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Big Tits

Subject: Fat Thor – Chapter 1 & 2 Categories: Celebrity, Fantasy I wrote this for a friend as his birthday present. It is very naughty… And yes, do send me fan mail if you like it. And more importantly, please remember to donations to Nifty (using link fty/). Only they can give you that special feeling inside. Chapter 1. On the Milano The crew of The Milano watched as their newest shipmate, the Asgardian Thor devoured a roast boar all to himself, accompanied by half a dozen massive tankards of beer, a pile of creamy potatoes and a huge chocolate dessert. Ever since they had left Earth it seemed as if Thor hadn’t stopped eating. Peter Quill desperately wanted to say something, as he scowled from the flight deck. But he knew if he made a comment it was likely the others would think it sour grapes, as everyone knew how sensitive he was to having Thor on board. Luckily his other crewmates weren’t so insecure. “Man!” Rocket grumbled. “Are you sure you didn’t miss anything? Maybe there is other food in the ship you didn’t eat.” “There is?” Thor asked, his mouth half-full, unaware of the sarcasm. “I am still feeling a little peckish,” and he looked around to see where this food might be hidden. “You used to be a big God,” Drax the Destroyer growled. “Now you are just big.” Thor roared with laughter as if the remark was the biggest joke he’d heard. The other three shipmates exchanged confused glances. They all — even Peter, grudgingly — liked Thor. And having him on the ship gave them much greater strength for whatever they might face. But that was the powerful Asgardian they had known. This one seemed in danger of unsettling the balance of the ship! But how were they going to get the old Thor back? Before they had a chance to think further on the issue, Nebula walked over. “The sensor has picked up life signs in the temple where the gems of Pelutha. Someone should go down there.” “Excellent!” Thor roared, getting up from his seat with a grunt. “I will do that.” “Are you sure?” Rocket struggled at the thought. “I mean are you up to that?” “I am a God, tiny animal,” Thor said, “I can just fly down there, subdue the aliens and come back with the gems from the temple. Simple.” Drax and Peter looked at Nebula but she just shrugged. She didn’t seem too concerned if Thor didn’t come back. “The Sih’ar claim the gems as well. So they might be there as well,” she gave a monotone warning. Thor headed off to his quarters to change out of the comfortable t-shirt and sweatpants he had got used to wearing into his Asgardian uniform. He hadn’t worn it for a couple of weeks but it must have shrunk because it was quite the struggle to get into it. He knew he’d put on a little bit of weight on his stomach, so that made his tunic a bit tighter. But his pants had definitely shrunk as he really struggled to get them over his arse. He felt himself starting to sweat as he had to grab both sides and heave the pants upwards. But he was really having trouble getting them over that arse. Twice he felt his arse bulge and resist. Eventually he had to lean forward, his big stomach pushing out underneath her tunic and armour. But at least he was finally able to pull his pants over his arse. He then had to push his soft stomach back under his armour, feeling sweat run down his face as he squeezed everything in. Finally he was ready mersin escort to go, even if everything was very tight. As he took his first step he found it a little tighter than he remembered. He needed to take a few deep breaths to calm the sweat that was coming down his face. Eventually he got his breathing under control and he looked around for his weapon. As he reached for Stormbreaker, he suddenly had an embarrassing thought. Usually when he got dressed in his armour, he had to be conscious of getting his big cock into his pants. He felt himself go a little red as he surreptitiously reached down to try and stuff it back into his pants, only to be surprised to realise that there had been no problem. His cock had gone into his pants without the usually straining and rejigging that he usually needed. Thor padded his crotch. Yes it was definitely there, he lifted his eyebrows. He realised that it had been a while since he’d pleasured a maiden. A while since he’d even felt the joys of an Asgardian Youth’s Pleasure. Which was the phrase he and his friends had called wanking. Well he would have to do something about that when he got back. Or maybe there would