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Subject: Transitions Chapter 25 Gay adult Youth I hope you guys like this addition. Sorry I have been working a lot more lately. But, I am constantly thinking about my boys. I always enjoy your comments about my stories. SO please keep emailing its how I know if you are reading and liking it or not. Also while we are on liking I like Nifty I think they are for keeping it free make a donation today if you can spare a few bucks. I actually know where that saying bucks came from. Anyway, help them out. As always I wish you all peace love and happiness. Eric Transitions Chapter 25 Eric and Alejandro came down the winding front staircase and hear Julius and Rich playing on the piano. Rich is showing Julius the basics and he is catching on pretty quickly. They both go and sit on one of the couches in the room and watch and listen. Alejandro sits on Eric’s lap as usual. “When do you think I can play a song?” Julius asks. “I can teach you one right now that’s extremely simple. But, its a silly song.” “Cool teach me.” Rich starts to play chopsticks. Then Julius tries and plays it exactly the same. “Cool.” Julius says when he finishes. “Yeah cool.” Rich says. “When do you think I can play a real song. A good one like you?” “That my young friend many factors depend on. For example how easily you can get your fingers to do what you want them to do. How often and how much you practice. Also if you just have the ability to play. Some people just don’t. Others can and its hard but, they persist and win out. Others just have no problems with it. But, I would guess you will be playing some simple songs in a month or two, without any issues.” “Cool.” “You say cool one more time I am going to have Eric hold you on the floor while my old ass gets down and tickle you until you pee your pants.” Rich says laughing. “You wouldn’t do that would you?” Julius asks. “You bet your cute little ass I would.” “Cool.” Julius says laughing his ass off and starts to race out of the room. He smacks right into his mother who is walking in the room and falls to the floor laughing still. Eric put Alejandro to the side and jumps down to get Julius and Rich slowly gets down on the floor and starts tickling the shit out of Julius. “Lordy lordy.” Is all Julia says and leaves the room. Rich tickles Julius until he screams hes about to pee himself. “Good that’s the goal remember.” Rich says laughing. But, he does let up and Julius races to the nearest restroom. Eric helps Rich gt back onto his feet. “That boy is either going to make me feel young again or kill me. I m not sure which. But, I know I will be happy finding out.” Rich says smiling. Alejandro is now standing beside them and Rich puts his hand on his head. “Well, young man are you ready for your lesson?” “Oh yes grand Poppi.” He says excited as can be. He grabs Rich’s hand and they walk back to the piano and Rich goes through everything with him as he had with Julius. Julius comes back and sits next to Eric on one of the couches. “Grand Poppi is going to be my man.” He nearly whispers. Eric puts his arm around Julius’s shoulder and hugs him into him. “I am really glad for you. I know its what you have been wanting and Rich is a good man. He will treat you very well. Of that I am positive.” Julius smiles his big Cheshire cat smile. “I know I cant wait.” “Just be patient Rich isn’t young like ankara grup escort you and Alejandro. He wont be able to ave fun as much as you will want to. But, I am sure Alejandro will be happy to fill in from time to time.” Eric smiles. “Oh I know. Rich wants us to be equal.” “I think that’s the right way to be. I consider Alejandro to be in charge of sex and he knows this. But, e knows I am in charge of the things he knows I know best for him. He likes it that way and so do I.” They both just listen to the lesson afterwards. When Rich taught Alejandro everything he taught Julius he looks to Eric. “You ready too young man?” “I think I am going to leave it to the youngsters to learn. I think I want to learn a different instrument..” “What do you have in mind?” “I want to play the violin I think. But, I doubt I do. I have always wanted to but, who has the time?” “You do Mr Eric. Julia says from the door way. Dinner is ready so you best come eat before the boys eats it all.” The boys start to race to the kitchen to eat. “Wash your hands first.” Eric shouts after them. He hears skidding in the hallway as they change directions and head to the restroom. They all meet up in the kitchen and