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Subject: Boy From The Shed – Chapter 18 Thank you for taking time to look at my story “Boy From The Shed” This is my first story with sexual content, it is all loving and gentle. If intergenerational themes are not for you, then you may not like this story. This is a work of fiction. �. If you do like it I would love to hear from you, you can email me at: sparky.story@protonmail Please help support , they provide us with a wonderful resource and they rely on donations to keep the site running fty/donate.html I have created a small WordPress site to accompany the story. It contains location information of places we visit in the story, there is also a character list and random pictures of stuff I refer to in the story. It will be an ongoing project!! ess/ Thank you to everyone who has emailed, it has been great talking to the readers and some authors. If you like it let me know!! Take care and stay safe Sparky Boy From The Shed – Chapter 18 By Sparky Thursday morning saw two very excited boys jumping around on the bed, one of which no worse for wear after having his brother make love to him for the first time. Mike did check Tanner’s no longer virgin bum before going to work and found it to be perfectly fine. Jacob also looked with Mike out of concern for his brother. Leo got the boys fed and bathed and ready for school. “Boys… I know I don’t have to remind you, but no talking to the other boys about what you did last night… we don’t want them to feel like they have to do something they might not want to do” Leo explained, “OK dad… but I’d like to do what we did with Max though” Tanner said, “Well he’s newer to this than you two and a bit younger… so give him a little time and I’m sure we’ll be helping you two make love” Leo assured him, “Can I get a boyfriend?” Jacob asked, “If you want… is there someone you love enough for that?” Leo asked, “Maybe…” “Well when your sure you can ask him and let us know…OK?” “OK daddy…” Jacob said sweetly, Leo had wondered if Jacob and Jason might think about being boyfriends as they seemed to spend most of their time together like Tanner and Max have been. Time will tell as they find their own ways. With the discussion over the boys went off to school and Leo went to his office to work. Everyone seemed happy with how life was, the boys had great loving dads and the dads had loving sons, who looked up to them and even copied them in some things. They all knew the family was unconventional but all any of them cared about was being loved. The closeness they felt to each other amplified by the intimacy they shared. In truth Mike, Leo, Jacob, Tanner, Jason, Timmy, Max and Martin were the happiest they had ever been. True love can never be wrong. During the day Leo received a call from Helen asking to come over for dinner and see Tanner, Leo reminded her she was welcome anytime and would see her after school. Martin called to say he would be late today and could the boys stay for dinner and he’d pick them up after. Leo agreed and let the other parent know. With only 3 weeks or so to Christmas the bikes were delivered to the house pre-assembled, with helmets and gloves. Leo hid them in the garage because the boys never go in there and covered them with some plastic sheets. He still hadn’t told Mike he’d bought one for Timmy, he remembered as he hid them away. He decided at that point just to add Timmy to the centre parks holiday as he was sure he would be coming. He also decided on Saturday they should take Timmy clothes shopping so he’d have nice clothes when he wasn’t in his school uniform and for at centre parks. He knew that his buying stuff for the boys was partly because his mother hadn’t bought him stuff when he was a child, but it benefited the boys and they deserved to be treated properly… and it felt really good too. Leo was waiting for the boys when they got home and told them Tanner’s mum was coming for dinner and to keep their clothes on. He also told them they were all having dinner here and going home a little later than normal, which they were very happy about. Helen arrived a few minutes later and was surprised at how many boys were in the house, “You seem to have grown your family some more” Helen joked, “A little…” Leo giggled back, He introduced her to Jason and Max and Timmy, they all said hello and went to sit at the table to get on with their homework. He explained about Timmy and why the little boy comes to the house and Helen felt sorry for the kid. “Do you wanna help the boys with their homework while I take Timmy up and sort him out?” Leo asked, “OK… don’t know if I’ll be much help though” “You’ll be fine” Leo said giving her a quick hug, Helen joined the boys and spent some time with Tanner who was happy to see his mum, and Leo took Timmy up to the bath room and ran the bath. Timmy stripped his clothes off and Leo could see all the creaming was really making a difference to the boys skin. The angry red patches had now lost the redness and they flaky areas had stopped being flaky. There was still some discolouration but it was a vast improvement from last Friday. “Your skins looking a lot better” Leo said as he lifted