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Subject: The Hunters, chapter 10 The Hunters – Chapter 10 Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction which features sexual activity between teenage boys, as well as between teenage boys and adults. If you do not want to read such a story, or it is illegal for you to do so because of your age or where you live, then I recommend you go read something else instead. Feedback is very welcome. So, if you are enjoying this story, please do drop me an email at hoo If you can, please support Nifty with a financial donation – whatever you can afford – so that this archive of stories can remain free and available. Just go to http://donate./ *** Thursday morning. Sitting in his French lesson, Will tried to concentrate on the grammar exercises his teacher had instructed the class to complete; except he couldn’t. He’d been bombarded all morning by classmates asking him what had been wrong with him, and if he was feeling better. More than that, his mind was still a whirl after the revelations of Sunday evening. Outside, at break time, he was collared by Nathaniel Cannon. “I’m glad to see you’re back again,” Nathaniel told him. “Though you left me in the shit with that presentation for Hensley on Monday.” “Thanks. Yeah, I’m sorry about that. Stomach bug. Must have been something I ate.” “Well I hope you’re feeling better.” Nathanial gave a hearty laugh. “Just promise me that next time we’ve got a presentation together, you’ll only eat carrot sticks for the couple of days before it.” Will nodded. His phone rang. He recognised the caller’s number and felt his stomach lurch. “Sorry, I need to get this.” Nathaniel walked away as Will answered his phone. “Hello, Josh. Good timing. I was just about to call you.” It was a lie but one that at least gave him a fleeting sense of being in control. “We need to meet. Can we go get lunch somewhere?” *** Half past twelve. They faced each other in a slightly shabby chain pub, a couple of streets away from their school. The bar was decorated with cheap, shiny Christmas garlands. A waitress took their order, two small main courses and two very large drinks. “It’s not too bad here,” Josh said, his tone one of forced cheeriness. “I mean, I know pubs like these have a bit of a reputation, and Mum and Dad certainly wouldn’t be seen dead in a place like this, but actually it’s pretty nice.” Their drinks arrived. As Josh continued to babble, Will downed his, took a deep breath and proceeded to grab the bull by the horns. “Why didn’t you tell me? Why did you just go ahead and meet Jonathan?” Josh, suddenly silent, fiddled with a fork. “Well?” Will pressed him. “Why do you think?” “I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking.” “Put yourself in my shoes. When Liv showed me that picture it was like the biggest shock of my life. I wasn’t thinking clearly. I just knew I had to meet him.” “Without telling me first?” “Well we weren’t talking. Not after that argument we’d had at your dinner party.” “That’s still no excuse.” “Anyway, what was I going to say? Hi, Will, how’s life, and by the way I don’t think you’re my brother. How would that make you feel?” “How do you think I feel now?” “Not great.” Will laughed, though there was no warmth in the sound. “You always were a master of understatement.” “But you were going to feel like that regardless of when you found out. If you want to blame someone then blame the nurses at the hospital, or blame Mum…” “You can’t blame Mum.” “But you can’t blame me either.” Josh sighed. “Imagine if the situation was reversed and you were the one who discovered you had another twin. Would telling me be your first priority?” “Yes.” “Bullshit. You can’t make that claim, Will, because you don’t know. There’s no rulebook for this sort of situation. You just have to deal with it as best you can.” “That’s easy for you to say. You’re still Joshua Hunter. I’m the one who’s now someone else.” “You’re still my twin. That hasn’t changed.” “But things have changed. Jonathan’s arrived on the scene.” “So? I’ve got two twins. Big deal.” “But that’s the point, Josh. You can’t have two twins!” “What are you saying? That I have to choose?” “Yes.” The word slipped out before he could stop it. He regretted it immediately. Quickly, he shook his head. “All I’m saying is that you should have told me first.” Josh sipped his drink, his expression thoughtful. “What if it’d been you who had gone to see Liv? What if she’d have shown you the photo and you’d been the one to find out about Jon? Would you have told me about