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Double Handjob



Chapter 127 � New Additions



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Adrian Johnson: Six Star General of the Armies, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69

Aiden McIntyre-Worthington: Son of Liam McIntyre and Adopted son of Luke Worthington

Alex Meat-Goodman: Adopted Son of Doug Meat and Steven Goodman

Alexander Malinois: Master Sergeant, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69 War Dog

Andrew & Jeremy Allen: Adopted sons of Mason Allen and Jason Vance

Anthony Caruso: Four Star General, U.S. Army (Base Commander of Fort Connor)

Ariel “Ari” Rebel: General, Israel Defense Force (Mossad Kidon)

Ariel Rebel Jr. aka JR: Son of Jacob Leib

Beauty Malinois: 1st Sergeant, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69 War Dog

Billy Bob Vance: Staff Sergeant, Ret., U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69 War Dog Handler

Bob Jones: Four Star General, U.S. Army (Base Commander Fort Connor)

Caleb Afolabi: Major General (2 Star), U.S. Army � Fort Connor Adjutant

Carlos Martinez: Adolescent son of Juan Martinez and Roger DeSoto

Connor Best-Mann: Adopted son of Randy Best and Adam Mann

Connor McLain: Six Star General of the Armies � Administration Alpha Zulu 69

Connor Williams: Staff Sergeant, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69 (Deceased lover of Doug Meat)

Dale Gordon Longdick Allman: Adopted Son of Matt Longdick and Jason Allman

Danny Henry: Four Star Brigadier U.S. Army (Base Commander Fort Connor)

Date Masamune: Five Star General of the Army, U.S. Army � Protector of David Winter-Jansson

David & Donald Worthington: Adopted sons of T&T Worthington

David Leib: Five Star General, Israeli Defense Force � Adopted son of Ari Rebel

David Winter-Jansson: Son of Oliver Winter and Viktor Janson

Dillion Dwight: General (4 star), U.S. Army � Medical Director of Fort Connor

Doug Meat: Six Star General of the Armies U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69

Duke Stone III: Five Star General of the Army U.S. Army � Protector of Dale Gordon Longdick-Allman

Dwight Jones: Partner of Dale Gordon Strong

Frazer Sullivan: One Star Brigadier General, U.S. Army (Human Resources for Fort Connor Alpha Zulu 69)

George Battenberg: Six Star General of the Armies of the United States

Gerald Isaac: Captain, U.S. Army � Security for Tommy Longdick-Allman

Gloria Worthington: aka “Mama Bear” Board Chair of Worthington Industries (a major multi-national defense contractor)

Hachiman Kanmu, Colonel, U.S. Army � Protector of Hikaru Jansson-Winter Masamune Yasumori

Hank Henry-Jones: Adopted Son of Bob Jones & Danny Henry

Harold Manfred, Captain: U.S. Army � Protector of David Winter-Jansson

Hayao Kinugasa, Major, Ret.: U.S. Army (Aide to General Meat and General Goodman)

Hikaru Jansson-Winter Masamune Yasumori: Son of Hito Janson-Winter Masamune and Jimmy Yasumori

Hito Jansson-Winter: Son of David Jansson-Winter and Date Masamune

Jacob Leib: Adopted Son of Arie Rebel

Jacob, David & Uri Leib: Wards of Luke & John Worthington (Israeli Nationals)

James “Jimmy” Yasumori: Five Star General of the Army, U.S. Army � Partner of Hito Jansson-Winter

Jamie Bob Vance: Love of Aiden McIntyre

Jamison Miller: One Star Brigadier General, U.S. Army (Human Resources for Worthington Executive Security)

Jason Allman: Six Star General of the Armies, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69

Jason Bob Vance: (Brother of Billy Bob Vance and partner of Mason Allen)

Jax Arthur King: Colonel, U.S. Army – Security for Shawn Longdick-Allman

John Allen Masters: Colonel, U.S. Army � Protector for the sons of Jimmy & Hito

John Masters: Four Star General & Base Commander Fort Connor, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69

John Worthington: COO R&D of Worthington Industries

Juan Martinez: 5 Star General of the Army, U.S. Army � Security for Mario Garcia

Juan Martinez: Colonel, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69 (Protector of Shawn Stone)

Juaquin “Jay” de V�zquez: Son of Manual de V�zquez

Lars Alison: Major General (2 Star), U.S. Army � Deputy Base Command, Fort Connor

