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Subject: Timothy Gets His Way As I work on the next Chapter of both Apartment Boys and Jason and Me, this story came to me and so I thought I would put pen to paper so to speak and get it to you all. Before I begin this story, there are a few things you need to know. First: This story will have moments that feature boy/man sex/love, if this is something that displeases you, please rethink why you’re on Nifty in the first place and leave. Second: If you are breaking any laws as legislated by your country, state and or municipality by being here, or are a minor, then do the right thing and high-tail it out of here. Third: If you enjoy this story and would like to leave a comment or appreciative response, please feel free to email me at jeralb@protonmail and I will get back to you. Any flames or criticisms that are not constructive will be deleted. Fourth: You can help keep Nifty free while letting your favourite Nifty Authors know that they are appreciated. Please consider donating some pocket change (or more) to Nifty. You’ll be glad you did. Click the link below to make a Donation. http://donate./donate.html And now, onto the story 🙂 ————————— Ten year old Timothy was a very cute, smart, energetic and easy going kind of kid who pretty much liked everyone he met. Even the guys his single 30-something mom would bring home for a night or two of “fun” were tolerated with a smile and as much warmth as he was willing to muster. Enter John! John was Timothy’s’ mom’s latest “love” and it was very clear from the moment he laid eyes on him that he would NOT be liking “that guy” any time soon! For a ten year old Timothy was a great judge of character and it was apparent that John had none. He was arrogant, a narcissist and obviously liked Brenda solely as an object of sexual gratification. Although Timothy might not have put it that way. The first time Brenda introduced John to Timothy, he snorted “ya didn’t tell me ya had a kid!” and proceeded to pretty much ignore Timothy from then on. Which would have been fine with the young boy except for the fact that his mom seemed to really like John and their relationship was lasting longer than her usual boyfriends. There was however another thing that really, REALLY bugged Timothy, and that was that every time John had to have some verbal interaction with Timothy, he would call him “Little Timmy”, which infuriated the boy to no end. His name after all “WAS TIMOTHY” and he “SHOULD” be referred to as no-less than Timothy! As the weeks passed, Timothy and John tolerated each other and pretty much made a silent pact to stay out of each others’ way. Then one hot and humid night, as Timothy tried to sleep, he heard unusual noises coming from the living room. Quietly sneaking out of his room he crouched down near the entrance to the living room and saw John – totally naked – laying back on the couch as Brenda’s mouth slurped up and down all over John’s fat, uncut cock. This was nothing new to Timothy. There had many times over the last few years where he had accidentally seen his mom sucking on a boyfriend’s dick or that one time where he saw his mom getting fucked hard on the kitchen table. It took him almost a month before he would eat anything in the kitchen much to his mom’s concern and dismay! Normally he would just shrug his little shoulders and go back to bed. But this time was different as Timothy couldn’t take his eyes away from John’s cock, slick from his mom’s saliva. He didn’t have time to think about it though as his thoughts were interrupted by John’s loud moans as Brenda’s bobbing head picked up speed. With a final grunt from John, Brenda quickly konyaaltı sınırsız escort released his cock from her mouth as blast after blast of his semen shot into the air landing on Brenda’s face, his chest and stomach. “Awwww man…” said John.”Why the fuck can’t you swallow my load like everyone else!? You suck at giving blow-jobs!!” John looked pissed off and as he started to get up off the couch, he spotted Timothy crouched near the door. Timothy quickly jumped back and ran into his room. His little heart was beating quickly and he found it hard to breathe normally. His sleep that night was anything but restful with plenty of weird dreams that kept the little guy tossing and turning. The next day Timothy walked around in a tired daze and did all he could to stay out of John’s way. It was at this point that Timothy so wished he had a bike like most of his young friends so he could get out of the house. Sadly though his mother couldn’t afford one which meant that Timothy was left out of the loop a lot when it came to hanging out with his friends. “Something needs to be done” thought Timothy and that night, as he lay awake in bed, a plan started forming in his young mind. As he mulled over a plan of action, he was surprised to find that his cocklet was harder than