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Subject: Resident Evil: B.O.W. Tyrant Erotic Tickle Party (Part Three) Here is part three of the erotica. I hope y’all enjoy this chapter. Resident Evil: B.O.W. Tyrant Erotic Tickle Party (Part Three) The MOA hotel lobby is less crowded with nearly a few people in the building. Thank goodness for that. Because if anyone were to see the tall masculine B.O.W. Tyrants, even in their disguises, screams will be heard and the news stations would be all over the story in merely a week. That wouldn’t be good, now would it? Although their towering heights is noticeable by some, but the people whom are checking into their rooms just shrug it off. Thus the tyrants’ secret identities are safe. We waited at the lobby, having a small conversation, all the while Arxenel and Thanatos were both splitting the take on a full room suite. Not a minute too soon that we have finally got a room number and a keycard. The suite number is 715 on the seventh floor. Arxenel, being the tough ringleader that he is, round us up as a group. “Let’s go, gentlemen.”commanded Arxenel. Alas we all head into the elevator, going upward to the seventh floor. As we’ve reach to the seventh floor, we all stroll down the hallway, looking for the room number 715. An out of town family move to the other side of the hallway out of respect for the tyrants, although they are intimidated by their heights. And at last, we have found our suite. I use the keycard to unlock the door. Thus we have enter the room. Once I’ve entered first in the room, I am astonished by the interior design of the suite. So fresh, so huge and somewhat modest, but richly maintained. The B.O.W.s has to duck down to enter the room without hitting their heads. They were just as astonished as I am of the suite. “Whoa! Check this place out, E sei.” says Eliazar as he admires the design. “The suite has four big king-sized beds for the four of us. A platinum flatscreen TV in a cupboard. A nice kitchen made of marble. A nicely white bathroom with a shower room that we can all fit in. And not to mention an nice view of the city a mile from the window. I feel like we are millionaires!” “Yeah, yeah! Don’t get cocky now, Eli.” said Thanatos, setting his dark drench coat on the hanger. “We are only here for two nights.” “Whatever, Big T.” Eliazar responded with a snarky tone. I turn to Arxenel whom is checking out the furniture on the corner of the suite. “Ummm how much did y’all pay for this room?” I asked the black and red skinned B.O.W.. “Well it is like one hundred and sixty five dollars per person.” said Arxenel. “Damn! That kinda sounds expensive.” I remarked. “Yes it is.” said Arxenel. “It was hella expensive. So Thanatos and I agreed to split the take and it was like almost a hundred and eighty. Especially if we’re staying for two nights.” “But luckily for us, the receptionist has given us a ten percent discount.” said Thanatos, adding in. “So it wasn’t a big blow on our price range.” “I bet it is.” I replied agreeably. Nemesis sat down on the bed right next to Eliazar’s side. He turns to his fellow bio weapon. “So what cha think, Neme?” asked Eliazar. “Gooooooood!!!!” Nemesis replied. “Okay! Whatever you say, amigo!” says Eliazar. So we all have gotten ourselves settled in the suite. As the hour pass us by, everybody was having a conversation while we somewhat watch the movie that is playing now. The masculine B.O.W.s were telling each other’s life stories, making fun at the millennial people’s expense and socialize the night away. I just order a deep-dish pizza on my Uber Eats app. The Uber delivery woman has arrived at the lobby. I went to meet her there. I tipped her an extra dollar for her service. And then she drove away from the hotel. As I return to the suite, the tall muscular B.O.W. Tyrants all notice that I have ordered pizza for us to eat. Thus our small party continues on throughout the hour. During the next hour, the B.O.W. brutes are challenging each other’s strength in an arm wrestling match. It is a one on one match of Eliazar vs. Nemesis. Both of them are quite strong and they can easily overpower one another if they wanted to. Although Eliazar had the upper hand, but Nemesis triumphantly wins the match. The other two tyrants applaud the two bio weapons for they are both entertained by the challenge. “Oh come on!” says Eliazar, feeling a little frustrated of the result. “That is bullshit!” “Haha! That’s what ya get for letting your guard down, Dark Grim Reaper.” Thanatos taunted. “Oh hell no! You’re not getting off that easily, Neme!” said Eliazar as he positions his muscular arm on the table. “Let’s have a rematch! Round two! Let’s go, amano!” “Reeeeematchhhhhhh……..” Nemesis snarled agreeably. So the two tyrants went for round two as Thanatos playfully referee for the match. During their manly games, I was sitting on the other