Cammie at Work Ch.01

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I’ll never cease being surprised at life. Well, maybe more specifically, how pervy people can actually be, especially those you may least expect. My ex, Cammie and I broke up nearly a year ago, we still text daily and hang out on occasion, we’re in the “friend zone,” at least until recently.

She knows all about my erotic writing, which centers around women letting out their inner sluts, in or out of relationships, especially under the control of a male figure. She enjoys them, but always insisted she wasn’t the “type” to do any of it, exciting as it may seem.

We still talked about everything, including sex, so it was no surprise I was pitching some fantasy ideas at her, involving her work, partly to get myself worked up, but also partly to formulate ideas for more stories. One idea that is frequent in my stories is where the woman wants to and is often “made” to give a lot of head. Blowjobs just seem to be more intimate in a way than fucking is. It’s like the one giving head has to give more of herself, more attention, it’s more of a submissive, pleasing thing, at least to me. So I tend to fantasize a lot about ways to make it happen in my stories.

She works in a place where the staff goes over the line of propriety, at least according to my own work ethics code. There’s a lot of inappropriate comments, suggestions, and in her case, often flat out proposals, even from the married staff. That made fantasizing about it easy, it’s always more exciting when the fantasy actually has elements of reality, the thought that it actually “could” happen.

I gave her a thought. I told her to think about a guy there, a coworker who would most enjoy the task I would give her. I asked her to pick a guy who she would most like to offer a blowjob to, and, not just that, to agree to blow him whenever he wanted, at least for a time frame we would decide upon. It only took her a second to say, “Kevin,” a friendly black guy she gets along with (she has a little extra “thing” for black guys at the current time, though it had only been in her head to this point.) Unfortunately for her (but mostly him), he’s quite in love with his fiance and is also quite religious. I told her it didn’t matter, that it’s just a fantasy, it wasn’t like it was going to happen.

She said, “um….I don’t know.”

“You don’t know, what?”

“I don’t know that it couldn’t happen.”

“What could happen, you mean the thing with Kevin?”

“Well…yes, but no, not with him that is,” she answered shyly, obviously embarrassed by revealing herself.

“Are you saying you’d like to try it?”

“I’m saying…well…I’d like to try it, but I don’t know if I have the guts. But I think it would help if you came up with the ideas, like you are good at, and maybe we can get them to work out.”

“Wow, I thought you were done with sex,” I laughed.

“I have been, for awhile. But now, with the stuff you are saying, and the thoughts of things like this, I think I may be ready for it again.”

“Ok then. I certainly can come up with ideas, you’ve read my stories,” I joked.

“Yes, that’s why I think you should be the one telling me what to do, what to say, how to do it.”

“I can do that.”

Just like that we’d jumped into new territory. She already knew where my fantasies normally headed and she was willing to go along, it appeared.

“I’m surprised by this,” I admitted. “But, I’m not going to pass up the opportunity, I know we’ve talked about stuff like this for years, even if before it was in fantasy. So you like the idea of being at the beck and call of someone there for a blowjob?”

“It’s not that I like it…it just…makes me so wet.”

“That’s a good start! So Kevin is out, because of the religion and relationship thing?”

“Yes, I don’t want to be involved with any married people, I couldn’t live with the guilt.”

“Fair enough, is there anyone else there, not married, not religious, that might enjoy that from you?”

“Well, based on the comments I get, I’m sure there are a LOT of guys who fall into that category,” she joked.

“I get that, you are very pretty, and sexy as fuck.”

“Niiice,” she laughed. “Well, there is this one dude….”


“His name is almanbahis adresi Dion… he’s younger. He’s in a band. He’s got long hair, a mullet, actually. He doesn’t say anything inappropriate, but I think he would really enjoy getting that from me.”

“Getting what from you?” (I just like to hear it).

“I think he’d really enjoy it if I sucked him off whenever he wished.”

“Wow, that sounds better out loud,” I said. “Do you think he’d do it?”

“Yes,” she said succinctly.

“Though that’s probably a stupid question, I don’t know too many single men who would turn it down, or none that I’ve ever heard of,” I chuckled. “Still, approaching him and settling the deal might not be so easy. It’ll be very embarrassing,” I warned her.

“Yeah, no shit. But that’s where you come in. You’re the writer, the idea guy. Give me the words and the way to do it, and I’ll try…if I can.”

“So you are still not sure you’ll do it?”

“I want to…you make it sound so exciting, I want to have the courage…”


“I don’t know…” she said. She was fighting the battle in her head.

“You don’t know if you can be on your knees sucking his cock every day, probably at work?”

I heard a low gasp, or moan, hard to tell which. “I’ll do it,” she said firmly.

I’ll admit she caught me off guard, I was expecting the opposite.

“I want one thing though, kind of as my “fee” for helping you out.”


“Whatever the guy gets, I can have too.”

