After Hours Alicia Ch. 07

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Big Ass


Morning came and Alicia was sound asleep on the couch. She was still naked, but the cum that was all over her had now hardened all over her body. Enough sunlight had come through the blinds to wake her up. Slowly, she pulled herself up into a sitting position.

“Fuck…” she said, “my whole body smells like cum.”

She was too tired to take a shower last night, so she passed out on the couch. She stood up and realized that her body was still sore from the fucking she got last night. She could barely walk.

Regardless, she looked around the floor, half awake, searching for her clothes. The t-shirt she wore yesterday still had a cum stain on it, so she decided to take the shirt she borrowed from Tommy. After finding her clothes, she walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

Inside Tommy’s bathroom, she put her clothes on top of the clothes hamper. Tommy didn’t like to do laundry and neither did his roommates. The hamper was bursting with dirty clothes so much so that there were clothes strewn all over the floor too. The bathroom was disgusting. It desperately needed a woman’s touch, but Alicia didn’t feel like playing maid today.

She stepped into the shower, which was full of stains. Doing her best to ignore the grotesque appearance of the bathroom, she turned the water on and looked for soap.

Most of the time when Alicia would take a shower, she would take some time to play with herself – but not today. She wanted to hurry up and get dressed and leave before Tommy or Rolan woke up.

She lathered her body up several times to make sure to get the stench of semen off her body. She also washed her hair thoroughly to get all the cum out of it.

After her shower, she reached out and grabbed a towel off the rack. She sniffed it and surprisingly, it smelled clean. She dried herself off and began putting her clothes on.

It felt nice to be clean after getting so dirty the night before. The only drawback was now she smelled like a guy. She had to use their body wash and shampoo.

Once she was dressed, she went into the living room. No one was up. She grabbed her phone off the floor and touched the screen.

14 missed calls. 21 text messages.


She opened the door slowly and stepped outside. While she walked to her car she checked her messages. They were all from Peter.

Inside her car, she read each of the messages. Peter was upset that he had not heard from her since Friday night. He apologized for asking her to leave. He said he loved her and wanted to see her again.

His messages were desperate. He loved her and felt bad about what happened Friday night. Deep down, Alicia felt bad about it too, but how could she talk to Peter now? She ignored him all day yesterday and she felt guilty about it, but what would she tell him? That she was blackmailed into having sex with Tommy Harris at his apartment, then decided to stay, play strip poker, and get double-teamed by Tommy and his roommate? She didn’t want to tell him that. That would crush him.

Before she got in the car, she gave her father a call.

“Daddy? It’s me. I stayed out at a friend’s house last night. Didn’t want you to worry.”

“OK, sweetie. I’m glad you’re safe. Don’t worry about getting the truck back to me today. I’m going to be working in the garage all day.”

“Still working on the car?”

“Yep. She’s not much to look at now, but she will be. Once I’m done, you can keep the truck. I’ll be driving this baby around.”

Her father had been working on a custom 1955 Royal Lancer. He had won it in a poker game last year, but didn’t get around to working on it until recently. Alicia was sure her dad was going through some sort of mid-life crisis wanting to restore an old car and go cruising for chicks.

“Haha, well, that’ll be a while. I’ve seen that thing. It’s gross!”

“Yeah, yeah…don’t rub it in. If I had more money, this thing would be done by now, but I’m working with parts that me and Roger have laying around.”

“Well, I’m going to let you go daddy. Going to see Peter.”

“Oh, that reminds me, pumpkin. Peter called the house yesterday looking for you. Is everything OK?”

“Shit,” she thought, “He’s called the house now? This is bad.”

“Yeah, daddy. Everything’s OK. My phone was off yesterday. Forgot to bring my charger. You know how Peter gets.”

“Well don’t make that boy worry anymore. Go see him so he doesn’t call here again.”

“Alright. I’ll do that now. I’ll talk to you later. Have a good day, daddy!”

“You too, sweetie.”

She hit the “off” button on her phone and cursed inside the truck, “Fuck!” It’s one thing for Peter to contact her, but he must really be upset if he’s called the house. There was no avoiding him today. She had to go see him.

She fired up the truck and headed over to Peter’s. During the drive over, she contemplated what she would say to him. Why had she not called him back Friday night? Why had she not called him back Saturday? Did she want to break things off with him? She almanbahis adresi didn’t know what to say. She wanted to lie, but Peter wasn’t like her father – he saw through her. He knew her better than she knows herself. Peter would catch her in a lie if she told one.