the radio is on and Eric hears the song I like me Better by Lauv. “I love this song.” He shouts and starts dancing around the kitchen. The boys start laughing at his antics. Eric grabs Julia’s hand as she walks by and starts dancing with her. Julia and him start dancing together. The boys are laughing but, Julia and Eric are dancing very well together. Rich is clapping and laughing at the fun. The boys start dancing around the kitchen too. Even Rich gets up and is slowly moving to the rhythm of the song. Once the song ends they are all laughing. “Lordy Mr Eric yous a good dancer.” “Poppi is good at everything.” “That’s not true. I am not a good polo player.” He says laughing. “Have you ever played polo Eric?” Rich asks. “Well, no. For that matter I have never even been on a horse. So I guess I could be a good player. Just never tried.” “I like horses. Can we go ride one.” Alejandro asks. “Not right this minute. But, I will check and see about it and maybe we can in a few days.” Julia has made Jamaican hamburgers for them with fries and some cottage cheese. Eric looks at the cottage cheese and thinks odd choice. But, as he eats and the burger turns his mouth to fire he takes a bite of the cottage cheese and realizes its perfect. “These are fantastic. I’ve never had them before.” Rich says. “They be a bit warm today but, it be OK. She says and takes another bite. Eric isn’t half done with his and Rich is reaching out to grab another. Apparently he does like them. Eric just smiles happy his friend is pleased with his life now. He hasn’t hear him be bitchy since hes gotten here. Hes all smiles and joyful. The nurses at the hospital wouldn’t believe it. A complete change. “Grand Poppi did you and your Al go dancing a lot?” Julius asks. “Oh my goodness. We would go to parties all the time. We always wanted to dance. But, inevitably I would get suckered into playing the piano and Al would just sit next to me. Some songs he would sing some I would. Some together. It was such great fun those day. But, I think I have a few exciting days ahead of me again. I thought my life was pretty much over. Now I have lots to gümüşhane escort look forward too.” “Me too.” Julius says. “Certainly me.” Eric says. “I got so much to look forward to, too.” Alejandro says. “You gotsa tutu…” Julius says and starts laughing. Alejandro tries to respond but, is flustered which makes everyone start laughing. After a second hes laughing too. “If you want to take ballet I will get you a tutu.” Eric says laughing. “Nah I don’t want to take ballet. But, it looks really neat to watch.” Alejandro says. “I saw the nutcracker on christmas one year with Al in New York City on Broadway. It was amazing.” “I enjoy hearing your stories Rich. Seems like you enjoy telling them too.” Eric says. “Aw shit, these are things I haven’t thought about in years. All ancient history now. But, fun to think about them. You guys have really got me to thinking happy things now versus the well, misery I was putting myself through.” “I like this you better.” Alejandro chimes in. “I like this me better too. I owe it all to you little man.” Rich says to Alejandro rubbing the top of his head. Alejandro blushes. “I didn’t do nothing.” “Yes you did. Don’t put down what you did. Julia this little scamp did they tell you what he did?” “No sir. But, do tell.” “I was in the hospital. I just got done throwing stuff at a nurse after screaming at her for god knows what. I turn on some music. I believe Claude Debussy and this little scamp comes in my room just dancing. He was a sight. This little boy covered from head to toes with bruises. Swaying back and forth with his hands in the air. He dances around the entire room that way. I started to scream at him to get the hell out. But, I just couldn’t. I was mesmerized by his movements and his I cant describe it. His peace within maybe fits. His eyes were closed and his mouth formed a small smile. It was truly amazing to see. When the song ended he pointed for me to play another song. I told him I was done he pointed again more firmly the second time. I said OK sure. Besides it was nice watching his dance of contentment bordering on joy. It was amazing. I wish I could have recorded it. So I start another song and on he goes dancing again. I kept thinking how it must hurt with all the bruises. But, on he went through few songs. Then I put on a more spirited song and he started really dancing. I was laughing my old ass off. He was giggling too. After that Eric shows up and we become fast friends. Its like we