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Subject: The Box Chapter 1 THE BOX It was just before Christmas, I was retired and depressed, lonely and tired of life. Christmas held no delights for me – a walk around the local city centre brough only dismay at the commercialisation of the holidays. I had family, though veryone lived far away and as usual I had resigned myself to a quiet and miserable Christmas all by myself. Christmas eve came and I was sat watching the usual crap on television, musing over the fact there were several .hundred channels and nothing to watch. I noticed a delivery van pull up outside my small house in the suburbs. DHL painted on the side – I remember cynically the joke Drop it, Hide it , Lose it, as I read the DHL. I wasn’t expecting a delivery. most of the stuff I order from Amazon and others usually came in an unmarked van, so I didn’t move to open the door, as I assumed it would be going to a neighbour. Then came a loud knock on the door and I jumped in the air from shock, then went and opened the door to the cheery delivery driver. ‘MrB?’ he asked. ‘Yes,’ I answered unenthusiastically. ‘This must be your Christmas Box’. said the driver, passing me a rather large cardboard box which has very little weight to it. When the driver had gone I took a look at the package. It has no identifying marks on is telling me the origin, apart from the mmessage bahçelievler escort ‘DO NOT OPEN UNTIL CHRISTMAS’. I was intrigued, but not much and put the box down in the corner of the room and returned to the TV and poured myself a drink. THe TV was showing the usual pre-Christmas repeats – ‘Wonderful Life’, ‘Whote Christmas’ and endless Christmas ‘Specials’. I don’t know when I fell asleep, but either the boredom or the drink has got me and when I awoke to a strange rustling sound it was past midnight. Time for bed, I decided, and headed for the stairs. The box caught my eye, but I’m sure it wasn’t in the place I had put it when It was delivered. It was now by the side on the chair I had been sitting and sleeping in. I mused on this for a few seconds then decided it was either the drink or my imagination playing tricks on me. Up stairs to my lonely bed, I undressed to briefs and vest and shuffled under the covers, shivering slightly. Eventually at some point I drifted off to sleep. You know they say that your whole life flashes before you when you face death? Well my dreams that night were like that, but with somethin amiss in every view, even in sleep the dreams disturbed me. In many of the dreams scenes there was small boy that I didn’t recognise. MY late wife has died in childbirth bakırköy escort many years before and the baby didn’t survive. My life had been empty since that time, though I married again I never had any more children. Through the night my sleep was fitful and disturbed and I woke with a start, sitting bolt upright trying to make sense of what was happening. I blamed it on the drink, usually I just have a beer or two, but in the evening I has a few shots of spirits that I usually keep for visitors, and in my mind it was this that was causing the disturbing dreams. Eventually I settled back to sleep. The dreams continued, though now not so disturbing, but the boy was still there in the visions. Then the most alarming thing happened, I was awoken by a tapping sound, I was wide awake immediately and wondered if there was an intruder in the house. Frozen with fear, in the shadows I could see my bedroom door slowly opening! I turned on the light an in the doorway stood a young boy, maybe 9 or 10 years old with dishevelled blond hair and superman pajamas.In my confused stae I relised it was the same boy from the dreams and just presumed it was yet another dream. The boy spoke, softly, ‘Daddy I’m cold and had a bard dream, can I sleep with you?’. Still believing it was all a balgat escort dream I turned the bed cover to allow the boy into my bed. He quickly laid down and turned to he was little spoon to me. The as suddenly he was asleep and and I put my arm around the boy and also drifted off into? I had thought I was already asleep and dreaming! I didn’t dream again after that just peaceful rest. Come the morning I woke from my eventful night laying on my back and staring at the ceiling. Suddely I felt movement at my side and I swear I jumped six feet into the air with shock. ‘Sorry Daddy, did I make you jump?’, there was the boy, larger than life and he snuggle up to my side. Was I still dreaming? I couldn’t comprehend what was happening, but everything seemed real! The bed felt real, the boy felt real and the loud fart I let go certainly smelled real, which sent the boy into fits of giggles. ‘Poo Dad, that was a bad one!’He said and ran out of the room. Second later he was back dressed in a blue tracksuit. ‘Come on Daddy, let’s see what Santa has brought!’ Downstairs the room was decorated with Christmas lights and tinsel and a pile of wrapped gifts by the fireplace. As far as I could see all were labelled to ‘Kris’ and the boy eagerly started opening the packages. In the corner by the door was the box from DHL, opened and empty. BY the side was some decorated paper and a label which clearly bore the handwriting of my late wife. ‘To Bill’ it said, ‘It’s been a long time coming, but here is the gift you always wanted, Love from B xx’ And it was the best gift I ever had, the dream son I always yearned for. I don’t know how…… (More to follow? Let me know!)

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