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Subject: A Boy Called Emile HOLA PEEPS! Was in the mood to write in this scorching South African heat … FYI I HATE SUMMER… so with nothing else so do, I thought I might send something your way LOL I’m finally on TWITTER AGAIN! So, if you wanna follow me or DM me, feel free xx TWITTER: @whiteryan30 EMAIL: liciousryan@ Hope all of you are well, and take care, always xx Hugs, Ryan EMILE CHAPTER ONE *2021* “By the powers vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife! Emile, you may kiss your bride!” That was it. That was all of this that I possibly could take. Without anyone noticing, I mean why would they bother to worry where just another one of the guests would go when they can watch the new bride and groom kissing the crap out of each other, I managed to slip away and ran out of the church as fast as my fucking legs could carry me. I reached my car at lightning speed, got inside and placed the key inside the ignition with trembling fingers. For some fucked up reason, my BMW wouldn’t start. I tried a few more times before I slammed the steering wheel with my fists and threw the keys viciously onto the seat next to me. It was then that I felt a tear rolling down my cheek. That one tear was followed gradually by more and more until my entire face was covered in them. I leaned forward on my arms onto the steering wheel, with numerous thoughts and memories drifting in and out of my mind. Breathe in… breathe out, Gareth. How could he…how COULD he?? When he said…when he promised that I was the one he… Didn’t matter now. He was married. To the one person who didn’t deserve his love. Not even for one single second. My body was ripped with sheer morbid emotion, I tried as hard as I could to stop all this girlish crying but my heart was breaking into pieces. Finally, I gathered enough strength to wipe the tears off my face and took another go at starting the car, which it finally did on the third turn of the key. I drove out of the church grounds as fast as possible. All I wanted now was to check into a fucking hotel or something, a room even, anything but to go home and be in the same place as me and Emile were not even a year ago. I drove and drove, until I didn’t even hear my GPS’s soothing voice anymore. At last, my logical thinking returned and I discovered the extend of the long way I had just driven. I had fucking been driving and driving for over two hours! FUCK this shit, I need to get over him! He belonged to someone else now. I saw what looked like fairly decent hotel in the far distance on the right-hand side and swiftly turned my car into the parking lot. Not a moment too soon, I saw, with my petrol running dangerously low. I got booked in and specifically asked for the most expensive room in the hotel. I had to look a bit weird, if not a little suspicious with only my wallet and my cell phone on me, no luggage, bags whatsoever. After I locked my suite’s door behind me, I walked over to the open balcony, which had a terrific panoramic view of the ocean. I was in the West Coast region of South Africa, in Vredenburg to be precise. And to think I drove here all the way from Cape Town…Once I poured myself some wine, I leaned over the railing of the balcony and closed my eyes, breathing in the fresh, ocean air, listening to the rustle and bustle, the movement of the water beneath me. I could still remember the first time I ever saw him. The first time our eyes connected. There was a hidden story about him. And fact of the matter was…I wasn’t even into boys his age. True story. I had a new lease on life, I was making plans to study and to spend my inheritance that my father had left me when he died. So, what could possibly turn me into the fucked up human being that I was at this moment and time? The answer was simple enough. In fact, it was literally staring me in the face. The same person who made the mistake seven years ago, of falling in love with an eleven-year-old boy. Me. *2010* I was just out of matric and wanted to do something real and meaningful with my life. The year before my dad had passed away and I couldn’t understand it. He was as healthy as a fucking ox. Then on his birthday, while we were having a barbeque, he suddenly collapsed onto the ground. After an eternity the ambulance finally decided to rock up and took him to hospital but it was too late. The massive stroke took him away from us just as they pulled into the hospital parking lot. There we were as a family, still smelling the smoke, the burned meat on the grill, the garlic bread still waiting to be cut into pieces, the trifle in the fridge, waiting to be served. I was angry, even at God. I didn’t understand why He decided to take my father like that. I didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye as not one of us expected my father to pass on. He never complained of any pains or shit like that. I almost didn’t pass Grade 12 that year. Things when down a rocky road for me at a time where I tried to solve the pain of my father’s death by taking drugs and drinking countless bottles of Vodka. If it wasn’t that my mom had a nervous breakdown the evening they called her, informing her that I was in the hospital with alcohol poisoning, I don’t know where I might have ended up. Finally, after a lot of thought and emotions fucking its way through me, I finally decided to straighten myself out. I passed Grade 12, although without Matric Exemption, denying myself a place in the local