After about ten minutes, she arrived at Peter’s. She hopped out of the truck.

“This isn’t going to go well,” she said to herself.

Then she remembered, she was wearing another man’s shirt and she smelled like body wash. As if explaining what happened this weekend couldn’t get any harder!

She didn’t bother knocking this time and walked right into Peter’s house. His mother was in the kitchen baking and waved at her when she came in. Peter’s family loved Alicia and welcomed her into their home anytime she wanted to be there.

“Peter’s upstairs. He’s been in his room most of the weekend. He’s been acting strange.” said his mother.

“OK, thank you. I’ll see what’s up.” Alicia responded.

She walked up the stairs and down the hall to Peter’s room. She paused for a moment before entering.

“I hope this goes well,” she said to herself.

Alicia turned the knob on the door and walked into Peter’s room.

Peter was laying on his bed watching television and looked to be in even worse shape than she was. He popped up when he saw Alicia come into the room. He lept off the bed and gave her a hug and a kiss.

“Baby, I’ve been worried about you!”

“I’m OK,” she said.

Peter sat down on his bed and Alicia sat next to him. Peter figured something was wrong.

“Why haven’t you answered any of my texts or calls since…Friday night?” he asked.

There it was. The five million dollar question. All the plotting on the drive up had not been successful or she would have spit something out already. In a panic, she said the first thing that came to her.

“I lost my phone at the bar Friday night. Things got pretty crazy…”

It wasn’t the best thing she could have said, but it was all she could come up with. Her statement put the thought of the gangbang she had to do back in Peter’s head.

“So…you went through with ‘that’ Friday night?”

She didn’t make eye contact with him. Instead, she looked at the floor when she answered.

“Yeah. I kinda had to.”

Peter didn’t have anything to follow up after that. He was hoping she said ‘no’. He was hoping she went there and changed her mind and drove back home. The love of his life had submitted to having sex with total strangers in her father’s dirty bar. He was heartbroken, but curious.

“So…what was…it like?”

“The gangbang?”


She didn’t want to talk about it with Peter, but she had to. She already told him she did it to avoid telling him that she spent Saturday fucking Tommy Harris and his roommate.

“Crazy. It was…crazy.”

“What do you mean?”

She thought, “Why can’t he just let it go?” She got herself into this mess and wasn’t going to get out of it.

“Well…there was supposed to be eleven guys. Ended up being thirteen. I got there…and Cheryl, my daddy’s bitchy bartender…well she ordered me to take my clothes off. So I stripped right there in front of the bar…no privacy.”

“The customers were gone, right?”

“Yeah…they were gone. It was just me and her, but the windows weren’t covered. Anyone walking by could have seen me.”

“What happened next?”

Alicia took a deep breath and continued…

“I walked into the back room where they were going to have it. The room was filthy. They had me on an old dirty mattress on the floor. Tommy Harris and his idiot friends were there too. His friends were the other two guys they added.”

“Tommy Harris!? I hate that guy! He’s such a dick to me in school. I don’t understand it. He comes into Bargain Mart sometimes just to give me shit! I can’t believe you had to have sex with him!”

After Peter said that, she remembered all the good sex she had had with Tommy the past two days. Peter may have hated him, but she didn’t…

“Yeah, he was kind of a jerk that night, babe.”

She called Peter ‘babe’, but it didn’t feel right. “Babe” was something Tommy had been calling her as if she was “his” girl or something. She didn’t like it at first, but now she didn’t mind.

“I’m sorry baby. Did you…?”

“Yeah, I had to have sex with him. And his friends.” She answered before he could finish asking.

Peter didn’t want to talk about it anymore. The thought of the girl he loved on her back or on her knees being fucked by Tommy Harris and his goons turned his stomach. He wanted to vomit.

“Are you ok? I’m sorry, Peter.” Alicia asked.

He was obviously upset. It looked like he wanted to cry. Peter fought the urge to burst into tears.

“Yeah. I’ll be fine. I’m sorry I kicked you out Friday. I was upset.”

“I know you were. This…was…is…a fucked up situation. I had to do it though. I had to save my daddy’s bar.”

“I know. I just wish someone else almanbahis adres could have done it. Not you.”