Timmy into the bath, “Yep… feels supper good now!” Timmy said happily, “Good… any itchiness?” “No… I’m not scratching any more” “Good… lets get you washed and creamed and back down with the others” Leo said as he started to wet the boys hair, “Aren’t they coming up to help?” Timmy asked with a frown, “No… they have homework and Tanner’s mum is here… it’s just you and me today buddy” “Ohh…” Timmy grumbled making Leo laugh, “Don’t worry they can help tomorrow and at the weekend… and on Saturday were going to take you clothes shopping so you will have nice new clothes to wear at the weekends” Leo said to cheer him up, “Really… new clothes?” “Yes.. so come on lets get you washed and creamed up” “OK!” Timmy said happily, Leo washed him and dried him off, then took him to the bed room and creamed him up, there would be no tingles for Timmy today but he was still happy to have Leo spend time with him and massage the cream into his skin. Leo put some boxer shorts on the very relaxed post-massaged boy and took him down stairs. The boxers were a bit clingy because of the cream but Leo said he could put fresh boxers on later when he got dressed. Helen was enjoying herself helping the boys when Leo came back down with little Timmy. “Whys he got boxers on?” Max asked when he saw Timmy, erzincan escort “Because Tanner’s mum is here and I didn’t think he would want her to see him naked” Leo said, “Nope… just the guys” Timmy said firmly making them laugh, Helen took no offence and laughed along at the funny little boy, she imagined that all the boys were probably running around naked at bath time at the weekends, it was an all male household after all. She was sure that with her spending more time at home with less clothes on now Tanner was here most of the time, that the same was probably true here. Leo set Timmy up with the TV and went to make dinner, one by one the boys finished and packed their homework away and joined Timmy in the lounge. Helen sat with Tanner who ended up in her lap, he was a bit heavy for her but she was happy to be closer to her son now. She was still surprised at how much happier Tanner was and was glad he had such good friends and daddies to make his life better. She still enjoyed her new found freedom but was happy she could come and have time with Tanner without him being unhappy at her house. Mike got home and said hi to Leo and joined the boys in the lounge, Timmy was straight into his lap when he sat down on the sofa and though he was still a bit sticky from the cream Mike welcomed him with open arms and hugged the little waif. Helen smiled at the obvious love between the two of them and again wished Mike and Leo were straight so she could get some of that love too. They all ate in the lounge today as the table is not big enough to all sit at. The boys all knelt round the coffee table while the adults sat on the sofas. Helen left shortly after dinner and Tanner was soon in Leo’s lap a little sad his mum was gone. Max snuggled up with them holding his boyfriends hand and being affectionate now Helen had gone. Mike took Timmy upstairs and changed his boxers and got him dressed. Leo got up to do the dishes, Tanner and Max lay together on the sofa watching TV while waiting for Martin to arrive. Tanner was spooned behind Max with his free arm over his boyfriend holding on to him tightly. Both looked quite happy and content, their love for each other quietly radiating from them warming everyone’s hearts. Jacob and Jason were cuddled up on the other sofa chatting away and watching the TV, while Max spent his last few minutes there on Mike’s lap being pampered like a baby, loving every minute. As Mike doted on little Timmy he wondered how things would change with a baby in the house, would they have enough time to spend with all the boys? He imagined a baby in his arms where Timmy currently lay and thought about how fragile and small it would be. He wasn’t really doubting their decision to take the baby into their home, more trying to plan on how to manage it. He broke from his thinking as he realised the baby in his arms currently needed more attention as Timmy pulled Mike’s hand to his chest and moved it around in circles trying to get Mike to stroke his chest. Mike smiled down at his youngest emotionally adopted son and rubbed the boys chest getting a relaxed smile in return. Mike felt a pang of love so strong he never wanted to let this boy go. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and texted Timmy’s mum and told her Timmy was asleep and could he just stay again tonight. Yeah that’s fine, husbands in a bad mood anyway so probably for the best she replied, Seeing the reply Mike held his boy closer and whispered, “Your staying here tonight.. son” with a tear in his eye, Timmy smiled at him, The culmination of two years of watching Timmy come in and out of hospital and Mike not being able to help the boy he had grown to love, finally hit him. His emotions were running wild and it was all he could do to hold it together. Right now there was no way on earth he could let this beautiful, loving, funny and kind boy go. Leo came back in and sat next to Mike and Timmy, he could see how tightly Mike was holding the little boy and the emotion in Mike’s face was a sign he knew. “You OK honey” Leo said gently putting his hand on his lovers shoulder, “I will be…. he’s staying here tonight” Mike said stroking Timmy’s chest as the boy purred like a kitten, “That’s good… does his mum know?” Leo asked, Mike nodded yes while his eyes were firmly fixed on Timmy, Leo knew it best to leave them be and let them both heal with each other. Leo got up to get Jason and Max’s coats as Martin would be here any minute. Martin arrived as the boys had gotten their coats on and after Tanner and Max had hugged and kissed a bit, while Jacob and Jason did the same Leo told his best friend that Timmy was staying as he and Mike were having a moment. Martin understood and took Max and Jason home. Leo put a movie on and pulled Jacob into his lap, “I need some of your cuddles tonight” Leo said smiling at Jacob, “OK..” Jacob giggled, Tanner snuggled up under Leo’s arm while Jacob occupied his usual place on Leo’s lap, he didn’t mind sharing though and it seemed Mike was in a funny mood and wouldn’t let Timmy go anyway. They settled down and watched the film, when it was finished all the boys were awake, but sleepy. Mike got up carrying Timmy and came over to Leo, he was smiling now and Leo asked, “You good?” “Yeah I’m good now” Mike said confidently, Mike leaned down and picked Jacob up with his free arm and carried Timmy and Jacob up to bed, Leo happy that Mike was now OK turned off the TV and lights and carried Tanner up too. He took Tanner into the boys bedroom and found it empty, so he took his son to the daddies bedroom and found Mike, Timmy and Jacob already in the bed snuggled up with Mike in the middle. Their clothes lay in a pile on the floor, so Leo added to it with his and Tanner’s clothes and got in to bed with his boy. All five snuggled and whispered good night to each other. The bed was crowded with five naked bodies in it but it sure did feel good to all of them. They soon fell asleep happy and contented. Mike woke early on Friday morning and felt his two boys wrapped either side of him, he lay there thinking about how emotionally attached he was to them both, in fact all the boys. Like Leo a lot of his desires to care for and love these boys, were driven by his feelings about his own childhood, he wanted so much to give the boys all the love he himself had wanted when he was little. He was maybe over compensating but they were all now happy and loved, something he wished he had had as a child. erzurum escort As much as he wanted to stay in bed and enjoy the closeness to his family he had to get up eventually and get ready for work. He gently woke the boys and Leo, then they shared hugs and kisses before Mike finally dragged himself out of the bed. After a quick shower he joined Leo and the boys downstairs for breakfast. Leo asked him if Timmy’s mom had been OK with Timmy staying last night, so Mike showed him the text. “Looks like there is some drama there” Leo commented, “Yeah… that guy really is a dick” Mike said referring to Timmy’s step dad, “Yep…was thinking about taking them to Bluebell Railway tomorrow, what do you think?” Leo asked, “Sounds good I’m sure they will like all the steam engines and stuff, I know I will!” Mike enthused, “Good… I’ll book some tickets today” Mike hugged the boys and left for work, Leo got Tanner and Jacob bathed while Timmy joined them, he didn’t get in the bath, he just chatted away while Leo washed them. As normal Tanner and Jacob sprouted boners when Leo washed their willy’s and little Timmy played soothingly with his own tiny boy boner. Once dressed the boys all had their hair done by Leo and were given a little spray of cologne, Leo was sure his boys were probably the smartest looking boys in their school and was very proud of them all. The boys headed out the door with hugs and kisses, and Leo watched them walk down the close, on their way to school, two bigger boys either side of their little brother. During the day Mike quietly updated nurse Tracey on Timmy’s progress, she was the only one who knew that Mike and his family were helping little Timmy and she was happy the boy was being cared for. Leo booked tickets for the railway trip and got on with lots of work, his mind however could not shake the concerns he had about Timmy’s house and the problems that seemed to reside there. Eventually it became too much and he called Timmy’s mum, “Hi it’s Leo” “Oh.. hi Leo.. everything OK?” “Yeah… well… Mike showed me the text you sent him last night and it’s been bugging me all day, is everything OK over there?” “Ohh… it just my husbands seems grumpy all the time and he’s worse around Timmy” “OK… so I have to ask… he’s not hitting you or anything?” “ nothing like that… he just doesn’t seem to be able to be happy any more” she said opening up “Would it help if Timmy stayed with us till next week… seen as he’s staying the weekend anyway?” “Yeah probably… maybe I can get him to talk to me if he isn’t getting aggravated with Timmy being here” “OK… how about if we keep Timmy till Monday and we can talk again then and see how things are, Timmy is such a wonderful little boy and I hope his step dad can see