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Big Dick

Founders School for Boys

By bottomboy1011@yahoo

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I am a little ADD so it is hard for me to sit down and write. I will not do it if I do not get feedback. Nifty give us an outlet to write things that we cannot talk about in the real world, so donate fty/donate.html  and be sure to give the authors feedback on what you think after you read their stories..






I went back to my room and got into bed. I had a lot going through my mind and was having a hard time focusing on just one thing. I was worried that I really messed up and now they were in there talking about how to get rid of me since I couldn”t suck a cock right. One thing that worried me the most, was that I never thought I was gay, but I found that I really enjoyed licking his balls and his cock. Am I gay after all and just never wanted to admit it?

I got back out of bed and walked back to their room. The door was still opened, and I saw Drew…I mean Mom licking white stuff off of Dad”s cock. He licked it one last time and went back to his side of the bed. That is when Dad saw me standing at the door. “Roberto, I thought you went to bed. It is not acceptable to be watching someone having sex without their permission.

I looked him in the eye, “I was not trying to spy on you or anything. I wanted to ask you a question and was not ready for what I saw, I am sorry.” I turned to go back to my room.

I had just turned away from the door when I heard Dad say, “Roberto, come back here please.” I turned back around and stopped at the doorway. Dad said, “Roberto, come over here please.” I went to his side of the bed. “You came in here to ask a question, so what is it that was so important?”

I knew exactly what I wanted to ask when I came here, but now I am not sure. “Well… I was just…” I took a deep breath and just blurted it out, “Are you going to get rid of me now?” I felt like I was on the verge of crying, but also a little scared and angry.

I could see the look of surprise on his face, “Now why would you ask such a silly question?”

“Why would you want me? I can”t even suck a cock right, so I can”t be a Crossman?”

Mom came over to the side of the bed I was on, “Baby, first thing you need to know is that we will never get rid of you. You are our family now, and you are here to stay.”

Dad said, “As for being a Crossman, you became one the second you came through those gates. Do we believe that sex is something that you as a Crossman child are expected to provide the men? Of course it is, but it comes in a distant second to family. Family is the most important thing to us, and you are now our family. Quit worrying about what happened tonight, we will work on it, and you will do fine. That is if you still want to.”

I looked at his cock which had gone soft, then back to him. “You mean it, you will still teach me?”

“Yes, I will teach you, starting tomorrow morning, now go to bed.”

“Yes Sir.” I was about to leave when he grabbed me and kissed me right on the lips. I kissed him back and that is when I felt his tongue touch my lips. I was not sure what to do. I was pretty sure he was going to put his tongue in my mouth. How gross is that? Then I remembered how gross I thought it would be to lick his balls, and it wasn”t. I slowly opened my mouth and his tongue when right in. I know I should have been really grossed out by this, but I wasn”t. I kinda liked the feel of it, and even the taste excited me.

When he released me I stumbled backwards, and he had to catch me. “Now off to bed with you boy.” He said with a smile on his face and a swat at my butt.

I left their room and stopped by the bathroom to pee. It took a while, because my dick was hard, and I had to wait for it to go down. When I finally got into my room and crawled into bed, I actually felt really good about what happened tonight. I fell asleep wondering what would happen in the morning.

I woke up to Art jumping on me. When I didn”t move right away he used both his hands and his weight to push right on my stomach. “Hey brat, don”t push on my stomach, I need to pee.”

He just fell over on his back giggling up a storm, “I know that blockhead, that”s why I did it.”

I grabbed for him, “You little monster.” Before I could get him, he jumped off the bed and ran out of the room. I thought about chasing him, but I had to make a stop first.

When I got to the kitchen he was hiding behind Mom, who was putting the last of the breakfast on the table. “Don”t let him get me Mom.” He squealed as I reached for him.

“Now Roberto, don”t hurt your little brother.”

I looked at Mom, put my hands over my heart, and said, “Mom how could you think that I would hurt such a sweet guy as Art? I just want to give him a really big hug.” I reached for him and missed again as he ran behind Dad.

“Ok boys enough, sit down and have breakfast. After breakfast we need to get both of you cleaned up and out.”

