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Subject: DOCTOR WHO, JESSE, AND JEREMY 93 “Adam Rickitt kicks some Dalek ass next as the Doctor in DOCTOR WHO, JESSE AND JEREMY!” Daleks were amazed that a topless muscled, six foot tall, Doctor with longish styled, blond hair roared at them as he charged. The Doctor sprang up at two Daleks in front of him with a war cry and his sonic screwdriver blazing. From behind him, the Red Dalek fired a blast. He was in mid air, swiveled his hip and the blast missed him and struck the top dome of the Silver Dalek, exploding it to bits, killing the creature inside. The Doctor’s feet landed on the Gold Dalek sucker tube and he struck out with his hands, wrenching the tube of the White Dalek that was standing near it. The Doctor sang, “Silver and gold, silver and gold, guess they’re not so going together no mo’!” He tore the sucker tube off the White Dalek as it screamed for help. Not one to stand still, the Doctor jumped off the Gold Dalek as it turned to and fired at him. He launched himself at the Tan and the Black Dalek. The Gold Dalek fired and blew apart the Black Dalek, hitting it at mid section. The casing was blasted, and as it screamed, the slats fell apart, the top half of the innards came tumbling out the bottom half, monster bits and all, slime and blood and ooze. The Red Dalek yelled, “HALT FIRE! CEASE FIRE IN CLOSE QUARTERS!!!” The Doctor kept himself moving and managed to tear off four more suckers. The Daleks raged and screamed. The Red Dalek yelled, “CRUSH HIM! CRUSH HIM! CRUSH HIM!” “You’ll find me harder to squeeze than you think!” the Doctor jumped up and walked up one of the two Gray Daleks and flipped backwards behind the other Gray Dalek, which turned and fired. The Red Dalek raged again, “OBEY!!DO NOT FIRE IN CLOSE QUARTERS!!!” The Daleks tried to move at the Doctor, to corner him, crush him between them but he moved too fast for them. He was behind one one second and behind another the next. They aimed their guns at him but found their target quickly changed to one of their own in seconds. Plungers were being torn off, sonic sounds infiltrated the Dalek casings. The Doctor swung out and reached up and grabbed the eye stalk of the Red Dalek and kicked the eye stalk off the Tan Dalek. The Doctor grabbed the egg beater off the Gray Dalek from behind. He tore it off, “Tingles just a bit but you guys should really arm your arms better.” The Gray Dalek moved backward at him, turning its dome and upper body at him. He ducked and side stepped it to face the other Gray Dalek. He grabbed its eye stalk and side flipped himself up so that his feet hit the plunger of the Green Dalek, knocking it off. “No replacements?! You guys are pretty hard up!” He smacked his feet against the Green Dalek’s ray gun and knocked if off and then used his feet to brace against and spring off of the body of the Green Dalek in a swing…as the Gray Dalek—the one the Doctor’s hands were holding onto via its eye stalk, turned and made him move. This enabled him to fly to one side, away from the circle of all the remaining ten. He stood up and put his hands on his hips, “Let’s see. Two down permanently. Five, one of my favorite numbers, without plungers, that’s good. Two without an egg beaters…” he quickly amended this to, “I mean!…blaster guns. Can’t fly. Can’t use electric forcefields, one of your number, psshttftt,” he put hand to mouth to call, “that’s one of you Greenies, is blind and impotent…OOOO…I’d say I’d done pretty good.” It was true. The brief skirmish cost the Daleks. The first Green Dalek has no plunger and no ray gun. One of the Gray Daleks had no ray gun, the other Gray Dalek had no plunger. The White, Yellow, and Blue Daleks had no plungers either. The Tan Dalek had no ray gun. The Black and Silver Dalek had no life. The only Daleks that had both a ray run and a plunger were the Red, the Gold, and one of the Green. All of them had their sensors scrambled but even now, as the Doctor had guessed, their inner workings were managing to counteract that damage. All of them had no ability to fly thanks to some unseen terror–the=2 0Doctor shuddered at what that could possibly be. All of them had no use of their forcefields thanks to that terror and partly thanks to the Doctor’s tampering. Their fields had been down by 32 percent. He just took the rest of them away. All of them had their ray range reduced. The Doctor ran as fast as he could, not looking back. Although when he stopped, he did look back. The Daleks were not chasing him. “I SHALL PURSUE AND DESTROY!” “NEGATIVE. THE DOCTOR IS TRYING TO GET US AWAY FROM THE TOWN.” “ORDERS?” “SAME. INFILTRATE THE TOWN AND EXTERMINATE ALL HUMANS, ALL LIFE FORMS WITHIN. IN THAT MANNER, THE VOICE WILL SEND US HOME!” “Voice? What voice? Time Lords?” The Doctor called out loud to them, “They just might but I can definitely do it! If you follow me.” “NEGATIVE.” The Red Dalek took charge, “WE SHALL EXTERMINATE ALL LIFE IN THE TOWN. AND THEN IF WE ARE NOT RETURNED HOME, WE SHALL FIND A WAY TO EXTERMINATE ALL USERS OF THIS GAME. THIS PLANET WILL BE OURS.” “You can’t even kill me, one little old, half naked Time Lord.” “PROCEED!” The Daleks moved away from the Doctor and toward the town. “Fuck shit,” the Doctor said. He ran toward them but he knew he was out of moves now. He stop ped short. A blaster ray hit in front of him. It was the Red Dalek, which was moving toward the town but firing behind it by swiveling its