Liam McIntyre: CFO Worthington Industries & Partner of Luke Worthington

Logan Worthington: Biological Son of Luke Worthington

Lucas Daniel Fairbairn: Captain, U.S. Army � Protector of Michael “Allen” Roberts

Luke Worthington: CEO of Worthington Industries

Magnus Savage: Colonel, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69 Medical Trauma Surgeon

Manuel de V�zquez: Physicist/Engineer – Worthington Industries

Mario “Mani” Garcia: Son of the President of Mexico (Adopted son of Juan Martinez and Roger DeSoto)

Mark Roberts: Captain, U.S. Army � Security for Bobby Longdick-Allman

Mason Allen: Six Star General of the Armies, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69

Matsukaze Kumorigachi, Commanding General � Alpha Zulu Program in Japan

Matt Longdick Six Star General of the Armies, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69

Maximillian (Max) Malinois: 1st Sergeant, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69 War Dog

Michael “Allen” Roberts: Adopted Son of Matt Longdick and Jason Allman

Monster Malinois: 1st Sergeant, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69 War Dog

Napoleon Malinois: 1st Sergeant, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69 War Dog

Noah Meat-Goodman: Adopted Son of Doug Meat and Steven Goodman

Oliver Winter: Six Star General, U.S. Army � Adjutant for Generals LongDick and Allman

Randall Masters: Six Star General of the Armies, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69

Randall Savage: Colonel, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69 (Protector of Steven Stone)

Randy & Robert Masamune: Adopted sons of Hito Masamune and Jimmy Yasumori

Randy Adam “RA” Worthington: Adopted son of Connor Best-Mann & John Worthington

Randy Best: Four Star General, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69

Randy Johnson: Captain, U.S. Army � Security for Shawn LongDick-Allman

Robert Allen Gregory, Four Star General, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69

Robert Manning, Captain: U.S. Army (Aide to General Meat and General Goodman)

Robert Masters: Major General, U.S. Army Alpha Zulu Security

Rod Jackson: Lieutenant General (3 Star), U.S. Army � Base Commander of Fort Connor

Rod LittleFeather: 1st Sergeant, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69 War Dog Handler

Roger DeSoto: 5 Star General of the Army, U.S. Army � Security for Mario Garcia

Steven & Shawn Stone: Adopted sons of Dale Gordon Stone

Steven Douglas Worthington: (aka S.D.) (Adopted sons of Robert Allen Gregory and R.A. Worthington)

Steven Goodman: Six Star General of the Armies, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69

Steven Robertson-Battenberg: Adopted son of William Robertson and George Battenberg

Sven Bjorn: Six Star General of the Armies � Tactical Alpha Zulu 69

Taylor and Tyler Worthington: (aka T&T) (Adopted sons of Logan Worthington and Alex Meat-Goodman)

Uri Leib: Biological son of Ari Rebel

Viktor Jannson: Six Star General, U.S. Army � Adjutant for Generals LongDick and Allman

Wilhelm “Willy” Rogers: Colonel, U.S. Army � Protector of Larry Winter-Jannson

William Robertson: Six Star General of the Armies of the United States

Yuuto Meat-Goodman Kinugasa: Adopted Son of Noah Meat-Goodman and Hayao Kinugasa


“Angus” (Name Classified): (Son of a domestic terrorist in protective custody at Fort Connor)

“Biff” Jones (Name Classified): (Son of POTUS and guest in residence at Fort Connor)





We were having a very intense morning Staff Meeting trying to decide the best program to provide security for our new imps and still allow them to have as normal a life as possible. OPS interrupted our meeting notifying us of a video call from the Pentagon. As the video screen lowered we saw the face of the man who had caused us so many problems previously when we attempted to obtain a “war dog” that was so urgently needed. Our only thought was “Now what is he up to”?


He smiled as he commented he never realized how important Alpha Zulu was to the future of our country and that it protected so many young men who would be the future foundation our military would need to survive. It is well known throughout the Pentagon the heroics of your War Dog and regrettably that “medical” has given him a disability retirement. I”m here to offer you an immediate replacement. Have your dog handler report to dog school in ten days. I have selected the perfect dog for your program. “MONSTER” is a 70 pound six month old puppy and all the medical evaluations state to expect him to be 100-110 pounds when he reaches adulthood. He will be the perfect addition to your program. If I had to face “Monster” or a “bullet”… please… someone shoot me!


Just Email me the information on your Dog Handler and we”ll confirm his acceptance into Dog School. I know you all will miss Maximillian but circumstances dictate a replacement and you couldn”t find a better replacement than “MONSTER”.