I guess I missed what he said, because Art and me were still laughing. We ate breakfast and talked about this and that, nothing real important. As we were finishing up Dad said, “Boys listen up. You both have decided to become Crossman, is that still your decision?”

looked at each other and both said, “Yes.”

“I am asking you this because I want to make sure that you understand what you are getting into. I know you have talked to the other kids but remember that they have lived as Crossman their whole lives. Drew and I love you both very much, but the life of a Crossman child is very different than either of you have ever lived.”

“You mean because of the sex?” Art asked.

“That is part of it, but the kids live a fairly restrictive life compared to what you are used to. You will be expected to be obedient and do what you are told when you are told to do it. There may be things that you are required to do that you won”t like, but you are expected to do them anyway. You will be expected to show all adults proper respect at all times, regardless of whether they are Crossman or not.”

“What do you mean Dad?” I asked

“What I mean is that you will never address any adult by their first name. You will say Yes Mr. or Mrs. Smith always showing proper respect.”

“But what if we don”t know their names?” Art asked.

“Then you use Sir, or Ma”am I don”t ever want to punish either of you but disrespecting and adult will get you a very red butt.” He looked at me, “As you found out not to long ago, profanity will not be accepted at all. You will get your face slapped if you are heard using it by any adult around. Am I clear?”

Me and Art said, “Yes Sir,” at the same time.

“We have not asked a lot of you up till now, because you have suffered a tremendous loss and we moved you into a lifestyle that neither of you saw coming. However, going forward you will both have chores that we expect to be completed before you do anything else. Your beds will be made first thing every morning and your rooms will be picked up when you are done with whatever you are doing in there.”

“But Daddy, I don”t know how to make my bed.” Said Art.

Mom said, “I know you don”t baby, but you and I will do it together in the beginning, so that you can learn. This is very important, because at school you will be required to make them every day.”

I got a little sad about hearing that. Dad asked, “Roberto, is something wrong?”

“Well, I was wondering…”

“Wondering what?”

“Do I really have to switch schools?”

“Yes, I think it would be best. I don”t think you are getting a very good education where you are now.”

Knowing that I am not supposed to argue, “Yes Sir.”

“Do you like going to school there?”

“Not really, but Jarod is there, and he is my best friend.”

“I get that, and we will do everything in our power to get you together as much as possible, but I can”t let you fail academically. I know this is very hard on you and him, but will you trust me to make it work?”

I looked him in the eyes and said, “I trust you Dad.” I looked at Art and he looked like a dear in the headlights. I could see tears forming and reached over to hug him, “Don”t cry, Dad said we will see Jarod a lot.”

He hugged me tight, “That is not it, I am scared.”

“Of what?” I asked as I pulled back to look at him.

“I don”t want to live away from home.” Looking at Mom and Dad, “Please don”t make me leave.”

Mom come over and picked him up in his arms, “Its ok baby, I know it is a little scary, but you will be home every weekend. You will also see me every day. I work at the school you know.”

I think that helped a little bit. Dad said, “Ok boys, clean your places and put the dishes in the dishwasher. When you are done, meet me in my bathroom.”

When we got to his bathroom we could not help but notice this weird table that I guess was hidden in the wall. I had never seen it before. “Ok boys, so every day you will be getting a cunt cleaning. What that means is that one of us will insert this tube into your cunt where soapy water will fill you up to clean you out. This will happen a minimum of three times. It is not done until nothing comes out of you but clear water. Who wants to go first?”

Neither of us spoke up. Mom said, “Roberto, come with me.” He walked out of the bathroom and sat on the bed. afyon escort I waked up and stood in front of him, “Roberto, I think it would be best if you went first.” I had the feeling this was coming, “You are older and although, this is not going to be fun right now, it has to be done. I want you to go in there and get onto the table and accept this. Remember, your brother has to have it done as well, so the more you fight it the more scared your brother will be.”

“Why do we have to do this?”