upper body and arm piece area. The Doctor moved backward himself, his abs flexing, his navel straining outward, as he did so, “What and oh yes, I’ve also managed to make it so that your blasters can’t fire very far, now, can they?” “THEY CAN STILL KILL!” “You’ll have to get very close to humans to do that. Do you think they’ll let you get that close?” “THEY HAVE NO WHERE SAFE TO RUN.” The Doctor couldn’t answer that but only watch as the Daleks moved toward the same area he had left. The area he had hoped they would. “Just have to get there before they do!” He ran toward another section of the makeshift puzzle pieced town. He saw a high brick wall and for a moment, it reminded him of Harrison Chase’s cement wall that surrounded that country estate. “Harrison Chase. Hadn’t thought about that nut job for years.” He threw himself up and put his hands up as far as they could go. He pulled himself over the wall and threw his legs down first, swinging his whole body, flexing. Adam Rickitt as the Doctor Jesse Jeremy in DOCTOR WHO, JESSE, AND JEREMY 93: DEATH FROM THE=2 0DALEKS The Doctor landed on the ground, cat-like. He ran to the entrance area to watch the approach of the Daleks. “Come on, come to poppa, right over here….” At the entrance to the town was a dirt road, sideways it was dirt but it lead into a paved street. A metal sheet had been placed over the entrance. “right over this metal walkway I’ve prepared…” Arthur Fowler was there, leaning behind the Doctor as the Doctor was kneeling down. Arthur was an old man and as he watched the Doctor, the Doctor watched the Daleks…and talked to himself. “Mmmm, I can tell they’re adapting quickly.” Arthur, behind him, nodded. “They’re stunned by my attack and I crippled a great deal of their defenses but soon they’ll have some more capacity to seek out the humans. First they’ll say…” “ADJUST FOR SERIOUS MARGINS OF ERROR.” “Then they’ll screech…” “WE HAVE DETECTED FURTHER LIFE FORMS!!!” “Then they’ll add…” “SEEK ALL LIFE FORMS OUT AND EXTERMINATE THEM!!!” “Then, logic might dictate to them…to…” “AVOID THE DOCTOR AT ANY COST.” “But they can’t really be as unemotional as some Cybermen so one of them will say…” “THE DOCTOR MUST BE EXTERMINATED ALSO! SEEK HIM AND DESTROY HIM!!!” “Yes,” Arthur said, “You seem to know these things well.” “I do, of old. From when I was old. Like you.” The Doctor said, still not having turned around to see with whom he was chatting, without realizing someone was there. Then he glanced behind him. “Huh?” He turned to see Arthur there. “What are you doing here? Who are you?” He gazed into the man’s eyes. “Arthur Fowler, at your service, Tarzan,” Arthur put his hand out to shake the Doctor’s. “I wasn’t having none of it I told my Pauline. Left her I did.” “You fool. You’ll probably get yourself killed.” The Doctor smacked Arthur’s hand away and stood up, “I’m going to give you some time, get back in the town and hide.” “That’s what I’ve been doing.” “All this time?” “Cor, part of it I’ve been listening to you lot. Argue mostly.” Arthur looked at him, “But who’re you, Tarzan? That’s the one thing I ain’t found out yet, innit?” “I’m another alien,” the Doctor turned, still kneeling, “I’m the 2903 year old alien Time Lord who’s gonna save your life and the life of all 80 or so people in this town and then I’m going to return you all to your rightful place on Earth and in your right times.” “You sure have a high opinion of yourself, then, doncha?” “Yes, Arthur. Well, I’m going to try.” The Doctor saw fear in Arthur’s eyes. He turned around and saw what Arthur saw. Arthur saw the Daleks picking up speed and pointed, “Doc–tor…” The Daleks were almost at the ramp. And the town… Still kneeling, the Doctor pushed him away, “Get off, run for your life, Arthur, run for your life.” He stood up and pushed Arthur. The Doctor turned to run ahead of Arthur. The Daleks were approaching the ramp. Arthur saw them, “Damn it, Doctor, I’m too old to run for my life.” “Then, walk for your life, Arthur, walk for your life!” The Doctor came back to him and waved his arms as if he were coaxing a bull with a red cape! The Doctor shook his head, “Look, you keep at it, I’ll…” Suddenly electric snaps filled the air as did the screams. Arthur stopped walking for his life and he and the Doctor turned to see where the screams of anguish were coming from. The Daleks passed over the metallic ramp and electric shocks flooded their bodies. Arthur put his arms up to shield his eyes. The Doctor made no such move. He glared at them as the lights from the shocks lit up his face, even in the half-sunshine. His face was impassive. “What is it!?” Arthur watched as the Daleks forced themselves off the ramp, the shocks subsiding. “Something you did?” Arthur lowered his arms as the Daleks moved off the ramp, slower but still coming steady. “Yes. It’ll reduce their capacity further but I’m afraid not by much.” “I thought they ran on electric.” “Static electricity, at first. So, I take it you know Daleks?” The Doctor grew suspicious, “How I wonder?” “I ain’t helping them. I was from Earth. On Earth, I was around in 1963.” “Ahhh, ahhh. So you were near Coal Hill School?” “Yes, and I met your …your older self.” “Younger.” “What?” “Never mind, Arthur, this electricity drained them.” “But how?” “I reversed the polarity of the neutron flow. They don’t like it when I do that.” The Doctor pointed, “It’s connected up to the house’s electric box over there.” “EXTERMINATE!” “Okay, now