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Subject: Headline Hayden Chapter 17: Distant Prarie Thunderstorm I will leave Hayden’s age up to my readers and note that this is a complete work of fantasy. This story is set in a completely fictional world and I certainly would not encourage anyone to try and replicate this fantasy in the real world. It is just a flight of my fancy. Please feel free to email me at ail with feedback, comments and suggestions! This is my first Nifty story so go easy on me. Headline Hayden Chapter 17: Distant Prairie Thunderstorm The arrangement that Jason and Hayden had worked out was proving quite successful. It allowed Hayden to have some space from his father while the tensions ran high, it allowed me to be able to spend time with him while the future was being decided and crucially it decompressed things to allow for us to plan. Hayden’s father was proving intractable when it came to him staying in the city. His calcified attitude about his son’s sexuality and his concern for family reputation was making it less and less likely that we might be able to avoid the inevitable separation. I will admit that I was terrified of losing him before we had a chance to truly build a potential future, but I was doing my damnedest not to give in to the feelings of despair that were lurking below the surface. I had started work up after a few weeks off, so I was distracted by it which did actually help my ability to think. I felt that our relationship was strong enough to survive the situation, but I also continued to wonder if I would become less interesting to Hayden once we were separated. I knew that it was a risk because I was hardly a prime catch for a teenage boy, no matter how much he seemed drawn to me. There was also the nagging feeling that I was doing something to damage him or hold him back from the life he wanted. He’d reassure me all the time that it was not so, but that didn’t always stick in my mind. There was also an intriguing possibility that had opened itself to me. As I’d been talking with my editor over a story we were working on, he’d brought up a chance for me to advance and become an arts editor at one of our sister papers. The reason why my ears perked up was that it was a position located near to where Hayden was meant to be going to school. I knew, though, that there was competition for that job and that it was by no means guaranteed. My editor had promised me that he’d be putting in a word for me but getting my hopes up was not what I wanted to do. I was even worried about discussing it with Hayden for that reason. balıkesir escort The thought of him getting his hopes up only to have me shatter them was not something that I wanted to contemplate doing to him. Our connection was special to the both of us and hurting him because of a broken promise was not on as far as I was concerned. It was driving me crazy to stay silent as the clock continued to run out, but I had to do it. On a more positive note, the situation was giving Hayden and I a chance to talk more deeply about where our relationship might go. After one night’s sexual escapades, we were laying in bed. I was resting my head on his chest as we talked. “Hayden? Can I ask you something?” He stroked my hair. “You know you can ask me anything, Matt. What’s up?” “Do you see yourself with me when you get to college? I mean it’ll be a huge transition period for you and you’ll meet a lot of new people. It might be limiting if you feel that you can’t explore all those possibilities. I really do not want to do anything to limit your potential.” Hayden shook his head. “Nah, Matt. If I really did meet someone and it seemed like it would be better for me, I know we’d talk about it. Right now though I just wanna be with you and spend time getting to know you more.” I grinned. “Ah the optimism of youth!” He glared at me and then smiled broadly. “Shut up, old man! You don’t like it, turn your hearing aid off!” I fake punched him in his muscled arm, but then turned more intense again as something else occurred to me. “Seriously though, do you think that you want to be with me when I am really old in the true sense. Would you want to look after me?” Now he gave me a similarly intense glare. “You got a ways to go before that becomes a problem, dude. Anyhow, of course, I would wanna look after you. Like I keep telling you, I love you for all that you are.” I nodded. “Fair enough. I guess we’ll just have to see how things go as time goes on.” Hayden put an arm around me and pulled me against his strong chest. “Calm down, sweetie. I know this shit with my dad has you all worked up, but it won’t do any good to freak out right? We do it one day at a time, babe, like you said.” That conversation sticks in my mind because, in some ways, it was a turning point. It represented a surge in confidence for me and it seemed that it did for Hayden too. It was a barrier that had fallen between us and after that, the relationship seemed to move more easily and freely. I hope my readers will indulge me for a moment bartın escort in this little digression, but I’m the author so it’s my prerogative! In spite of trying to be