“Roberto, a very short time from now, you are going to be mounted. You are actually three years older than any of the other kids were when they were first mounted. When a boy or girl is mounted, the last thing the man wants is to mount a dirty cunt. It will also be your responsibility to clean the man”s cock when finished. You won”t like cleaning a cock with poop all over it. Even though your brother is way too young to be mounted, his cunt will still be played with, and needs to be clean. I know you can do this. Once you get used to it, you will not feel right if it is not done.”

“I am scared, it”s not fair that kids have to have this done to them.”

Mom started laughing, “Baby, I was younger than Arturo when I started having my cunt cleaned, but since I am Rogers wife, I still have to have my cunt cleaned at least once a day, but sometimes more. As the wife, I have to follow the same rules as you.” I could not believe what he was telling me. I never would have thought that he would have to do this at his age. He smiled at me and asked, “Are you ready?”

I nodded my head, even with the thought of being mounted and then cleaning his cock with my mouth. I kinda felt like being sick, but I was holding it down. I walked into the bathroom with a smile on my face, “Dad, I will go first if that is ok.” I looked at Art who was in the corner trying to melt into the wall.

“Good boy, come over here and get up on the table.” I walked slowly because I was so scared that my knees would give out. He helped me up on the table and had me lay face down. The table looked like a… wooden pony kinda, when I laid down, my stomach fit in the hole while my chest went up this kinda neck and my head lay, against the top. This left the only part of my upper body not supported being my belly and causing my back to arch. I looked back and saw that this position gave clear access to my butt. Then he put each of my legs in these two arm thingy”s that stuck out. There were two pegs on each arm of this thing, and he moved my legs, so that one set of pegs was behind my knees and the other was in front of my ankles. Then he made some adjustments, so my legs fit better. When I was set the way he wanted, he pushed a button and the leg things moved forward bending my knees while at the same them spreading out.

I looked over my shoulder and the first thing I saw was Art, out of the corner standing in front of Mom getting a better look. He said, “Wow Rob I can really see your butt hole now.”

Mom said, “That is your brother”s cunt, and it is beautiful.”

“It is?”

Dad said, “Come here and get a better look.” Fueled by his curiosity and forgetting his fear for the moment, he stepped forward. Dad took his hand and said, “Stick out your finger. Good boy.” He took Arts finger and ran it over my cunt. At first I could not believe that my own brother was going to touch me there. Then the sparks flew, oh my god, it felt amazing. He did it like five times and my dick was hard as a rock.

I guess my dick was below the table edge, because Art said, “Look Daddy, Rob”s dick is hard.”

“Of course it is baby, boys love to have their cunts played with. That is why it is so important to keep them clean.” I had my eyes closed, so I never saw him grab the tube of slippery stuff, but I felt it. He rubbed the cold stuff all around my cunt, and then used his finger to push some inside. It hurt when he tried to push his finger in. He came around to face me, “Roberto, here is what has to happen now. I have to get the lube inside you, so nothing gets damaged when I put the nozzle in. What I need you to do is, when I say now, I want you to push really hard like you have to poop really bad. I need you to keep pushing until I tell you to stop, do you understand?”

Sacred out of my mind I said, “Yes Sir.”

“Good boy.” He went back to my butt again and I felt more cold stuff on my cunt, than he said, “Now.” I pushed out as hard as I could, and I felt him push his finger right up in me. I tried to keep pushing but when I felt him enter me I panicked and squeezed. That actually hurt more. I groaned in pain, and dad started rubbing my lower back, “Its ok boy, take a couple deep breaths and relax. I did what he said, and the pain lessoned, but it was still very uncomfortable. Once I relaxed, he moved his finger in and out a few times, then just left it in me for a bit. “Good boy, now push out again. I did and he pulled his finger out of me.

Art said, “Gross, there is poop on it.”

“And that my boy is why we do cunt cleanings.”

Dad went and washed his hands and then came back behind me. “Ok buddy, here we go. I watched as he put the slippery stuff all over the nozzle as he called it. It was about a foot long, but to my eyes it looked like six feet. He put one hand on my lower back, and I felt him touch the end of the nozzle to my cunt. “Ok Roberto, here we go, now push out like you did before.” I did and I felt it go in, I was ready to cry out as soon as it hurt, but it didn”t. I felt it go way up inside me and that hurt a little but not what I was expecting.

