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Subject: Big Neighbor Men Series – Neighbor Cop, Pt. 5 Please donate to Nifty. Any amount helps. Keep this site and the availability of the wealth of erotic material free as the volume of stories increases and the cost to maintain it does as well. ************************************************************************ This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locations is entirely coincidental. The sexuality of all characters is entirely a figment of the author’s imagination. For those of you that are NOT of legal age, please find other material to read. If you are offended by male/male material, or it is illegal to view such materials in your area, you should be leaving at this time. This story may contain scenes of a graphic nature between father and his sons, or under age boys and adult males, which may not be legal in your area. If you are under 18 or material of this nature is illegal in your present location, please leave now. By continuing to read on, you are confirming that it is legal for you to view the material in this story. In addition, neither you nor any family members are employees of any type of government, law enforcement, or investigative entity. Moreover, you are either not performing any type of research in preparation for any forms of legal action, directly or indirectly, affecting the contents of this site. In addition, you are agreeing that the author, editor, and this site will not be held responsible for any consequences of you viewing or downloading the story. ————————————————————————– Big Neighbor Men Series – Chapter 4 Neighbor Cop, Pt. 5 I made it home easily with time to spare. The dried cum coating the valley of my butt and the inside of my legs left me glad my parents went to bed relatively early each night. I flipped off the hall light always left on for me and made it into my bedroom on legs still weak from getting fucked ragged. Stripping off my clothes and sliding into bed, I quickly eased off to sleep with a lot of questions on my mind and a stomach full of thick cum. I got up the next morning to find my ass sore and smarting from the night before. It hurt too much to walk normally, so I took it slowly and gingerly as school. Blowing off questions by saying I’d pulled a muscle in my calf running, I gave my parents the same excuse when I didn’t hit the track at the football field that evening. Luckily it was Friday, so I wouldn’t have to limp through school the next day. That proved especially lucky as my butt was still pretty tender on Saturday. I crashed on the couch and stared at the tv as the programs came and went, thinking rather than really watching. I stayed on my stomach to keep from showing the obvious hard-on that kept coming and going as my mind wandered through the last month and the possibilities of the future. I went to bed at the same time as my parents for the first time in ages. I wanted to beat off after everything that had been playing out in my mind. The soreness still aching inside my butt shot that intention down quickly, though. The next morning, however, I got up feeling as if everything had finally returned to normal. Mom sent me off to the post office as she often did on the weekends. During the week, either she or Dad stopped by on their way home from work. I got the mail out of the box and thumbed through it as I walked to the door. Pushing it open, I ran right into someone. The back of my hand just happened to brush a long thick rubbery column of heavy cock hanging low inside a pair of pants. Becoming flustered at the sudden contact with an unknown man, I lost my grip on the mail and made matters worse. I ended up fumbling against and almost grabbing the impressive bulk of male meat while I tried to keep the envelopes from falling to the floor. Regaining my grip on the mail but not my composure, I looked up to stutter out a hurried apology. Deep blue eyes under heavy dark brows danced with laughter as a wide smile burst through the wide heavy mustache of Mr. Blasingame’s ruggedly handsome face. “Hey, son, good t’ see ya again!” His low voice rolled over me with a chuckle spilling out through his words. He pushed his side of the double door open for me at the same time as those deep blue eyes quickly scanned the parking lot just before he stepped slightly forward to where his heavy thick cock pressed into the back of my hand. “Good t’ see you, too.” I’m sure the sudden hunger was more than apparent on my young face. I eased my free hand down the hulking length of him underneath his pants and felt the heavy bulk swell and flex under the attention. “I keep tryin’ t’ make it down there again. It’s hard t’ find an excuse for the wife n’ kids that late in the night. I’ll come up with something soon, though. That is, if you’re agreeable.” He asked the last part as if there was any question with my hand now possessively squeezing and massaging the fat cock quickly rising to a full intimidating and obscene hard-on. “I’d really like that.” I answered breathlessly, hating that this moment had to end soon. “Well, I gotta get goin’.” He leaned over me, shoved a big rough hand down the back of my shorts and a finger up into the crack of my butt until his thick fingers strummed across the tender sensitive young hole there. “Glad I ran into you. Or, rather, that you ran into me.” His words were a low growl, and then he was gone…striding away deeper into the post office lobby. He threw a lewd grin over his shoulder pursaklar escort as I watched each cheek of the tall rangy man’s muscular ass tighten under the snug pants clinging to them