As we ended the video conference everyone present was in shock at the cooperative nature of the Pentagon staff officer who coordinated the Dog School program. I dismissed the staff and asked the five sergeants to remain. 1st. Sergeant Longfeather has indicated his desire to retire and frankly he has served Alpha Zulu with honor all these years. But, that means we need to select a new dog handler and we only have days to accomplish the task. I am asking you to announce the opening to all the members of your squad and inform them we are taking applications for the next 36 hours. You five men will do the initial review and evaluation of the candidates and eliminate the bingöl escort men who only want the increase in rank and pay. Select the men who are truly animal lovers and want a four legged partner in life… I will then interview each man personally and make the final selection. I never expected this level of cooperation out of the Pentagon in replacing “Max” but it does force the issue and make the decision “time sensitive”. Keep me posted as to how many men are interested and how the selection process is proceeding.


Of the 200 special forces soldiers of Alpha Zulu we had 25 men interested in the Dog Handler position. I asked the Sergeants to give me the names of the top five men they are recommending. I spent most of the night reviewing the files of the five men selected and it truly was a difficult decision. I finally selected a corporal who had been a Mid-Western “farm boy” and truly an animal lover. He definitely was interested in the opening because of his love of animals and not the increase in rank and money.


I was pleasantly shocked when T&T video conferenced with me a couple of weeks later stating our friendly tailor had asked to have the size of the ceramic ballistic armor for our new War Dog confirmed. Was the Army reverting back to using Horses or was this really for a dog? After I quit laughing, I sent T&T a picture of our new “puppy” with our new handler. The dog breeders estimate our new addition will top out at 100-110 pounds at full adult stature.


Our corporal was shocked when he received 1st Sgt. “Monster”s” ceramic body armor with rank and all the additional insignia. He also received his new dress uniform showing his new rank of 1st Sergeant. “Monster” and his handler were the envy of the entire graduating class. The only War Dog in the United States Army with the rank of 1st Sgt. and entitled to wear the insignia of Alpha Zulu, the Secretary of Defense and the President of the United States.


ALERT, ALERT… We have a high speed watercraft entering our security zone and refusing to acknowledge communications or alter course after we fired a shot across their bow.


I immediately authorized OPS to fire one more shot across their bow and if their course wasn”t altered to blow it out of the water. The high speed craft refused to alter course and our drone fired a Hellfire missile which blew it out of the water. (Our resident sharks dined well this night!)


As our attention was on the incursion at our waterfront little notice was given to the small blip on our radar that indicated the possibility of an incursion by air. Yes, two skilled special forces soldiers (trained by a foreign country) made a combined halo drop onto our main area of Fort Connor. It wasn”t until they set off a ground sensor we even knew our security had been penetrated. The imps were still secure in their bunker but we had 200 men who were now in harms way.


The soldiers making the incursion were skilled and well trained. Regardless of their level of training no two soldiers could make it past 200 special ops soldiers and then break into the imps bunker. I hated to see two brave soldiers killed but they decided to go down shooting rather than surrender. We had three Alpha Zulu soldiers wounded but both intruders were eliminated with extreme prejudice.


The imps handled the stress like normal teenagers… the locked themselves away in their bedroom and had a major jerk off session. When the deadbolts on their security door was released the imps went running into the arms of their protectors and our Alpha Zulu soldiers. The imps needed the tactile reinforcement they were secure. Prior to our evening meal, the imps took a quick shower and then walked their protectors hand in hand to their bedroom.


Our most adventurous older imp grabbed a tube of lube from the nightstand, generously lubed the cock of his protector, inserted a copious amount of lube up his ass and then straddling the hips of his protector lunged downward impaling himself on his protectors cock. As the pain surged through his body he collapsed onto the chest of his protector screaming and sobbing in excruciating pain. His protector held him, told him to breathe slower and relax… the pain will go away faster. I can”t thank you enough for giving me your “virginity” and I hope you will now let me show you all the pleasures we can share together.


His ass felt like it was on fire and our imp never thought any pleasure could be obtained. As he relaxed the pain diminished and as our protector slowly slid his cock in and out of the imps ass the moans of pleasure started to be heard from the mouth of our imp. Finally, our protector had reached the point where his balls were demanding to explode. Our imp was position “doggie”, his hips held securely as a hard cock was hammering his prostate causing our imp to have one major erection and the feeling his balls would explode.