“Wow Rob, it is all the way inside you.” Art said with a high pitch squeal of excitement.

Mom came over to my head, “You doing ok?”

“Yes, it didn”t hurt as much as I thought it would.”

“Of course not, because Roger”s finger is bigger than the nozzle. He opened you up a little bit in the beginning.”

Dad reached over and turned the shower handle to the on position and water came running out of the faucet at the bottom of the shower. Dad made some adjustments, and when he was satisfied he turned off the faucet. “Ok boy, here we go, I am going to fill you up with soapy water. It is going to become very uncomfortable, and you will get cramps like you get when you have to poop really bad. You will be fine, but you must hold the water in for five minutes. When you have reached your time I will help you off the cunt stand and to the toilet, where you will let all of the nasty”s out.”

He turned another knob, and I felt the pressure as the water started filling me up. At first it was not a big deal but is soon started hurting. I didn”t say anything; just started breathing hard and yes, my eyes started tearing up. That is when I heard Art say, “Stop, you are hurting him. Stop it.”

I looked back to see Art trying to grab for the hose. Mom grabbed him before he could grab the hose and yank it out. I took a deep breath and said in one of those corny Italian accents, “Hey, can you quiet down bro; I am getting my cunt cleaned here. I need quiet, so I can concentrate.”

His eyes got real big, and he started laughing. He came up to me and asked, “Are you really ok Rob?”

“Yeah, it hurts a little. It”s like when you have to poop, but it won”t come out.”

“Oh, I hate that. It makes my tummy hurt.”

Dad reached for the knob and shut off the water. I waited the five minutes, and never knew pooping could feel so good. It came out in a flood and stank really bad. Art pinched his nose closed, “Man, you really stink Rob.”

Dad said, “That is what happens when you clean out all the bad stuff inside you.” It took three more times before it came out clear, and two quick ones to rinse out the soap. In all it took about an hour from start to finish. “It normally won”t take this long. Now that the major mess is cleared out, it should never take more than two soap and two clear water to get you done.” He cleaned up a little and switched nozzles to a smaller one. “Ok Arturo, your turn.”

Dad adjusted the table, so that it would fit Art. I watched as he put my little brother on the table in the same way I was. I am glad I went first. Now I know that although it may hurt a little, it is not as big deal. I was amazed at the way the table spread my little brother out and put his cunt on display. Dad called me over and had me rub my finger over Art”s cunt. He jumped a little at first, but then started moaning.

I could not help but giggle as I watched my little brothers dick get hard. Dad rubbed the slippery stuff all over Art”s cunt, but instead of using his index finger like he did with me, he used his pinky finger to push the lube, as he called it into my brother”s cunt. He told Art too push out, like he told me to do. Art cried out, but soon relaxed as Dad moved his finger in and out of my brother”s cunt. When Dad pulled out is finger, it was covered in poop. I agreed with Art, gross city.

Dad washed his hands and got back behind Art. Then I watched in shock as he inserted the nozzle into my little brother. Part of me felt like I should stop this, he is just a little kid. However, the other part knew that I had agreed to not interfering in Art”s training. I stopped worrying about it when Dad inserted the nozzle and my little brother, instead crying in pain, he moaned. Art was taking it better than I did, and Mom even had him giggling a little. It took three soaps, and two rinses then we were done. Dad made sure the table agrı escort was clean and folded it back into the wall. We all got in the big shower together and got cleaned up. To be honest, once I got over the shock of it, it was not so bad. I actually did feel better after the cleaning.

“Dad, can I ask you something?”

“Sure buddy, you know you can ask me anything.”

“Do all the kids really get their cunts cleaned like this every day? Even Mikey?”

Mom and Dad both laughed, “I hate to burst your bubble about your friend, but almost everything you are going through, he goes through every day.” Mom said.

“And yes, all the kids get their cunts cleaned daily. Mikey has had his cunt cleaned many times on the same table you just did.” Said Dad.