are twins separated by 30 some odd years. It was one of the best days of my life. I hope that the last thoughts in my head before I pass is of Alejandro dancing. That would be a nice last thought.” “I had no idea he was in there that long.” Eric says. “Yes a good while my little angel was in there for. He would sneak over in the middle of the night to check on me. If I was awake he would climb up and sit with me for a while until he got too sleepy then he would go back to his room.” “I had no idea.” Eric says looking at his son. Always proud of his loving heart. “Yes if it wasn’t for him I bet I would have been in that dam home for the rest of my life. Now, I have tons to look forward to.” When they were done eating Julia pulled some fruit cups out of the refrigerator and they enjoyed those for desert further cooling their tongues. After dinner Eric has the boys halkalı escort help Julia with the dishes and he goes and makes a phone call. When hes done he goes back into the kitchen as they are nearly done. “Its all set buddy tomorrow we are going horseback riding. Everyone who wants too.” “I would love to. But, I don’t see that happening just yet.” Rich says. “I like to go Mr Eric. I love me some horses. I make Mr Rich some lunch fore we goes so he wont wilt away into nuthin.” “Cool I wanna go to man.” Julius says. “So that’s everyone but Rich.” “Yepper.” Alejandro says mimicking how Eric says it to him all the time, making Eric chuckle. They decide that they want to watch a movie. “Poppi you pick you always get good movies to watch.” “I think I want to pick a serious one tonight. I want you guys to see it so you can always be vigil in watching out for fascists and tyrants. That way you can be on guard for it if it happens and speak out against it. Its kind of a sad movie but, still important you know things like this have happened and can easily happen again. Like right now that man in Texas who shot people just because they are brown. I don’t believe in the death penalty except when a child is killed. But, I am glad that happened in Texas because he will die with a needle in his arm for sure. I know its just revenge talking but, it seems right in this case to rid the world of his viciousness.” “I agree Eric. The hatred that man has inside of him is horrible and seems to be rampant in this country nowadays.” Rich says. “I thought we were past this shit. I mean come on we had a black president fro crying out loud.” “I know I had on my rose colored glasses too.” “Lets watch this boys and then we will watch something silly after.” The boys settled in and watched the film. They didn’t seem to even blink through the entire film. When it ended Alejandro was sobbing. Rich was wiping tears and Julius was like Alejandro. Eric wrapped his arms around Alejandro and he spins around facing Eric. Eric just holds him and rubs his back as he calms down. Rich is doing nearly the same thing with Julius. Julia is wiping tears with a tissue. “Oh Mr Eric. I sho didn’t think it would end that way.” She says. “It definitely gets the point a crossed.” Rich says. “That it does now lets watch something fun and silly now.” Eric picks out Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. He loves Dick Van Dyke and is somehow related to him. Though hes never met him and is certain e has no clue who Eric is. He thinks its neat and actually looks kind of similar to him in several features. Tall and lanky check. Same nose and ears. Check. He actually didn’t know this until he was older. He hasn’t really ever told anyone because whats the point. Its just kind of cool. They watch this film and enjoy it very much watching the antics of the family and the flying green car. Afterwards Julia says her and Julius need to get home and do so. Rich decides he wants to take a shower. Eric sits in his room in case he needs any help. Alejandro not much for privacy sits in the bathroom with him and chats with him as he showers. Rich only needs help drying his lower body as he still has a hard time bending over. Eric helps him dress a bit too. Eric feels kind of bad because he feels like he pushed him too hard today. Allowed him to do to much. Well, like he would stop him anyway. After they all head to bed and Eric and Alejandro snuggle up on the big bed naked as usual. They are both asleep in seconds. Alejandro dreaming hes a cowboy riding horses. Eric dreaming of his boy and their future together. Thanks for reading ail Also help out . I know they would like that.

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