University. I even started going elazığ escort to church, to find some answers from God. I prayed for him to forgive me, for being angry all the time and for accusing Him of taking my father too early. Even though I had hadn’t fully accepted his death, I was trying my best to come to terms with it. And it was one such Sunday morning in church where I saw the advertisement on the screen during the service. “Sunday school teacher needed! We have an opening for a Grade 5 teacher! Please contact the head of the Sunday School after the service if you wish to join!” At first it didn’t say anything to me, I mean it was just another thing that was shown on the PowerPoint screen, but just as the service was coming to an end, they showed it again and I started thinking. Even my mother gave me a slight nudge and I saw her pointing towards the screen. “Now that could keep you busy! Keep your mind of things, hey?” she said. “I dunno, Mom…what do I know of teaching Bible stuff to young kids?” I replied, my face all smudged up in mixture of confusion and humour. “I’m just saying it wouldn’t hurt to try. I know how you felt about the Lord Almighty when your dad passed, Gareth. Maybe if you read your Bible, get to know His will and His word a little better, you might understand and accept that He and only He decides when our life on Earth is done.” What my mom said kinda made lots of sense, even though I was still sceptic. I mean what did a 19-year-old Gareth DeLorean know about teaching Bible stuff to young kids? Anyhow I spoke to the Head of the department after the service. He seemed to think it was a great idea, and not just because they were desperate for someone. “Gareth, this is perfect! The kids you will be teaching are all in the year 10-11 age group. You are only eight years older than them, so you can relate to them so much easier than others can!” I said I’ll think about it before making up my mind. Just then and there a boy came running into the hall where the Sunday school was held. My neck swung around to watch him grab another boy’s arm and whispering something in his ear. Oh…I probably didn’t mention that I was gay, did I? Seriously, I was into hot dudes. But until that morning, I was into dudes that was my fucking age! This little boy fascinated me. I’ve read some of the stories on the Nifty Archive, in the Adult Youth section but never paid that much attention to that particular category, so I knew that it could happen that adult sometimes found younger boys somewhat attractive. Yet…this boy was all boy, in every sense of the word. Looking at him just showed me that willingness to play, have fun, get dirty, running around, laugh and with bare feet to match. Clearly, he wasn’t a boy who played his PlayStation all the time. He had a healthy glow around him, clearly spending loads of time in the sun. He was unbelievably skinny, black hair and the bluest eyes I have ever seen. This was wrong. FUCK…this was wrong. This was a child, a fucking BOY! I shook my head and immediately called the Head back and accepted the post. Until this day I still don’t quite know what came over me that day. I accepted the post of Sunday school teacher because I knew that I would be seeing him once a week at least. Now guess what the look on my face was when I found out he was Grade 5! The same fucking class that I would be teaching! After my class had followed me to the room where we would be situated, I got to know each of them. Him…his name stated Emile Michael Richards, on his card. “But everyone just calls me Emile!” he said with a big, adventurous smile. I swear my cock just spurted drops of pre cum the moment he first talked to me. After the clock stuck eleven, I allowed them to go home, and just for a moment, I sat back in my chair. How…How could I allow myself to feel this way about a BOY?? That’s what he was!! As the year progressed, my attraction to Emile got more and more. The problem was that I was by far the youngest Sunday school teacher, meaning my class was extremely fond of me. They used to tell me everything that happened in school, at home, etc because I could relate to them. The other kids were jealous in fact. I didn’t let that information go to my head to be honest, but it was nice to hear my class, and in particular Emile brag about being with me. I found the lessons I had to teach them interesting and educational at the same time. Each Sunday Emile would give me a high five, something which he started a few weeks back. Once I heard him say: “We got the cool dude for a teacher!” That brought me joy, warmth beyond belief, and a massive hardon. Go figure. I actually became lost in his beauty. He didn’t even know how sexy he was. Which boy of eleven does think of himself like that? I was really getting head over heels. Then there was the time I took them to my home for the end of term celebration. For three months now I had the pain of being close to Emile and not being able to stop my feelings for this boy. Honestly, he really didn’t seem to know how fucking beautiful he was at just age eleven! What clearly confused me, was that the girls in my class, they could hug him if they wanted, they could tell him he was sexy, they could run their fingers through his spiky, messy hair and NOTHING would have been said. But most of the time, they just found him annoying. I would have loved doing all those above mentioned stuff! SO MUCH!! Alas… Well like I elvankent escort said, it was the end of the first term of the year and my father