I was shocked, “You mean you have cleaned Mikey”s cunt?”

“Of course, do you think I want to mount a dirty cunt?”

I couldn”t believe this, “You mounted Mikey? What do you mean almost everything I am going through?”

“Of course, he has a wonderful cunt.” Dad said with a smile on his face. “The only difference between what you are going through and what Mikey goes through will be the circumcision. His was done when he was born.”

We headed into the bedroom, “Dad, can we do more lessons?”

“I wish I could, but I have to go to work. We will do it tonight, I promise. Why don”t you and Arturo go to the Rec Center, and have some fun with your friends?”

I sat on the bed, “No, I will just stay home today.”

Dad sat down next to me, “May I ask why you don”t want to go hang out with your friends?”

“Because I want you to be the one that teaches me. What if I got to the Rec Center without my wristband and one of the other men wanted me to suck on them, I can”t say no, right?”

“Get with Mikey right away and tell him about these concerns and he will help you out today. Remember tomorrow you go and spend the weekend at Jarod”s, and Monday you and your brother have a medical appointment.”

“You mean to get cut down there?” I asked pointing to my dick.

“Yes, there is no reason to put it off. The sooner it gets done, the sooner you will heal, and the sooner we can get a PCU on you.”

After Dad left for work, me and Art headed down to the Rec Center. Art was holding my hand as we walked. At first I was lost in my head about the upcoming clipping, but came back to earth when Art started singing, “I am a Crossman, la… la… la… la… la. Me and my brother are finally happy now that we are Crossman, la… la… la… la. This went on for three more courses before we got to the Rec Center.

We walked in and Art let go of my hand and ran to Ben and the other kids in the corner. I watched as Art showed them his naked wrist. They all cheered and I could tell that Art was on the top of the world.

I jumped when I felt a hand on my butt and turned to see a smiling Mikey. He looked over at Art and his friends, “What is happening over there?”

“We got our wrist bands cut off last night and Art is showing his wrist to his friends.”

“That”s great brother! Did your Dad teach you anything yet?” I told him about everything that happened last night and this morning. “Are you Ok with it all.”

“Yes, I thought I would hate it. I had planned to tell everyone that I loved it even if I didn”t.”

Mikey looked me right in the eyes, “Why would you ever do that, it makes no sense?”

“You just can”t understand Mikey, you have a Mom and Dad, you have a home that you feel safe in. Roger and Drew are all that me and Art have, if I would not have said yes, what would have happened to us?”

“Oh man, I am so sorry Rob. I never thought about it that way before, but Rob, if this is not right for you, you have to tell them. They will understand, and they will not abandon you. I have known them all my life and they will walk away from all things Crossman before they let you two go.”

“I know they would, Dad even told me that if I felt that I could not do what would be asked of me, that we would move out of the ranch. I could not believe that they cared so much about us, that they would give up everything to take care of us.”

Mikey smiled, “Doesn”t surprise me at all.”

“So anyway, I guess him saying that made me open my mind up a little more. Then seeing all of you guys and how happy you are is what made me want what you have. After all the talks we had about what was to come, I guess it started not to scare me as much as I thought it would. After last night though, and how much I enjoyed it, I started worrying that I might really be gay.”

“Dude you have to stop that.” Mikey said with frustration, “You will figure out if you are gay years from now. Stop worrying about it today and enjoy the way you feel. You love Roger and Drew right?”

“Of course I do.”

“Then let that love guide you. Focus on making your Dad”s pleasure you most important goal. Then do the same with any other man that want”s your attention.”

I just froze and looked around, “I have to get out of here and go home.”

“Why what is wrong, did you forget to make your bed?” He said with a laugh.

“No, it”s not that. I can”t let any of the men see me without my wristband.”

“I don”t get it why?”

“Because we are not allowed to say no. I want to be taught by Dad, not some stranger that I don”t know.” I started heading for the door.”

Mikey grabbed my arm, “You don”t have to leave. Stay close to me and I will handle it if there are any problems.”

“You swear you won”t leave me?”

“I promise.”