side of the suite, right after I finished cleaning the kitchen. I just watch them indulge with their activity. Arxenel turns to notice that I’m sitting on the couch over by the furniture, by myself, doing nothing else but being quiet throughout the entire time. He thought that I need some company for he didn’t want me to think that I’m being excluded from the group activity. So he went over to the other side of the room and sat right next to me. “Hey! Are you feeling okay?” Arxenel asked out of slight discernment. “Oh! Yes. I’m okay.” I responded, nodding. “I’m just checking on ya, buddy.” said Arxenel, rubbing my shoulder. “You’ve been awfully quiet for quite a minute now. I just wanted to make sure that you’re alright.” “I’m okay. I’m just enjoying the gathering we have got going on.” I said in a seldom tone. “Well that’s good.” said Arxenel. “You know that you can always come talk to me anytime.” “I know, Arxenel.” I said with a small grin. “If there’s anything you need, don’t hesitate to holler at me. Alright, buddy?” says Arxenel, smiling. “Alright. I will do let you know. Thanks, Arxenel.” I replied. The tall muscular B.O.W. got up from the couch and went to join the others in their activity. I watch them challenge each other in an arm wrestling match for a couple of hours. Nemesis has won a few matches with both Eliazar and Thanatos. Next, it is Arxenel’s turn to challenge Eliazar afterwards. Then after that, it is a tag team match with Arxenel and Eliazar vs. Thanatos and Nemesis. I can’t help but smile as I watch the burly male B.O.W.s demonstrate a ungodly testosterone in the room. After the last minute around, it seems that Arxenel and Eliazar both have won the match against Thanatos and Nemesis. During their boastful victory, the masculine monsters laugh it out for they’re having a good ol’ time. Meanwhile, I am still silently enjoying the party, although nearly feeling left out a tad bit. Arxenel turns to smile at me from a foot away. Then he came over to my side. “Hey there! How ya doing?” the tall masculine B.O.W. asked. “Oh I’m doing okay.” I replied. “Really, I am. It’s a great party.” But Arxenel can already tell that I’m a little okay being here with them. He felt that I’m being ignored by him and the others. He didn’t want to make me feel like I’m being left out of the fun. So being the inclusive tough B.O.W. that he is, Arxenel knelt down to my level and tries to offer something that might seem fun for everyone. “You know what? I feel like we’re ignoring you for no reason.” says Arxenel as he went on. “I mean, that we are too busy doing what we bio organic weapons do. And by doing so that I completely forgot about ya. I don’t want to make you feel like that we’re leaving you out. So talk to me, my friend. Is there anything I can do to make you feel included? Anything at all?” I was touched by Arxenel’s compassion. And he did say that I can talk to him whenever I want and/or need something from him and the other B.O.W. males. Not only that, I suddenly have an crazy idea just about now. So I finally spoke up to him about my desires. “Well come to think of it, there is something I’ve been waiting to do whenever we all got together.” I uttered. “Yeah? What’s up?” Arxenel wondered. “You remember that time that we are both alone in the abandoned warehouse that’s hiding the underground laboratories of the Umbrella Corporation?” I bluntly asked the creature. “Yes. I remember.” said Arxenel, nodding agreeably. “What about it?” “And we were talking about ourselves during the time?” I remarked. “Uh huh!” Arxenel respond with a nod. “And I was telling you about my dark deep secret…..” I hesitantly uttered. But before I could finish my sentence, let alone, prove my point, Arxenel already knew what I was going to ask of him. “Alright. You want to tickle my feet.” says Arxenel, cutting me off unintentionally. “I get it. I already know that you’re going to ask me that. But you know what else? I’m glad that you did.” “Oh! I…. I just… going…. to….” I stammered a bit. “But how did you know I was going to ask that?” “Hmph! Man! You’ve been around me for the longest time.” said Arxenel, folding his arms proudly. “Besides, I haven’t forgotten about you having a foot fetish. And I did indulge in your deep dark fantasy quite a few times over the years. So I know that you were going to ask me for my feet just about now.” “Oh! Well if you don’t mind I do?” I hesitantly asked. Arxenel puts his hand on my shoulder, and smiles upon me. “Of course, man.” says Arxenel. “I’m more than happy to let you do whatever you want to my feet and body. All you have to do is let me know. I get down with ya in a heartbeat.” “Whew! That was easy….” I blurted out loud in relief. “Why ya say that?” said Arxenel, raising his eyebrow. “Did you think I was going to reject you for that? Feet are feet. It’s not a big deal.” “I know. I know.” I said