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Subject: Last of the Line – Chapter 112 Last of the Line by badboi666 =============================================================================== If sex with boys isn’t your thing, go away. If, as is much more likely, you’ve come to this site precisely to get your rocks off reading about sex with 14-year-olds then make yourself comfortable – you’re in the right place. Don’t leave, however, without doing this: Donate to Nifty – these buggers may do it for love but they still have to eat. fty/donate.html =============================================================================== Chapter 112 Before I could react Zeke had his left arm deep inside me while his right hand wanked me furiously. “I know it’s weird, Pos, but just enjoy it,” he muttered. I was in no position to do anything other than allow the incredible new erotic sensations to overwhelm me, which they did in next to no time. The volume of spunk and the distance it flew were extraordinary, given that I had cum not that long before. It was only as I came down again that I felt … what, exactly? Not nausea, not even disgust … shame, I suppose, shame that having shit all over my cock and balls made me so horny. I found my heart was beating more than it usually did after a good orgasm. Zeke smiled. “That wasn’t what you were expecting, was it?” I shook my head. “I’m embarrassed that there was shit up there. Normally I make damn sure I’m clean before I start to play, but when I came here I wasn’t expecting fun.” I had to think – had I enjoyed it more because I was covered in shit, or despite it? Was it sex with Zeke that had got me going so hard? The longer I lay with the stink the more I felt disgusted. “We need to shower to get the smell off,” I said. Zeke got up and I followed him back into the shower. “Let me clean you, Pos. If you’re disgusted I’m sorry, but you certainly performed when I wanked you. You weren’t disgusted then.” I had to agree, both to what he had said and to his offer to clean me. I had no recollection of the last time someone cleaned my own shit off me – I must have been no more than 2. Was it going to become a habit? In the shower after I was smelling of nothing more than healthy male our bladders were feeling uncomfortable. I held my cock and drew my foreskin back. “Interested?” I said. Zeke knelt. “I love drinking it,” he said, “especially when there’s a lot of it and it’s not strong.” He took my cock, now wholly shit-free, and licked it lovingly before taking it deep in his mouth. I began to piss; his hands went round my arse again and pulled my arse cheeks apart. If only there had been a third person there – I suddenly felt an overwhelming need to be fucked. “As soon as I’m empty I want you to fuck me,” I whispered, “I need your cock in me and your spunk inside me again.” Zeke nodded, still drinking. Several seconds later I forced out the last drops. Zeke got up, grinning. “You’re on fire, Pos, come on,” and he threw a thick sheet onto the bed before pulling me onto it. We were both wet, but at least it was only water. I got on my back. Zeke lubed his cock and stuck two lubed fingers up my arse. I growled happily. “In hard and fuck me long and slow.” It was about 25 minutes before he came, noisily but not as plentifully as before (hardly surprising). When he slipped out I held him in my arms. The feeling I had for him, intense as it was, was quite different from the post-fuck feelings I had for Billy, or for Jack. They were more intense as with each of them there was an aspect of love – enormous in the case of Billy but still important with Jack. I had no feelings of love towards Zeke, but there was something beyond the warmth of a memory of a shared series of orgasms. Could it be the shit factor? Had Zeke pressed a hitherto unknown button? I stroked his hair and he rubbed his fingers on my nipple. “You’re fun, Pos,” he whispered, “most clients aren’t nice and cuddly after we’ve finished.” I kissed the top of his head. “Maybe it’s because you showed me something new. That’s always exciting.” He looked at me. “You mean the shit thing. You’ve really never done scat before?” I shook my head. He grinned. “I’d prefer you did it with me rather than Colin if you came again.” “I might at that,” I said. At the time I had no idea whether the experiment would be repeated: at the time the result had been incredibly erotic, but afterwards … well, a lot of afterwards were tinged with regret, so that was nothing new … the little death was real enough, though never with Billy or Jack … or any of the Fisher trebles, come to that. It was all too much to process quickly, particularly as there was a warm naked 16-year-old relaxing on me, his fingers lazily engaged on nipple parade. We lay there, both spent, for a while. He sat up. “Time I shooed you out, Pos, I’m afraid.” Two hours were almost up. They had been the two most unexpected hours of my life: you don’t get up and dress to go to a funeral and end up undergoing quite such exotic treatment that often. He sniffed carefully. “No-one will know,” he said, “you can get dressed.” While I was doing so he gathered the pissy towels and the shitty ones and put them in separate bags. It was all very efficient. He put on a track suit (sans underwear, I noted) and when we were both ready