him? Would you have told anyone?” “Of course.” He tried to sound convincing. “I don’t believe you. I think you’d have kept quiet because that would have been best for you. Well, I contacted Jon because that was best for me. Don’t make yourself out to be a saint, Will. If you were me you’d have done what I did.” Silence. They stared at each other while the waitress brought their food, which lay untouched before them. “Look, I do feel bad about this,” Josh said eventually. “And I didn’t contact Jon to spite you. I did it because I needed to know the truth.” “And now you do.” “But it doesn’t change how I feel about you.” “When we had that argument, you told me you’d wish I’d never been born. Are those the feelings you’re talking about?” “You told me you no longer had a brother.” Will gave a dry laugh. “I must be psychic.” “I didn’t mean what I said, Will. I was hurt and wanted to hurt you back. I felt terrible afterwards. I was scared I’d lost you.” “And would that still be a loss now?” “Of course it would! You’re the best friend I’ve ever had.” “But I’m more than a friend. Or at least I was.” “You still are. Do you think I’m going to forget the past? Because I’m telling you I won’t.” Will didn’t answer. “Do you want me to promise?” Josh asked. “That’s what little kids do. We’re not kids anymore.” “But we’re still twins. And I will promise, but only on one condition.” “Which is?” “That you promise I’ll always have you.” Again they stared at each other. Josh looked anxious, upset even. Unbidden, Will’s ingrained sense of protectiveness rose to the surface. He didn’t want Josh to feel bad. All he wanted was for Josh still to be his twin. “I promise,” Will said softly. “So do I.” “I’m sorry, Josh. I didn’t mean to give you a hard time. I do understand why you did it. It’s just…” He sighed. “Well, you know…” “Yeah, I know. And I’m sorry too, Will. I really am.” “Don’t beat yourself up. I’ll survive.” He managed a smile. “Do you remember what Grandpa used to say when we were upset?” “Chin up, boys. Worse things happen at sea.” Josh smiled too. “God, Grandpa was full of shit.” They both laughed. For a moment it felt like old times. It was a good feeling. “Tell me about Jonathan,” Will said. “He’s nice.” “Nice? Is that it?” “He’s friendly. He’s cheerful. He lives in a council flat and needs to lose a stone. He’s… I don’t know. He’s nice. What else can I say?” `That he’ll never mean more to you than I do,’ Will said to himself. Of course, he couldn’t say the words out loud. “How do you feel when you’re with him?” he asked instead. Josh looked amused. “What? Do we have full conversations without opening our mouths? Do we share dreams and have identical scars from childhood biking accidents? Come on, Will, you don’t buy that psychobabble crap.” “It’s not crap. There have been studies done on separated twins.” “And I’m sure they make fascinating reading but it’s not like that with Jon and me. He’s a great lad and I feel a bond with him. But it’s not even close to the one I have with you. He doesn’t have our history. No one ever will.” A lump rose in Will’s throat. “No, I guess not.” “So I’m afraid you’re stuck with me. I’m still going to be meeting up with you all the time to complain about school or give you grief about Zach.” Will rolled his eyes. “Have you dumped him yet?” Josh asked. “No!” “Phew. My money’s on you making it to nine months, so hang on in there until the New Year and then we can split the champagne.” Again Will laughed. He knew he shouldn’t, but it felt right. “Do you forgive me?” Josh asked. Will nodded. “Thanks. Love you, mate.” “Love you too,” Will replied. The waitress brought them more drinks. Josh poked at his food. “This is cold.” “I wouldn’t worry. It didn’t look that good in the first place.” They both laughed. “I propose a toast,” Josh said. “To you and me.” They clinked glasses. “And to this weekend not being a total disaster,” Josh continued. “Why? What’s happening this weekend?” “Jon’s meeting Mum and Dad.” Will put down his glass. “He’s what?” “Didn’t Mum tell you?” “What does Mum have to do with this?” “I got a message from her this morning inviting Jon to visit on Sunday.” Will couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “But she promised me she wasn’t going to meet him.” “Well, maybe she just said that to spare your feelings.” “She wasn’t just saying it. She meant it,” Will stressed. “Then she must’ve changed her mind.” “She wouldn’t. Not about this.” “How do you know?” “I just do.” “It’s not that simple, though,” Josh said. “This is difficult for Mum, she’s bound to