it had ever been! Gently fondling it, he started feeling peculiar tinglings that he had never felt before. As his breath quickened, his small cock started pulsing wildly causing him to quickly let go of his boy-hood. “What the heck was that!?” he thought as he began drifting off to sleep. Touching himself again to see if everything was intact, Timothy – feeling reassured – quickly fell into a deep sleep. The next morning found Timothy with boundless energy and a die-hard willingness to go ahead with his planned scheme hatched the night before. As he walked into the living room, he saw that John was lying on the couch – fully clothed this time. “Where’s my mom?” asked Timothy. John looked over at Timothy and with a somewhat annoyed wave of his hand replied “She’s out doing errands.” Actually, Timothy knew exactly what she was doing and how long it would take her to do it. With nervous butterflies in his belly, Timothy knew that he had to act now or it would be too late. He was already seeing a change in the way his mom responded to John these days and with all things being equal, it wouldn’t be long now before he was a distant memory in their lives. “John?” called Timothy softly. No response. “John?” called Timothy again in much more of a sing song voice. “Yeah kid? Whattaya want!?” snapped John. “Oh…I dunno…a new bike would be nice!” replied Timothy in an almost whisper. “Huh!? What? A bike? What the fuck are you talking about kid!?” John sat up and glared at the young boy. Timothy cleared his throat in an authoritative manner and continued in a much more assertive tone. “I want a new bike John and I want you to buy me one.” John looked over at Timothy and snorted out loud. “Ha! You’re too funny kid. Why in the hell would I want to buy you a bike with my hard earned money? Fuck dude, I don’t even like you!” Normally this would have stung, but it was the exact response that Timothy was expecting. So far, everything was going to plan. “I know, but listen. You agree to buy me a bike and I’ll suck your dick right here, right now! I bet I can give you a way better blow-job than my mom can.” John sat up and looked at Timothy more seriously. “So Little Timmy wants my cock in his mouth! What the fuck kid…you gay or what?” Timothy shook his head. “Nope. I just want a bike. It konyaaltı türbanlı escort doesn’t even have to be a new one!” “You’re serious!?” exclaimed John. Timothy nodded his head. A creepy smile formed across the face of John as he stood up from the couch. “Ok Little Timmy. You wanna suck on my cock, you got it.” Timmy smiled and pointed to the basement steps. “Let’s do it downstairs so we don’t get caught if mom shows up.” John nodded in agreement and motioned Timothy to go first. “I just gotta go to the bathroom first.” Timothy stated, pretending that he had to pee. “I’ll be down in a minute.” John gave Timothy a hard look and then shook his head. “You’re a crazy kid dude! A crazy kid!” Timothy shrugged his shoulders as John headed for the basement door. Once Timothy heard John’s footsteps going down the stairs, he quickly ran into his bedroom and grabbed something off his shelf. A few minutes later, Timothy was downstairs and as he walked over to where John was laying, was kind of surprised to see that he had already lowered his pants to reveal the cock that his mom sucked on a few nights ago. Timothy had never seen a cock up close before and was a little surprised how much he liked the look of it. “Like what you see kid?” smirked John as he took hold of it and stroked it a bit causing it to get fatter. Timothy gulped and started having second thoughts. Not wanting to give up on his new bike though helped him continue on with the plan. Unsure of how to start, Timothy began rubbing his small boy-hands all over John’s torso. John impatiently told him to “get on with it before your mom gets back.” And with that said Timothy took hold of John’s cock and replaying in his mind the movements he had seen his mom do, started sucking off her boyfriend. John was somewhat surprised at how soft and warm Timothy’s mouth felt and as he began to think that maybe the kid COULD suck him better than his mom, Timothy nervously scraped John’s cock-head with his teeth. John winced in pain and yelled out almost hitting Timothy in his stomach. “Be careful fuck-face!” disclaimed John. Timothy mouthed “sorry” as he went back down on John’s cock, feeling somewhat pleased with himself that he caused John a bit of pain. Getting the hang of having a man’s cock in his mouth, Timothy started enjoying what he was doing and did all he could to get across that feeling to John. John picked up on the kid’s lustful sucking. “Hmmmmm kid…feels like you love having my cock in your mouth.” Timothy mumbled something and John laughed. “Ok kid. Better not try and talk with your mouth full.” Timothy nodded as he kept riding John’s cock with his mouth. Saliva was dripping