look, Arthur, bursa escort bayan at the rate you walk, they’ll kill you. I’m going to distract them, they’ll probably follow me. You ma ke for the first place you can to hide and …got that?” Arthur nodded and tried to run. He made a brisk pace. “Hey DALEKS! OVER HERE! Don’t you know your mortal enemy when you see him? Or are you just dazed by that warm welcome I gave you?” The Doctor ran at them and ducked. A ray shot over his head. He jumped backwards, MATRIX style as a ray sliced the air, just missing his bare chest, square between his nipples. He then stood back and stayed crouched. “Hey?” He noticed the Daleks had just marched past him and followed Arthur. The Doctor ran at them, “NO! I’m over here!” He jumped into the air as a ray aimed at his legs. He jumped to a telephone phone that had wires to no where and clung to it. He jumped off as a ray sliced it in half and toppled over. He jumped clear and landed cat like on all fours. He looked up…just in time to hear… “EXTERMINATE!” …and to see Arthur shot in the back, his body illuminated into a skeleton. He screamed and put his arms out in agony. Then his body stopped glowing and he fell, dead. Smoking. The Doctor’s eyes went wide. “You bastards!!!! He was just an old man!!!” “Proceed! Ignore taunts from the Doctor! Exterminate all humans! Take no prisoners!” The Doctor ran to Arthur’s body to check him and looked up, You won’t be able to find them! That last bit scrambled your sensors some more. You won’t be able to even find a small kitten to exterminate, let alone humans.” “We will find them and exterminate them!!!!” The Daleks rolled on, away from the body and the Doctor, who had his head down, blond hair hanging in his face. The Doctor looked up with rage, “These humans are more difficult to kill than you might imagine!” The Doctor yelled, “They’re not just laying on their backs!” Parker was laying on his back. Nude. His body felt warm after being somewhat cold. He was happy. He had his eyes closed. His penis was laying against his belly. Resting. He glanced down and saw pert nipples. His own pert nipples. He was on a bed, he could feel it under his back, supporting his backside, which felt sweaty even though it wasn’t that hot just now. HE was hot. The sweat was between his cheeks. He was completely nude. Parker saw his own pouty lips, pressed together, becoming less pouty. He was on his back and it felt warm. Tingly. He felt safe and comforted. “mmmmmmmm,” he issued forth. Ryan Sheckler came into the room, his dungarees open at the button and the zipper half open. Ryan had a wry smile on his face. He stared at Parker who kept his eyes closed. Ryan was shirtless, as usual and the bare skin could be seen all th e way down the zipper. He put a hand to his zipper and started, very slowly, to open it the rest of the way down. The noise made Parker open his eyes. “Mmmnnuh?” Parker’s eyes were groggy at first but in the few seconds it took to register Ryan’s terrific toned body, his eyes went wide eyed. “Whaaa?” Ryan put his finger to his mouth, “Shhhh, time for talk is over, long last looks…gone. Time for action…” He whispered and came over to the bed and hovered at the side for a bit. Parker watched his every move, scared, excited…his cock was no longer laying against his flat belly. It grew with each passing moment. Filled. The vein stood out. He saw Ryan’s cock missile up in the space provided by the opening of the zipper. Ryan opened the zipper all the way down, then wiggled his hips even more out of the pants than before. He didn’t wait for the pants to be all the way down, Ryan hopped onto the bed, his hands to the side of Parker’s shoulders. His arm muscles, triceps and biceps, bulged out on both sides as Parker took time from watching the beautfic, manly face to look. Parker gulped and stared up at Ryan who smiled and lowered his head slowly. Ryan planted his lips on Parkers, leaned his body down, his pants touching Parker’s balls, creating heat there, something creased which made it rough against his balls and the lowest part of his shaft. Which bulged up and ou t in both directions. Ryan looked down quickly, “You have one fat pud!” “I…I’m sorry.” Parker turned his head sideways, embarrassed. “Don’t be. I like that. Most people do…mmmm,” Ryan leaned down and kissed Parker again and pressed deeper this time. He put Parker’s feet over his broad shoulders and lifted Parker a bit, every muscle standing out. Parker refused to look him in the eyes, “You mean…I’m…I’m not too small?” Ryan lifted his head from Parker’s left cheek, “Not by any stretch of the imagination. And you don’t need to stretch.” Parker looked Ryan in the eyes now. “Thanks.” He smiled. “Look at that smile. You…you’re perfect.” “I am?” “Yeah.” “So are you….” “Shhh, nuff talk, my man…” Ryan put his head down to Parker’s cockhead and toyed with it with one hand and with his mouth. The feeling of both fondling him made Parker stiffen all the more and wiggle a bit. He giggled. “Ohhh, feels good…” “Hot…” Ryan said as he looked at Parker’s buttox. Parker leaned up and planted a kiss on Ryan’s lips as Ryan maneuvered both his own body and Parker’ s torso so that he could inject his dickhead at Parker’s ass entrance. His head was so big, for a moment it just sat there at that cheek middle ground, at the hairless, smooth rounded hole. “Fuckin tight.” Ryan shoved his hips forward and yet not too fast. He put his dickhead in. “More is okay.” “Okay.” Ryan went in some more and