feel…” “I don’t lara kendi evi olan escort need a lecture on how Mum feels. I know her better than you do.” “Thanks for reminding me.” Will realised what he had said. Josh was staring coolly at him. Briefly, he felt guilty. Then the feeling was gone, replaced by fury at the betrayal. “Well, it’s true!” Will said. “She doesn’t want to meet him. Dad probably just bullied her into this just like he bullies her into everything.” “Including you always being the golden boy? Was that down to Dad’s bullying too?” “Oh grow up, Josh. This has nothing to do with that.” “You’re not denying it, then? That makes a change.” “So tracking Jon down was just your way of getting back at me, was it?” “No. It had nothing to do with that.” “Pull the other one.” “They’re entitled to meet him. He is their son.” “And I’m not. Thanks for reminding me. Thanks a fucking lot!” “Keep your voice down. People are staring.” Will looked around the pub. Diners on nearby tables were watching him warily. “Got a problem?” he snapped and they all quickly resumed their meals. “Calm down,” Josh told him. “You must have known this would happen. But you don’t need to worry. You’ll like Jon. You’re invited too.” “Invited? I don’t need an invitation to my own home, or are you going to tell me it’s not my home anymore?” “Why are you being like this?” “Why do you think? Christ. This is hard enough and now you expect me to just turn up and smile and play happy families with this bloody interloper?” “But, Will…” “I mean it. There is no way I’m going to be there. No way on earth.” Josh continued to protest. Ignoring him, a seething Will downed his drink and called for another. *** As Will plied himself with alcohol in the pub, Jennifer stood in the hallway, watching a muttering Timothy hunt for his car keys. “I think they’re in your golf jacket pocket,” she told him. “I’ve already checked there. Have you called Josh?” “Yes.” “What did he say?” “There was no answer. I left him a message. But I’m worried about William. How is he going to feel?” “William, William, William. Do you ever think about anyone else? We are all affected by this. Not just him.” He cursed under his breath. “Where the hell are they?” “Try under the paper.” A pause. “Where are you going anyway?” He didn’t answer, just continued searching, eventually finding the keys are under a pile of junk mail. She knew she shouldn’t detain him but couldn’t let the matter drop. “Tim.” “What?” “You’re right about Jonathan. We should meet him. Only, must it be here?” “Yes, it must.” “What if someone finds out?” she asked, imagining the mocking laughter of her neighbours and so-called friends. He turned towards her. “Of course people are going to find out,” he said, with a note of exasperation. “I explained to you what the solicitor said we needed to do, and that’s what’s going to happen. What we are not going to do is to turn it into some sort of soap opera.” “But what will people say when they hear about all this?” “Is that all you’re worried about?” he replied, scornfully. “What the neighbours will think? I might have known. The only two things in this world that really matter to you: William and keeping up appearances.” “This is not about appearances!” Realising he needed to win his wife over, Timothy decided to change tack. “Look, Jen. You seem to think that people will think badly of us. But why would they? You weren’t well when the boys were born; you couldn’t be expected to have known anything was wrong. I was away on business and because of the weather I couldn’t get back in time. We’re the victims of a very unfortunate mix-up, and now that it’s come to light, we – you and I – are doing everything we can to rectify the situation. Of course you and Will are upset. Everyone will understand that. But we’ll only look bad if we don’t do the right thing or we make a big fuss about it. We need to stand together, as a family, and that’s what we’re going to do.” Jennifer paused. “You’ll need to talk to Will,” she said. “I told him nothing was going to change.” “Not one of your better moves,” Tim said contemptuously. “Okay, I’ll speak to him. I’ll make sure he knows that he’ll still be a member of this family, just as he’s always been. In the meantime, Jon will visit us here and you will make him welcome.” His lips had become thin. She knew there was no point arguing. When Timothy’s mind was made up, God himself couldn’t change it. “Is that understood?” he added. She nodded. He headed out to the car. She remained where she was while in her head the mocking laughter grew even louder. *** Half past two. Will