had installed a rather biggish swimming pool in out back garden when I was eight. I knew they would like it. Or rather, I knew I would. The Grade 5 class were 7 kids, five girls and two boys. The other boy in my class could crack my weight scale if he wanted to. He was incredibly obese. Yet seeing Emile walking through our living room, seeing his eyes light up in excitement when he saw our pool, that was when I realised that my feelings had just evolved from having an attraction to him, to something shockingly forbidden. Suddenly I felt sick and told my mom to watch the kids for a while as they entered the pool. I rushed for the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I looked at my shocked reflection in the mirror. The tears started rolling down my cheeks. I shook my head, trying to stop it. There was no denying it. I was in love with Emile Richards. The ELEVEN-year-old boy in my Sunday school Grade 5 class. Well, the tears just kept coming because I KNEW…I KNEW there would NEVER, EVER be a chance that anything could EVER happened between us. The age gap was eight years…he was just a boy. A boy so stunningly beautiful. As I finally made my way to the pool, after having washed and dried my face, I saw him. I saw what I have been longing to see since I met him. He was shirtless, he had insane stomach abs for his age. He was on the side of the pool, getting ready to perform what he called a “tuck” into the pool. “Hey Mr Gareth! Watch this!” he screamed when he saw me. “I’m watching, pal!” I yelled back, watching him amusingly. He ran a few steps before perfectly managing to twirl his body once before splashing into the pool. I was amazed! I knew he swam a lot and took lessons, but I had no idea an eleven-year-old could do that! “That was insanely awesome, buddy!” I said as he ran up to me, his tanned body dripping with water, his spiky hair all flattened. “Do you really think so, Mr Gareth?” he asked, his voice trembling with excitement. “Of course. I’m real proud of you!” I said, placing my left arm around his shoulder, like a friend would do to another. To my surprise he placed his right arm around my shoulder…or tried to do so…I was a bit taller than him! His boyish muscles rippled in the glimmering sunlight. I just had to ask… “Emile, how on earth did you get these abs? Are you sure you’re only eleven years old? Are you taking steroids?” He laughed and slammed his open hand on his stomach. Jesus Christ, those boyish pecks… “Nope, I’m not haha! My dad is this fitness dude, he sells equipment you use in the gym. Me and him work out together every night. He lets me do the easy stuff. I told him like two days ago I wanna start with real stuff. He said no.” “Maybe he knows best, bud. He sells those stuff, so he must know.” “Yeah maybe. When is Sunday school starting again, Mr Gareth?” “Haha pal, why do you ask? You’re really gonna miss it that much?” Strangely enough Emile looked down at his feet, twiddling his thumbs. I immediately sensed that something was wrong. “Come with me, buddy,” I said and he followed me. I took him into the kitchen where I took out a two-litre bottle of Coke and poured him a glass. I smiled as I saw he tried and failed to drink it all up in one go, before clumsily he wiped his mouth. “Easy there, Tiger. Now tell me what’s up. You know you can trust me, bud.” “My dad said that maybe we are gonna have to move.” God. No. Please. “Why, Emile?” “Well, he says that if he gets the promotion at work, whatever the hell that is, we are gonna have to move because of that. I don’t wanna leave, Mr Gareth! All my friends are here! You are here! My school, my house, my room…” “Me? Wow pal, you’ve known me for four months!” I said, a strange feeling developing in the pit of my stomach. “So? You’re the best teacher I’ve ever had! You’re not old like my other ones. You don’t shout and scream. You’re cool, Mr Gareth.” The look on his face was enough to get me bawling again but I knew I couldn’t break down in front of Emile. He wasn’t gonna understand that. I placed my arms around him and stroked his shoulder. He leaned his head against my chest. My cock was rock hard. In the beginning of the second term, Emile attended class the first Sunday. He didn’t show up again after that. I heard from the rest of the class that Emile’s family had indeed moved to Johannesburg. Although I was fully prepared for it, I didn’t know how hard the news would hit me until it actually became a reality. Emile was really gone. *2012* “Something is up with you, Gareth! I wanna know what it is NOW!” “For the hundredth time, Vanessa, NOTHING is wrong! Why has there have to be something “wrong” every time I’m not in the mood for sex?” “I don’t know, okay! It’s just…I sometimes get the feeling you don’t really wanna be with me.” “That’s bullshit. I’m stressed at work because of this new product we’re launching. Do you think it’s fun for me to go from shop to shop selling stuff, making only 20% commission on everything I sell?” “I still fucks me up that you had to use all of your inheritance to pay for all your mom’s operations. Didn’t she have Medical Aid?” “Jeez Vanessa, a person can only have so many medical help before the pension stops paying! That’s what lung cancer does to people!” “Whatever, I’m going to bed. Turn eryaman escort the light off.” Four hours later I woke up. I walked down the stairs, looking at the picture of my beloved mom that was hanging in the living room. The cancer destroyed her. A few days before she