in ankara rus escort a seldom manner. “You’re right.” “So let me know when you want to have at me.” says Arxenel, grinning softly. “Just say the word.” “We can do this right now.” I suggested excitedly. “Right here, while we’re all still at it.” “Oh ok! You got it, buddy.” said Arxenel as he winked at me. He then approach closer to my side of the furniture. “Where do you want me?” asked the masculine B.O.W.. “On the bed or couch?” “The couch is fine.” I said as I point to the sofa. Arxenel sat down on the couch right next to me. I can feel the excitement flowing through my body as Arxenel unzip his dark tactical boots, and he kicks them off. Then he adjust his body comfortably on his back and he puts both of his feet on my lap. I just love the gothic military black socks that he wore on his feet. I could never get enough of this sight. He still rocks black then and he still rocks it now. The tall muscular B.O.W. tease me with his foot in my face. “Here ya go.” says Arxenel with a grin. “My big ass feet is all yours.” Alas I waste no time at all, getting my hands on the black and red skinned B.O.W. Tyrant’s big size fifteen feet. After giving him a little foot massage, I grasp firmly onto his ankles and I start to tickle his socked feet. Arxenel prepares himself for the sensual torment and he begins to laugh. Because of his laughter alone, it immediately caught the attention of the other B.O.W. Tyrants. The three tall muscular brutes have gathered around to watch me tickle the shit out of Arxenel’s military feet. They treat this as an exhibition show. Luckily for me here, they all know that I have a male foot tickling fetish, and they are totally alright with it. So they cheer me on as I continue to tickle the shit out of Arxenel’s big sexy size fifteen feet through his black military socks. “Yeah! Get him, amigo!” Eliazar cheered encouragingly. “Get him good!” The other three B.O.W. Tyrants watch me tickle Arxenel’s feet for a couple of minutes, but not for long before Thanatos decides to join us on the fun. “Let’s tag team on him.” says Thanatos as he grabs hold of Arxenel’s left foot and starts to tickle his socked sole. “Ahh!! Fuck you, Thanatos!!” Arxenel cursed whilst laughing. “Shut up and laugh, tough guy.” taunted Thanatos. We both tickle his military socked feet for almost three minutes straight. Although Arxenel could’ve fought back if he wanted to, but being the toughest male B.O.W. super soldier that he is, he chose not to do just that. All of this just to make me feel included and happy. And all the reasons why he is my number one favorite, right next to the popular Nemesis. Not just because he, out of all the Umbrella’s bio organic weapons, who understood me very well. Unlike anyone else I have ever known. But Thanatos, Eliazar and Nemesis are all an okay monster men themselves. Thanatos and I have tickled Arxenel’s feet for three minutes. Then after that, we gave him a break. Arxenel pants in relief, but hardly break a sweat. As he lies there in anticipation, I took a quick minute to sniff his socked foot. Oh man! I am completely overwhelmed with excitement by the scent of Arxenel’s masculinity, from the sole to the toes. And he knows that too. Same goes for the rest of the B.O.W. Tyrants. Arxenel and Thanatos patiently await for me to get back into the fun time. “Are you ready over there, little buddy?” Arxenel asked. “Yes. Now I am.” I replied happily. Arxenel prepares himself for another round of this sensual torment. Thanatos and I both grab hold of his ankles at the same time. “Let’s get him together.” says Thanatos with a snarky tone. Alas we both resume the tickle torture of Arxenel’s military socked feet. The black and red skinned B.O.W. resume his sexy masculine laughter. Nemesis and Eliazar both watch the torment amusedly. Arxenel just lies there on his back, laughing his ass off as Thanatos and I continuously tickle his size fifteen feet for six minutes. After that, we gave him another break. All the better to prepare him for another delicious round that is yet to be wrought upon him. “Hey, Thanatos….” I uttered to the melanin B.O.W.. “Yo! What’s up?” Thanatos responded, leaning closer to listen to my suggestion. “Let’s take his socks off, so we can get him howling like the alpha wolf he is.” I said, smirking wryly. “Sounds good to me.” said Thanatos, grinning sinisterly. Arxenel somehow knew what was going to happen next. Therefore he still allows us to remove his black military socks in order to reveal his beautiful masculine bare feet. Just like so many times before, I’m still in love with his feet. Even until this day. Arxenel wiggles his long black toes in my face, just to be a tease. “I know you like it when I wiggle my toes for you, my friend.” says Arxenel, teasing me with his monstrous charm. “Oh Arxenel. You know me all too well.” I replied abashedly. “Okay! Enough teasing.” says