In Her Cousin’s Footsteps Pt. 06

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Kristi and Lacey huddled naked in the small bathroom, as a voice again called out,

“Hello? Is anyone here?”

Kristi put her finger up to her mouth, motioning for Lacey to remain quiet. She wrapped a towel around herself and cracked the door.

“Yep, it’s Kristi. Who’s there?”

“Oh, it’s — it’s Madison, Maddy, from softball. I didn’t think anyone was going to be here. Sorry,” she sniffled.

“Okay, hold on. I just got out of the shower. I’ll be right out,” Kristi said through the cracked bathroom door.

“There’s coffee. Help yourself if you want some.”

She looked back at Lacey, shrugging her shoulders as if to say, “What in the ‘F’ is she doing here?” Kristi peeked out again and saw that Maddy’s back was to them as she searched for a cup. The girls took that opportunity to slip back into Kristi’s bedroom, closing the door behind them.

“Shit,” Lacey whispered. “Now what?”

“Just get dressed and stay here. I’ll close the door behind me and see what she needs. She’s NEVER here without Carmen. I didn’t even know she had a key.”

She noticed Lacey shaking and reached out to hold her closely. “It’s okay, whatever happens. Don’t worry, okay? Besides, she already thinks I’m gay so… what do I have to lose,” she kidded, but Lacey didn’t laugh. Lacey wondered if she should mention the conversation that she overheard but thought better of it.

They both dressed quickly, and Lacey sat on the bed quietly as Kristi left the bedroom to greet Madison.

“Hi Maddy. Sorry — you caught me in the shower. What’s up? Um, what did you think of practice yesterday? It looks like we need a lot of work, huh?

Maddy fumbled with the coffee mug, not noticing the two half-empty mugs on the counter. She didn’t respond as she looked down at the steaming cup. Finally she spoke.

“Did you — hear from Carmen at all?” She sniffled as she asked, still not looking up. A tear dropped into the coffee.

Kristi didn’t want to ask why, but her curiosity got the best of her.

“Um, no. I mean, not since we had our end of semester party last week. We all packed up and left last Saturday.”

“Did she say anything to you about transferring?”

Suddenly Kristi realized what Maddy was asking, and despite her general revulsion for Maddy and her horrible bookend friend Stacy, she actually found herself feeling sorry for her.

“Um, I know she was looking at other places. I think she wanted to get closer to her family in Arizona. She said she would know in a few weeks.”

Maddy said quietly, “She — she decided already. She’s not coming back. She texted me this morning.” Maddy released the cup and reached to wipe the tears away. “I’m sorry, it’s just — so hard to find a good — math partner.”

“Yeah, I’m sorry too Maddy. She’s a really good roommate, and a good friend. I’m going to miss her too,” Kristi commented. Maddy’s shoulders slunk, and Kristi felt compelled to empathize.

“Hey, it’s okay Maddy. It will be okay. There will be other — um, math partners.” As she said it, she pulled her chair beside Maddy and — against her better judgment, reached out to hug her gently.

Maddie tensed up, but then allowed herself to be held as she sobbed. Kristi realized that her disgust for Maddy was only due to her close connection with Stacy. She tried to lighten the mood.

“If I didn’t suck so badly at math, I would offer to tutor you. Trust me, you wouldn’t want that!”

Maddy smiled and wiped another tear away, asking meekly, “Why are you being so nice to me? I mean, we haven’t exactly been fair to you.”

“Life is too short, Maddy. I’m not going to hold your terrible judge of friendships against you,” she kidded again, and finally forced a laugh from Maddy as she thought of Stacy.

“Yeah, I guess she kind of does suck most of the time,” Maddy said quietly. “I should try to find better friends, but there was something about hanging out with the popular girls, you know?”

Kristi imagined that it may have been more than that for Maddy, but who was she to judge? If she stripped away Stacy’s callous exterior and toxic personality, Kristi had to admit that she was a really cute girl. If she was being totally honest with herself, she may have even had a slight attraction back in her freshman year; that is, until the “episode.”

Maddy broke the hug and asked, “Do you mind if I grab a few things from Carm’s room? I’m pretty sure that I left some study materials, books and maybe a calculator. You can come along if you want, so I don’t take anything that’s hers.”

“No, I trust you Maddy. Help yourself.”

Maddy rose and went down the hallway, oblivious to the fact that another woman was in the apartment, hiding just a few feet from Carmen’s room. Within a few minutes, Maddy reappeared with two books and a notebook. She handed Kristi the apartment key and lingered there, unsure what to say.