Parker put his hands behind Ryan’s butt cheeks and shoved Ryan into himself. “I said more is okay,” he laughed and then moaned as Ryan’s dick went into him. Ryan slipped in and jerked out slightly but not enough to come all the way out. Parker bit his lower lip. “You okay?” “Dude, I’ll tell ya if I’m not. It’s great!” “Okay.” He bent all the way down and kissed Parker’s lips and Parker moved his head from side to side to enjoy Ryan’s face and the smell of Ryan’s breath. Ryan breathed deeply and then lifted and thrust some more. Parker gasped. “C’mon fuck me. Fuck dat ass.” Ryan did so. While he did this, Parker’s hands felt up Ryan’s buttox, moving sometimes to feel up the hard muscle on his sides, the sides of his legs, the sides of his hips, the abs. Parker’s own dick grew so thick and long, it poked up, without any hand contact encouragement. It moved into Ryan s own navel and stuck there, pre cum smacking and making thick sloshy sounds there. A suction sound echoed from the navel too. “Here, you ready for this?” “Ready for anything.” As Ryan fucked Parker, jerking in and out of his perfect boyhole, Ryan guided Parker’s body to turn around, from back to side, keeping his thick cock steadily moving up and down the length of Parker’s tunnel from anus hole to deeper insides. Parker used his lover’s help to turn and his own hands. Parker was effectively turning over from laying on his back to laying on his belly and chest while Ryan was fucking him. Parker bit his lips again as he felt the dick circumnavigate all around his perimeter and the thick shaft seemed like it was everyone all at once, rubbing, slipping, sticking, moving, stopping. Ryan bit his own upper lip and kept going in and out, lifting his head up and thrusting it back from the ecstasy, the chills spreading in a very sizzling manner from dick to balls and back again, some of his own cum and pre cum dripping. Ryan refused to shoot it all though and held it back into his balls as they dangled and smacked against Parker’s muscled ass and that tender area between Parker’s balls and dickshaft. This made Parker’s feeling multiply and the shivers of heat reverberated throughout his body and reversed back into Ryan Sheckler’s. Parker was almost screaming as his face hit the pillow and he tried to get up on all fours but Ryan’s pounding was too much and the one time Parker managed to get up, he was thrust so hard, his arms gave out and he fell, face first to pillow. His eyes shut as Ryan finished, removing the cockhead…with much trouble …since it was so big, from the fold of skin just in and above the anus hole. Ryan thrust in one more time after that and for the big finish. He removed and shot a clumpy load all over Parker’s bare vee back. “Yeah! That’s my boy!” The load shot a long train, thick both vertically and horizontally along the bare flesh and the bony shoulders and meaty muscle. It went up Parker’s neck and into his longish dark brown/black hair. Ryan then licked some of his own cum off Parker’s back, Parker feeling the tongue on his bare flesh. This made him perk up and pick up his body, convulsing in pleasure. “OHHHHHHH!” “That fucking rocks. This fucking rocks. No, you fucking rock!” Ryan spread some of the cum but then laid down on Parker’s back and let the cum cover his own bare chest and nipples, dipping them into it as he swayed from side to side, slowly. He then put his head down on Parker’s neck and moved to one side so he could kiss Parker’s cheek. Parker turned his head sideways and meet Ryan’s lips there, the thick red lips. They kissed again. Ryan gasped, “I’m spent but…” “But?” “Do what you want to me…I’m your’s now…” Parker was on all fours: hands and knees over Ryan Sheckler. The terrific body stood out. The chiseled abs, the wide spread shoulders and wonderful back muscles, the under the arm lat muscles. Ryan opened his eyes. He looked lovingly at Parker. And when Ryan bent, his zero percent body fat could be seen. His abs curled up, his chest bent, his body seemed to have its own rhythm. Parker was pleased and jerked on his own pud, before grasping Ryan’s in both hands and bringing the meal to his lips. Those pouty lips taunting the dickhead first, then grabbed at the sides of the dick, the tongue and lips working in tandem to move the foreskin aside. Ryan gasped, “That’s so knarly! HOT BOY! Do more! Do me!” Parker grabbed Ryan’s own dick and began to use the head to dip it into and at Ryan’s own hard nipples. Ryan sat back and his muscled abs strained and tightened as his ten inch dickhead dabbed into his left nipple. Parker opened his mouth wide and put it over the dickhead and then whipped it back out, lips bumping all over it, saliva moistening it, and flung it over to the right nipple. Parker teased the right nipple with the dickhead and Ryan’s body involuntarily jumped in an unplanned j erk of momentous proportions. Parker laughed and planted a hand, palm down, on Ryan’s flat side, just to the left of his dick and down onto his under hip. Ryan jerked again, “OASWWWW, erogen zone!! Oh damn, boy!!!” Ryan then took the foreskin and pulled it with his fingers, then having to move his other hand back to the dickhead to get it to move as he wanted it to: right over the nipple, completely covering it. Parker moaned along with Ryan as the foreskin hit the dick, the dickhead tingled, the sides grew anxious and the cream boiled over. Shot after shot rocketed nilüfer escort to the sky. As it subsided, Parker found