with every step. I forced my eyes away and my feet to move. I couldn’t take a chance anyone had seen us talking so close, especially not since I’d just stared at his tall retreating body afterward. I stopped at the end of the block before crossing the street, excitement still buzzing through my arms and legs. I just stood staring out into the distance as images of the two of us in the announcer booth streamed indecently through my head. “Hey!” A deep bass voice barked authoritatively and shook me out of where my mind had wandered. I knew that voice. For some reason, a small thread of fear ran through me. “Get over to the police station. Go to the back parking lot n’ through the back door so no one sees you.” The voice commanded. My eyes fell to the police car in front of me. The window was down and I could see a flat stomach and strong legs in uniform just below the roof of the car. “And, don’t make me come lookin’ for ya.” The window slid upward to close as the car pulled from the intersection and continued down the street. Jack Masterson. I started walking. My eyes stayed wide with both shock and a slice of fear at the sudden meeting and resulting demand. I had a reason for that sliver of fear. I’d been to our police station on a class field trip in elementary school. It was little more than an office with two desks, one holding cell, and a bathroom between several other much larger buildings set back a couple blocks off Main Street. Only one officer in town was on duty at a time. Masterson would be the only one there. I was in the alley behind and coming up to the parking lot sooner than felt possible. The nervousness in my stomach increased now with every step as I neared the door. I pushed it open and moved into the hallway near the door to the bathroom and walked the eight feet into the main room with the desks and holding cell. Masterson was at one of the desks flipping through a file when commanding brown eyes under thick heavy brows shot up at me as if just now deeming me worth his attention. “Sit.” A thick sausage of a finger on the hand holding the file flicked out toward a chair on the other side of his desk. Dark eyes stayed locked on mine in a steady intimidating stare as I moved to the chair and sat down. “Been outta town a bit. Family emergency.” He dropped the file heavily onto his desk and stretched back in his chair folding big hands behind his head. His eyes still held mine. “Miss me?” “Yeah, I noticed you weren’t…” My words stopped with my mind telling me to shut up as a lecherous smile began tugging at his lips. “…around.” I gulped at my admission and cut my eyes away from his. Silence stretched out. I let my eyes roam the walls as if curious about what was posted there while feeling the heat of the big man’s stare. I turned to look back at the sound of his chair creaking and found him rising to his feet. He took one step and paused, another and paused. The look in his eyes grew darker with each one. I swallowed and felt the air entering and leaving my chest in the silence of the room. I willed my eyes to stay on his face so they didn’t dart down to his crotch. I feared the result that would come from his satisfaction at knowing I wanted to look at his cock. He was at the corner of his desk. The next step would bring him around to my side. My eyes fell. I couldn’t help it. That tree-limb ten-inch cock shot diagonally down his uniform pants toward the floor, a hint of a wet spot forming at the far end of it. If anything, it seemed bigger than I remembered. Big hands reached up and began unbuttoning his shirt, the tall hairy muscular man stopping a few feet in front of me. My eyes stayed on his huge hard cock straining the material of his pants and the wet spot growing wider. His shirt was pulled from the waist of his pants and opened to fall down the sides of his pumped up hairy chest and strong hairy stomach. Two more slow steps brought him right in front of me as those big hands reached for his belt buckle. My eyes left his cock and watched with undeniable heat rising up in me as those hands slowly pulled his belt open and went to do the same with his fly. The slow movements and extended action of opening his pants left me aching inside. An eruption of thick dark crotch hair thrust out as Masterson’s hands eased the sides of his fly apart. He moved them to the waistband on either side and pushed his pants down almost to the bottom of his big low-hanging hairy balls. Massively thick cock came into view inch by slow inch from the base to a little over halfway down, the rest and the broad imposing head still trapped inside. Another step brought the big cop’s crotch, heavy balls, and mammoth cock inches from my face. A wide hand come into my view and long strong fingers curved around the sturdy base of Masterson’s thick hard cock. Slowly, they pulled the last of the wide meaty length of him free and out into my face. The sharp musty humid scent of heavy hairy adult cock and balls slid up into my nose to fill my chest. My eyes drifted closed as the brawny cop dragged his massive beefy cock across my cheeks, lips, forehead, and eyes. That huge hulking cock was longer than my head was wide from any angle. That fact slid in and out of my thoughts as heat poured over me and a million tiny needles of excitement seemed to lightly prick every inch of my skin in a wave from my feet to the top of my head. Intimidating girth dominated my rize escort face, pressing into my skin and being dragged possessively across it all. The smell of a heavy thick adult male equipment filled the air, every breath drawing the dank enticing scent deeper into my