that at some point” “I hope so too… it’s hard being caught between them… I love them both” “I know I can hear it in your voice, take as much time as you need to try and sort your husband out and we can look after Timmy and keep him safe…” “Thanks Leo… is he happy at yours?” she asked quietly, “Yes… he is…” Leo said tentatively, “Good… he deserves to be happy” she spoke thoughtfully, “He does and he is well loved here as well… I’ll get him to call you later after school and you two can talk” “Thanks I’d appreciate that Leo” “OK then, I got to get back to work but we’ll talk later…OK?” “OK speak later.. bye” Leo couldn’t imagine what it must feel like to choose between a husband and a son, no wonder Timmy’s mom sounded so defeated some times. It reminded him of Jason’s situation were his mum couldn’t choose between Jason’s abusive dad and her son, the fear of losing their partner stopping them from protecting their kids. Leo knew he couldn’t do much to help the adults, all he could do was protect and look after the boys and make sure they were happy and loved. Leo had a site visit to do in the afternoon and stopped by Primark to get Timmy a few clothes to wear after his bath today, if needed, and for tomorrow morning when they would take him shopping so he could choose his own clothes. Other wise little Timmy would only have school uniform to wear to go shopping, or go naked, neither seemed like a good idea. When the boys got home Leo found they had no homework and all wanted to get in the bath with Timmy. Leo happily agreed and took them all up to the bath room. Leo ran the bath as the five boys stripped off naked and started jiggling their willys around and giggling. By the time the bath was ready all five were hard as nails and Leo got them in the water. He had Tanner and Max wash Timmy and they took their time giving more pleasure to the little boy than actual washing. Timmy loved having his “older brothers” taking care of him. He felt loved as they gently rubbed their soapy hands over his naked wet skin. The feel of their touch warming him and relaxing him. Yet the excitement of them fondling his boner and balls gave him a thrill he couldn’t quite describe. Jacob and Jason took care of each other while Leo washed Tanner and Max as the boys washed Timmy. Once they were clean Leo got them out and they helped dry each other, Leo picked up little Timmy and led the boys back to the daddies bedroom to cream up Timmy. However Tanner and Max took themselves off to the boys bedroom leaving Leo with Timmy, Jacob and Jason on his bed. He figured they probably just wanted some time alone and carried on with Timmy. “Can you do that thing again?” asked Jason out of the blue to Jacob, “What thing?” asked Jacob, “Rubbing your willy on my butt” giggled Jason, Jacob looked nervously at Leo, after what had happened last time he didn’t want to be in trouble again. Leo realised the the proverbial cat was out of the bag, “Go on then Jacob…just be careful!” Leo emphasised, “I will, I promise” “I know you will!” Leo said smiling warmly at his son, Just to make sure Jacob knew it was OK, Leo rolled Jason onto his front and squirted some cream onto his butt crack. Jacob grinned wildly and straddled his friend and with his hand he worked the cream into Jason’s butt. He then gently lowered himself on to Jason and slipped his rock hard dick between Jason’s cute butt cheeks, with a sigh from both boys Jacob ground away atop his friend and Leo left them to it. Leo lovingly massaged Timmy’s back with the cream almost putting the boy to sleep. When Leo realised he rolled the boy over and Timmy soon became fully awake. His body reacted to Leo’s esat escort soothing but exciting touch, the little boy cooed and ahh’ed as Leo worked the cream into his body and after a few minutes the little guy relaxed as the massage calmed him down. Leo continued to apply cream down Timmy’s little legs as Timmy relaxed, he had done it this way so Timmy wouldn’t fall asleep post massage. It worked and soon Leo had his little boy giggling and laughing as he tickled his feet. Jacob had reached his peak and was laying on top of Jason recovering his dick still sat snugly in his friend buttocks. After a few minutes Jacob rolled off and said brightly, “Your turn Jason!” Jason grinned and Jacob lay on his front, this was Jason’s first time on top, Leo focused on them again and squirted some cream into Jacobs buttocks. Jason rubbed it in and lined up his stiffy and lowered down, the sensation of his dick in there immediately triggered the instinctual humping motion and Leo left him to it. Jason moaned and said how good it felt, as his stick white arse bounced up and down on his “brother”. Leo was busy now telling Timmy he was spending the night again as well as the rest of the weekend. Timmy was ecstatic and hugged Leo getting him covered in cream, Leo had to wipe his face after Timmy had repeatedly kissed him. After a final grunt and groan from Jason the boy was done, he had a very nice boygasm and gently rested on Jacobs back enjoying the afterglow. Leo gave him a few more minutes and then cleaned both boys dicks and bums from the excess cream, he laughed to himself as he