the last few shots seeped out over the sides and he used the foreskin to make those last four or five unloads tingle with excitement. He put the foreskin up over the head as a shot came out, a seeping more than a shot and due to Parker’s foreskin move using Ryan’s own foreskin, the seeping began a tingling jerk and jabbed out. Once the cum was soaked over Ryan’s tip, Parker began to spread it over the entire top of the dickhead and then down both sides. He made sure he got all parts. He rubbed the cream down one side, causing Ryan to jerk and vibrate as he hit severe parts of the dick, giving tingling sensations, warm vibrations which started out at the cock side and spread from there in all directions and didn’t stop at the base of the cock, the shiverings went from the base to the20balls and back again and past the balls to the legs and spread from the base also up the torso, hitting the stomach area and Ryan moaned in pain and delight. Parker also moaned as his hand plastered the entire cock in Ryan’s own cum and his own saliva as well as Parker’s saliva. Parker rubbed his hand over the balls and the entire sac and from there to anus, using all the plentiful cum Ryan had supplied. Parker added his own to this as well as he couldn’t hold back any longer. His dick erupted like a volcano and poured sprint after spring of cum MISSLES at Ryan’s ass and ball sac. There was so much boy juice piled up that it overflowed up Ryan’s dick and a shot over ran the dickhead and hit Ryan between his bugling pecs! Ryan gasped, “OH yeah! Yeah boy! That’s the stuff!” JJ, Parker’s brother, long charcoal hair, came in. “Parker, where’ve you been, we have to OH SHIT!” “FUCK, IT’S MY BROTHER!” Ryan smiled upward from under Parker’s hot body. “Hey, don’t be afraid, I…” JJ turned his back to them and moved for the door, “I have to…I can’t…” “Don’t go,” Ryan gasped as his dick shot the last fluids. Parker’s went limp, but there was so much cum left in it, it began to seep out, despite what Parker wanted to do. Long lines=2 0of cum leaked down, threatened to dip back up, bounced into his dickhead once more and then bungee jumped back down to he hot legs of Ryan. “Shit,” Parker whispered. Ryan put his hand out, “Cum here, JJ…” “Parker we really have to go…Parker!” Parker opened his eyes wide. He jerked up. He was fully clothed again. The only real thing about the dream was the orgasm. His dickhead beneath his pants was wet and stained. He knew without looking. He could feel the sting at the tip of his dickslit. “JJ!?” JJ looked at him and shook his brother. “What’re you doing? We have to get to the safe.” “I’m not going to the safe.” “What? Where are you going? Unknown to either boy, Leo Morrisey was skulking at the door, listening. “To the pool. I wanna help.” “But mom…” “Get Sage and make sure you and she get in that safe with mom…and …and Liberty and …just go.” Having backed up, JJ looked at him and shrugged, “Okay but what….” “I’ll be fine.” “I’ll go with you.” “No, no.” Parker got up and stopped. The wetness in his pants made him tingle. He was excited by it but also a bit ashamed. “No, for once do as I say, okay?” “Okay, okay, don’t worry about us.” JJ forced himself to smile, look back. He shook his head. JJ left the room first, “Take care.” “Fuck shit.” Parker wondered if JJ knew about the wetness, even the dream. Had he said anything in his sleep? “Shit, it was just a dream. Shit,” Parker gasped, fluttered his eyes, nervously, and moved out of the first floor apartment building room. In the hallway, moving about to hide, Leo watched him go and followed. Jeremy ran down an empty street to one of the cars, which he saw had its driver side door open. He leaned in and put his arm on the top of the open door, the other arm stretched to the side of the frame of the car. “Any luck yet?” Jesse put two wires together under the steering column. “No, not one of them.” Jeremy smiled and gave a look of admiration to his lover, “Where’d you learn to do that?” “I’m from New York,” Jesse joked, without looking at him and trying again. “Didn’t know you could.” “I’m just joking. Not every New Yorker can do this. Just the ones that live in the city. No, just joking again,” he added upon seeing Jeremy’s incredulous face. Jeremy looked behind him, “I just hope everyone’s in place and sticks to the plan.” “Yeah. About that.” Jesse frowned, “Are we sure this plan of the Doc’s isn’t going to get a lot of them killed?” “I’m sorry to say that I think people are gonna get killed no matter what we do but if we do nothing…” Jesse gave up trying to start the car, “Someone must have sent out a pulse. You know, like the Doctor did with the Daleks that tried to invade the station that time. Like the remote on your television he said. Geeze, I wonder if he thought about that.” “He did. These Daleks didn’t react to the pulse, at least not the one on the frequencies he tried already. He told me that they keep adjusting. But I wonder who did this to the cars?” “My guess—-the Gay Lords did this.” Jeremy laughed, “Gay lords.” Then he nodded, “Everything else electrical works, though. A car can be used as a weapon. I guess they didn’t want the humans leveling the playing field by using the cars as weapons.” “Against Daleks?” Jesse stared up at him and put his hand on Jeremy’s arm that stretched to the frame of the side of the car, “I don’t think so. You know them better than I do. Cars can get wiped out by them. The Doctor once told me anyone