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Subject: I Woke Up 104 I Woke Up 104 by M.P. Arsent Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed without the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now. I welcome all responses to my stories. Please make sure that you list the name of the story in the email line. If your email is to alert me of misspelled words or improper punctuation or grammar save your time because it will be deleted. I hope you enjoy my vivid imagination. Please let me know what you think at ail and don’t forget to donate to Nifty as they do an amazing job. It had been a womans voice. I turned around to see Mrs Bartlett sitting in the limo. “Mrs Bartlett, How may I help you?” “Do you know when Gordon will be out of class?” “No more than another 15 minutes I think.” “How is he doing please?” “He’s not holding up well to be perfectly honest.” “Well, I can’t say as I’m surprised. Things however are going to change.” There was a strong temptation for a wise ass remark,but I held my tongue. “I want you to know Mr Sawyer, that I don’t agree with my husband as regards your effect on Gordon. Nor am I supportive of his pulling his accounts from your business. Having said that certain…..arrangements have been made. Gordon will have no problems finishing his 4 years here,nor shall he have to worry about being insolvent.” “That is a relief to hear.” “I would also appreciate you continuing to be his friend Mr Sawyer.” “That is a request I can easily agree to Mrs Bartlett.” I saw Aiden and Gordon coming across campus at that point. It was pretty obvious that Gordon recognized the limo as when he saw it he came charging up. “Mother! What are you doing here?” “There have been some changes made Gordon and we shall talk about those on the way home. Now if you would get whatever you need I should like to get home sooner rather than later.” Gordon looked to Aiden. Aiden pulled Gordon into a tight hug and a kiss. I hadn’t meant to eavesdrop but I heard Aiden whisper. “Go be with your family lover and I’ll see you next year.” Gordon dashed into the dorm to get his stuff. “Mr Harris, I want you to know Gordon will be here for the remainder of his 4 years and that you need not worry about him in that regard.” “Thank you Mrs erdemli escort Bartlett. You don’t know how much of a relief that is.” It was only a mintue or two later that Gordon was back down from getting his bag. He was once more into Aidens arms before he got in the car and they were off. Karl showed up as the limo was pulling away. “What happened here?” “If I were to guess, Mrs Bartlett laid down the law to her husband. Regardless Gordons good to go for his 4 years.” “Outstanding! Now,there’s nothing left to do but relax until we hit the road. So, wait for Pete before we head out to Rons for supper for a change?” “I’m betting he’s going to spend the time with Susan before they don’t get to see each other for more than a week.” “You’d be right to Den. Though I don’t see why we can’t join you for supper at Rons. Meet you there in 20?” “Sounds like a plan to me.” Karl and I were about to head for my car when I realized that Aiden was just standing there looking a bit lost. “You coming with Aiden?” “Thanks but I’m going to hit the road. It’s only a couple of hours drive for me.” “Suit yourself. You can always call him Aiden.” “Oh every night make no mistake.” “Just take it easy getting home. Traffic is likely to be a pain tonight with almost everybody leaving.” “Yeah I suppose. I’ll be careful. You guys be careful tomorrow as well.” “We intend to. Merry Christmas Aiden.” “Yeah Merry Christmas. Later.” Aiden went into the dorm and we went to my car. Soon enough we were on the road and out to Rons. Pete and Susan had gotten there ahead of us and already had a booth. We slid in and Gladys was soon there. “Evening folks. Special tonight is baked pork chops with the usual sides.” “Evening Gladys. That sounds good to me with baked, peas, and a coke.” “Yeah me too.” “Me three.” “Guess I might as well make it unanimous, except I’d like an unsweetended ice tea with lemon please.” “Drinks will be right out.” Shortly after the drinks our food was delivered and everything was as good as it usually was. We were soon enough done with our dinner and the place was starting to really fill up so we didn’t hang around. Karl and I made a final stop at the mall and the toy store before we headed back to campus. “Clarence has already left for the break love. You could always spend the night in my room.” “I could love, but would that leave me in any shape to drive first thing in the morning? We’ll have a little over a week to spend together in a few hours.” “So I’m greedy. We haven’t had any tarsus escort alone time since before the last meet.” “Well, I suppose Christmas can come a little early.” We made our way up to his room and the dorm was almost totally deserted. Once we were into Karls room the door was locked and I was in Karls arms. We kissed deeply and soon enough