Kristi broke the ice. “So, are you going to practice again next weekend? bursa escort If you are, you’re welcome to hang out for a while here.”

As she said that she heard the bedroom door open down the hallway and Kristi shrugged. “Rats, I think. They’re huge here.”

They both giggled, sharing a secret without having to say more. To Kristi’s surprise, Lacey emerged from the hallway, smiling at them.

“Hi Maddy. I’m Kristi’s — friend, Lacey. I’m sorry about your math tutor.”

“Thanks,” Maddy said, looking at both of them. “Well, maybe I’ll see you at practice next week,” she said as she walked slowly to the door.

“Oh, wait. Maddy?” Lacey hesitated before taking a step toward the girl.

Maddy turned to her. “Yes?”

“I thought you might want to hang on to this. If not, just toss it,” Lacey said as she handed Maddy the curled and faded “Rehoboth Pride” cheap string of polaroids from Carmen’s bedroom mirror.

Maddy’s hand shook as she took it, and a tear streamed down her face. She looked at both of the girls, realizing that her secret was out, and started to shake her head.

“I’m not — I mean, it’s not…I don’t like…girls.” She couldn’t continue as she fumbled with the picture of her and her lover, before pressing it in her hands and bringing it to her chest, almost as if in prayer. “But…thank you for this.”

Kristi reached out to rub Maddy’s shoulders before pulling her into another hug.

“I better go,” Maddy said, turning from them and opening the door. She took a final look back at them, heartbroken and outed – all within two hours – before closing the door behind her.

“Wow,” Kristi said.

“Yeah, wow! It looks like maybe you found your next roomie,” Lacey commented with just a hint of jealousy.

“Hardly, cuz. Besides, I already have a girlfriend. I don’t need another one,” she smiled, loving how it sounded.

“Anyway, you heard her, didn’t you? She said she doesn’t like girls,” Kristi continued. They looked at each other, unable to avoid a synchronized eye roll.

“So, do you? Like girls, I mean?” Kristi asked her cousin, pulling her into a tight embrace.

Lacey knew the answer. Deep down she always knew, but never wanted to admit it. She whispered into her cousin’s ear, “I like YOU… so, yeah, I admit it. I like girls.” She waited before asking, “How about you?”

“I…I think I do too. For some reason it isn’t hard to say, not to you anyway. You’re just lucky that the hot water ran out,” Kristi blushed as she said it.

“Sounds more like I was unlucky that it ran out,” Lacey blurted, blushing as she heard herself boldly saying it. They broke off their hug and sat down on the couch, digesting what they had just confessed to each other.

Just hearing that from her seemingly innocent naïve cousin made Kristi’s heart race again, and she flashed back for a split second to her brief time on her knees in front of Lacey in the bathroom, with her face mere inches from her cousin’s mound. She lingered, processing the comment and carefully considering her next step.

“Lace, I don’t want to scare you, I really don’t, but…sorry – I can’t get enough of you all of a sudden.”

Lacey beamed, but had to ask, “Why would you want someone like me when you can probably be with anyone on campus?”

“Lots of reasons, cuz. One, you’re an amazing kisser, oh my God! Two — my heart skips a beat whenever I’m near you, and…”

She wondered if she should say the third thing, and blushed just thinking about it before spewing out,

“and Three — well, you seem to really like my panties…” Again Lacey’s mouth dropped open in shock.

“God, I’m SO embarrassed, Kristi. I was SO hoping and praying that you didn’t see that. I don’t know what came over me,” she said, feeling a deep flush rising from her neck.

“I have never ever done anything — ever- like that. I can’t believe it happened, and you actually saw it! I could just die!” Lacey had never felt more embarrassed.

Kristi knew she should back off and respect her cousin’s embarrassment, but a warmth crept between her legs as she again thought of her own panties pressed against her cousin’s face earlier.

“So, wait. You’re saying that you DIDN’T like my panties then?”

“Um, no. I’m not saying that. It’s just…”

Kristi interrupted. “So, you DO like them?” As she spoke, she reached down to unsnap her shorts, watching her cousin as she slowly unzipped them.

“Or you DON’T?” She zipped them back up and snapped them. Lacey’s gaze was on her cousin’s smooth legs, full thighs and stomach as Kristi teased her.

“You DO — or you DON’T?” Kristi repeated, unsnapping and re-snapping slowly as she watched her younger cousin’s reaction, torturing her.

“It’s okay if you do, Lace,” she said as she rose to her feet and faced Lacey. She asked one more time as Lacey leaned forward, mesmerized.