Alicia held Peter to comfort him. He sobbed lightly on her shoulder and held her back. She stroked his hair, like she always used to do when he was upset. When he was done, he let go of her and moved back. He noticed that she smelled different.

“Why do you smell like Jaxx body wash?”

Her brain was telling her to run. It was also asking her how she could be so stupid. She shouldn’t have let Peter get that close to her, because she did smell like men’s body wash!

“And that’s not your shirt. That’s a guy’s shirt.”

Then Peter started to add everything up. Alicia smelled like a man, was wearing a man’s shirt, and ignored him all weekend.

Alicia’s pause confirmed her guilt. She could say something now, but it was too late. Peter caught her.

“What’s going on, Alicia?”

“I should have stayed at Tommy’s,” she thought. “I wish I were anywhere but here!”

Technically, Alicia and Peter were still an item all weekend, even after he kicked her out Friday evening. This means that she cheated on Peter, which made her feel a thousand times worse.

An unnatural instinct kicked in and Alicia decided to lie.

“It’s my dad’s shirt and I had to use his body wash because I was out of my own.”

She looked at Peter’s face. She could see from his expression that he didn’t believe her. He knew her too well and knew when she wasn’t telling the truth.

He wanted to believe her, but he couldn’t. He knew she was lying.

“Your dad’s stuff, huh? I don’t believe that. That shirt isn’t even your dad’s size. I bought him a shirt for his birthday and he wears a much bigger shirt than that.”

Not only had Peter caught her lying about her phone, but he caught her lying about this. She wished she could run out the door and leave. Friday, she didn’t want to leave Peter’s. Today, she wanted nothing more.

“Why are you lying to me?” he pressed.

She had to spill the beans. It would hurt Peter, but she was a terrible liar and couldn’t keep it from him anymore.

“I…was at somebody’s house yesterday.”

“Whose house?”

“T…Tommy’s….” she said meekly.

“Tommy Harris!? What were you doing there!?”

“We…we…watched a movie and played some cards and…”


“And we had…sex.”

“You had sex with him again!?”

“And his roommate.”

“What the fuck, Alicia!? How could you have sex with Tommy voluntarily AND have sex with his roommate!?”

She kept staring at the floor. She didn’t want to tell him the answer.

“How could you do this to me!? How could you do this to us!? I thought you loved me! I thought you wanted to be with me!”

“I…I do love you.”

“Then why did you do all this!?”

“I…don’t know. I don’t know what came over me…”

“I know what came over you! You’ve changed! After you let thirteen guys pull a train on you Friday night you decided you wanted to sleep with everybody! You don’t want a relationship, you want be a slut!”

That last remark stung. She knew she had become a slut, but it felt different when Peter called her one. When Tommy called her a slut, it was a playful thing. When Peter called her one, it was meant to make her feel bad. And it did.

“You know it’s true too! Otherwise, you’d say something!”

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I hurt you. Maybe…this isn’t going to work out between us.”

“You do all this and now YOU are breaking up with ME!? You have a lot of fucking nerve, Alicia! Get the fuck out of here! Now!”

For the second time this weekend, Peter kicked Alicia out of his room – this time it was the last time. Alicia got up slowly and walked out of Peter’s room. She walked down the stairs and saw his mother looking at her. She must have heard what Peter was shouting. Peter’s mother looked at her with disgust, shaking her head, and walking away.

When she got inside her truck, she took a moment to breathe before driving off. On the one hand, she felt terrible that she hurt Peter. He didn’t deserve this. On the other hand, she felt free. She could do whatever she wanted without feeling any guilt, but did it cost her the best relationship she’s ever had?

Where would she go now? Her father told her he didn’t need the truck back anytime soon and she just got kicked out of Peter’s. She didn’t have any other friends that she could go see and hang out with. She didn’t have any activities that she liked doing outside of the house either.

She decided to go back to Tommy’s.

When she got to Tommy’s, she slammed the truck door and marched over to his apartment. Before she opened the door she remembered the “dress code” Tommy had enforced on her. She didn’t know if he was serious, but she didn’t care. She wanted him to be serious about it. She wanted to act like a slut. She was having more fun now than she’s ever had in her entire life.

She opened the door and stepped inside. Tommy was on the couch in his almanbahis adres boxers playing video games. The place was still trashed.

Alicia locked eyes with him.

“Hey babe, you’re back. Didn’t hear ya leave this morning.”