Thanatos. “Let’s get back into this shit.” We have wasted no time left to resume tickling Arxenel’s bare feet. The B.O.W. resumes his laughter once again. Of course I haven’t forgotten how ticklish Arxenel’s feet really are, especially when he’s barefoot. Oh man! Thanatos and I are really going in on him. “Ahh shit!!!” Arxenel cursed whilst laughing. “That’s right! Laugh for us, big boss!” Thanatos taunted, tickling his left sole. I am having fun tickling his right foot. Although it tickles so much, Arxenel still maintains his composure for he is enjoying this sensual torment, all the while his masculinity remains unchallenged. Eliazar and Nemesis watched us have our fun as if they’re both entertained by this. Not a minute later, they both decide to jump in on the fun. “Mind if we cut in, amonos?” Eliazar beamed “Sure! By all means.” I complied. The other two tyrants went for Arxenel’s muscular upper body. Nemesis tickle his armpits, while Eliazar strokes his fingers on his abdomen. Thus causing Arxenel to laugh monstrously and hysterically. “AAAHHHHH AHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! NO FUCKIN’ FAIR!!!!” Arxenel screamed whilst laughing. “SO Y’ALL GANGING UP ON ME NOW!?!?” “Why not, big boss man.” says Eliazar in a sarcastic tone. Nemesis is being very cautious not to poke himself with Arxenel’s tiny spikes on his shoulders. We continue to tickle Arxenel for an hour. After all of that, we have finally given him a thirty minute break, just for being a good sport like he always has been. Arxenel sits up on the couch, panting heavily. “I guess y’all have gotten a kick out of this, am I right?” Arxenel says in a relieving tone. “Well I have, in a matter of fact.” said Thanatos, snickering. “I know you have, Thanatos.” said Arxenel with a little sarcasm. Everyone has laughed for we all are having a good time. So we had our short conversation for two minutes, talking about how much endurance they could have handle, especially when it comes to taking shoots from gunfire, painful blows from their enemies, fighting their opponents and many other adversaries. I just sat there and listen to their stories. Eliazar notice how quiet I was when the tyrants are talking. So he chime in to check in on me, just to see how I’m doing during the party. “Hey there, amigo.” Eliazar greeted as he knelt to my side. “You feeling okay?” “I’m fine.” I replied. “Why ya ask?” “Because you’re being so quiet over there.” said Eliazar. “So I just wanna check up on ya, to see if you’re having fun.” “Oh I’m having fun. Thanks for asking.” I remarked. “Okay E sei. Just wanted to know. That’s all.” said Eliazar. During our conversation, Arxenel eavesdrop on us without warning. “What are you two talking about over here?” he asked us. “Nothing serious, I’m sure.” I answered the B.O.W.. “He’s Just checking in with me.” “Oh really.” says Arxenel as he turns to Eliazar. “I hope this guy is not bothering you. Is he not?” “No, big boss man.” Eliazar replied. “I’m not bothering him. Not at all. It’s just that he was being quiet. And I wanted to make sure that he alright. It all good.” “Ah haha! I was just messing with ya, man.” said Arxenel, patting Eliazar’s shoulder. “There’s no hard feelings coming from me. I know you’re just being a friend to the guy. So I have no problem with that.” “Oh okay. I was about to say….” said Eliazar, chuckling along with him. Then Eliazar turn to chat with Thanatos and Nemesis. Arxenel turns to me. He puts his muscular arm around my shoulder. The tall muscular B.O.W. smiles upon me. “So is there anything else you want to do?” Arxenel asked in optimistic tone. “Well there is a couple of things I want to do with you guys while you’re all still here for two nights.” I said in a seldom manner. “Well tell me. I’m all ears.” said Arxenel. “A couple of requests I may have, perhaps.” I said as moderate as I possibly could. “But I would want for them to hear it too. My requests goes to all of four of y’all.” Arxenel nods as he turns to the other masculine B.O.W. Tyrants, getting their attention on my behalf. “Alright! Listen up, gentlemen!” Arxenel announced with a clear voice. “Our little friend here has something he would like to request of us. So let’s hear what he has to say.” The other three B.O.W.s turn their attention to me. I was nervous as hell to say something when their eyes are all on me. But Arxenel encourage me to speak up with a little nudge to the shoulder. “Go ahead. Tell us what you want.” said Arxenel, folding his arms. “Yes. Tell us, E sei.” said Eliazar, kneeling on his knees. “We want to hear it.” says Thanatos, folding his arms. “So come on! Out with it!” “Sssssspeakkkkk…..” Nemesis uttered. So here I go! Despite that my heart is pounding inside, I took a deep cleansing breath and çankaya escort I spoke my requests to the four male bio weapon monsters. “I want to have an erotic tickle party with