returned to school. As he ambled across the quad, his housemaster, Graham Sanderson, strode over towards him. “Where the hell have you been?” the man demanded. “Having lunch.” “You’ve missed the first lesson of the afternoon. I got a message from Mr Hutchinson. Apparently, you missed an important maths test.” The teenager shook his head. “I forgot. I’m sorry.” “Sorry? Is that it?” “It won’t happen again.” “I’ll say it won’t! I thought you were intending to run for Head Boy. This sort of behaviour will be looked upon very badly! Not to mention your proposed application to Oxford.” The housemaster’s face was red with fury. On a normal day, Will would have tried to appease him. Then again, on a normal day, he would never have forgotten about the test. And he was not in the mood to be shouted at. “Look, I said I’m sorry. It’s never happened before.” His tone was insolent. “How dare you talk to me like that!” “Like what?” Will shot back. “And have you been drinking?” his housemaster accused. “So what? It’s not like you and the other masters never do it.” Mr Sanderson’s eyes looked as if they were about to pop out of his head. Will’s father always looked the same way when challenged. Hatred burned inside of the teenager. He opened his mouth, preparing to vent more spleen. Suddenly he remembered that the man who faced him was not his father but one of his teachers, and that he couldn’t afford to get kicked out of the school. He softened his tone. “I’m sorry. I’ve just had lunch with my brother. He told me that my aunt’s got cancer. That’s why I’m late and that’s why I’m drunk. It’s been a shock. I’ve never let you down before and I won’t do it again.” The housemaster swallowed. His colour starting to fall. “Well, I’m sorry to hear that.” “Thanks.” He told himself the lie wouldn’t hurt. Mr Sanderson was highly unlikely to ever meet Aunt Angela. “You should have told me straightaway,” the man said. “You didn’t give me the chance…” He stopped, not wanting to make the situation any worse. “Sorry. You’re right, I should. My head’s just all over the place.” “May I ask what sort of cancer it is?” “Um… breast.” “Well, that’s something. They can usually treat it these days, if they catch it in time.” “Fingers crossed.” “I suggest you take the rest of the afternoon off. You’re in no fit state to go to your final lesson anyway.” “Yes, sir. Thank you.” The man walked away. Will just stood there, gazing up at the sky. “Well Mr Sanderson didn’t sound happy with somebody,” Freddie McBride, a boy in Will’s house said to him. “No. Apparently not,” Will replied. Freddie began to look awkward. “I’m sorry about your aunt, by the way. I know you’re very fond of her, aren’t you?” Will nodded, hating himself for using a much-loved relative as an alibi. Only she wasn’t a relative; not anymore. Needing to talk to someone who knew the truth, he pulled out his mobile and phoned Zach. “Oh, Will…” “I know it was stupid, but he just got me at the wrong moment.” “I can’t believe your mother would do that to you. Not after all she said. At least you’ve got me. I’ll get you through this. That’s a promise you can count on. And you’re absolutely right. There is no way you should go home this weekend. Let your parents see what a loser Jonathan is and they’ll be all over you like a rash.” “But what if they like him?” “How could they? He’s not you. Anyway, forget about that. The important thing is to make peace with Mr Sanderson. You can’t afford to jeopardise your chances of becoming Head boy, or your reference for Oxford for that matter…” Zach prattled on, totally focused on his academic future as always. Although he knew his boyfriend meant well, Will felt frustrated. What he needed was reassurance and that he still had a family, not a master-class in networking his way to the position of Head Boy. Ben would have understood that. He would have known what to say to make Will feel better. In his head, he could hear Ben’s voice and it made his heart ache. But Ben was in the past. He knew that, just as he knew that come the weekend, he would be going home. *** Quarter to six. Angela sat in her living room with her sister. She had returned from work to find Jennifer waiting on the drive. The discovery had taken her by surprise. She hadn’t expected to see Jennifer for a while, not with how things had been left the last time they’d spoken. Once she heard the news, however, everything lara otele gelen escort made sense. “Tim won’t change his mind,” Jennifer said. “You know how stubborn he is. And I just can’t face it.” “Why not? You have nothing to be ashamed