As our imp shot his load over the sheets of his bed he could feel every blast of hot cum being deposited deep in his ass. Being held in the arms of his loving protector they exchanged smiled and our imp assured him this would happen often. What they had shared was wonderful and he would never forget this moment for as long as he lived. Our protector thought back to the day he offered his virginity to his first love and for better or worse it is a moment one remembers forever. Just the thought of this special moment in his life brought his cock to a new hardness and an imp quickly learned that one orgasms is not enough for a horny protector who now was in love with the imp he protected. At least one imp would be doing the “walk of shame” as they went to retreat this evening.


By sunrise, our Protector had a raw cock and our imp had received so many orgasms both he and his protector had lost count. They both accepted the inevitability they would need to face Doc and admit what they had done. Doc only smiled and ask to be reassured this was consensual. After receiving assurance from the imp Doc asked our protector to drop his BDU”s and Doc was seeing one piece of raw meat hanging between our protectors legs. Using a full can of numbing spray relieve was greatly appreciated regardless of the restrictions Doc would put on them. As Doc put the imp in stirrups and dilated his ass… it was obvious his virginity had been destroyed and he was in extreme discomfort. Copiously spraying all the exposed tissue relief was received and continuous praise was given to Doc for being a miracle worker.


Doc then issued the dictum: “NO SEX FOR 14 DAYS!” I doubt if your protector will even be interested in receiving oral sex or jerking off as tender as he is and will continue to be. You have two weeks to cuddle, talk and get to know each other. Believe me, it will make what you share on day 15 so much more special. You know where to find me if you have any problems, now get to school or to work but get out of my medical!


My precious imp was harassed by his brother over his decision to give me his virginity. Within 24 hours every person on base knew we were lovers and frankly I didn”t care. I was concerned for the feelings of my precious imp and I assured him every man had gone through what he just experienced and no one would think any the less of him. His brother was just being a jerk so ignore him.


I held my imp, kissed him and just told him how much I loved him. He instantly had a hardon and Doc didn”t say anything about him enjoying oral sex. My imp was in shock when my mouth engulfed his cock and balls and I savored the sweet boy cream of his orgasm. For the next 14 days we may have a one sided relationship but it would be a relationship my imp would know I enjoyed all the pleasure he received and it was given freely with no expectation in return.


As our new dog handler walked down the plane ramp bringing 1st Sgt. Monster to his new home even Security was astonished at his size and the fact he was pure muscle. The imps came running to him when school was out for the day and he was putty in their hands. Of course, most imps knew enough to have at least one doggie treat to offer to their new “best friend”. As I introduced 1st Sgt. Monster to our Commanding Generals and Base General they also were astonished at the size and muscle mass of our new addition. I was advised to make sure whoever was the weekly practice dummy to exercise 1st Sgt. Monster was well padded to the excess.


For the next week our two new imps seemed to want to be alone and just talked incessantly. The one brother wanted to know how bad it hurt to lose ones virginity. Yes, he had feelings for his protector also but he was a coward when it came to pain and just the thought of getting fucked had his ass clenched shut. His brother only told him when he was ready to start a sex life then whatever pain he had when pleasuring his partner would only enhance his orgasm and believe me as you relax and the pain diminishes the pleasure kicks in and you go soaring to Nirvana. You have to experience it to even start to understand how fantastic it is. Only you will know when you are ready to start that portion of your life and future. I”m here to help you any way you desire.


As Steven was assuring his brother Shawn every gay man in history at one point lost his virginity and survived the ordeal and most enjoyed the process. When you are ready, I know your protector or whoever you choose to take your virginity will make it special for you also. I”ll never forget giving my near cherry ass to such a special person as my protector and how much the man who took my first cherry only consideration was his pleasure. I know paybacks are hell and that someday he”ll find himself bent over and an alpha stud tearing his ass up claiming his cherry.


Jimmy and Hito were having a family meeting with their adopted sons and our two new protectors. They needed to decide on the best way to tell the new kids about their being half brothers and the family they never knew existed. As Carlos and Paul would be out of the Penthouse for most of the week with Dale and Dwight, the protectors offered to take the lead and help the boys adjust to being a family.


After a catered dinner of hamburgers (medium rare) and fries washed down by plenty of ice cold Coke-Cola the younger kids knew something was up as soft drinks were rarely served with any meal. Adjourning to the great room each protector held his young charge in their arms securely and told them they had something important to share with them.