you guys.” I uttered my requests loud and clear for them to hear. “Since you all are here in town for two nights, I was hoping that I could have an erotic kinky ticklish play party with each and every one of you. And especially since I’ve already got Arxenel and Nemesis, I haven’t got to you two yet. I have been planning on that for quite some time now. So I have to ask y’all, can we make this happen, if possible? If you guys decline, I understand. No hard feelings. But it doesn’t hurt to ask, right?” “Right.” said Arxenel, agreeably. He turn to his fellow B.O.W. Tyrants. “So what do y’all gentlemen have to say?” Arxenel asked them. “Are you all in or out?” I was prepared to take no for an answer when it comes to that. But to my utter surprise, they all have agreed to indulge themselves into my own personal fetish, which was something that both Thanatos and Eliazar has never done anything like this before nor have they ever thought of giving it a try. Nevertheless, to them, a friend of Arxenel is also a friend of theirs. So they spoke their own thoughts about it. “Well if I were to be honest, I never done anything like this before in my life.” Thanatos remarked and he continues with his reasons. “And I never let anyone or anything get close to me. Ever! But however, if this what you want to do, then I will indulge in this with you. However, again! Just so you are aware, I cannot guarantee that I will stay still nor will I be held responsible for anything that happens during and/or after this. Best to keep that in mind.” “Oh okay. I will.” I complied respectfully. Then all of a sudden, Eliazar sat on the couch right next to me. The Dark Grim Reaper wrap his muscular arm around my shoulders, and then he smiled with a upbeat tone. “I’ll say to hell with this shit.” said Eliazar as he rubs my shoulder. “Count me the fuck in! To be honest with you, amigo, I never had done anything like this either. And I’m not sure if I’m ticklish or not. But I will do this shit anyway, just to make ya feel like you’re not being left out or ignored. So for what it’s worth, I’ll give it a shot. Because after all, I’m always up for new experiences in life. All you have to do is say the word.” I was overwhelmingly surprised by their responses. I didn’t think that they would actually do this with me, even if I did ask politely for it. But they all agreed to partake in this kinky activity voluntarily. Their inclusion of my secret desires has gotten me all teary eyed a little bit. Despite of how overwhelmed I am of my sudden emotions, I quickly put on a big smile on my face whilst facing the B.O.W.s. And they too smiled back at me. Therefore I didn’t hesitate to make my first request for this nightly party. “Well now that you mention it, Eliazar. I was wondering if we could do this right now, while the night is still young?” I humbly asked the Dark Grim Reaper. “Sure, amono!” Eliazar boasted in a cheery but yet a tough manner. “We can do this shit now. We all have time to still have some fun here. I’m game for it!” Arxenel turns to me with a delighted grin. “So what kind of kinky shit do you have in mind, little guy?” Arxenel asked. “I would love to play with every single one of y’all.” I uttered my first request. “Starting at your feet. I want y’all to rub my body down with your feet. Sock to bare, if optional? And then During all that, I would love to tickle Arxenel first, since he’s the one who allowed me to have at his feet when we first met that day. And I already got Nemesis’s feet and body yesterday and earlier. In the morning, I want to tickle Thanatos from his feet to body. Then later tomorrow evening, I want to tickle Eliazar. After all of that, we can our erotic tickling finale before y’all leave town. I hope that’s doable for you guys.” “Sounds like a game plan.” Arxenel beamed. “I’m already in.” “Oh this shit is going to be fun!” Eliazar chuckled delightfully. “Well count me in too, I suppose.”said Thanatos, folding his arms. “Why the fuck not.” “Yessssssss…..” says Nemesis agreeably. Alas we wasted no time at all to get right into this fun part of the party. I have gotten so excited as the other three B.O.W. Tyrants kick off their boots. Except for Arxenel who’s already barefoot from earlier. The other three await for my command, although I’m not their commander, but whatever. It is what it is. “Do you want us to take our socks off too or keep them on? Thanatos asked me. “You three can keep them on for only five minutes.” I recommended. “Then you can remove them afterwards. I just want to take my time playing with all of you.” “You got it, little friend.” said Arxenel, grinning charmingly. “It’s your fetish fantasy. So you take control of it. We’re just here for the ride.” I nodded responsively to the black and red skinned B.O.W.. I went to grab a few pillows and sheets of the king sized bed. Then I set them on the floor. Once I’ve