Night Out

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Big Tits

The sexy, dolled-up face in the mirror looked back at me. It was my own face, of course, but I was having a hard time adjusting. People always knew me as the quiet, reserved, studious one, who never made time for parties, never made time for boys.

Tonight, it’s different. Tonight, I’m a slut. After a lifetime of staying quiet, keeping to myself… I thirst for a change of pace, and I’m gonna look the part — heavy eyeliner, dark lipstick, long hair, my tightest, deep-necked shirt…

The person looking back at me through the mirror — gorgeous. Fuckable. I bit my lip. I had to remind myself — that was me. I looked like that. My knees were weak — partly by anxiety, mostly by lust — imagining myself getting undressed by everyone else’s eyes. With a nod of encouragement, I strode out of the house, purse over shoulder.

This was only half of the plan. The other half is to go to the pub downtown — lots of cute guys looking for some easy ass for the price of a couple beers, and that’s exactly what I’m hoping for. If I look irresistible now, I’ll be absolutely violable after some drinks. If I’m lucky, they won’t be able to help themselves from groping me up and down, pulling on my clothes and hair…

“Hey,” I tapped on the nearest man’s shoulder, seated at the bar. He was talking with another, but the more the merrier. Caught off-guard, he stopped mid-sentence and slowly rotated towards me, with the other set of eyes peering around his shoulder. “Care to buy a cute girl a drink? Your friend can get the second one, if he likes.”

I think he was about to chastise me for interrupting, but after one good look at my body, he didn’t seem very chaste. With an uneasy smile, he said, “Uhh, heyy! I was kinda, mid-conversation over here, but we can talk after if you like?”

“I’ll make it worth your while~. Wanna see my party trick? Order a round of shots for the three of us.” The two exchanged a glance to ask each other if they should play along.

“What’s your ‘party trick’?” The friend asked.

“If I tell you now, you won’t believe me. Think of it as a sexy surprise.”

The nearest man sighed deeply and called the bartender for three shots of who-cares. I had a very short window between the bartender walking away and the men grabbing their glasses. I leaned over and took both, one in each hand. My barmates were incredulous — pissed is more like it. But if I could keep their attention for long enough, they’d forgive me. Or maybe they’d hatefuck me, even better.

“What the hell, girl?!” I’d already finished my second shot and was busy throwing back the third. “You were just acting all sexy and mysterious to get some poor sucker to buy you drinks. I oughtta leave right now and give you our tab, we’ve been here for an hour already, you know!” His friend chimed in, “Just an alcoholic looking for a fix, man.”

I finished gulping down the last shot, placed the glass gently on the counter, and raised my finger at them. “Believe it or not, I wasn’t lying. I do have a trick for you, and I think you’re gonna love it. It just takes,” I made a twisting motion with my hand, “about five to ten minutes for the alcohol to kick in.”

“What, you’re gonna become a crazier, wilder bitch? I guess that would be hard to imagine!” His friend put a hand on his shoulder. I could tell they were getting ready to leave, and that would be no fun; they were two of the best-looking guys there.

“Alright, alright, I’ll tell you what it is, okay? And if you don’t believe me, you only need to wait a couple minutes for me to prove it.” They both raised their eyebrows expectantly.

“My tits grow when I drink alcohol. My ass, too — everything. I get a lot more… voluptuous. And a lot more horny. Horny enough to show you studs a good time.”

The closer man facepalmed into the table. The man across shook his head and tried his best to rationalize it: “Some ladies’ breasts grow up to twenty five percent when they’re aroused; there’s nothing special about that.” I could tell he was a nerd.

“Twenty five? Ha! Try twenty five hundred,” I said, holding my hands a foot away from my chest. That made him blush.

The other man brought his head back off the table. “But do you really need three shots, all at once? That’s a hard sell.”

I shrugged. “It’s a little too subtle when I drink one at a time. But I guess that’s fun in its own way, when you have a whole night to kill.”

“And when you’ve actually got your own money!” He quipped to the void, eyes wide.

“Hey, I’m still in college. And renting a dorm. Money’s a bit tight. Besides, three shots is what, fifteen dollars? Small price to pay to feel up the biggest tits in town.”

Suddenly, he got a mean expression on his face. “Yeah well, maybe that’s not enough for me! You’re a liar and a hussy. Maybe I expect more!” He huffed, arms crossed. His friend from behind looked like he wanted to admonish him for gambling on probably his first ever chance to get laid. But I could barely focus on that, because all of a sudden, I felt the alcohol Kurtköy Escort hitting…

And then I felt it come. The tingling sensation in my breasts.