be some maidens down there at the temple who might desire a gods ravishing. `Or maybe’, Thor thought, `There might be some delicious treat down there he’d never eaten before’. He found himself licking his lips with delight. And with that thought firmly lodged in his head, Thor stepped into the airlock and headed down to the planet below. Chapter 2. The Shi’ar Thor arrived inside the temple with a thud and staggered a little, unused to such a poorly balanced landing. Something made him glance down and he was shocked to realise that the vibration had caused his pants to slide down around to his knees. He could feel the wind touch the sensitive hairs around his arse and he shivered. More than a little embarrassed, he was forced to put Stormbreaker down and heave his pants back up again. It took him several goes — the flight hadn’t made his pants any looser — and he found himself hopping around in frustration. Eventually with them back up and his brow wet with sweat, he was able to stride into the temple. Luckily for him, he thought, no one had witnessed that. “Ah hah!” Thor roared to the empty temple. “Give me your gems!” he declared before tripping on the flagstone and falling flat on his face. As his body hit the ground, his large stomach caused him to bounce and he went sprawling, dropping his weapon and winding himself. As he struggled to get up to his knees, he heard laughing from behind him. “Really?” A voice spoke, disbelieving. “This is the great Thor? Did you see that landing? And what was with the hopping around with his arse out?” “It can’t be,” a second voice exclaimed. “It just can’t be. My whole life I’ve heard about him. And this was it?” Thor was shocked to discover that he wasn’t alone and that whomever it was, had seen the embarrassing accident and the struggle with his pants. He needed to get back up as quickly as possible and regain his aura. But the fall had winded him and he wasn’t able to spring to his steps like he usually would. Eventually he was forced to scuff around on his knees until he was facing the right direction and then he could finally get one foot more upright. He launched himself upwards and as he did, escort mersin he found himself looking directly at two aliens who were standing nearby with disappointed expressions on their faces. The look so bemused him that he forgot to be careful and he heard an enormous ripping sound as he swung his second leg up from the ground. “I am Thor of Asgard!” He declared, swirling his axe in one hand and giving them his trademark grin. However, for the first time he felt a little less confident saying it. Especially with a big rip in his trousers and the fact that his arse was flooding out of it. “Hand over the jewels,” he ordered, “Or I shall destroy you all.” The two Shi’ar looked at Thor and then at each other, unbelieving. And then as Thor’s stomach popped out the bottom of his armour, they both burst out laughing. When Thor didn’t laugh, they gave each other one further look, shrugged and then lifted their side-arms and fired simultaneously. The first blast sent Stormbreaker flying out of Thor’s grip, and the second one hit Thor straight in the centre of his armour. The armour split in two and the force threw Thor against the temple wall. The force pushed his legs wide apart and the small rip he had heard before, turned into a much bigger one. “By Odin!” Thor gasped. He tried to get up but the split armour now pinned his arms back and the torn trousers made it impossible to get up. The two Shi’ar walked up to him slowly, smirking at him. “You know,” the first one — Altzar — said to the second — Talhua, “I always dreamed that one day I would capture a great Asgardian god and we would be able to ransom them for a fortune, or we’d even give him to our women-folk as a gift. For them to pleasure themselves on. But this,” and he shook his head. “He’s so…” Talhua found himself a little lost for words. “He’s so… fat!” he finally exclaimed. They both stood staring at Thor as he remained slumped on the floor, huffing and puffing as he struggled to get up. “I… am… Thor.” “It’s such a shame,” Altzar moaned. “We’ve gone and captured the great Thor and we can’t do a thing with him.” “Well not like we imagined,” Talhua agreed. “Still,” an evil expression crossed his face. “Maybe it’s not so bad,” he pondered. “Maybe there is something we can do.” And with a nod to his partner, he walked right up to Thor and started to pull off his armour. “No!” Thor tried to protest but without his axe