of. This isn’t your fault. Besides which, if Jonathan is your son then you have a responsibility to look after him.” “Yes, that’s what Tim said.” “And he’s speaking sense… for once.” “But I’m worried about Will. I promised him nothing would change.” “It doesn’t have to. You’ll always be his mother. There is no one to take your place. Poor Jonathan lost both his parents a long time ago.” “Thank God. I couldn’t bear it if Will started calling someone else Mum.” Her sister’s coldness shocked Angela. She tried to ignore it. When trauma knocked on the door, finer feelings often fled through the window. “I’m glad you’ve come,” she told Jennifer. “I was worried you’d never forgive me.” “Of course I’ve come. Who else can I talk to? And I’m not angry with you. It’s Josh I’m angry with.” “You can’t blame him.” “Yes, I can. He’s so selfish. The only person he ever thinks about is himself.” `Like mother like son,’ Angela mused. “If only he’d left well alone, we wouldn’t be in this mess,” Jennifer continued. “Well, what was he supposed to do? If I were him I’d have acted the same way.” “I wouldn’t.” Angela knew it was pointless to argue. “And what am I going to do when the neighbours find out?” Jennifer asked. “I wouldn’t worry about that. I imagine they’ll treat you as heroes. You weren’t well when the twins were born, so how were you to know? Tim was away on business. The hospital staff were under considerable strain. You’re all victims of a most unfortunate mix-up, and now you’re acting as model citizens by taking Jonathan in.” “You really don’t know my neighbours, do you?” Angela stared, blankly. “The ladies at `The Women’s Institute’, in particular, can be complete bitches,” Jennifer went on. “Oh, to my face I’m sure they’ll be most sympathetic telling me how awfully we were let down by the hospital, and what a darling I’m being by taking Jonathan in. But behind my back… I can only imagine the snide remarks and the cruel questions. `How could she not know?’ `What kind of a mother can’t even recognise she’s taken the wrong child home?’ They’ll be merciless, mark my words.” “You can’t think like that,” Angela told her. “Fuck them. After all, you’re doing the right thing. You know that don’t you? In any case, it’ll blow over as soon as they’ve got something else to bitch about.” “Don’t count on it.” “And besides, once you’ve met Jonathan – once you’ve started having feelings for him – you may not care what your neighbours think.” “I’m never going to feel anything for him.” “But you still have to give him a chance. Doesn’t he deserve one after all he’s been through?” Jennifer didn’t answer. Her expression became troubled. Angela decided to keep pushing. “After all, we know what it’s like to lose both parents in childhood.” Silence. Jennifer traced a coffee stain with her finger. The table was covered in them. Normally Angela would have been on the receiving end of a lecture on hygiene, but this was not a normal day. “Didn’t we?” Angela pushed. “We didn’t lose Dad.” “We might as well have done. He was never the same after Mum died.” Jennifer continued to trace the stain. “Do you remember the day she died?” Angela nodded. “Dad was at the hospital. He left us with that awful woman from next door. What was her name?” “Mrs Beasley,” Angela replied. “Yes, Mrs Beasley. What a bitch she was. When Dad came back and told us Mum was dead we cried and what did Mrs Beasley do?” “She told us we weren’t babies and that tears didn’t solve anything.” “And then she said she knew what would make us feel better and gave as each a Coke. She made us drink it too. I can still remember the way it tasted. Even now, after all this time, I can’t touch the stuff.” “You used to sleep in my bed for weeks afterwards. You used to cry yourself to sleep. You weren’t eating. I was so worried about you.” “You made me eat. You looked after me. I was lucky to have you.” Jennifer swallowed. “I still am.” Jennifer started to cry. Angela watched her, no longer seeing a grown woman but the frightened child her sister had once been. It hurt to see Jennifer upset. Over the years they had had their quarrels but at the end of the day they would always be sisters. “I was lucky to have you too,” Angela said. Jennifer wiped her eyes. “Mrs Beasley was right about one thing, though. All the tears in the world won’t make this better.” “That’s why you need to remember how we felt when Mum died. It was terrible, but at least we had each other. Jonathan had no one. I don’t expect you to love him, Jen, but I do expect you to be kind.” “Will you be there on Sunday?” “Do you