The first time I ever felt it, I was celebrating my 21st birthday with Mom, Dad, and my sister. She was a year younger and couldn’t drink, but she was welcome to come along. We found a restaurant in town with bar service, and I was treated to my first cocktail, my first shot, my first beer — a little bit of everything. Sometime after the first drink, I felt that tingle. By the second drink, my bra started digging into my skin, no matter how many times I adjusted it. But after the third drink, I knew something was off. I felt oddly exposed. I excused myself to the restroom and pulled off my top to examine myself in the mirror.

My tits were burgeoning out of my cups. They were a bit redder, and tender. It felt like a sunburn when I traced my fingers over the tops of them, down my cleavage — fuck, I had cleavage. My nipples were showing through the bra, just a little. I glanced down just a moment and caught sight of my hips, which became almost as wide as my shoulders, and that’s when I realized my jeans were tight, too. I tried to get them off — to relieve some pressure — but the button was pulled so taut, I struggled with it for a solid minute. Fearing someone would come in and see me like that, I whisked away into a stall. I decided to stay there until my… swelling went down. Just a little. At some point, my sister was sent to come check on me; I called back that I was fine, just needed a moment.

As far as my family’s concerned, I drank too much, had a bad reaction, and never wanted anything to do with alcohol again. What I was really waiting for, was to go back to school, several states away from anybody that’s ever known me, and try again where I can really… open up. Let free.

“Feel me. It’s starting.” I grabbed the man’s hand and placed it on my right breast. His curiosity was finally aroused, and that wouldn’t be the only thing if I had anything to say about it. “You, too,” I called his friend over. “Sit beside me, grab the other one.” He looked panicked, but I was just about to become his wet dream, and he wouldn’t miss an opportunity to feel it for himself. He situated in the chair left of me and carefully placed a clammy hand.

“Ooooooohh…” I let out a slow groan. My heartrate was surely spiking, not just from the alcohol, but from two guys leaving their hands on my tits in such a vulnerable position. The guy to my left, who’d probably never felt a boob in his life, gently rubbed his thumb over my nipple until it grew harder for him, at which point he pinched it. I gasped, feeling my inhibitions flowing out of me.

I couldn’t tell if they noticed it yet, but I was definitely growing. I could feel my titflesh pushing against their palms, threatening to spill between their fingers. The man on my right gave me a squeeze, which caused me to take a sharp breath. Judging by his facial expression, I felt a lot firmer just then, than he was expecting. He caught eyes with his friend, trying to communicate for him to try it, but he was a bit too clueless for a bit too long, so I placed my hand over his and clamped.

My eyes were closed and my head was back, so I hadn’t gotten a good look at my growth yet. I opened one eye and glanced down, and —

“Holy shit!” I laughed. “That’s a couple cup sizes, at least!” Their hands were pretty big and burly, but my boobs were going to outgrow them soon.

I was also… so drunk. And so sensitive. “Rub me,” I cried softly. “They’re too tender.” At this stage, the tingling subsides and is replaced by an itchy, burning sensation. And like any good itch, it demands to be scratched. I threw my head back again and gave in to the two men kneading my burning breasts. Their touch soothed me, like a cool lotion. Although, the man to my right was a lot more… enthusiastic, mauling my chest, really. But anything to take away the idle, itchy feeling. And if he was too rough, the man on my left was too soft, like trying to give a massage with no training. But it was cute, and effective.

“Aah… hahh… hhhh…” My mouth, wide open, let out a creaky rhythmic sound as they fondled me. At some point, the two men, each at their own pace, went under my shirt to feel my flesh directly — I wasn’t wearing a bra today, since I was planning on outgrowing it. Like reading my mind, one of the men whispered in my ear, “Why don’t we buy another round?” I could only whimper and nod.

They pulled their hands to themselves, as to not attract the bartender’s suspicion. I adjusted my shirt back into place — as best as I could with two melons pulling down the neck! I think, after one look at my ravine of cleavage, my drink was on the house.

This time, both men surrendered their shots to me immediately. “Drink.” My pussy was getting wet just at the thought.