Both young imps burst into tears fearing their protectors were being reassigned bitlis escort and would be leaving them. NEVER! We will always be part of your life and your future. As the “water-works” started to fade each protector stated the obvious. You are old enough to know that Dale and Dwight adopted you and love you very much. What none of us knew until a few days ago you have two living biological brothers. (A shocked look appeared on the faces of both young men.) We can explain all the details of who, what, how, when and where as the reality of the situation sets in but for now all you need to know is the fact Randy and Robert are your half-brothers.


Juan and I are going to go take an afternoon “nap” and leave the four of you to discuss the revelation in your lives and the fact of you being brothers you never knew existed. We will leave our bedroom door unlocked so if you need us just knock before you enter.


As our two protector made certain the door to the penthouse was secure they adjourned to their bedroom for an afternoon quickie and some rest. The four brothers sat and looked at each other not knowing what to say. Finally, Randy took the lead and admitted he had worked the street for two years before he and his brothers were placed in an orphanage and then adopted by Hito and Jimmy. Steven was in tears as he admitted he also worked the street to provide for his brother Shawn and himself. As the four brothers joined in a tearful embrace they knew they shared a love that could never be broken.


As each imp took the hand of one of his older brothers they adjourned to each of their bedroom to have a heart to heart chat as only an older brother can share with a younger one. Shawn admitted to Randy he was still a virgin and was terrified of the pain of loosing his virginity. Randy admitted he totally understood and when you meet the right man the fear of the pain won”t stop you from giving him the ultimate gift you can only give once (Your virginity!). Just give me a hug and a kiss and know I”ll always be here for you no matter where I end up after graduation. Their tears of happiness were sealed with a kiss and the obvious hardness between their legs was all too noticeable.


Steven and Randy barely made it to their bedroom before their clothing went flying off and they were in a 69 position pleasuring the other until both of their balls exploded and each savored the sweet seed of their brother. As Randy also had a few fingers up Steven”s ass he knew his younger brother definitely wasn”t a virgin. Steven blushed as he admitted he had recently given his near virgin ass to his protector and never regretted doing it. Yes, it still hurt at first but that trip to Nirvana was beyond any explanation. One has to make it to know or explain the experience. Randy then explained to his little brother about his second cherry and that a man had to go pretty deep into his ass to reach it. Yes, it would hurt even more than loosing his first cherry but he”d be reaching Nirvana on a Jet Fighter. Both brothers were instantly rock hard and Steven was on his back with his knees pulled to his chest. “Big Bro” didn”t need a second invitation and even looking at the size of the equipment his brother had between his legs Steven”s fear was gone and excitement only existed at the thought of both of them sharing such pleasure.


As Randy looked at Steven”s ass he was clawing at the sheets and only screaming words of encouragement. (Thankfully the bedroom was soundproofed!) As Steven blasted off his first of many loads of hot boy cream Randy knew it was time to send his brother to Nirvana. Taking a tube of lube from the nightstand the full tube was deposited up his brother”s ass. As the thick mushroom head of Randy”s cock started up his brothers ass a large gasp could be heard as his brother wrapped his arms around his body in a death grip.


The thick mushroom head popped in and Steven shrieked at the painful entry. Relax, `lil bro the best is yet to come. As the lube coated the advancing cock Randy could feel his second cherry resisting entry. As Randy slowly massaged the entrance of Steven”s second cherry he knew the time for foreplay was over and it was time to send his brother on an express trip to Nirvana.


Withdrawing his cock until the mushroom head was pulling the lips of his ass outwards… with one quick snap of his hips Randy drove all nine and a half inches of hard cock deep into Steven”s guts with one powerful thrust. Steven”s scream of pain was muffled by Randy”s lips upon his and Randy could feel his brothers body rigid and spasming as blast after blast of his cum coated their flesh cementing them together. Steven”s ass had a death grip on Randy”s cock.


As Steven returned to reality he hugged and kissed his brother and told him how fantastic it was. “Hold on because you are going back to Nirvana” as his brother power fucked him through orgasm after orgasm until his brother was a babbling mass of undecipherable flesh. Finally, Randy reached the point where he knew he couldn”t hold out any longer and his balls exploded searing the raw flesh of Steven”s guts. Steven spasmed in pain as the hot cum exploded into his guts and his brother all too well knew the feelings of his `lil brother.


As both brothers returned to time and space Randy slowly removed his cock from his brother and not surprised to find his cock head coated with his brothers virgin blood. His cum poured freely from his brothers body and he kissed Steven thanking him for giving him this great gift and privilege. Steven kissed his brother and asked if he would sleep with him tonight and every night they could spend together. Randy only smiled as the hardness developing between his legs made the necessity of an answer mute.