“Do?” As she unsnapped for the third time, Lacey looked bursa escort bayan up at her and nodded ‘yes’, biting her lip. Kristi left her shorts unsnapped and leaned down to kiss her cousin, holding her face gently in her hands. They moaned into each other’s mouths, and Kristi reluctantly broke the kiss. She scooted over to the apartment door, clicked the deadbolt and slipped the chain on, securing the door.

“Who knows how many keys are out there,” she asked as she returned to Lacey. While she walked toward her, she reached down to unzip her peach-colored shorts, dropping them onto the floor and again stepping in front of her cousin. This time she took Lacey’s hair in her hands, remembering how intoxicating it was to shampoo it earlier. She felt Lacey’s warm breath on her stomach, and gently pulled her closer, pressing Lacey’s face against her tummy. Kristi closed her eyes, feeling Lacey’s light kisses just above her panty line as her cousin whispered, “I don’t know what to do.”

Kristi didn’t respond. Instead she just reached down with one hand to gently stroke her cousin’s cheek. Lacey’s hand shook as it instinctively rose to touch Kristi’s inner thigh, and Kristi parted her legs slightly for her. Lacey’s mind reeled as she looked directly ahead at the white cotton panties in front of her — the only thing that separated her face from her cousin’s delicate folds. Kristi gazed down her cousin’s back and gasped, seeing Lacey’s sky blue panties peeking out from her shorts as she leaned forward. She reached down to massage her cousin’s back, with a fresh memory of pressing her fingers into the crease of Lacey’s ass earlier in the shower. As she ran her hands over Lacey’s lower back, she felt the back of her cousin’s hand rising to press against her mound, and she moaned.

“Yes Lace…don’t stop,” she whispered as Lacey’s hand turned to cup her cousin’s pussy through the thin bikini panties. She slowly rubbed it as if it was her own, and she couldn’t resist kissing Kristi’s stomach just above her panty.

“Am I…doing it right? Is this okay?” She asked meekly.

“God yes. Perfect. That feels so good, Lace.”

Encouraged, Lacey’s hand rubbed faster over her cousin’s panty, stopping only to allow herself access to finally kiss the fabric. As she did earlier in the morning, she couldn’t resist flattening her tongue and boldly running the tip of it against the curve of Kristi’s panty. Her own moisture from the outside soon mixed with her cousin’s wetness from inside the panties to form a growing delectable stain.

Kristi was beside herself. Her naïve innocent cousin was centimeters from directly kissing her pussy. She wanted to reach down to pull her panties aside to allow access, but she resisted the urge, and instead allowed her cousin to pleasure her at her own pace. Although she was desperate to feel Lace’s warm tongue, she felt a familiar warmth coursing through her body, and she knew that she would be unable to hold back. Her hips moved in rhythm with Lacey’s fingers as they pressed harder against her panties, and Kristi hung on to her cousin tightly. The combination of the kisses and friction from Lacey’s hand was too much, and she started to convulse. Her body spasmed and she let out a moan as she came, almost violently. Lacey slowed her touches and kissed up to Kristi’s stomach, now moist with a slight sheen of salty perspiration. She felt her cousin’s muscles finally relax, and Kristi caught her breath.

“God, Lace. That was… incredible. I’m sorry it happened so fast. I didn’t want it to end.”

“Are you sure? I mean, I really didn’t know what I was doing at all.”

“I never would have known, cuz. Never! Oh my God, I’m still shaking.”

Lacey looked up at her as she still sat on the edge of the couch and smiled. She was surprised at her lack of guilt. She had never considered herself to be an overly sexual person, but now she felt as though she couldn’t get enough of her cousin. She desperately wanted to please Kristi more, but she wondered if she had crossed a line. Kristi caressed her hair as she caught her breath, before slowly kneeling down on the carpet. She kissed her lover before gently pushing Lacey back against the edge of the couch. Now positioned on her knees between her cousin’s legs, she looked up at her from the floor with a mischievous smile. Lacey watched intently, realizing that it was the first time she had parted her legs for anyone other than her own hand. Kristi’s right hand shifted up to touch Lacey’s breast outside of her top, before quickly sliding under to feel her through her bra. The touch of a much larger breast excited Kristi yet again, and she tried to compose herself. She knew how far she wanted to go with her cousin, but she wondered if Lacey would allow it.