“What, you mean we’re going to have sex again? “I don’t think so, it’s too complicated, it’ll change our relationship.”

No matter how much I tried to convince her she wouldn’t budge on it.

“Besides, I know your mind, your fantasy was always for me to do “stuff” and tease you with it. I can still certainly do that. But quick, work is almost over for the day, what do you think I should do?”

I wasn’t expecting such a quick response. I think she preferred just jumping into it, so she didn’t have to think about it. I liked the idea of it fomenting in her head. I wasn’t above giving her something to get the ball rolling, though.

“What are you wearing?”

“Just a black work dress.”

“Any cleavage?”

“No, not really. It IS thin though, if that helps.”

Now I already knew that the guys there ogle the heck out of her tits, they are quite spectacular. I knew that he also must wish he could see more.

“Is he still there?” I asked.

“Probably, he’s one of the last to leave.” I could tell she was getting antsy, no doubt wondering what I was going to suggest.

“I’m not going to have you suck him off today,” I said reassuringly.

“Ok…” she said, I swear I could hear a tinge of disappointment but I knew it was probably because now she knew she’d have to wait and stew about it overnight.

“Take off your bra, then make an excuse to go see him.”

“I can do that, I need some papers from him, it usually can wait until morning, but it’ll make sense. But, god, no bra? My nipples already show through this material.”

“Perfect.” It was winter, I knew she could throw on a coat, she had to go to another building. This show would be only for him, or anyone who happened to be with him.

I got a text from her an hour later. “God that was embarrassing.”


“I stood in front of him and made small talk, the whole time he was looking at my chest. I knew my nipples were hard, I couldn’t help it, you know how they get when I get excited?”


“I swear he didn’t hear a word I said. I finally got him to give me the papers. He kept trying to get me to stay. I think he’d have gone for it right there, I really do. I wondered if I should, if you wanted me to. But, then some more staff showed up and broke the mood. I think they got a peek of my nipples as well, thanks to you!”

I laughed. “Well, that went about as well as I hoped. I think he’ll be much more agreeable, and ready.”

“I think so too, god, I felt almost naked in front of him. This dress is clingy, I wondered if I should’ve taken off my panties too, he’d have been able to tell, I’m sure.”

“All good ideas for the future,” I said. “You’ve read my stories, you almanbahis adres know I love it when the woman doing the sucking has to have her tits out.”

“I know, I thought of that. He will MOST definitely want to see them, I’m sure of that.”

“So that’ll be the rule. Always have your tits out when you suck him.”

“Ok,” she squeaked. I could tell she was excited. “God, I don’t know what it’s going to be like seeing him in the morning.”

“We have to start planning that. Do you see him normally in the morning?”

“Only in passing, or in the occasional meeting.”

“So are you planning on sucking him off at work, or trying to get him somewhere outside of work?” I asked.

“I wasn’t planning anything, YOU were going to plan this, remember? I suck at things like this. I can only imagine even trying this based on you running it.”

“Well, I guess what I’m asking is, is work too risky for you?”

“Hell yes it is. But it just seems like it has to happen, at least some of the time. I can’t spend all my free time running around, you know how busy I am outside of work. I don’t want to get fired, but there are doors here, I’m sure I can work it out if I have to.”

“Ok, good to know.”

I had my ideas ready, I gave her the instructions for the next day. After that, it was up to her. I could only wait, with agonizing expectations the whole next day. She normally gets off work by 4. It was after 6 pm when she finally called.

“I did it,” she said, barely above a whisper.

“Did what?” I asked, again, wanting to hear it aloud.

“I sucked his cock. I did it. He came a LOT,” she giggled.

“Tell me,” I urged.

“I went to his office at the end of the day, like you suggested. I stayed a little longer than I usually do, so that we were some of the last people there. He was obviously glad to see me, especially after yesterday. We were right, he was ready for something to happen, he was all nervous, it was cute. I did as you suggested. I wore a more revealing dress with more cleavage which I did the best I could to hide from everyone else the whole day. Before I went over to his office, I took off the bra and panties like we had discussed. I knocked on his door. I tugged down the front of the dress just before he opened it, hoping it showed more. It must’ve, he had a big grin.”

“I’ll bet.”

“I went in, he closed the door. I’m sure he was thinking something was going to happen. I was nervous too, I mean, I’ve never sucked someone off like this before. I still couldn’t believe I was doing it. We made small talk. I steered the conversation to women. He is single, but occasionally dating, just not anyone serious. Like you suggested I wondered if he got “lonely” at times. We were sitting on chairs right next to each other. We were close. The air felt thick, I felt hot. My face must’ve been red too, from it all.

He asked, “what do you mean, lonely?”

“You really know guys, he suspected something. I could tell he was fidgeting too, we could both feel the tension.”

“Wow, I’ll bet.”

“I said, you know…that way.”