want me to be?” “Yes, please. I could do with the support.” “Then I will, and so will Liv. We’ll be there for you, and for Will. And it will be all right.” “Do you know what I wish? That Jonathan was dead. That he’d died with his parents and sister. He’s my own son and yet I wish he was dead. Oh, Angela, how can things ever be all right when I feel like this?” *** “This Saturday?” Mike exclaimed. A beaming Jonathan nodded at him. “Isn’t it great?” “Um… it’s fantastic.” He tried to sound excited while feeling alarmed. “I didn’t think it would be so soon but Josh says they’re dying to meet me. He’s suggested we pick him up from school and then all drive there together. He can direct us.” “Is Hannah coming too?” “No. She can’t make it.” “That’s a shame.” “But at least you’ll have more chance to bond with Josh.” “Yes. That is a bonus.” They were standing either side of the entrance to Jon’s flat. Jon had seen his boyfriend from the window and had come to meet him at the door. “So are you going to let me in?” Mike asked. Jon made space for the man to enter. In the flat upstairs the baby wailed while its parents argued. Mike knew how the baby felt and hoped he and Jon wouldn’t soon be arguing too. “Have you told your social worker about all this yet?” the man enquired, as they made their way into the hallway. “No, not yet. I wanted to wait until after I’ve met them. You know, my parents.” “Okay. But you really do need to let her know. If the Hunters really are your parents then they have an obligation to look after you. It would then free up this flat for someone who needs it.” “You make me sound like some sort of burden,” Jon said, sounding hurt. “Sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant that you’ve got the chance of a better life now and that when you move out of here, someone else can make use of it instead.” “Oh, okay.” Through the open bedroom door Mike spotted some clothes laid out on the bed. “Are you doing a wash?” he asked. “No. I’m trying to decide what to wear on Saturday. I want to make a good impression.” “Then all you need to do is be yourself.” “That’s what Josh said. Apparently Will’s really pissed off. He’s told Josh he won’t be there.” As he said this, the teenager’s spirits visibly lifted. “That’s a shame.” Jon shrugged. “Well, it’s my biological parents I want to meet.” Mike nodded. Jon radiated excitement, sporting a grin that would put the Cheshire cat to shame. Mike didn’t want to dampen the teenager’s mood, but unease nipped at him like invisible fingers. “So how did Josh and Will’s meeting go?” “Okay, until Will went all prima donna about my visit.” “This can’t be easy for him.” The grin vanished. “Here we go.” “What does that mean?” “You should have heard yourself last night. `Oh, wow, Will is going to Oxford. He must be a genius.’ Why not form a fan-club and have done with it?” “I just thought it’s impressive he’s going to go there.” “Well, it isn’t. Josh could go too. He just doesn’t want to.” “Well, that’s his story,” Mike said before he could stop himself. Jon frowned. “What have you got against Josh?” “Nothing.” “Well, it doesn’t sound that way. When I spoke to him he kept going on about how much he liked you…” `Yeah, I bet he did,’ Mike thought to himself. “… and now here you are having digs at him,” Jon continued. “I’m not. It’s only…” The man stopped, not wanting to dig an even deeper hole for himself. “I just feel sorry for Will, that’s all.” “Why? He didn’t lose his whole family when he was a kid. He didn’t get shafted by his uncle and have to go into foster care. It should have been him but instead it was me, while he’s going to ponce around Oxford. Christ, he doesn’t know he’s born and there you are making him out to be a victim.” “But he is a victim. Just like you.” “Being a victim means having to suffer. When has he ever suffered?” “I’m just saying…” “Well, don’t. You’re supposed to be on my side.” “This isn’t about taking sides. All I’m saying is…” “That the Hunters are going to think I’m a loser compared to him. Thanks a lot is, Mike. Don’t you think I’m nervous enough already?” He exhaled. “If you’re going to be this negative maybe you shouldn’t come.” *** The following morning. Mike stretched out lara rus escort in bed, realising that Jon was no longer next to him. Through the open door, he could hear the telltale sound of the shower running. Getting out of bed, the man walked towards the kitchen to make them both a cup of tea, despite the fact they’d barely said a word to each other since their argument the previous evening. Leaving the two steaming