more focused on our relationship and personalities rather than on Hayden’s physical beauty, I was still moved and struck by just how beautiful he was. Perhaps it was the ephemeral nature of his youthful beauty that drew me more strongly to it, but whatever the case it was intense. The reason that I bring this up is one moment that stands out with vivid clarity in my mind. Hayden and I had taken a hike to a local forest reserve. It was a perfect midsummer day with champagne morning light slanting down through the leaves of the aspens that surrounded us. The gently meandering path had wound its way up a hill to a vantage point that overlooked the small city laid out below us. As the morning wore on, the heat increased and Hayden slid his shirt off. By the time we reached the top of the hill, the sunlight had grown more intense and it limned Hayden’s lightly sweating skin in bright light. Every flat plane of his young body was outlined in it from his flat rippled belly to his defined but not overly swollen pectoral muscles and from his lean but sculpted arms to the elegant column of his neck. As he turned to glance at a hawk soaring over us, the shapes and contours of his back were starkly outlined. I had to catch my breath, to realize that for as long as it lasted, I had this beauty to admire. Now to return to my tale! There was no doubt that time was weighing on us each day. The summer was drawing on and there was no sign that Hayden wouldn’t be leaving. His mother had tried again to sway his father but the move was inevitable. The paperwork had already been submitted to the school, so it seemed our worst apprehensions were justified. Now it was a matter or management of the circumstances. I talked to my boss who had indeed put a good word in for me, so the waiting game was only made more intense. Again it wouldn’t solve every problem and anxiety, but at least if I could be closer to Hayden it would be helpful. I kept up the internal debate with myself about telling Hayden that I might be moving closer to him if he went to the boarding school. Eventually I decided that it was best to be honest. I called him and let him know, but tried to temper the announcement with the idea that expectations shouldn’t get too high. There was a long, long pause before he replied. “Thanks for telling me Matt. I knew something was on your mind. I can tell. batıkent escort I think it’s real cool that it might happen, but like you say we shouldn’t get too excited. I’m kinda scared still but that helps a lot.” It was a difficult period because the longer the waiting went on, the more unease both of us felt. There was an odd distance between us during that time. It was as if, while we waited, neither of us wanted to make a move. It was the first time I had felt tentative with Hayden and it was clear that the same was happening with him. Somehow our lovemaking lacked the usual intensity. We had seemed to seal ourselves off and as such, our sexual contact felt more purely physical and lacking in emotional intimacy. There were bleak moments, but we tried our best to work at them. It was a feeling of weight that oppressed us, a sensation of being out in the wilderness. Despite the fact that I could be so close to Hayden so often, a rift was growing and it terrified me. I didn’t want my worst anxieties to be realized, but it was happening before we had even been separated. Let me tell you, there were so many sleepless nights and tense phone calls. It was like a great storm brewing but never coming close enough to actually hit. It was like a prairie day with thunderheads on the horizon but no rain. The tense feeling grew and built until I could not take it any more. Just when it seemed as if something was going to break between us, the tension was lifted. The phone call came in the afternoon. I saw the number and my hands began to shake as I answered. My boss was not a man to mince words. “You got it, Matt. You got the position starting in September. Congratulations, it is well deserved.” I had to wait until I ended the call to let out a yelp of joy and excitement, the tears streaming down my face. I immediately called Hayden. There was silence on the line for nearly a minute before he let out a yelp and started nearly shouting into the phone. “Oh my god! That’s so awesome Matt! Oh! Yessssss!” It was only a short while later that I heard him sobbing. “Oh god Matt! I was fucking scared. I know things have been weird between us, but it was just me being scared. Fuck I was worried! That’s so cool, babe! I feel so much better.” In response to his tears, mine only started pouring harder. Eventually we both sat there crying until we could not cry any more. There was a low throb in my voice that began to grow as the dam burst began to also release the sexual tension between us. “Hayden,” I asked in a voice full of desire, “do you want to come on over?” His reply, equally throaty, was immediate. “Fuck yes! I wanna come over so bad.” You know how much I love to make you all wait, so that’s what I am gonna do. Next time you’ll find out what happens when the thunderstorm finally hits.

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