He said, “what way?”

“He was like you, he was making me say it.” I said, “sexually.” He got the biggest grin. “Why Cammie, are you trying to seduce me?”

“I’m sure I turned an extra shade of red. I said, “I just wondered. You seem like you might miss it.”

“I do miss it,” he said. “But that isn’t something you should concern yourself with, unless it has something to do with you.”

“I knew what you wanted. I just had to spill it. I said, “maybe it is. I have an idea that might help both of us.”

“What is it?” He asked excitedly.”

“I really miss…something…from when I was with my ex. “


“I miss giving head.”

“Wow, really?”

“Yep, a lot. I really enjoy it.”

“Ok, so what does that have to do with me?” He asked. He was leaning in closer, I could feel his breath on me. He was also leering down my top. I was tilted forward a bit, it gave him a good eyeful.”

“Listen, I don’t want to date, I don’t want a boyfriend, I don’t want any “expectations.”

“You just want…?”

“I just would like to….I wonder if you’d let me….”

“He was almanbahis adresi enjoying how much it was torturing me.”

“Let you what?”

“Let me suck you off for fuck sake!” I blurted.

He gave me the biggest wolf grin I’ve ever seen. “Here? Right now?”

“I looked around. It’s a healthcare place where people are in and out most of the day and night. His office has a door, and a lock, but locking the door and being found like that would be totally revealing. I thought better of it, at least for this time. I had no idea how long it would take.”

“How about the parking lot? I can park in the far corner, no one should be able to see….you know….both of us,” I said, hinting that I’d be doing something below view. “But this is a ONE TIME ONLY, thing, got it?”

“Ok, meet you there in ten minutes,” he said with urgency.”

“This is really going well,” I said to her as she collected her thoughts.

“Just wait,” she urged. “So I waited there, in my car, feeling like a total floozy, just waiting for a guy to show up so I can suck him off. I know you, I know you like that thought, so did I. I felt like a slut for you. Thank goodness it gets dark early now, in the winter. It was going to be easier to hide. He came up with a goofy grin. He knew what he was going to get, the lucky fucker. I had him sit in the driver’s seat. I’d already pushed both seats all the way back. He tried to kiss me. I wasn’t ready for that. I playfully pushed him away.

“We’re not lovers, I just here to suck you,” I reminded him.

“I’m fine with that!” He said smugly. He wriggled his pants down over his knees.

I put my hand on it. I’ll admit I miss the feel of it. It felt so soft, the skin was so smooth. He wasn’t hard yet. I stroked his cock and his balls slowly, softly. I know how you told me to always give the guy his best blowjob ever, so I tried not to rush, even though we were still in the parking lot. I looked into his eyes. His head was back, his mouth was open, he was enjoying my stroking. I saw the desire in his eyes, he was ready for it. His cock had hardened to my touch. I stroked him a dozen times or so, like I was jacking him off. Then, I pulled off of him. I heard him groan, as if he was thinking I was changing my mind. I was doing the other thing you told me. I pulled the top of my dress down over my tits, freeing them to the chilly air. I had him start the car for warmth. I let him fondle my tits. I didn’t know if that was allowed, but it seemed natural.”

“Yes, it IS natural, if you have your tits out, they have the right to touch and enjoy them as much as they’d like.”

“I thought so. He really did enjoy them, I know he’s ogled them for awhile now. He really liked tweaking my nipples and making me jump. I was back to stroking him, he was plenty hard. I lowered my mouth to him. I let my breath out on his cock. I know he could feel the teasing warmth, before I put my mouth over the head.”

“Oh god, Liz, oh god, that feels so good.”

“You know how I worry about my performance like that, even though you tell me I give the greatest head ever. Still, it’s always good to get good feedback, and his panting and moaning was making me feel good about it. I circled the head with my tongue, before plunging my mouth back on it. Over and over, I alternated my tongue on his head, with deep, slow, penetrating strokes. He was starting to buck. I couldn’t believe I was doing it, I was sucking my coworker off, like you wanted. Fuck, he gave it to me good, he filled me up. I tried to keep as much as I could in my mouth but it spilled out the sides and down his shaft, I let most of it go before pulling off and swallowing the rest. I just smiled at him and licked my lips. I really DID miss that. You really do know me. There’s something about pleasing someone that way that gets me going.”

“He fondled my tits again for awhile before I told him I had to go. I asked him if he was cool with everything. I made sure he knew I meant with us, with work, that he’d be able to keep his mouth shut.

“He said he was. He told me that was the best blowjob he’d had in a long time. He made me smile, with embarrassment.

“So, just a one time thing huh?” He asked.

“I still don’t understand why you don’t want me to tell him it’s supposed to be more, but I said, yes, it’s a one time thing.”

“You’ll see,” I said. “We need to see how he responds to this, whether or not we can trust him.”

{Look for part two, coming soon}

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