thought that the cream would make their already lovely soft willy’s, even softer. He got the boys up and sent them downstairs to watch TV till Martin showed up for Max and Jason. He found Tanner and Max snuggled up in bed, in the boys room and after checking they were OK, he left them where they were. They just wanted to snuggle and kiss alone and were happy. Leo found the boys downstairs on the Wii and joined them. He pulled out his phone and called Timmy’s mom and gave Timmy the phone so they could talk. After a few minutes they were done and Timmy handed back Leo’s phone. He seemed fine and went back to playing. They played for a while till Martin showed up. He was early today so had a coffee with Leo in the kitchen, “Timmy’s looking a lot better” Martin noted, “Yeah, all he needed was the cream putting on daily” “I didn’t mean just his skin… he looks better in himself… and that’s not down to the cream” Martin clarified, “Well he’s getting lots of love and attention” “And it’s working, he so much happier looking now than he was” “I just hope it lasts… things aren’t so good at his house… were already keeping him till next week” Leo went on to explain about his call with Timmy’s mom, he told Martin about how the other boys looked after Timmy and cared for him. “They get that from you little man!” Martin told him, “Thanks…” Leo said a little embarrassed, Leo told Martin about the boys rubbing willys over bums and asked if Martin was OK with Max doing it if he wanted with Tanner, Martin was fine with it and only asked that Leo made sure they didn’t hurt each other and he would be fine with anything they wanted to do. Leo quietly told his best friend that the bikes had arrived and were in the garage. He also told him he had gotten Timmy one too, Martin said he would like to share the cost of Timmy’s bike as he had done Jason’s and Leo agreed. “You wanna go up and see what Max and Tanner are doing?” Leo asked as it was getting close to the time for Martin and the boys to leave. They both went upstairs and found Max half laying on top of Tanner , with his head on Tanner’s chest, Tanner was stroking his boyfriends hair and they both looked happy and loved up. Martin lay on the bed next to Max on his side and wrapped his arm over both boys. Leo joined in on the other side next to Tanner and did the same. The dads kissed their boys heads and told them how much they loved them. Leo held Martin’s hand and told him he loved him too. Max loved being surrounded by his dads and his boyfriend, he lifted up a bit and started kissing Tanner on the mouth, it was clear the boys had been practising with each other as they became quite passionate and intense. Leo and Martin watched the boys and when Leo lifted up and moved his head closer to Martin, his best friend lifted up too and met Leo halfway over the top of the amorously kissing boys and their lips met, sons kissed below as fathers kissed above. After a few minutes the boys broke their kiss and saw what the daddies were doing which caused the to giggle. This broke Leo and Martin from their kiss and they smiled at each other. “Thanks…” Martin said to Leo with love in his eyes, “Love you…” Leo said, “Love you too little man” They got the boys up and Martin got Max dressed giving his boy lots of hugs and kisses, Tanner was not left out and when Max was dressed Martin picked up Tanner and hugged and kissed him too. He carried Tanner downstairs hugging and kissing him on the way. Leo got Jason dressed and after a round of hugs Martin, Max and Jason left to go home. Leo made dinner while the boys played on the Wii. Mike came home and spent a few minutes with the boys before he found Leo in the kitchen, Leo told him about talking to Timmy’s mum and how Tanner and Max took themselves off for time alone. He told Mike about kissing Martin and Mike was happy about it, even asking when he was going to get to kiss Martin. They both laughed and shared a hug. After dinner they played board games with the naked boys before snuggling up with the boys to watch a movie. “Can you get nakey please?” Jacob asked Mike, Mike looked to Timmy who was also cuddled with them, Timmy smiled and said, “Yeah… get nakey” So Mike did and they cuddled up with both boys on top of Mike under a nice warm blanket, as before when Jacob had asked Mike to strip off, it was not sexual, it was about being as close as you possibly can with the person or persons you love. The three naked bodies melded into one as they lay there on the sofa, as warm and as loved up as anyone could possibly be. Tanner asked the same of Leo and soon they were snuggled up naked together. They watched the film although the boys didn’t make it to the end and were already asleep. Leo and Mike carried the boys up to the boys bedroom and put them all in bed together. Mike and Leo were able to snuggle up tonight together and enjoy each other. Mike gently pressed his dick into Leo from behind as he spooned him, they made gentle love together till sleep took hold of them with Mike still deep inside Leo. They were very happy and content. Chapter 19 soon! Thanks for reading and I hope you liked it. Sparky

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