he stood in front kilis escort of me. “I enjoyed that more than I usually do,” he said, “you’re fun. I hope you’ll be back.” I kissed his lips. “I will, Zeke, and thank you.” I slipped £50 in his hand. Our kiss intensified. “Thanks,” he whispered. Outside Hector was waiting where I’d left him two hours earlier. He stood up. “Ready?” I nodded. “I take it from the look on your face that your time with Zeke was to your liking. I am to give you all the information you need should you wish to return.” He proceeded to do so. I was amused that little seemed to have changed since Seth’s day. “I’ve settled up, so you can send me a cheque,” he said. I hadn’t written a cheque for years, but I could still just about remember what to do. “How did you pay, Hector? You surely didn’t have £1000 on you.” “No, I have an account with them, and you will need to open one when you first come back. The owner will have to know who you are, but he’s very discreet. Does that bother you? I shook my head. “I live in a house full of queers and lesbians, and I have no secrets.” We shook hands outside and went our separate ways. I wondered how much of the detail I would tell Billy and the other two about. That thought occupied me throughout the journey home. At dinner that night I was pressed to tell them about the Abbey, and that topic was soon dealt with. I related my afternoon’s adventure. Hamish was intrigued to know that such places existed. “You should read the experience of Dab’s ancestor, Hamish,” said Billy, “the first Earl. He was never out of boy brothels.” Hamish had no idea what Billy was talking about, so I filled him in on the family papers. “Can I read them, Dab?” “Of course you can. They’re in the office: you can start tonight.” Jack groaned. “He’ll never get to bed, Dab, they’re too interesting.” “Ah, but when he finally does, Jack, he’ll be so fired up with teenage lust that you’ll never be able to satisfy him,” said Billy happily. “Go on about this Zeke. Was he as sexy as I am?” asked Jack. I pretended to have to think carefully about my answer. Billy couldn’t help laughing. At last I said, “there’s only one difference between the two of you.” “And?” said Jack. “Zeke’s pink. He’s got 8 inches and it pisses just as much as yours. His arm goes up just as far too.” “You were going to a fucking funeral and you ended up getting fisted and pissfucked!” I grinned, “not just that, Jack, I had a new experience too.” That made three pairs of eyes bore into me. When I told them there were three distinct reactions. Shock from Hamish; amusement from Billy (“why has that never happened before?”) and very clear enthusiasm from Jack. “You like, Jack?” I said. He was quiet for a moment. “One of Dodo’s mates was into it before we met you, Dab, and he and I did it once – the mate, not Dodo. I was about 11, I suppose, and into anything new and kinky. Still am,” he chuckled, “so if you fancy a treat, Dab, you know where I am.” “Why have you kept quiet about it?” asked Billy. Jack hesitated. “I was afraid Dab might throw the two of us out. Then as we all started to do stuff together and neither of you mentioned it Dodo said I should just not say anything. ‘They’ll think you’re really weird, Jack’ he said, and maybe I am. Still, that means you’re weird too, Dab.” The Cunliffe colouring indicated that he had hit the nail on the head. Hamish was still in a state of shock. “You mean you shitted on each other?” “Mmm. It sounds a lot nastier sitting round the table after dinner though, Hamish. When you’re all fired up and your balls are churning because some sexy little 16-year-old has his hand up your arse it seems a fun thing to do. Trust me.” Hamish didn’t look convinced. “Remember that no-one’s forced to do anything in this house, Hamish. If you don’t like the idea that’s it,” I said. Jack grinned. I could see him thinking that Hamish’s curiosity might lead to a more intimate discussion when the two of them were warm in bed. Billy said nothing. I thought it likely we might be having a discussion too. Later, in bed, he broached the subject, but not in the way I’d expected. “Can you take a guest to this place?” “I expect so. After all, I was a guest today. Why? Are you keen to have Zeke getting his 8 inches out for your inspection?” “Only if he buries them pretty soon after.” “In that case we must give Zeke the chance to do so.” ***** A week before Jack was due to go to college Billy and I went to London, leaving Jack and Hamish to have a couple of nights on their own. I knew that, while Jack would have plenty to keep him occupied, Hamish would miss him: it made sense for them to have a few days of just being together all day and all night. I’d not asked Hector what the opening hours of his little Paradise were, but since we’d gone there in the afternoon I assumed that it was open each day at that time. “This is it, Billy,” I said as I prepared to knock the secret knock. He squeezed my hand, “yummy,” he whispered. We giggled like a pair of 10-year-olds. I rapped in the manner Hector had taught me. The slide opened. “Posner.” The door was opened and for the first time in his life Billy entered a brothel. Lionel greeted me as an old friend, though we had met just that once. “This is kıbrıs escort my guest, Lionel.” Lionel smiled at Billy. “A moment, Posner,” he said and consulted a small