But I paused for a moment. “I… I’ve never drank six in a night before. I don’t weigh that much, Kurtköy Escort Bayan I–“

The man to my left tried to wave it off and tell me, “It’s okay, we can just do one at a time and see how you feel–” but the man to my right cut him off and said, “Drink.” They felt like the angel and devil on my shoulders.

If I would ever make a deal with the devil, tonight was the night. I drank one… took a deep breath. Two… caught my breath. The other guy could hardly believe when I reached for the third one, and drank it, in one fell swoop.

My face was incredibly flushed, and my breathing was deep. My vision was already a bit woozy. It really wasn’t smart, but a small part of me wanted to be completely vulnerable to these men. Maybe the guy to my left, the nerd, would step in if things got too crazy. Whatever that means.

I flew back to reality with an audible -crack!- by my seat. I sat frozen for a moment, delirious, processing, and then someone pulled my hair back — hard. Suddenly I was facing up at a third man, whom I hadn’t seen yet, looking down on me. “That’s a nice piece of ass you’ve got there.”

He let my hair go and, confused, I glanced down to see — my…! It was now falling out of both sides of the seat, and partially squished through the open space in the back, too. It went way farther out than I was expecting.

The man behind me continued, “Why don’t you ditch these guys and we go somewhere a little more private?” His voice was deep, and husky. I blushed hard at the offer, but why couldn’t they just come with us?

Instead, one of them chimed in before me — “Dude, you’ve gotta see this. Her boobs and–” he waved his arms all around me like a window washer — “everything grows when she drinks.”

“Really?” He snickered. “I’ve seen some freaky shit, but I ain’t seen that before.” He seemed to take it at face-value, maybe because I was already bursting out of the furniture.

“She just drank three more shots, check this shit out.” And suddenly, I had three lecherous men staring at me, willing me to grow out of my clothes. This is the moment I’ve been waiting for.

Like on cue, the next wave hit. I couldn’t help but moan. I could feel — hear, almost — gurgling in my body, as my tits expanded some more, nipples stretching taut. I was more aware of my ass this time, too, and it was grinding against the back of the chair, and creasing over the edges. My nerves were flowing out with all this extra flesh, ever-sensitive, and red-hot. You could start to see the veins in my deep pink breasts, wobbling unsteadily against my shirt fabric. And then–!

They popped out. Out of my shirt. I immediately tried pulling it back up, but it was no use — it was splitting in half down from the neck. My boobs audibly crashed into the table, agitating some silverware nearby with a little “clink”.

Everyone stood in shock for a moment. Then, the man behind me swiftly put his overcoat on me, which was just enough to keep me covered… for now. As I fumbled the lapels around my chest meat, he carried on: “So like I was saying, somewhere more private, girl?”

I spoke out, “These boys have to come with. They paid for my drinks, after all.”

He snickered again, and rolled his eyes. “Alright, that’s fine. But I only got four seats in my truck, just looks like you need three of ’em.” The other men tried to keep from laughing, but me, I just wanted him to spank me again.

“Where would we be going?” asked my left-hand man.

“My place. Ain’t nobody else there.” He leaned into my ear again and said gruffly, “Sorry ma’am, I know you wanted an audience. Maybe next time.” Absolutely smiting.

“Come on, let’s leave while we still can.”

I held out my hand for help getting out of my seat… it was a struggle, but not as much as standing and walking around. Six drinks… that was a lot. I couldn’t focus. The three of them had to help me out the door so that I wouldn’t fall over, and even though their intentions were surely less-than-pure, their strong hands on me made me feel aflutter. My ass jiggled wildly with every step, so much so that they tried to hold my cheeks in place for me to walk less encumbered. My thickened thighs crushing my pussy the whole way only made me that much wetter. I’m sure my tits would have been just as problematic if they weren’t compressed against the overcoat.

His truck was parked right in front. I had to ride shotgun because it was the only seat with enough space for me, and even still, he wouldn’t be able to reach fifth or sixth gear without jamming the shifter into me… but I almost wanted him to try.

“Don’t worry,” he told us, “it’s only about a ten-minute drive.” And then, my fate was sealed.

At some point, our chauffeur glanced over at my bosom. “You’d better unbutton that now, it’s my favorite coat, and looks like you’re still growin’.” I could hardly feel it anymore, probably because of the alcohol, but I only needed look down and see that he was right — despite the heavy coat, the shape of Escort Kurtköy my breasts was visible again, and the buttons were starting to protest. “Besides,” he continued, “I wouldn’t mind having somethin’ to look at for the red lights.”