put them in place, I lied my body down onto them. While I was positioning myself comfortably on my back, the tall masculine B.O.W.s gather around me. They’ve all stood toweringly tall over me, awaiting for my call like the monster soldiers that they are. “Are you ready, little friend?” wondered Arxenel. “Yes. I’m ready.” I complied. “Give me all of your feet, guys.” “Yes, sir!!!” they all replied in unison. Thus the tall masculine B.O.W. Tyrants all sat down on the furniture and then stretch out their legs, laying their feet on my body. I became overwhelmingly excited as the B.O.W. men rub their feet all over me. Arxenel buries my face in his big masculine size fifteen bare feet. Eliazar on the left is rubbing his black and charcoal socked feet on my chest. Nemesis rubs his socked feet on my crotch area. And Thanatos on the right rubs his jet black socked feet on my stomach. Oh man! I cannot get enough of this. They were all pleased to see how excited I am getting when they’re doing this to me. Although I’m in the middle of the moment, I am still far from satisfied as the party progresses. After five minutes in, the other three B.O.W.s remove their military socks and then they put their bare feet onto my body. Finally! I got to see what Thanatos’s and Eliazar’s bare feet looks like. I love the sight of Thanatos’s bare feet. The vibrant shades of his melanin tops are to completely die for. His tops are filled with veins, the width of his bright orange colored soles are so smooth and sweaty, and his toes are as long as an human person’s fingers on normal sized hands. The same can be said of Eliazar’s bare feet. I love his feet as well. Veins fills the tops of each of his peachy tan foot, big lighter soles are also smooth and sweaty, and his toes are also sexily long. I wonder if they’re both ticklish there, just like Arxenel and Nemesis. Looks like I’m gonna have to find out tomorrow then. But for now, I just want to enjoy all of the big masculine bare feet of the tall muscular B.O.W.s, all night long. As the hours passed us by, I place my hands on Arxenel’s black and red tops of his feet. I can feel the red parts that acted as iron body armor fused on his skin, just like the rest of his muscular body. Arxenel smothered my face into his black smelly soles. He was pleased to see my expression of joy as I continuously rub his tops while feeling his long toes rubbing my lips. “Having fun down there, buddy?” Arxenel asked. “Mmmmmmhp…. yes I am….” I muffled through his soles. “Okay then. I’m just checking on ya.” said Arxenel. Nemesis is making me precum in my pant with the way he keep rubbing my crotch with his sole. Thanatos and Eliazar use both of their bare feet to rub my body down. Eliazar use his right foot to rub my nipple and gently tickling the sensitive part with his toes. Thanatos did the same thing by using his left foot to rub my other nipple, tickling the part with his toes as well. And that is when I have to get off with them while we’re at it. I proceed to tickle Arxenel’s feet with my beard. Although it kinda tickles him, but to him, it kinda felt good when I rub his soles on my beard. He likes the new sensation of my beard on his masculine soles. I love hearing him giggle softly when I did that. Then I run my fingers in between his toes. He grips firmly on my fingers with his long strong toes. That alone, and the other tyrants’ soles on my body, is enough to get me all the way horny. Thus it is time for the next best part of this session. I asked the B.O.W.s to stop for a short minute. And they all did just that. I remove all of my clothes right in front of them. There I stood, baring nudity before them now. And being the inclusive monster men that they are, the tall masculine tyrants thought that they should do the same as I, and they all took off their clothes too. Now all of us are naked. I lied back down on the ground, awaiting for their feet again. The tall muscular B.O.W.s waste no time to place their feet on my body again. Nemesis knew what to do from there. Just like the last time, he dug into my fetish gear bag and took out my bottle of longer lasting scented lubricant. He knew what I secretly wanted all too well. The B.O.W. squeeze the lube onto his foot, rubbing it in between his toes. Then he proceeds to insert my hardening cock in between his toes. And then he began to firmly, but yet gently, stroke my cock off. Thus giving me a footjob. Thanatos and Eliazar resume tickling my nipples with their long strong toes whilst rubbing my naked body with their other foot. And Arxenel allows me to tickle tease his feet sensually. He giggled softly throughout the entire erotic playtime. And ankara escort speaking of which, the tyrants are feeling this sort of way about the whole thing. They took out their genitals and then they begin stroking themselves along, with the help of my lubricant that Nemesis