or hammer he felt weakened and enfeebled. The Shi’ar pulled off his armour and taking his tunic in his hands, he tore it in two. Sitting with his legs splayed apart and his back against the wall, Thor’s stomach looked large and soft and his once hard pecs positively bounced as he was de-robed. Without a second thought, the Shi’ar each grabbed an arm and pulled Thor up. The once mighty god didn’t even try to fight it and as he stood, his pants, having already been torn, fell straight to the floor, leaving him completely naked. Thor had never felt ashamed of his nudity before. Usually it was quite the opposite. In the past, Thor had loved showing off his huge muscular body and everyone had loved seeing it. Now, just the looks on the faces of the two Shi’ar made him blush. He lowered his head in subjugation and tried to cover his modesty, though his hands struggled to reach around his stomach. “Look at him!” Altzar exclaimed mersin escort bayan as he stepped forward and patted Thor’s stomach. “It’s so soft. He’s not the macho hero anymore.” Talhua lent forward and cupped Thor’s pecs in his hands. “Look at them!” and he jiggled them. “They’re like a big pair of titties.” “You’re not wrong,” Altzar agreed, reaching up to slap Thor’s flabby, bouncing pecs back and forth. “It’s like she’s a big girly, girl now.” Thor blushed right to his roots, in a way he never could have imagined. He had never been called such a thing before and yet here he was, captured, naked and unable to defeat a couple of aliens he should have easily over-turned. He looked down at his pendulous pecs and flabby stomach. He wasn’t the macho power god he thought he was. He was a big girl with big bouncing breasts. “No!” he wailed, but it wasn’t convincing. “Oh yes you are!” Altzar laughed. “Yes you are,” he teased Thor. “You’re a big girl, with those big breasts. But don’t you worry. Big girls are beautiful too.” And he leaned in to kiss Thor right on the lips. Thor was shocked but he didn’t, he couldn’t fight back. Talhua reached around and gave Thor’s big, bouncing arse cheek a big slap. Thor hadn’t been spanked since he was a little child. The thwack administrated to his large arse shocked him even more than the kiss. “Ohhhh!” Thor … there was no other word for it. Thor had squealed. The two Shi’ar’s burst into rough laughter. The sort of laughter Thor remembered from the Halls of Valhalla. And yet now it was he that was the object of fun. “There’s our little princess!” Altzar declared. “But she’s been such a naughty girl and eaten all the cakes in the palace, haven’t you?” And he rubbed Thor’s large belly. “Or maybe someone’s gone and knocked her up,” joked Talhua. “That’s why her breasts are all sensitive and her rump so big and juicy. Whatta think?” And he leaned forward to pinch Thor’s nipples. “Ohhhh! Ahhhh!” Thor squealed before another firm spank landed on his big, juicy, bouncing arse cheeks. “Ahhh! No, no, no… Owwww!” And he sucked in air and tired to stop himself from making any more humiliating sounds. “What’s the matter, my chubby little princess?” Talhua laughed. “Don’t you think you deserve a proper spanking for getting tubby?” And he jiggled Thor’s belly. “Don’t call me that!” Thor protested, though he found his voice croaking a little as he said it. “I’m a man,” he gulped in air. “You think you’re a man?” Altzar snickered, and he slid his sidearm up between Thor’s legs until it bumped over Thor’s soft dick. “What’s this then? A little stubby bump? Is that the cock of a man? I would say you were a chubby little boy with that fat stomach of yours but one look at your long, feminine hair and your huge knockers and no one is going to see anything but the slutty big girl we see. Who the fuck do you think you’re fooling?” Thor didn’t know how to respond. He had put on weight. He had just been hoping it would all go away by itself. He had lost his sexual desire but he thought it was just the result of being on a ship without any female company. Well apart from Nebula. And that didn’t count. Even he wasn’t that crazy. “I can get bigger!” he protested. “Like this?” Altzar asked, and pulled his 9 inch, still-soft cock from his pants. Thor’s mouth dropped. No way could he even come close to this in size, and it wasn’t even hard. The Shi’ar saw the Asgardian’s reaction and smiled. They knew they could do anything they wanted. And well, it was boring guarding this temple. Who was to say they didn’t deserve some pleasure?

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