mugs on the worktop, he headed towards the bathroom, needing to relieve himself. When he got there he found the room empty. Jon had evidently finished his shower and had gone to get dressed. Was that just coincidence, or was the teenager avoiding him? After having a piss, Mike peeked out to watch his dark haired lover meandering about the bedroom, getting ready for college. Jon was completely naked, and Mike found himself getting hard just watching the sixteen-year old. “Well, there’s no way he’s gonna help me out with this,” Mike muttered while looking down at his hardon. “Better get some K-Y out to help me jerk off in the shower.” Mike reached into the bathroom cabinet to retrieve the lubricant. Instead of opening the tube right away, he went back to the door and watched Jon. The teenager was completely aware of the man’s observation. It gave him a thrill that, even though they’d had an argument, Mike was still checking him out. He didn’t like falling out with his boyfriend, but equally he didn’t want to be the one to say `sorry’. After all, the argument had been Mike’s fault, not his. As Mike looked on, he could see his lover standing by the bed with his back to the bathroom door. Mike’s eyes passed over Jon’s slender neck, down his smooth back, to his wonderfully hairless buttocks and strong legs. Just the sight of how those legs flowed so gracefully into that rear end was almost enough to make Mike cum right on the spot. Jon’s next move gave Mike an idea. He watched carefully as the teenager put one foot up on the bed, allowing him to run his towel between his teenage thighs. This gave Mike a perfect view of the youngster’s bubble-butt. Mike looked at the K-Y in his hand and decided it was time to make amends. He slipped out of the bathroom, unscrewing the tube as he went. At first his movements were slow and cautious. Then, when he was within arm’s length of Jon, Mike switched gears and got aggressive, moving fast. Reaching around, he grabbed his lover by the quads, tugging hard so that the support of his legs disappeared. Jon shouted out in surprise as he landed belly-down on the bed. Mike pulled the youngster back far enough so that Jon’s legs and bottom were hanging off the bed. Mike’s weight fell on the teenager, pinning him down. He began to savagely lick Jon’s earlobe and press kisses up and down his neck. There was a squishing sound, followed by the feeling of something sliding along the line between the teenager’s buttocks. That was when Jon realised his plan had succeeded; his boyfriend’s lubed-up cock was gliding between his buttocks. To keep up the illusion that this wasn’t planned, Jon pretended to put up a fight. Mike leaned down on him hard, his breath hot in Jon’s ear. “I’m sorry about last night,” Mike said. “But I’m sure this’ll make you feel better about things.” The man pulled back slightly, using his right hand to place the tip of his sex against Jon’s backdoor. Once its position was secure, he started to push. Jon gasped; despite the preparation he still felt a sting as the first few millimetres of Mike’s penis slipped inside. It seemed to Jon that Mike was bigger than ever before; perhaps his method of roughly attacking and pinning the teenager down had sent more blood rushing into the man’s member. Whatever the case, this made the penetration a little rougher… and also more exciting. Mike continued licking and kissing Jon’s neck and shoulders while he worked more of himself inside. The sixteen-year old groaned with a mix of pain and ecstasy, but by the time Mike was halfway in, the former was all gone. “Oh, Mike,” Jon moaned. “That feels so good.” “Yeah,” Mike said. “My cock’s right where it should be. Deep in the arse of the person I love.” “Ooh,” Jon cooed. “You like that, don’t you? You like fucking me?” “You better believe it.” Jon let out a long, relaxed sigh as the hard prick continued to push into him. All the tension inside him let go, and he was able to fully enjoy the sensations set off with each new group of anal nerve endings that the sizable rod brushed up against. There seemed to be no end to this penetration. Eventually, Jon could feel Mike’s balls against his buttocks. “Oh, God, Mike,” he gasped. “I love it when you stick that big dick in me.” “Are you ready for me to start fucking you now?” “Hell yeah,” Jon growled. With that Jon felt the organ withdraw, before pressing into him again. This thrust sent a burst of pleasure piercing through the teenager’s brain, and his anus completely – and gladly – gave way to this aggressive force. To Mike there was nothing more