Without saying a word, she unbuttoned her shorts and pulled them down with her panties. Standing in front of Tommy bottomless, she quickly pulled her shirt and bra off too.

She looked Tommy dead in the eyes and said, “I don’t want to break the dress code.”

With that, she walked over to the couch, stark naked, and sat down next to him. Tommy looked over at her and smiled, “It’s nice to see ya, babe.”

“It’s nice to see you too,” she cooed.

“What do you want to do today?” he asked.

“Fuck. I want you to fuck me really hard today. Other than that, I will do whatever you want.”

“Fuck yeah! My kinda girl. I was going to have some friends over tonight for drinks and video games. You can be our hostess.”

She loved the idea. The thought of serving Tommy and his friends, who she didn’t know, all night long made her wet. Would she be naked? Should she wear something different and break the “dress code” Tommy instituted?

“What should I wear?”

“I think you should be naked. Just like you are. My friends are going to love being waited on by a naked girl all night!”

She smiled and scooted closer to Tommy on the couch. “I’d love to. I won’t get dressed then. I’ll stay naked all day.”

“How many people are you expecting?” she asked.

“I think…like…ten. Yeah, ten. They’re going to take one look at you and want to fuck your brains out, babe!”

Before this weekend, she had only been with one man. By the end of it, she could change that total to 25.

Without saying a word, Alicia pulled Tommy’s cock out of his boxers and put her mouth over it. She didn’t know how tonight would end, but she was ready for anything. For now though, she was concerned about sucking Tommy’s cock.

She didn’t care that Tommy didn’t pause his game. He kept playing whatever first person shooter he was into at the moment, while Alicia bobbed her head up and down on his cock.

“Hey guys, guess what? I’m getting head right now. Some chick is sucking my dick.” Tommy laughed.

Alicia stopped sucking for a second and looked up. Tommy had a headset on and was talking to other players online. She didn’t care. He can brag all he wants. She shrugged and put her mouth over his cock again.

“Fuck yes!” Tommy exclaimed. “If this bitch keeps this up, I’m going to bust a nut.”

Alicia heard some chatter through his headset, but couldn’t make it out.

“Yeah, she likes it on the face. She slept here last night with cum still on her face. Haha!”

It was true. She had left their cum on her face the whole night. She woke up a sticky mess this morning. Instead of being ashamed of it, it turned her on.

“Take a picture? Yeah, I can do that I guess. Babe, the guys want me to take a picture of you after I cum on your face. What’ya think?”

Yesterday she didn’t want Tommy snapping photos of her, but she warmed up to the idea last night. Tommy took a few nude shots of her when she undressed yesterday afternoon and several of her covered in cum at the end of the night. She thought they were for her his personal collection. This was something entirely different. Tommy would be showing these photos to other people. They were probably complete strangers that she would never meet before, so she agreed.

“Sure. I don’t care.” She answered.

“She said yes! You boys are going to see the mess I make out of this slut’s face!”

Alicia started to suck faster and faster. She was making loud slurping and sucking sounds as she kept taking his cock into her mouth.

“Oh shit, babe, I’m almost ready.” Tommy moaned, covering his mouthpiece.

She took her cue. She jerked his cock a little more, then took her position on her knees in front of him.

Tommy stood up and groaned loudly as he shot stream after stream of cum all over Alicia’s waiting face. She was a mess. Her left eye was completely covered. Her nose was covered as well and a long string of cum was dangling off of it. She also had a large wad on her right cheek.

He grabbed his webcam and snapped a few pictures of her. With one eye open, she could see that the photos were being instantly uploaded and shared with the people Tommy was playing online with.

Tommy unplugged his headset so that she could hear their reactions.

Massivpwnage98 – “Wow! That bitch is soaked! What a slut! GG man!”

Urmommydik4 – “That’s a good girl! Took that load like a champ!”

Bulletformyvalentine97 – “That was a fat load dude! You really fucked her up! You probably blinded her!”

Their comments were crude, but that didn’t matter. She didn’t want anyone to know about her sexual exploits, but this was okay with her. The idea that strangers have now seen her naked, on her knees, covered in Tommy’s cum, made her wet.

She missed Peter, but she was welcoming this new chapter in her life. She was no free to do anything (and anyone) she wanted without feeling guilty about it. Alicia knew that she had become a slut, but that word no longer bothered her. Instead, she wore it like a badge of honor.

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