all over John’s hard shaft and tightening balls as his impending orgasm and ejaculation loomed close. As John started fucking “Little Timmy’s” mouth, Timothy sensed that John would be cumming soon. If all went according to plan this would be the deal-closer. Sure enough, a minute later John’s hips started bucking wildly as he attempted to force all of his cock down Timothy’s throat. Then without a warning moan or grunt John let loose stream after stream of thick, ropy cum into Timothy’s willing mouth. “Game time!” thought Timothy as his boy-mouth clamped down on John’s pulsating cock allowing all of the man’s sperm to shoot deep into his mouth and down his throat. There was so much cum that Timothy was afraid he would start chocking but he didn’t let go and like a trooper swallowed all that John had to offer. And although he didn’t like the taste of man-spunk, a deal was a deal and a new bike was sure to be his konyaaltı ucuz escort soon. After a few minutes and feeling that it was safe to let go of John’s softening cock, Timothy opened his mouth and let John’s cock plop out. Timothy looked over at John’s face and gave him a huge grin. “So…when do I get my new bike?” John snorted, sat up, and started doing up his pants. “You suck a good dick kid, I’ll give you that. And you did swallow, which gets you bonus points…but…I don’t think I’ll be buying you a bike!” Timothy looked disappointed and stuttered “But why? I sucked you off better than my mom, like I said I would and now you gotta live up to your part of the deal!” “Fuck that kid! I’ll tell you what though, you can suck me off anytime!” Timothy looked like he was about to cry and then broke into a grin with a small giggle. “What’s so funny kid?” asked John as he zipped up. “Well…the way I see it, I’d like my new bike in the next two days.” “Didn’t you hear me kid! There’s no fuckin’ way I’m gonna buy you shit!” Timothy walked over to a small table and took something off it. Looking over at John with as a serious face as he could muster, said “No. I think you WILL be buying me that bike because I got you letting a ten year old kid suck you off on videotape!” Timothy smugly waved a digital video camera in front of him as John, fists clenched, moved menacingly towards him. Timothy moved back and was about to run when he heard his mom call for him from upstairs. Timothy quickly yelled “we’re down here mom. Come on down.” Like a wild animal about to be trapped, John quickly ran up the stairs, pushed Brenda out of the way and made a bee-line for the front door. “What the hell was that all about?” asked Brenda as Timothy ran up to her. She hugged him tight and kissed the top of his forehead. “What were you two doing down here anyway and why did John run out the door like a crazy person?” Timothy shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know mom…I was just asking him to help me buy a bike and then he ran off.” “Hmmmph. Well young man, I wouldn’t bank on him buying you a bike any time soon. I don’t think I’ll be seeing him much anymore.” “We’ll see,” whispered Timothy as they made their way upstairs. Later that night, as Timothy lay in bed thinking about the days events, he began playing with his small boy-cock again like the night before. This time he was ready for the new sensations he was starting to feel and as he brought himself to a dry orgasm he was surprised to find himself thinking that maybe – just maybe – it would be nice to have John’s hard cock back in his mouth one day. But, he wondered, would he ever get use to the salty, bitter taste of John’s sperm. Time would tell he thought as he drifted off to sleep. The next morning both Brenda and Timothy were woken early by the loud buzz of the front door-bell. When they opened it, all that was there was a brand new shiny bike and a note that read “Well played kid! Well played! Call me!” “What do you think he meant by that?” asked his mom, quite curious. Timothy felt a slight pang of guilt as he shrugged his shoulders. “I dunno mom. Who knows with that guy!” “Hmmmm…well, I guess you made an impression on him after all Timothy.” Timothy grinned slightly and got on his new bike. “Back in a few mom” he shouted as he happily rode down the street towards nowhere in particular, a huge smile on his face. The end…for now? —————— If you enjoyed this story and would like to leave a comment or appreciative response, please feel free to email me ail and I will get back to you. Any flames or criticisms that are not constructive will be deleted. You also may like my series titled Jason and Me which can be found at https://www.//gay/adult-youth/jason-and-me/ fty//gay/adult-youth/tyler-time/ And remember, this is just a work of fiction and should not be tried at home!! Play safe! Jer Copyright 2020 — No part of this story can be used without the express permission of its owner. Thank you.

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