has passed around. During this moment, Arxenel knelt down to the floor by my side. The tough Arxenel allows me to stroke his cock, all the while I playfully tickle his ballsack. Thus making him laugh a little bit. The other B.O.W.s were pleased to see me tickle Arxenel whilst stroking his cock. “What’s the matter, big boss man?” Eliazar teased Arxenel in a respectful yet playful manner. “You can’t handle getting your balls tickled and jerked off at the same time?” “I can’t help that.” laughed Arxenel. “This little guy keeps tickling me everywhere. And I was being nice to him.” He looks down to me, struggling in between laughter and moaning simultaneously. “What did I do to you, to deserve being tickle tortured constantly???” Arxenel asked whilst laughing. “Nothing that personal.” I uttered. “It’s just that you’re so hot when you’re tickled. And the fact that you’re so much fun to be around. Which is why I never grow tired of playing with you.” “Aww man! That’s nice of you to say that, but come on!” Arxenel laughed. “I already took multiple tickle torture times from you….. But please, give my body a rest for one minute and get me off……..” I stop tickling his balls. And then I suck Arxenel’s cock for a few minutes, until I can’t suck him off anymore. This makes his mind wander for it feels so good. At the same time, Eliazar and Thanatos continues to tickle my nipples with their toes whilst rubbing my body. And Nemesis continues to give me a nice firm footjob. The more we do this, the closer we are to reaching the climatic happy ending. The clock stroke a quarter of one AM. And just like the others, I am about to cum all over Nemesis’s foot. The tall muscular B.O.W.s are about to cum as well. They were getting rather loud as they are getting closer to busting out their nuts. Nemesis used his long strong toes to squeeze my little head in order to make me cum faster. Alas it is working. Then suddenly, I finally busted my nut and blasting my load all over the B.O.W.’s foot, drowning his toes in my warm oozing seamen. Nemesis is pleased as he playfully wiggle his toes while my cum oozes in between them. Not a minute later, the tall muscular B.O.W.s all let out a monstrous moan as they all came in the same time. Thank goodness I finished Arxenel’s cock with my hands. Now everybody’s covered in a big white mess. We all laughed it off for we find this particular situation to be hilariously funny. “Haha! We all came in the same time.” I chuckled at the situation. “Hahahhhh!!!……… Yessssss……. Funnyyyyyy…….” uttered Nemesis. “Looks like someone’s gonna get the hell up and clean this mess.” Eliazar snickered. Arxenel got up first to go fetch some fresh warm wet towels from the bathroom, all the while his genitalia is dripping with thick white seamen. “Don’t move, gentlemen. I’ll go get y’all some towels.” said Arxenel as he walks into the bathroom. We all waited in the room for Arxenel to return with some towels. So we can clean up after ourselves. A few seconds later, he came back into the room. He handed over each of the warm wet towels to us. So we each clean ourselves up from the sticky mess. I wipe my lower region clean. Nemesis wipes the mess up from his genitals and his toes. And both Thanatos and Eliazar did the same. Once our mess is taken care of, our erotic play time is now over. Thanatos went to grab an extra pair of fresh bedsheets from the closet. The tall masculine B.O.W.s each make their own beds to lie down upon. Thus it is time to sleep, although B.O.W.s don’t sleep. But I kinda do, because I’m the only human in the suite. The lights are out. And the B.O.W.s are all sleeping. Well, sleeping inside their heads, of course. But they are lying down on their beds, in the nude no less. I haven’t had a bed to sleep on. So I was going to sleep on the sofa. But I still have a little bit of energy left in me. So I watched something on the television to pass the time. Even though I am almost tired, I’m still kinda horny from the kinky foot fetish playtime we had earlier. And I need to go use the bathroom. So I got up and went into the bathroom. After I got done with my usual business, I wash my hands and my face in the sink. As I reach out for the towel to dry my hands and face, then all of a sudden, I felt a warm body right beside me, followed by a deep masculine monstrous voice. “Here you go.” said the monster’s voice, handing the towel to me. “Thank you.” I responded before I quickly catch onto something off. I was startled by the monster appearing out of nowhere in the bathroom. But it turned out to be Arxenel himself. “Whoa! Arxenel! You kinda startled me.” I yelped in shock. “My apologies, my little friend.” says Arxenel. “It’s a habit of mine. I didn’t mean to startle you.” I was relieved to know that it’s just him. But then I look up to the tall muscular B.O.W.. “Yeah, I know. But what are you doing in here with me?” I questioned the B.O.W. super-soldier. “Isn’t it obvious? I know you can’t seem to sleep.” said Arxenel, folding his muscular arms. “Oh. You know, didn’t you?” I wondered. “Of course I know.” said Arxenel. “I told you before. We’ve been around each other for almost three years now. So I know what’s on your mind. And maybe, I can help with that.” “Oh really? How?” I asked with an raised eyebrow. “You’ll see. But shhhh!!