I blushed hard and could only agree. “Yes, sir.” I popped it open, one by one, exposing more and more of myself. We were in such a panic at the bar, none of the guys really got a good look at me before they covered me up, so they decided not to waste this chance. The two in the back craned their heads forward to get a better look — and they didn’t have to crane very far, considering my breasts were almost resting in my lap.

My heart thumped sluggishly, and my carnal desire was suddenly giving way to carnal need. My face was completely flushed and hot to the touch, as was my entire body. My nethers were tingling with lust. I wanted to take off my pants and masturbate right then, but it would have been impossible with how inflated my butt was. I settled for drawing my finger over my crotch through the fabric — it was so wet that I was catching strings of fluid out of the fibers.

“Uhnnn…” I inadvertently moaned to myself. Without warning, a hand flew to my left breast and grabbed it, causing me to freeze and moan some more. The sensation was indescribable. I tried to find the hand’s owner by glancing to my side; the steering wheel was minus one arm now.

“Looked like you could use a hand,” he said, eyes fixed ahead to the road. I wasn’t sure when exactly he caught a peek of me touching myself, but the fact that none of my movements go unnoticed… I felt another gush of liquid running down my pants. Just as suddenly, my other breast was grabbed, and I couldn’t tell for sure, but it must’ve been the man sitting behind me. Not to be left out, the man diagonal of me started tracing lines across my buttocks, prodding it from time to time.

All this stimulation, my private parts getting manhandled from all angles while stuck in a moving vehicle… I’ve literally never been so vulnerable in my life. I was going to cum and ruin this guy’s passenger seat. Maybe he’d like that. As long as he’d ruin my pussy after. I had to cover my mouth to keep from crying out as my cunt started throbbing under my hand, then drooling cum. At the next red light, the driver placed his fingers over my labia and felt my pulse, then licked his hand clean before placing it back on the steering wheel.

Now I was jittering from all the excitement, but as soon as it started, it stopped. “This is it.” Car doors opened unceremoniously. A crowd of three gathered by my door, ready to haul me in for a good, hard fucking. My pussy moved past the tingling feeling and was now burning up, ready to bake some cock.

“Wait a minute,” I murmured to myself. Was my pussy growing, too? I didn’t have time to check before I was whisked out of the truck.

We stumbled through the front door. It was pretty dreary, for a home — the living room decorated only by a couch and illuminated only by late-night TV. I assumed we’d go farther, to a bedroom or such — until I was shoved down to the floor beneath my feet, leaving my taut cameltoe facing everyone else.

“Bed’s not big enough for two people, much less four. But dick is dick, doesn’t matter where you get it — isn’t that right, sweetheart?”

“Mmmf mmf mmf,” I agreed, still faceplanted into the carpet.

Suddenly, my pants popped straight open with a firm tear. I delightedly wiggled my massive ass to whomever was on the other side. They kept tearing until mere thread was covering my legs. The two other men pulled both my arms up over my head and disrobed me.

“You look good enough to breed, sitting like that. I’d love to keep you all to myself. But maybe you should roll over and give your friends more of your body to work with.” I complied.

My tits rested like two firm pillows on my chest, with thinly-stretched areolae topped by tiny nubs. Rubbing them now, which someone eagerly started to do, felt like thumbing an overinflated balloon. I loved every second of it. I leaned up for just a moment to get a better look down below — my thighs were incredible, and my pussy lips were indeed very red, swollen, and hungry.

I was about to plead for someone to fuck me — the burning, growing feeling was getting too intense, I needed something in between my legs. But I was cut off by someone forcing my head back down, and thrusting their cock through my other pair of lips, which seem to have also grown a bit, judging by the spread-out sensation of his shaft sliding in and out.

Graciously, somebody answered my plea anyway. No… that doesn’t give him enough credit. He didn’t start fucking me because I wanted it. He started fucking me because *he* wanted it. He saw my ripe body, liked what he saw, and took it for himself. I wanted nothing more.

But I got more anyway. I got a lollipop shoved in my mouth, already dribbling cum down my throat, and I got someone else twisting, pulling, now sucking on my nipples. And I could feel every single inch of cock as it slid in and out of my puffy slit, throbbing and gushing. I felt a river of semen as one man came, and they all rearranged themselves, letting the next man have a turn in my cunt, then the pounding started anew, hands gripping my waist tightly, pulling me on and off his cock.

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