using a car against them would be on a suicide mission.” “They pack a lot of firepower. That’s why the Doctor didn’t want anyone hiding in houses. The Daleks can detect that and…” “Destroy a whole house,” Jesse added. He moved toward Jeremy, who didn’t move out of his way. Instead, he feigned trapping Jesse at the door of the car. And moved his whole body against him. “I..I want you to know,” Jeremy nuzzled up to him, “Whatever happens, if you or I…” “Don’t say it. Don’t even go there.” “No, there’s not much time to say anything these days. I mean without the safety of the TARDIS…listen to me,” Jeremy rubbed Jesse’s arms and put his hands on his back. They leaned on the door. “If anything happens…I’m so glad it was you. Of all the people I love or all the people I want to love…have loved, I’m glad this whole nightmare of a trip was with you.” “Thank you,” Jesse bowed his head into Jeremy’s face. He kissed his chin and his lips. “I feel the same way.” In a factory block of buildings, all made of concrete and brick, were most of the older women and some of the younger children. Dot was carrying a sack of flour to a door, side by side with Pauline Fowler. Dot complained, “Sure, put the women to work in factories, why don’t cha.” “I don’t think it’s work that we’re supposed to be doing.” Pauline nodded. As they dropped their sacks over others, Lucinda added one to the pile and rubbed her hands together. “Yes. I got that feeling, too. Those three hot…” she moved her head to one side, “VERY hot blond men just wanted to have us feel useful while we’re hiding in the strongest buildings that these…” she rolled her eyes, “…I can’t believe I’m believing this….these alien blobs in travel machines will find more difficult to destroy than the others.” Dot shrugged, “Fine, then put the women to hiding in factories.” Lucinda cleaned her hands off and wiped her hair with a hand, “I must say, this is the most physical work I’ve done in years. I’m find it most exhilarating.” Dorian looked at her, “I for one, do not!” Outside the factory area, Rex was stacking concrete cinder blocks, his shirt off, sweating. He put one down and put a hand on Matthew’s back, “Okay, kid, take my son and the other kids and get into that toy factory over there. It has reinforced concrete all around it and a safe. I want you all inside it when those things get here.” Asa20Buchanan was wiping his brow with a handkerchief. Rex looked at him. Brody put a cinder block down near Rex and stood up near Asa, “Done overseeing, Mr. Buchanan?” “Son, I don’t like the tone you speak to me in.” Rex laughed. Brody looked at him and then back at Asa, “And I don’t like being called son by someone who’s not my father.” With a sardonic smile and brief chuckle of annoyance, Rex put hand on Brody’s shoulder from behind, “That is rare comin’ from you. Who basically stole my son…” “But not from under you. You were no where to be seen in his life…” Shaking his head to get the sweaty hair out of his eyes, Shane came by them, carrying, with difficulty, a heavy cement cinder and straining, red in the face. “Can we stop the old tunes and tones?” The two men rushed over to help him. He smiled as Rex took one side of the cinder and Brody took the other. Matthew put a cinder block down, too. Asa helped him. Asa puffed, “Perhaps it’s just that I’m too old for this sort of thing, Matthew.” Matthew looked at him with a serious face. “I don’t think so, grandfather.” “Well, do as Rex said and get your friends and as many of the other kids that you can find,” Asa pointed to the two little girls, Nikki (who still held Pikkachu) and the South Korean girl Hyun-Seo, running and playing among the parked cars. “First,” Matthew cleared his throat, which normally sounded raspy anyway, “I have to tell you something.” Asa turned his head and pointed, “I might just take cover in that Queen Vic bar over there. Looks British but not all of them are…fa…you know.” “Grandfather, I’m trying to tell you something.” “Now not’s the time, son, it’s time to go into hiding.” “I can’t. I can’t hide from this any longer. Not from you.” Asa turned and looked at him, finally making eye contact. “Matthew, have those three been filling your head with all kinds of ideas? If so, I’m going to…” “They didn’t fill what has already been there from, from my birth.” “I don’t want to hear any of this!” He turned his back to Matthew and squinted, bent down and picked up his cowboy hat, which rested on a cinder block. “Besides, I need a drink.” “I’m gay.” Asa, without thinking, turned, his hand out and slapped Matthew’s cheek, hard. It was red. Matthew didn’t even blink. He wanted to cry but didn’t. He stared at Asa who looked horrified with himself. E2Matt, Matthew, I’m…I didn’t… I don’t…I don’t want to know you any more…I’m not good for you and you…you are…a disappointment to me…” Asa turned and walked away. Matthew let a tear roll down his cheek. He felt someone watching him. Embarrassed, he rubbed his arm against his tears. A kid, about the same age as Matthew, came over to him. He spoke English but Matt could tell it was not his first language. “Don’t worry about it, my friend. Your grand poppy will cept it some day. I went through this too.” Matt looked at him, “You’re gay?” The boy had wooden brown, türbanlı escort straight hair, big dark puppy love eyes. “Yeah, all the way through meself,” he put his hand out, “We have not met formerly or formally, I’m Max Coal. Barcelona.” Matt took the boy in his