book. “Welcome, Dakin,” he said. Billy, now Dakin, and I went into the dining room and through into the lounge beyond where Mark had met us the first time. There were two of the waiters whom I recognised from the book – neither of them was Zeke or Rufus. We sat on a settee and they came up to us. “I’m Posner,” I said, “and my guest Dakin would like to see the book.” One of them went to bring the book while the other – a man a year or two older than Billy, sat beside him. “My name is Jason,” he said, “and it will be my pleasure to get you gentleman a drink.” Billy and I had agreed that liquid would form a large part of what we would experience, so I said that we would each welcome a pint of bitter. “Two pints, then. Each,” said Billy. Jason smiled. “I understand,” and away he went. He must have told his colleague that we were into piss, for when the book came it was brought by Zeke. He had a broad smile when he recognised me. “Pos, this is a nice surprise!” I introduced Dakin, who had, I said, similar colour preferences to me. Zeke’s smile broadened even more. At that point Jason returned with four pints and Zeke started to laugh. “Rufus?” he said when he had stopped laughing. “I expect so, but Dakin must have a few minutes to study the race card. Why don’t you go and get him and come and join us while Dakin does his homework.” Jason put the beers on two side tables and said that it appeared that we had made our choice. I could see no colour flash on his shorts, so I assumed that whatever he did didn’t involve any unusual speciality, not that I had anything against plain vanilla. Billy studied the book with great interest. “It’s exactly like Seth described it. I’m amazed. I see that there are only two offering piss. Have you met Rufus?” I nodded, “yes, but Zeke was more up my street, and I’m relying on you to find out about our ginger chum.” Billy’s eyebrows rose. “I thought you’d have chosen him.” “If he’d been 16 I probably would have done, but age trumps ginger every time.” “Oh well, since I have to fuck ginger at home I guess I’ll just have to do it here as well.” Mercifully Zeke and Rufus appeared at that moment, each with a glass of beer. “Got to keep topped up,” said Zeke cheerfully. Billy and I had drained our first pints already and were beginning the second. I patted the seat beside me and beckoned to Zeke. Rufus sat beside Billy. “Are we allowed to have a foursome?” I asked, “we all want the same thing.” Rufus elected himself the spokesman. “Of course, Posner. There’s room for four. It will be £750 for an hour.” “Agreed,” I said, “but the last time I was here I was Hector’s guest. I have not had to pay before – what’s the form?” Rufus nodded to Zeke, “off you go and tell him.” The owner appeared almost immediately with Zeke. “Would you come into the office, Posner. Rufus and Zeke will entertain your guest for a few minutes.” The process was very business-like. I swiped my card and details were entered in a small ledger. “This stays in the safe, and no-one can access it other than me. Your identity will remain a secret, your lordship, as does Hector’s and all our members. Your guest – Dakin, Lionel tells me – will doubtless be discreet.” I assured him on that score. “Well, Posner, all is now complete. Go and enjoy Zeke and Rufus. Your interests are clearly easily catered for here.” I assured him that the time I had spent with Zeke earlier had been highly rewarding. “So I understand. Rules are there to be bent, Posner, but be discreet about it, won’t you.” We shook hands, a curiously formal thing to so in the circumstances. When I returned the beers were almost finished, so I quickly swallowed the rest of mine. “That’s six pints which will soon see the light of day,” said Rufus. “I doubt it,” I said, “at least not directly. Lead on, Zeke.” Billy told me on the way that in my absence it had been agreed that each of us would be fucked by each of the boys and that who we fucked wasn’t settled. “Sounds good to me, Bi-, Dakin.” ***** An hour later well over six pints had been recycled, some of them twice by my reckoning. As soon as we were in the room – the same one in which Zeke and I had played – we all stripped off, and Billy made a great fuss of admiring Rufus’s ginger splendour. Like Billy himself, I was shaved, so all I had by way of comparison was on my head. Rufus however had a lush patch above his cock, trimmed neatly, though his balls were smooth. Zeke was shaved. Billy asked him why. “They’re pretty sparse, Dakin, so it looks better if I appear younger. The book says I’m 16, which is true, but if I look like a 14-year-old with an enormous cock and balls which produce gallons then the gentlemen will be pleased.” “He means the punters like it,” I said, “and this one certainly does. Come on, Zeke, let’s get on with it,” and I pointed to the bath. Four would be a tight squeeze, but I was sure we would manage. Billy and I lay on our backs with the boys standing over us. They had done this often enough before to know how to ration the release of piss to give us maximum pleasure. “Do you take it inside, Dakin?” Billy nodded, “both kırıkkale escort ends, Rufus, and you?” “The same.” Over the next fifteen minutes all six pints were dealt with, though little of it actually appeared anywhere once all four of us were nicely wet. All eight orifices