clothes were being shed. Needless to say, Pete was waiting on us the next morning. We all piled into the car and thankfully the drive home was uneventful. When we dropped Pete off we took a couple of minutes to go in and see Millie and wish her a Merry Christmas. That ended when I pulled into my street. I saw that there was at least one patrol car pulled up in front of my house. It was easy to see why when I pulled into the driveway. Someone had spray painted my garage door with the words “murdering faggot.” Officer Pembrose was there. “Mr Sawyer, sorry that you had to come home to this. Any ideas?” “Well, I know who it looks like should be responsible but as we both know looks can be decieving. It’s meant to look like Mr Brown did this,but I have no proof one way or the other.” “About what I thought as well. I see you’ve had cameras installed, but Mrs Ohanlon won’t grant us access to them.” “I certainly won’t! That bein Mr Sawyers perrogative.” “Come on inside Officer Pembrose and let’s see what we can see.” We went inside and to the office. I had the system set up so I could access the harddrive for the camera system from my computer. “I’m assuming this happened last night?” “It twas nay here when I left yesterday so I’m guessin so boyo.” I set the timer back to 6pm the night before and fast forwared through the footage until there was movement on one of the cameras. I went to normal time and the figure was definately male but the face couldn’t be seen for a ski mask. We were able to tell that it was either a short adult or a kid and that the person was left handed. That ruled out Larrys father as he was a good 6 foot plus and right handed. “Not much help I guess. It could be almost anybody.” “It at least rules out a few people. We’ll keep at it Dennis and I’ll see if we can get a few extra swings past the house at night.” “You let me know if you come up with anything and when I’m clear to get that paint taken care of?” “Sure thing and as far as the paint is concerned, you can have it taken care of immeidately as soon as we leave. Not much forensics can do with it. Can you make us a copy of that foootage? Maybe the lab can enhance it and pull akdeniz escort something else from it.” I copied the footage to a disk and gave it to Dana to take with him. Once everybody left I called my insurance company and they said they would send someone out on Monday. Then it was over to Karls house to say hi to everybody. Bobby tackled me and it was a handshake from Stan and a hug from Gert and Connie both. The rest of the afternoon was taken up with the telling of the meets and how well did we think we did with our exams and whatnot. We had dinner at Karls house, but when I started back to my place, Karl was right with me and there was no argument from his folks. This night was spent much as the one before and when 5:45 rolled around neither of us wanted to get up. We did and when we got out to the street Roland was on his way and Arron was waiting for us. “Damn it’s good to see you guys again.” “It’s good to be seen Arron, now let’s get this in gear.” It was down the road and to the park and with our laps done we headed back to the house. Arron peeled off and then Karl and I did as well. It was a quick shower and then over to Karls for breakfast. I still had some shopping to do and I didn’t want Karl along with me for that,plus he deserved a little “alone time” with his family. So I was out to the mall by myself and I made my rounds of the various stores for what I needed for everybody. I even made one more stop at the toy store. The manager saw me coming in and stopped me. “Going to make another big sweep of it ‘Mr Clause’?” “Not this time sir. I smartened up. I’ve been doing it over the last month where I’m going to school.” “Well I can’t say as I wouldn’t appreciate the sales, but it is more important to make the children happy isn’t it?” “It is that. Merry Christmas to you sir.” I went in and got a few things that went into the bin for the kids. I got back to the car and gave it a quick check seeing as the incident with the garage doors had put me a bit on edge. Everything checked out as far as I could see, so it was back home to the empty house. Now was as good a time as any to go and start cleaning out the master bedroom of my parents things so that I could move in there. I had been putting it off until my memory had returned and now that it had this was going to probably be difficult. All the more reason for me to do it alone as far as I was concerned. I went into the master bedroom and stared at the walls for a few minutes. There was nothing on them that needed to be removed as far as I was concerned. The night tables had nothing either. When I got to the dressers there were pictures of my parents there and I knew that I would keep those but not here. They would get moved to the office. Next in line was my fathers jewelry box, in which there were bound to be things that would stir memories.

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