arms and hugged him, tightly. Max went wide eyed but didn’t mind. “Thanks for saying that.” Max broke the hug and stared at Matt again, “It gets easier, depending on with whom, man.” “What time are you from?” “2002. I’m 15.” “2002. That’s pretty close to my time,” Matt grew excited and rubbed his tears from his eyes with his arms. “Maybe we could…get together…” “Yeah, we can get together, meho.” Max smiled. He put a hand on the boy’s shoulders and didn’t have the heart to tell him he already had a boyfriend. As he sized up Matt, he thought that the kid, unlike himself, was probably a virgin. Someone came up behind them. A British man, Daz Eden, from Emmerdale, put a hand on both boy’s shoulders, “Come on you guys, round up the smaller kids and let’s get you into that toy store.” Matthew nodded, “Okay, I’ll just go get that girl Nikki and Hyun Seo…” Daz nodded, “No, I’ll do that. You go and get in the toy store.” That was when they heard the voice of Charlie Tyler, running through the streets. “They’re coming! The Daleks are coming! The Daleks are coming!” “Shit, move it!” Daz yelled. “The Daleks are coming! The Daleks are coming!” Daz ran behind the two boys and made sure they entered the toy store doors. “You two will be all right.” Max shrugged, “What part of this whole world and this nightmare is all right?” “I don’t know but I’m going to find the girls,” Daz took off. Matthew ran to him and grabbed his arm, “No. You can’t. You heard what the Doctor’s two f riends said. Everyone’s needed where they’re meant to be.” Charlie reached the doors. Daz looked at him, “How many?” Charlie puffed, “Four. Coming right down the street!” Before Matthew could argue some more, Daz yelled, “Get in there now! I’m going to the pool, they need me there!” He ran off. Matthew gasped, “But the girls…” Max and Charlie ran inside. Matthew watched them go, Max turned and nodded for him to follow. Max didn’t wait but ran to tell the others. Matthew waited by the door. Rex followed, as he herded children into the safe in the toy store. The room contained a big giant yellow stuffed Hip Hop Harry doll/statue. Shane looked at Rex, “Dad, what I don’t understand is, why does a toy store have a safe anyway?” “I don’t know,” Rex shrugged, putting his shirt back on, “Maybe they have inventions they don’t want anyone else to get at. Just get in there…” He turned, “Say, where’s ahh, what’s his name? Matthew?” “I think he’s trying to get the girls, you know, that little South Korean girl and Nikki. They saw this cat…” Rex frowned, “Cat?!” Asa looked at Rex, “Where’s my grandson?” Taking one last look at them, Matthew ran out the front door to the area that Nikki and Hyun Seo were in. Rex nodded his head, “I don’t know…” Max turned, “He was right behind me…” Rex put a hand on Max’s back and moved him toward the safe and then turned to Asa, “Asa, I think you’d be safer if you…” Asa swore to himself and took off after Matthew, out the door. Rex called after him, “Hey, Asa, you have to…” he gave up. “I don’t know.” He began to herd more of the children and women into the safe. Brody came over to him, “Can I help?” “Are you sure you’re up to this?” “I want to do something. I mean I am the military man.” “Yeah,” Rex nodded, “Well, I got the combo from the desk in the office so we can get them out when we have to. And they have plenty of fresh air with that system going on in there.” Ben Mitchell ran in from the street and paced himself as he ran to the safe room, “The Daleks are coming! The Daleks are coming!” “Shit,” Rex swore, “Not everyone’s here.” “We have to close this then.” “I know,” Rex herded Charlie inside with Shane, Janet, Katie, Carly, two girls from the East End, Ben Mitchell, Ashley Cotto n, a few children from Byker’s Grove and Ballykissangel. “Charlie, where’s your brother and his friend Ryan? And Baja?” “He said he wanted to help. Ryan agreed and went with him. Baja trying to talk him out of it, said that Ryan’s just along for the fight of it,” Charlie puffed. Rex heard enough, “All right, get in there.” He began to shut the safe. Shane, Charlie in front of him, stared at him wide eyed as they heard a strange alien voice from outside shout, “EXTERMINATE!!!” As the safe closed her off from Rex, Gigi moved to the front. She mouthed, “I love you,” to Rex. Janet was trying to push to the front, “Where’s Liberty? Where’s my daughter?” “She’s outside, mam,” Charlie told her, “She said to tell you that she had to help the others. Plus she couldn’t find Parker and JJ.” Carly tried to protest that her sons and daughter were still outside but the safe shut on her cries. Brody cast his eyes down from that. The safe closed. Brody turned to him, “I’m going to look around for some kind of weapon.” “In a toy store?” Rex asked. “This thing should work. The Doctor told me he rigged it up…” “Yeah, I’ll bet,” Br ody said and moved off to find something. In a one level ranch suburban house, Den Watts was opening closets to look for a place to hide. He opened one to find it too crowded with clothing. He ran to another room and opened a door. Inside, was Ian Beale who put his hands up, “NO! NO! Don’t kill me!” Den looked at him, “Don’t kill me!” Then, he realized it was Ian. “YOU!” “Find your own place to hide, man!” “Isn’t your son out there?” “Yeah, your’s too I reckon.” “I don’t…” Den grabbed Ian’s shirt and pulled him out. At the window was movement. They saw the head of a Dalek moving about. It was a Blue Dalek. “Exterminate!!!!” “Those