had been filled and some emptied again. Billy eyed Zeke’s cock, a good half-inch longer than Rufus’s. “I want that up me. Posner had had it already, so I claim first rights this time.” I was relieved that in the height of his lust to be fucked by Zeke he remembered who I was – not that it mattered really. “Sure, Dakin, and Pos will get the benefit when I last a lot longer.” I watched as Zeke slowly entered Billy. Rufus has pissed up Billy’s arse (as Zeke had up mine), so we were both well-lubricated. There’s something deeply erotic about watching your lover being fucked, especially by a boy who looked younger than he was. Rufus could see that I was concentrating on the other two, so he contented himself with getting as much of my cock in his mouth as he could. He was a skilled cock-sucker and I soon felt I needed to stop him – I wasn’t anything like ready to cum. I smiled. “Fuck me instead, and see if you can make me cum that way.” He grinned and as I put my knees beside my ears I could feel his hot cock press up inside me. Once the head was inside me he rammed the rest in hard. I love it like that sometimes, and this was going to be a hard fuck from an energetic teenager. “Mmm, that’s good,” I moaned, “now fill me with spunk … and if you stay in after you can wash it out with piss.” Rufus muttered that he couldn’t promise but he’d give it a try. I could see Zeke pounding at Billy. I reached out a hand and found his. We gripped each other as we both succumbed to what was being done to us. “He’s good,” panted Billy. I smiled, knowing that I would soon have Zeke up me. I knew Billy and I had made sure that we were clean inside before we left for our session, but that had been four hours ago, and a lot can happen in four hours. However Rufus continued to fuck me hard and deep, satisfying but unlikely to make me cum. Suddenly he pulled out. “Sit on me, Posner,” he said. We changed places and I squatted over him, lowering my arse onto his purple-headed cock, awash with juices of all kinds. He thrust up into me and the sensation was subtly different – his cock wasn’t bent like Billy’s but it rubbed against different parts of my insides. I leaned forward and found yet another bit of me was being stimulated. All this moving was bringing Rufus closer. He speeded up and started to get very vocal, groaning and muttering through clenched teeth. It’s always amused me that as orgasm approaches – something that we know perfectly well will be a thrill to our senses – our facial expression always seems one of reluctance, of fear almost. Billy and I have often laughed about it, but we both still do it every time. Odd. Rufus’s rictus was almost frightening. His jaws were clenched and his face taut. His cock plunged deeper, deeper and … with a loud groan he unloaded. I felt his cock swell as it pumped spunk into me, rope after rope, spasm after spasm. I bent my lips to his while he was still coming and our tongues imitated the action of his cock. “Stay in,” I whispered, “that was some fuck.” I put my hands on his arse to keep him buried in me. We lay very still. Zeke and Billy were still busy with grunts from one and moans from the other. Rufus lifted his face from mine. “I think I’m close, Posner, it’ll be only a few seconds.” I kept very still. Then the magic sensation of hot piss pouring out of a cock fully seven inches inside me took over. I gently pushed him upright. “Stay in, while I wank.” I hadn’t planned it that way, but as soon as the piss started to flow I knew I needed to cum quickly, while he was still in me and still pissing if I could. I made it – just. He was still pissing when my first jet of cum hit him square in the chest but by the time the fifth fired straight at my belly his cock was drained. “Change places,” I said, and when he was on his back I turned and started to lick my spunk off his body. As I gradually went further down him he took the hint and soon my cock was in his mouth. We must have spent several minutes like that: I know Zeke came while we were busy but I don’t think Billy did – I know the sounds! “Time to swap,” I said, “I want Zeke’s arm where it belongs and I’m damn sure Billy’s cock can reach new places up Rufus’s arse.” “You put it so sweetly,” murmured Billy as we changed places. “On all fours, Rufus,” he added, “I’m coming to get you.” Zeke smiled as he wriggled over to my side of the bath. “That bend must really get you going, Pos.” I nodded, “Rufus will hit the roof when it happens.” I got on all fours as well and Zeke wasted no time – his lips and tongue harvesting the last of Rufus’s donations. “Are you expecting the same as last time?” he whispered. “I’ve no idea, Zeke, but it was all clear when we left home. Why not find out?” “I hope not, because Rufus will hit the roof in more ways than one – he hates it. I don’t understand why, but it’s not a good idea.” His greased arm was well inside by then and he felt around. “No, you’re OK. If Dakin’s like you then we might have a threesome one day?” =============================================================================== The fun continues in Chapter 113 as the foursome continues. Drop me a line at net – that is after you’ve dropped a few quid. ===============================================================================

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