoke the words to kitchen cabinets and the man I loved.

“In Vienna I will dance with you
In a costume with a river’s head
See how the hyacinths line my banks!
I will leave my mouth between your legs,
My soul in photographs and lilies,
And in the dark wake of your footsteps,
My love, my love, I will have to leave

Violin and grave, the waltzing ribbons”.

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