Randy only looked at Steven and told him now comes the part of being a bottom that most men hate. Walking his brother to their spacious shower the warm water flowed over their naked body as soapy hands cleaned their skin and gave both men another raging hardon. Taking the shower bidet in his hand Randy adjust the spray volume and temp as not to cause any more discomfort than necessary. Having Steven put his hands against the shower wall Steven was shocked when the warm water started up his gut as the shower bidet was inserted. As Randy massaged his abdomen to help with the cramping he quickly removed the shower bidet from Steven and the residue of their love making ended up being flushed down the drain. Randy repeated this with Steven till the return was clear and assured his `lil bro that even though it hurt it would hurt less doing it now than waiting till later. Also, this is a great way to clean out before one has anal sex. Definitely, makes it more enjoyable for both people.


As Randy dried off Steven with the warm fluffy Marriott towels Steven was wrapped in a plush robe and both men returned to bed for a few hours of cuddling and kissing. As their protectors knocked at their bedroom door they announced dinner was ordered and would be served HOT in 30 minutes. Any food left over would be fed to their war dog.


The obvious erection between Steven”s legs prevented him from putting on pants till “big bro” solved the problem with his talented tongue and mouth. (The perfect appetizer for any meal!) As Randy and Steven joined everyone in the Great Room they received a round of applause and congratulations on having a wonderful afternoon. Shawn turned to Robert and whispered tonight is the night we are going all the way. From the smell wafting through the room everyone knew Robert had just shot a load of baby batter in his boxers. Shawn only smiled from ear to ear knowing he had reached the point in his life where he had someone special to offer his virginity.


A quick evening meal was enjoyed by all and our protectors were astonished at how quickly they were all alone. The brothers had quickly left for their bedroom and the protectors knew the brothers had the right idea. Leaving the cleanup to housekeeping Juan and Randall adjourned to their bedroom, closed and locked the door and the clothes started exploding from their body. The obvious hardon both had made for the reality of the evening. A quick session of sixty nine as eager fingers massaged their prostate. Randall excused himself and headed for the shower for a quick clean out. He wanted to be fucked and power fucked to Nirvana and back a few times this evening. Juan”s cock was dripping precum waiting for his lover to return. As Randall got settled back in bed he was put into a doggie position and quickly impaled upon his lovers cock. The howl caused by the exquisite pain only enhanced the pleasure as his ass muscles clamped onto Juan”s cock. As Randall”s ass relaxed Juan started a rabbit fuck that left Randall a babbling mass of flesh only wanting Juan to fuck him all night. Without warning, the first blast of hot cum seared his tender flesh. Both men lost the battle with their balls and Randall coated the sheets with his hot load as Juan coated the lining of his ass.


Juan became an animal out of control as he fucked his lover through multiple screaming orgasms. Fucking Randall doggie gave him the ability to hold his partner tight and really drill his ass without mercy. Finally, as Randall was begging for mercy Juan gave one last mighty thrust and coated his partner ass as deep as possible with his man cream claiming this turf as his own. Juan kissed his lover as his cock slowly exited Randall”s ass and one could hear the muscles snapping shut capturing every drop of Juan”s man seed.


The protectors held, kissed, cuddled and knew what they had to face in the shower. Randall took Juan”s hand and asked him to help out in the shower as he knew how much this would be uncomfortable. Juan knew after what pleasures his partner gave him he could never refuse him anything.


Flushing his cum out of Randall”s ass had the effect of giving his lover a major hardon. Being the gentleman he was, Juan wrapped his lips around the head of Randall”s cock and within seconds was rewarded with his mouth and throat being coated with his lover sweet seed.


Steven was in shock as Randy beat him to bed, laid on his back drawing his knees to his chest offering up his ass for Steven to enjoy. Steven”s cock was rock hard and dripping pre cum as he aimed his cock for the center of the pulsating target and in one mighty thrust sunk every inch into his big brothers ass as he screamed in pain. As both cock were exploding non-stop Randy only smiled at the inexperienced youth and commented next time PLEASE use lube. Steven started a fuck that can only be described as inexperienced bolu escort and one Randy hoped he would never forget how enjoyable his cock is in a tight ass. Randy knew Steven couldn”t hold out long and prepared himself for the blast of searing cum which was ready to explode from Steven”s balls. Without warning, Randy”s ass was on fire and Steven was holding him tight telling him how much he was loved. As Steven rolled off Randy and lay beside him both men were beyond exhausted. Randy looked at Steven and only commented: “By sunrise tomorrow you”ll be lucky if you can walk”!