chest. Masterson thrust his powerful cock across one cheek, sliding it over that ear, and hips shoving forward. “Fuck…” Need seemed to power the low gasp from deep within his chest. He moved his hips back and dragged that hard heavy cock back across my ear and cheek with a trail of wet precum left behind. Masterson took a small step back, my eyes opened and fell to the massive shaft. Thick meaty and muscular, the large blue vein that ran straight up the center and branched out intermittently along the way seemed to strain against the skin over it. The whole thing seemed to pulse with strength, authority, and superiority. Wielding the massive shaft in his big hand, Masterson dragged the beefy head solidly to my lips. “Open up, boy.” The tall dark cop growled quietly. I did as I was told, raising my eyes up to his strong hairy chest and stomach. “Stick out your tongue.” That took me a bit by surprise having expected him to just shove his fat cock inside. I followed his orders, though, and slid my tongue forward over my lower lip. “Yeah, that’s it.” Masterson’s deep voice seemed to wrap around me. With his fist still on the wide base, he eased the skin of the fat shaft back. I knew that was slowly revealing the wide burly head from under its thick velvety foreskin. “Oh yeah.” Cum that must have been pooling inside that lush extra skin drooled in a thick stream onto my tongue and into my mouth. The salty sweet taste of him generously flowed across my tongue and into the bottom of my mouth. Heavy ponderous meat was lowered until it pressed into my tongue, the width of the broad head placed there matching that of my tongue underneath. “Lick from side t’ side and in a circle, boy.” The hand at the base of Masterson’s commanding cock stayed there, the fingers of the other sliding into the hair on the top of my head as I began doing as he instructed. “Yeah, that’s it…” “Right below the head, that inch of space right there…” His voice got quieter at the same time as I felt hairy balls rise up against the bottom of my chin. I moved the target of my actions to where he ordered. “There ya go,” His voice sounded distracted and distant. I felt the balls at my chin lower and then rise back up. “lick Dad’s fat cock.” “Hell yeah..” His voice dropped even quieter and deeper. I slid my tongue left and right, then in a circle as I’d been told. I could feel the thin strip of skin just under the head that descended down in a straight line. I paid special attention to that and was rewarded with an instant reaction. “Fuck.” I felt him hiss with taking in a deep breath at the same time as his body went tense. A long hot thick wet jet of cum erupted from Masterson’s hard thick cock blasting across my tongue to splash into the back of my throat. So much of it poured into my mouth in one forceful stream that it seemed as if he’d opened a faucet. “Don’t swallow, boy, don’t swallow.” He demanded, the words quiet and clipped. Another huge long flood of cum bolted across my tongue and into my mouth. “Look up at me and keep that mouth open.” The hand in my hair fisted and pulled my head back with his blasting cock still embedded against my tongue. My eyes rose to his. There was some surprise registering on the man’s tense handsome face. “I hope you’re hungry, boy…” His head shook slowly from side to side. “Swallow before I drown you.” I did and three times as much cum as I expected slid down my throat and into my waiting belly. “Fuck.” Masterson gushed hot thick cum into my mouth again just as he tossed his head back on his shoulders and the arm of the hand clasping the root of his cock began to shake. “Goddamn it!” Rapid fire blasts of cum began pouring into my mouth. Just as one jet finished, another burst out. More and more cum from the big man’s generous hairy balls splattered forcefully inside as I struggled to get it all down. I didn’t want to lose one drop of the cop’s thunderous load to it spilling out the sides of my mouth. So much of Masterson’s cum was pouring into me with each blast, it was a very real possibility. Thick salty sweet jets splashed rich hot male cum into every corner of my mouth. It coated my throat, tongue, and the inside of my cheeks with the liquid masculinity from Masterson’s big overfilled balls. Over and over, thick heavy adult cum pummeled my tongue and the back of my throat as it filled my mouth and slid down into my stomach. I felt my hands rubbing up and down on my bare thighs, and my shoulders heaving back and forth as I drank more and more of Mr. Masterson’s rich surging load. The fist in my hair relaxed and Masterson’s head eased back forward into a normal position, his chest rising and falling with deep satisfied breaths. The hand in my hair slid down to the side of my head while the other left the base of his cock to reach for the other side. Instead of easing away, the big man moved his thick cock into my mouth. I’d thought he was done. I was wrong. He hit the back of my throat and slid his hips left and right to grind into the opening that led to my stomach. “Goddamn…” He pulled back and only to push back inside and grind into the back of my throat again. Twice more, he repeated his slow entry, exit, and grind inside the wet warmth of my mouth. The third time, he didn’t pull back. “You know what I want, boy. And, I think you want it as much as I do. Don’cha.” His voice ankara rus escort was low, gravelly, and almost menacing. “Open that throat up for Daddy.” A sigh over how unfortunately right he was turned into a hum around the thick heavy horse-cock that forced its way forward as I relaxed my throat. “Good boy.” Inch after inch slid down into the