things are here!!!” Ian yelled, “Let me outta here!” “They have to come through the door, they can’t….” The Blue Dalek smashed through the window, taking part of the wall with it, bricks, wood, and plaster flying inward at them. “Exterminate!” The sounds of ray blasts filled the air. Ian and Den screamed, illuminated skeletons. After the glow, they fell to the ground. Similarly, Nick Cotton ran out of the Queen Vic, where he was hiding. A Yellow Dalek had entered the other end of the bar, the back room. It trundled out of the front of the Queen Vic as Nick ran. “EXTERMINATE!!!!” Nick turned and went to his knees. “No, no, no. Don’t exterminate me! I can take you to the others. They’ll be huddled together, the fools.” He clasped his hands together. “Don’t you want to get all of them?” “WE SHALL. EXTERMINATE!!!” The Yellow Dalek came up to him and fired. The ray blast hit him in the neck and his body glew into a skeletal form. Then it stopped and as he screamed, his body fell, smoking. The Yellow Dalek moved on callously. Jeremy had stopped at a truck with Jesse, “Did you hear that? They must have killed someone…” “Some ones,” Jesse corrected, “What we need are some kind of weapons…” Jeremy and Jesse ran from behind a row of stone buildings. They stopped at a corner and saw the Yellow Dalek rolling along. They watched as the Yellow Dalek met the Blue Dalek in a square and the pair headed for the factory. “C’mon! We have to lead them away from there!” “How?” Jesse asked as they ran. Lucinda ran from the doorway of the factory’s huge vestibule. She ran inside to where Dorian was, “They’re coming in!!!” Outside, Jeremy and Jesse stopped running. “We’re too late,”A 0 Jeremy said. “Maybe we can get the others out from the back way!” “By the time we get back there, they’ll be dead!” Inside, Dorian pushed Lucinda and Lily to Pauline and Dot. “Get them out, I’ll deal with these interlopers.” Lily looked, “Come on mom!” Lucinda looked at Dorian, “They’ll kill you!” “Maybe you don’t know my powers of seduction,” Dorian said, “But I can talk myself out of anything.” Lucinda nodded her disapproval. “At least I can give you time to get out the back way.” Lily looked at the older women and Dr Clegg, an old man. “Once outside, stay close to the buildings and scatter if you can.” They heard the inner work room doors knocked open and the Blue and Yellow Daleks came in, gliding, gleaming from some light that entered the roof windows. Lily and Lucinda were the last to leave the back way. Dorian swallowed and came forward. The two Daleks, out of the light, were now in the darker shadows of the factory. The Blue Dalek screeched, “HALT! HALT!” Dorian put her hands up, “No need to talk to me that way! I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.” “Are there any other humans in this factory?” “Humans? Oh, you mean like me?” Dorian smiled, “No t quite. There’s no one quite like me.” From the vestibule, Jeremy and Jesse hit wrenches against the metallic walls, “HEY, DALEKS, OUT HERE! HERE WE ARE!” Dorian blinked, “Oh…” she said and walked closer as the two Daleks turned to move back into the vestibule. “…you don’t wanna do that. Those are just the blond boys playing. I mean they should be wearing shirts, SPEAK SLOWLY I’M BLOND, shouldn’t they?” The Blue Dalek stopped. The Yellow Dalek stopped. “Other sounds within stopped. Ones at door continue.” “Well, maybe we can work together to find a way off this planet,” Dorian said. “NEGATIVE.” “Well, can I put my hands down?” “AFFIRMATIVE.” “What now?” Dorian put her arms down and rubbed her upper right arm. “Do we help each other?” “DALEKS NEED NO HELP.” “Well then, perhaps, I can give you something you need. I have a great deal of resources.” “WE ONLY NEED TO OVERCOME ALL OPPOSITION AND THEN WE WILL BE SENT HOME.” “By that Doctor no doubt?” “NEGATIVE. “So what now?” She turned to see the factory had cleared of the others. “If you won’t accept my help, what now? You kill me?”=C 2 She laughed. “Affirmative. EXTERMINATE!!!” The rays blasted and hit Dorian as she re-put her hands up in the air. Her body turned to skeleton. She gasped a sound like “AWWWW,” and then the glow stopped and she fell to the cold floor of the factory, dead. Carefully, Jesse opened the inner doors. He peeked in, his body half blocked by the door. He saw Dorian lying dead, eyes open. He threw the wrench high up at the Daleks, “YOU FUCKING BASTARDS!!!” The Blue Dalek shot the wrench from the air, melting it. Jeremy pulled Jesse back, “RUN, JESSE!!!!” Jesse and Jeremy ran out the front doors of the factory. They had a large head start on the two Daleks. From the other side of the open square that the factory lay in, came Liberty. “I didn’t tell my mom but I’m sticking with you, blondie,” she directed at Jeremy, “You three are the only ones who know what the heck they’re doing so…” Jeremy went wide eyed as he ran as fast as he could, “Separate!” Jesse ran far to the right corner of the factory block, “LIBERTY! RUN!” He put his arm out and engulfed her, sweeping her off her feet with a massive sweep of his left arm. Liberty screamed. She faced the factory. The Blue and Yellow Daleks emerged from the factory and rolled quickly after Jeremy. They both echoed the other , “EXTERMINATE!!!!!” Both fired their rays simultaneously. Jeremy didn’t bother to look back. The ray was firing right at Liberty’s face. She screamed!!!! TO BE CONTINUED….

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