Shawn undressed Robert kissing every inch of his beautiful body. Taking his hand they both walked into the shower. The shower was erotic and left both men with hard cock dripping pre cum. Shawn wasn”t scared of losing his virginity he was excited to offer it to such a wonderful man. Walking hand in hand back to their bed Robert kissed Shawn for what seemed like an eternity and when he wrapped his lips around the head of Shawn”s cock his balls exploded. When Shawn could open his eyes he only saw a smiling face between his legs licking his lips.


Without warning Shawn was flipped onto all 4″s and Robert buried his face between the succulent lobes of Shawn”s ass. As his talented tongue started to drive Shawn wild with pleasure his anus started to dilate and Robert quickly squirted a complete tube of lube into the virgin tunnel. Robert didn”t want to cause Shawn any more pain than necessary in surrendering his virginity. Putting his thick mushroom cock head at the entrance to Shawn”s tunnel of love he leaned forward, looking into Shawn”s beautiful eyes and kissed him passionately. As Robert could feel Shawn relax he quickly snapped his hips forward tearing through Shawn”s virginity which caused his body to become rigid, his cock to explode and for a major scream to be muffled by his mouth on his partner”s.


Robert could feel Shawn”s ass gripping his cock tightly and it was now time to send Shawn to Nirvana a few times. A gentle fuck was begun and continued until Shawn was tearing at his back, grabbed his ass cheeks and screamed to be fucked like a man. Shawn got power fucked into his mattress and was shown no mercy. Blast after blast of hot man seed was injected into Shawn and he only wanted more. Finally, Robert put Shawn on all 4″s, grabbed his hips and power fucked him as he never had anyone before. His cock was beyond raw and all he could think about is his balls filling Shawn to overflowing with his hot seed.


Finally, Shawn”s balls exploded and this sent Robert over the edge as he filled Shawn”s ass to maximum capacity. Pulling out of Shawn”s ass and rolling out of the way as Shawn ejected multiple loads of cum from his ass spraying across the bed and across the carpet and onto the wall. “Damn, how much cum did you shoot up my ass?” Enough for you to enjoy every moment of me doing it. Let”s just cuddle for the moment and then we have to face the shower and clean our bodies and then this bedroom. You are one hot lover and I hope you”ll honor me often in our future. The kiss and tongue action they shared guaranteed a hot fuck in the shower as they were cleaning their bodies. Shawn went from a virgin to a nymphomaniac in one night of sex with a loving partner.


When Dale, Dwight, Juan and Carlos returned that evening the fragrance of the Penthouse told the story of what had happened in their absence. Four red faced blushing men only cowered thinking of having to face the Senior Members of the clan who obviously knew they enjoyed an “orgy” while being left alone in the Penthouse. Juan turned to Carlos and shocked everyone when he commented the new kids were definitely part of our family. Dale and Dwight told everyone they had the right idea. As Juan and Dwight dragged Carlos and Dale off to their bedroom they commented dinner might be a little late tonight. You four got a head start on us and we need to catch up. You could hear the bedroom doors close and lock and an explanation wasn”t needed. Our six guilty parties only adjourned to their bedroom if for no other reason than to keep up with the adults in their family.


By the end of the weekend the family had a sexual bond that could never be broken and knew the love they had for one another would be for all eternity. Memories that would last a lifetime were made this weekend and a bond of friendship that exists to this day.


Dale and Carlos were walking mighty funny when they rejoined the group for dinner and from the loose cargo shorts Dwight and Juan were wearing left nothing to the imagination as to the size these two men were packing and that satisfied their partners at every opportunity. Dwight and Juan were mighty tender from the activities of the afternoon and were “free balling” out of necessity. No one made any comments as it might be them sometime in the future that were the “victim” of exuberant sex.


As Dale ordered dinner he informed the group enough hamburgers had been devoured this weekend to satisfy even the men at Fort Connor. A seafood salad was ordered for dinner and everyone would eat dinner or face the wraith of a very irritated father. We looked at each other and accepted our defeat. One nutritious meal wouldn”t kill us and we all knew there were plenty of hamburgers in our future diet.


Dale and Dwight were astonished their kids so quickly accepted their big brothers. I guess miracles do happen and we can only thank our guardian angel Roger for being on our side.