instinctively resisting tightness of my throat. I felt it going deeper and deeper toward my stomach as my body accepted the crude intrusion of long hard fat adult cock. “Swallow me. Swallow that big fuckin’ cock, pretty boy.” The strong fingers at the sides of my head curled into my hair. I knew what he wanted instantly and complied happily. I tried to control the action and succeeded in grabbing the fat solid cock with my throat up high then milk it in a long slow stroke down to the head. “Awwwwww fuck, that’s it!” He growled louder than before. “Again!” He commanded with his powerhouse cock still shoved balls deep into my throat. I swallowed across his fat hefty length again, milking the meaty muscular straining cock as slowly as I could with my lungs beginning to burn from lack of oxygen. “Fuuuuck…” Masterson hauled his bull-sized cock from deep within my body and then shoved back inside with time for me to only grab a short breath. “Again.” He commanded and I complied with swallowing over the long swollen length of him. He dragged that mammoth cock back out of my throat, across my tongue, and over my lips. Giving me only a few seconds to grab a desperate breath again, he clamped his hands on the sides of my head and thrust powerfully back down into my throat. “Again!” He spat out. “And, every time, goddamn it.” I did as he demanded, gasping for breath with each increasingly small pause before increasingly forceful thrusts. “Fuck,” I could hear his breath heaving in and out of his massive hairy chest. “I wanted t’ make this round last.” I barely got a chance to breathe after that with him shifting into high gear, fucking my face hard and fast with no regard for whether or not I could get any air. I tried to swallow, but often found my throat closing on an already retreated hot cock. Still, I grabbed at him with my throat when I could and slathered my tongue enthusiastically against the broad beefy shaft as it pistoned in and out of me. Tears ran down my face from struggling to breathe and the force of Mr. Masterson pummeling my throat with his grossly oversized cock. “Gooooooooooddamn iiiiiiiiiit…” The words pressed past gritted teeth. Big hands clamped my head in place in two iron fists. Thick cock stretched out in front of my face with the fat beefy head lodged just inside. Dense dark curling hair covered strong tense rippling muscle on Masterson’s chest, stomach, crotch, and widely built thighs. Cum poured into my mouth once again in a flood that seemed as if he opened a faucet full throttle. Thick creamy adult cum jetted huge powerful streams of the heavy salty sweet flow into my mouth, down my waiting throat, and into my hungering belly. I twisted in the seat as excitement tore through me. I tongued, lapped, sucked, and swallowed at the fat spewing head stretching my lips to their widest. Cum, my reward, continued pouring into me in thick heavy male floods as I pulled the dark humid masculine smell of him deep into my lungs. Over and over, I swallowed. And, over and over, he came. I drank of everything he had and milked his huge incredible cock for more. Later, I would find myself embarrassed over how frantically I’d sucked and swallowed him. In that moment, though, I just attacked Mr. Masterson’s massive erupting cock with wild heated desperation. My mind blurred and my whole world shrunk down to just the huge cock unloading Masterson’s thick heaving load into my body. I was completely lost in the taste and gushing amount of him. Cum spewed into me like it would never stop even through the big man had just cum minutes before. I swallowed, drank, and milked to coax him to unload into me for as long as possible. I hoped the longer and better I sucked his exploding cock, the more cum he would pour into me. He came for what seemed like forever, while I drowned in every minute of it. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, boy…” He chuckled low and deep as his hands moved from my head to drop down at his waist. “…that was a lot, but it’s all there is.” Still, I nursed and lapped at the wide spongy flesh in my mouth even through only one more small drop drooled out. “Well,” He grabbed his cock from my mouth in one heavy hand and slapped it resoundingly several times on each side of my face. “I gotta get back.” He shoved his huge arrogant cock uncomfortably and unceremoniously inside his uniform pants before he pulled them all the way up. “Straighten up your hair n’ get yourself together before ya leave. You can use the bathroom.” He buckled up his pants and turned to walk to the back door. “Let yerself out, the door’ll lock behind ya. Just make sure there’s no one out there before ya do. Clear?” “Uh, yes sir.” I managed to get out, rather stunned by the sudden change from furiously fucking my throat until filling my stomach with cum to walking away and talking as if I’d just brought him a library book. “Oh, and…” He was halfway out the door when he turned. “…see ya again,” He reached down to the base of his hard cock where he swung it up and down inside his pants. “soon.” He turned and the door closed behind him leaving me with swollen lips and feeling like everything inside me was bathed in the tall hairy muscular man’s thick creamy cum. (To be continued.) Other stories: Bad Uncles and Dads http://www.//gay/incest/bad-uncles-and-dads/ Big Neighbor Men http://www.//gay/adult-youth/big-neighbor-men Discovering Uncle Tip http://www.//gay/incest/discovering-uncle-tip/ Teddy’s Discovery http://www.//gay/incest/teddys-discovery/ Hay Baling and Uncle fty//gay/incest/hay-bailing-and-uncle-buck/

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