exciting than his lover’s rear-end surrendering to his desires, and to Jon there was nothing more erotic than this man’s throbbing erection buried to the hilt in his backside, fucking away until he came. Jon’s shouts of approval became more and more graphic as the momentum built. He began to rock with Mike’s thrusts, rubbing his own erection against the mattress. Suddenly the man’s weight was off him, and the penis withdrew from his butt. Jon looked back in disappointment. “Sit up on the edge of the bed,” Mike commanded. Jon did, and once he got to his destination he found his boyfriend’s prick pressed into his face. “Now suck it, baby,” Mike said. “Suck that dick and taste yourself on it.” Jon cupped Mike’s balls in one hand and prepared to take the member into his mouth. It was bouncing in excitement so dramatically that Jon had to hold it in place. “Yeah that’s it. You taste your own sweet hole on that cock,” Mike groaned. This was an aggressiveness Mike had never shown before, and it turned Jon on. The excitement only grew when his lover pulled out of Jon’s mouth and rubbed the stiff knob all over the teen’s face and neck. There was silence between them as this new ground was explored. Suddenly, Mike pushed Jon by the shoulders, sending him flat on his back. The man pulled his young lover forward so that his bottom was at the edge of the bed. As Mike crouched down, Jon spread his legs with a smile. The teenager started to lightly tug on his dick while Mike once again put his own member at the youngster’s back entrance. “You like fucking my arse, don’t you?” Jon whispered. “Oh yeah,” Mike replied. “It’s so nice and tight.” At the same time as he admitted his pleasure, Mike slid his cock back into Jon’s willing rear-end. This time it went in without a hitch, going right up to the balls. Mike leaned down to kiss his lover. Jon put his arms around the man’s shoulders and his legs around his hips, using the heels to pull Mike in even deeper as the thrusting picked up again. Their bodies were so close together that Mike’s stomach brushed against Jon’s spike, a sensation which would easily bring the teen to orgasm in no time when coupled with the feeling of the stiff rod probing his chute. “Oh, honey… you’re so sexy,” Jon said. “Yes. Drive that big cock up my arse. God, it’s so fucking hard!” Jon’s words spurred Mike on to a faster pace. Soon the teenager could feel the man’s penis throbbing extra hard inside him, and he knew Mike was close to cumming. Just the thought of the warm fluid shooting into him made Jon start to ejaculate, his release coating both of their bodies. Mere seconds later, he felt the flurry inside himself as Mike squirted into Jon’s anxious behind. Once the orgasm was done, Mike collapsed on Jon. The two shared a long kiss, gazing into each other’s eyes. “Let’s never fight again,” Mike said. “And if we do,” Jon added, “Let’s make up like this.” “You know I’m on your side, don’t you?” Mike asked, stroking the teenager’s hair. “Remember what I promised you after your grandmother’s funeral. No one will ever hurt you again. Not while I’m around.” “But Will has hurt me. He stole what should have been my life and left me to swim through the shit storm that should have been his.” `But he didn’t,’ Mike said to himself. `Not deliberately. And thinking it isn’t going to help anyone.’ The man wanted to say it, but knew his words would be wasted. Instead, he put his arms back around Jon and stared into his eyes. “I just don’t want you to hate him,” he told the teenager. “So he’s planning to go to Oxford? You never know, maybe there’s a chance, with a bit of help, that you might be able to go to uni too. But Oxford might not be all it’s cracked up to be. As you said yourself, you’d probably hate it. Anyway, if you’d had his opportunities you could’ve achieved everything he has and more besides.” Jon’s expression softened. Suddenly, he looked anxious. “I just get scared. I imagine them comparing me to him and being disappointed.” “They’ve no right to be. Will’s not half the person you are and neither is…” `Josh,’ he thought to himself. “… Any other guy I’ve ever met,” he added instead. “I’m proud of you Jon, and if your parents aren’t, then more fool them.” *** Note from the author: If you enjoyed this story, you might also want to check out my first story `Tutoring Dylan’ which can be found fty//gay/adult-youth/tutoring-dylan/ Please note that my email address is different to the one mentioned in Tutoring Dylan, so you can now contact me at hoo 1

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