The imps were most upset when the meal arrived and a covered tray of hamburgers were included. Inviting in our security team to join us in the meal Napoleon was served hamburgers and the imps begrudged him every bite of his non-nutritious doggie meal. As the imps begrudgingly ate their seafood salad Napoleon stuffed himself on medium rare hamburgers. Yes, being a senior citizen Malinois does have its perk


Sunlight was starting to creep through their bedroom window and Paul was starting to wake from his night of sleep. He felt a hand gently stroking his cock as lips licked and teased his tits. Carlos was horny and in need of a sunrise fuck. Paul loved to fuck Carlos in the morning when his balls were full and he really could be an out of control lover. As Paul finally registered a conscious state he was shocked that Carlos was still sleeping beside him and someone was still between his legs licking and sucking on his balls. Throwing back the covers Paul was shocked to see Shawn eagerly sucking his balls and licking his way toward the head of his cock.


Paul gently nudged Carlos who woke to seeing an imp sucking on his partners cock and balls. Carlos immediately became super hard and started dripping pre cum in copious amounts. Scooting his way down the bed he flipped around so Paul could suck on his cock as he could suck on Shawn and start fingering his ass. Paul knew if Shawn really wanted him to fuck his ass he needed it loosened first so as not to cause any damage. Nodding at Carlos, Carlos smeared Shawn”s ass with as much lube as possible and then position his cock for entrance. Holding Shawn tight he forced his thick cock into his willing victim.


Shawn”s body became rigid and every muscle fought the intrusion. Suddenly, Shawn relaxed and he begged Carlos to fuck him hard and get him ready to take every inch of Paul”s monster. Paul and Carlos looked at each other and Paul nodded his consent. Carlos started off easy but quickly started an out of control fuck that made his balls explode violently.


Shawn was at Nirvana as he climbed on top of Paul”s cock and impaled himself on it… inch after inch working its way into his gut. Paul held him tight and by the time half of Paul”s cock had been inserted Shawn was begging for Paul to stop. Paul was now a sexual animal that needed completion and the only completion he desired was filling Shawn with his hot cum.


Holding Shawn”s hips tightly… Paul gave a mighty thrust as four more inches of cock invaded Shawn”s body. As Shawn was howling, begging and pleading for Paul to stop the final three inches was forced in and Shawn was held tight. Paul pulled Shawn forward and told him it was time for him to learn all the pleasures he can give to men. Pulling his ass cheeks apart Carlos could see Paul”s huge cock with Shawn”s ass tight around it. As Paul nodded at Carlos he spread a copious amount of lube on his cock and started to insert it with Paul”s stretching Shawn”s ass to the Max. The feeling was beyond description and his balls blasting off gave enough additional lube for Carlos to go balls deep in Shawn”s ass with Paul double fucking Shawn.


As Carlos withdrew his cock from Shawn”s ass it snapped shut around Paul”s cock. Getting longdicked with a 18 inch cock is a experience few will ever experience and fewer yet want to experience. As Shawn was placed Doggie on the bed Paul started a power fuck that left Shawn in sexual overload and he collapsed upon Paul”s chest with his cock exploding and Paul”s cock still deep in his ass. Carlos only smiled and commented he hoped he had enjoyed himself because as sore as he will be this isn”t anything he”ll want to do again.


Shawn woke from his sexual stupor only to find Paul power fucking Carlos through multiple orgasms. Carlos”s cock exploded coating Shawn with his fresh hot load of cum and within minutes Shawn could see the head of Paul”s cock in Carlos”s gut filling him as he orgasmed.


Shawn was turning into a nymphomaniac that would challenge T&T for the record at Fort Connor. Would Fort Connor be ready to survive the challenge of these new imps?


As everyone settled into their morning staff meeting in their conference room OPS interrupted stating Generals Bjorn and McLain had an urgent secure video call from POTUS. “Send it to our office, we will be there shortly.


A POTUS appeared on our wall monitor it was apparent he was stressed to the MAX. “Generals, I”m asking for your help not as your Commander-in-Chief but as a father that has no place else to turn. I can”t divulge the details even over a secure com so I hope you”ll grab your go bags and meet with me in the Oval office. Definitely Sir! Good, I knew I could depend upon you two. I have two fighter jets less than 10 minutes from touching down at Fort Connor.


Might we suggest Sir, not knowing the specifics of the problem that you include T&T Worthington in this meeting as they have assets in R&D that even the military isn”t aware of their potential. “Consider it done!”


Almost immediately we heard two fighter jets buzzing our base and doing their victory roll as they made their final approach. Grabbing our “go bags” we headed to meet our destiny.




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