…” Arxenel shushed with his finger. “This is between us. We don’t want to wake up the others, especially at the hour. Okay?” “Oh okay.” I whispered softly. “So what do you have in mind?” “I think you already know.” Arxenel whispered. “But I will only do it, if you ask me to.” “Well now that you mention it, I am feeling kinda horny.” I uttered quietly. “And you are in here with me so suddenly. So why not.” “Just say the word, and I’ll give ya what ya want.” whispered Arxenel, grinning deviously. I took a deep breath and looked him straight in his dark eyes. “Arxenel. Give me a blowjob.” I requested. The B.O.W.’s grin has widened for he is more than happy to fulfill my desires in the bathroom. Alas he wasted no time at all as he knelt down to his knees, undo my sleepwear and he took my entire genitalia inside his mouth, as if to eat me out completely. I wasn’t surprised for I knew how good he is when it comes to pleasuring me in return, long after I erotically tickled him countless times. In fact, three years before I even met the other B.O.W. Tyrants, especially the iconic Nemesis. As Arxenel continues to eat my dick and balls like the monster super-soldier that he is, my mind went blank for I can’t think of nothing else, but this overwhelming feeling. He sucks me off so good. Not only is Arxenel the first B.O.W. Tyrant that I’ve tickled over the years, but he is also the first one to ever given me a blowjob countless times, before Nemesis and the rest of the B.O.W.s. The irresistible blowjob went on for five minutes, until I am this close to reaching my climatic limit. And Arxenel knows it too. So he sucks my dick faster, just to make me cum faster. Alas I can’t hold it in anymore. “Here it comes, Arxenel…..” I uttered quietly whilst breathing heavily. “I’m going to cum….” Arxenel allows me to blast my load of cum inside of his mouth. Once he gets every last drop, I am finished completely. Arxenel looks dead straight at me. He opens his mouth, showing my seamen oozing through his teeth, before he ended up swallowing it down his throat. I smiled at him amusedly. He too smiled back at me. Then he pats my cheek so gently. “So how was that?” questioned Arxenel. “Does that feel good?” “Oh yes. It does.” I answered softly. “You were amazing at this. Just like always. All the reason why I like you. My first favorite B.O.W. thus far.” “Hehe! I’m glad to hear that I’m your number one.” says Arxenel, smiling happily. “That really means a lot. I never get tired of accompanying you, let alone, pleasing you and pleasuring you.” “Same here, Arxenel.” I replied. “Same here.” I pull up my sleepwear and reach out to embrace him. He embrace me back in his arms. Now that our little naughty fun is over, we both quietly exited the bathroom. We return to the room, where the other B.O.W.s are resting. I was about to go sleep on the couch, when Arxenel has stop me and he invite me to sleep in his bed with him. I accept his friendly offer. And then I join him in his bed. As I cozied myself further into the sheets, Arxenel caresses my body before cuddling me in his arms. “Are you comfortable?” he asked. “Yes. I’m comfortable.” I replied with a yawn. “Good.” said Arxenel with a soft grin. “We will continue the rest of your requests in the morning. Okay?” “Okay. Sounds good to me.” I complied. “Goodnight, my little friend.” said Arxenel. “Goodnight, Arxenel.” I yawned as I fell fast asleep in his arms. Arxenel, although he doesn’t sleep, watches the television throughout the night as well as protecting me while I sleep. The other B.O.W. Tyrants are also resting throughout the night themselves, in their own way, of course. And that concludes this erotic chapter for now. But the rest is yet to come. That being said, I can’t wait to get all of them at once, all the while they’re still in town for one more night. Just to recap on this sexiest endeavors, I’ve already tickled Arxenel’s feet and muscular body numerous times for almost three years from now. And recently, I’ve finally got to meet Nemesis in person, let alone, tickle his feet and body in my own apartment no less. But by the time morning arrives, I will tickle Thanatos next, from his feet to body. And then I will tickle Eliazar later that evening. And after that, our hot free-for-all tickling finale is set in motion for the remainder of this tale. So I advise whoever is here for the story to stay tune. The End Of Part Three

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