died, she told me that had known all this time. “Mom, I didn’t go looking for it back then. It just happened. Sounds cliche, but it really did.” “Son…we have no control over whom we fall in love with. I could see it. After that boy was gone, you had an emptiness inside you. I came inside your room one evening and you have fallen asleep studying. But instead of you writing notes down, you wrote “Emile” almost 50 times. You love him, don’t you?” “Mom, I really don’t know what to say or how it happened. Yes, I do! With all my heart. I’ve last seen him two whole years ago and I still feel like my heart is ripped out every time I think of him. I love him. I probably won’t ever see him ever again. I must be out of my mind…” When Mom passed away, I didn’t even cry. All my tears were cried out the day that the doctors told me there was nothing more they could do for her. I still gave Sunday school each Sunday and in the two years that passed, I had become Mr Popular for those kids. Everybody liked me and respected me. All the kids wanted to be in the “cool” teacher’s class. I knew the names of all the kids, even the older ones. I frequently took them out to MacDonald’s for ice cream when I made some bucks. Since Mom’s illness had drained my inheritance, I inherited Mom’s which she got from Dad. But that wasn’t nearly enough to last me forever. So, I got this job doing Direct Selling to customers, which I HATED to be honest, but it paid the bills. Vanessa was a HUGE mistake. One of those evenings where the miss and the need to see Emile again got too much and I took my sorrows out on the local pub. It was there that I had met Vanessa, and in my drunken state, I never saw that she was disabled. She had been in a car accident about a year and half ago, and they had to amputate her left arm. I couldn’t just walk away after that night. I felt too guilty. The whole entire time that I had sex with Vanessa, and every single fucking time after that, I saw one person’s face. An eleven-year-old boy, with spiky black hair called Emile. I hated doing it to Vanessa, but on the other hand, she was a cut throat bitch, so it seemed fair that I used her as a cover for being gay. The first Sunday after the service all the teachers gathered in the hall for the new year meeting. The Head of the school informed me that I would be getting a new Grade this year. “Gareth, the Grade 5 group of this year, well, personally I think that you are ready for a bigger challenge. A bigger responsibility. I know you don’t like me saying this, but you are their favourite and we can understand why. You’re 21, you’re young, you speak their language. I’ve decided to give you the Grade 7 group this year.” “But that was the group I had…” “Correct you are, Gareth! The very same group of kids you got when you started here two years ago. Of course, they are teenagers now, but they still worship you. I think it will benefit both parties.” Indeed, my former class jumped for joy and gave me a group hug, yes even the boys, when they heard I was gonna be their new teacher. After the formalities was over, I was asked to go round and write all the new kids’ names down for processing. I was nearly done as there wasn’t a whole lot apart from the new Grade 1’s when I saw a boy running into the hall. I didn’t pay much attention to him because I was busy writing down names but I did see him running to the Grade 7’s, my class of this year. He completely slipped my mind as I concentrating on getting all the information on the new students. “Okay, next!” “Mr Gareth?” I looked up. That particular boy I saw earlier was now right in front of me. Lord have mercy…this kid was HOT AS FUCK!!! Was it something in the water here…? “Yeah, that’s me, dude! Your name?” “Mr Gareth, don’t you remember me?” I looked up, surprised that the question to be honest. I ran my eyes over his red shirt, his black shorts, his feet barefoot. His longish black hair standing in all directions. His deep, beautiful blue eyes. Oh my gosh… “Emile? Emile, buddy, is that you?” I whispered. “You bet it is,” he said before JUMPING in my arms! His arms went around me, hugging my upper chest fully towards him. I allowed the clip board in my hands to fall to the floor as I embraced his sexy body. I closed my eyes, sent a prayer to the Man upstairs. He felt so warm. So excited. So much, of the boy I met two years ago. “I really missed you, Mr Gareth!” he whispered against my neck. I didn’t care what people thought. I had the boy I loved in my arms. *Back to the present time* I opened my eyes. The sunlight shined straight into them. I quickly stood up, momentarily confused by my surroundings. Then it all came back to me. Emile’s wedding. Me running out and driving for two hours to this town, booking into the hotel…I fucking fell asleep on the balcony! I spotted the empty wine glass and walked back into my suite. Emile was married. He was MARRIED. I threw that wine glass so hard against the wall that it smashed into a gazillion little pieces. “Emile…oh Emile why…? WHY???” I cried as I threw myself onto the bed. I always knew the day would come that he would lose interest. I just didn’t wanna believe it. For the millionth time I cursed myself I that I fell in love with him all those years ago. That I was stupid enough to think we would be together forever. ** THANKS FOR READING!! Want some more? Curious to know what had exactly happened between Gareth and young Emile? Lemme know ail

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