With one hand she undid her cousin’s front-clasp bra, and she cupped the full breast in her hand. Although she didn’t want to leave her spot between Lacey’s legs, she couldn’t resist the urge to explore her cousin’s ample chest. She escort bursa slid slowly back up with one knee still on the floor and pulled the t-shirt up enough to expose the opened bra and the lower half of Lacey’s left breast. She looked up for approval from her cousin, but found her with her eyes closed and head thrown back against a pillow. Lacey’s hands found Kristi’s hair and nudged her forward so that Kristi’s mouth was now at the base of her breast. Unable to resist, Kristi kissed the soft orb. Small butterfly kisses progressed to sucking as Kristi hungrily clamped onto her cousin’s nipple. With an awareness of her own nipple’s sensitivity, she flicked her tongue over it and drew a gasp from Lacey before circling it with her tongue and lightly biting it. Her other hand ran down Lacey’s body, trailing from her elbow to her forearm against her cousin’s shorts between her parted thighs. She reversed the motion, slowly rubbing, pressing harder as Lacey arched her back in reaction to the friction.

Any hesitation that she may have had regarding moving too fast disappeared when she felt Lacey’s right hand release its hold on her head to move down, unsnapping her own shorts. Lacey tried with one hand to pull her zipper down, but struggled until Kristi held the shorts for her and eased it down. To Kristi’s surprise, Lacey’s hand dropped down into her shorts to touch herself while Kristi moved to her cousin’s right breast to trace the nipple with her tongue. As Kristi worked to get more of Lacey’s breast into her mouth, she watched Lacey’s hand again as she rubbed her own pussy under her shorts.

Lacey whispered, “Are you sure the door’s locked?”

Before Kristi could respond, she felt Lacey remove her hand from inside her shorts to try to work them down over her raised hips. Kristi helped her, pulling the shorts down as she gripped them from behind. As they dropped, Lacey’s sky blue panties followed, again exposing Lacey’s trimmed mound to her cousin. Lacey’s hand returned to run her fingers over her pubic hair, lost in desire as she unashamedly rubbed herself in front of her smitten cousin. Past visions of Lacey doing sit-ups flashed briefly into Kristi’s mind as she eased back down with both knees on the carpet. Longing for her cousin, her chin rested nearly against the trimmed mound while she took her time kissing Lacey’s stomach before dropping down to kiss her upper thigh and tracing her lips to her groin. She focused on licking from the ultra-sensitive adductor tendon and back to Lacey’s inner thigh, with each movement bringing her closer to Lacey’s swollen lips.

Although she only meant to tease her younger cousin, she realized that she was torturing herself more as she longed to finally run her tongue along the forbidden area. Sensing no resistance from her cousin, she looked up across Lacey’s body one last time before burying her face into the juicy folds. Her tongue naturally parted her cousin’s lips, and instinct took over as she worked to please her willing partner. Lacey’s hands gripped her hair tightly and she felt her cousin’s hips rolling with her tongue. The tip found Lacey’s swollen clit, and she allowed her tongue to flick against it, drawing another moan and curse from her cousin. She slowed and flattened her tongue against the length of Lacey’s folds, totally turned on as her cousin’s juices drenched her face. No prior fantasies came close to the reality of pleasuring her own family member, and as she lovingly tasted her cousin, her hand rose to gently rub outside of the moist, delectable mound. She gently inserted a finger into Lacey’s tight pussy, but only for an instant before she returned it to massage her cousin’s clit as she alternated between rubbing and licking it. Her free hand dropped down and into her own panties as she worked lovingly on her cousin. Within seconds, she felt Lacey begin to tense up, and her normally shy and reserved girl wrapped her fingers around Kristi’s hair and nearly yanked her, pressing her face tighter against her pussy and nearly gagging her.

A temporary form of turrets syndrome took over her, and her body began to tighten, forcing her to scream, “Oh Fuck! Oh Fuck! God yessss… There! Pleassseee…”

As Lacey screamed in ecstasy, her hips bucked and she lifted her legs to wrap them around her cousin’s head, clamping her face even tighter against her parted thighs. As she came, she nearly pulled Kristi’s hair from her scalp, but somehow her cousin was oblivious to the pain. Finally both girls relaxed, and Kristi rested her head against Lacey’s leg, not caring about the wetness rubbing off of her cheek. They lay quietly as their breathing finally slowed.

Kristi wondered if reality and panic was about to set in as both pondered what had just happened. Seconds rolled by without comment, and Kristi couldn’t resist planting one final small, loving kiss on her cousin’s pussy.

Remarkably they both said in unison, “I could get used to this.” They looked at each other and giggled.

Kristi was the first to comment. “I never imagined this could be so good, so amazing.”

She looked up from the floor at her cousin, who nodded before saying, “I can’t believe what I was missing all this time. Is sex always this amazing?”

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