Just then Ben and Art came up to me. Art was all excited, “Rob, Ben”s dad is home and he said I could come over. Is it ok if I go?”

I knew this was going to happen, and even though I told myself that I had to let it, I was still worried about it. I dropped to my knees and gave him a hug, “Yes you can go, but if anything happens that makes you uncomfortable, you just say stop.”

Ben looked at me like he wanted to kill me. His fists were clinched tight, “Don”t you talk about my Daddy that way. He would never hurt Art. I don”t like you.”

At this point his face was red with anger. I was reviewing in my head what I said and could not figure out what I said to set him off. This was not the first time that he challenged me, so I needed to figure out how to calm him down. I looked around to see other kids looking at us. I was just about to say something when Art stepped between us with his hands clinched, “Don”t you talk to my brother that way. He never even said anything bad about your Daddy.”

I saw Mikey start to say something but held up my hand to stop him. I wrapped Art in a hug from behind and whispered in his ear, “It”s ok Art; he just misunderstood what I was saying.” I reached down and put my hands on his until he unclenched his fist and calmed down. I noticed that Ben was caught off guard by Art”s anger. I moved Art off to the side and took Bens hands in mine, “Ben, I think you misunderstood what I was saying to Art. I was not telling him to watch out for your father. Do you think that I love Art?”

Still a little angry he said, “Yes.”

“You are right. I have a lot of friends, but he is my best friend and I worry about him. You see Ben; this is all new to us. All of you guys have grown up like this. I never thought your Daddy would hurt Art. I mean, after all, our new Dad thinks so much of your Dad that he trusts him to help Art learn the ways of the Crossman. I trust our new Dad, and if he trusts your Dad, then I trust him too. I do worry though.”

Ben was paying close attention to me now, “About what?”

“About you. You see, you have become Art”s best friend, and that makes you very important to me. I can”t tell you how sad I will be if we can”t be friends too. Art told me that you only have a little sister, so I was wondering… No, never mind, I am sure you wouldn”t want that.”

Ben was following every word I was saying, “Want to what?”

“Well, I was thinking that if Art would not mind sharing, that maybe you could be my little brother too. I know it was a silly idea.”

He turned to look at Art, and Art nodded his head. He turned back to me, “Really, you mean it, I could be your little brother too?”

“Yep, but only if you want to.” He nodded his head fast, so I held out my arms and he ran into them for a hug. I pulled back to look him in the eye, “Now you have to promise to watch out for Art and help him if he gets scared today.”

A big smile came over his face, “I promise, I will help him learn and watch out for him.”

“Ok then, you guys head out. I love you both.” I said and gave them both hugs. Ben looked like he was on cloud nine.

As we watched them walk out the door, “Oh man you messed up.” Said Mikey.

I stood up and asked, “Really, I thought that went really well.”

“Oh it did, but you just gave Ben permission to bug you all the time. Something that most of us avoid.”

“He is my brother”s best friend; I think that was going to happen anyway. Besides, aren”t we all supposed to watch out for each other?”

“That is true, and I would never be mean, or let anything happen to that little guy, but he is still a lot of work.”

We headed into the showers, so that we could go in the pool, when a man stopped me, “I saw how you handled that problem out there. You were very impressive.”

“Thank you Sir.”

“Lets you and I akdere escort go spend some time together in the service room.” I must have looked like a deer in the headlights. I just froze and started shaking. The man looked worried he dropped to his knees, “Son, what”s wrong, are you ok?”

Mikey spoke for me, “Sir, this is Roberto; he is the new son of the Goldberg”s. He is new to being a Crossman and just lost his wristband last night. He was only able to do a little bit with Mr. Goldberg before bed. He really wants his new Dad to teach him what to do before spending time with other men.”

He looked back at me, “I can understand that, but I hope we can spend time together soon.”

I took everything I had to croak out, “Yes Sir.”

The rest of the day was easy, I was still worrying about Art though. The whistle blew and I headed home. Art was already home and in his room. He was drawing pictures and just humming to himself. I came up behind him and wrapped him in a hug. He squealed and turned around and wrapped me in a hug. I asked, “How did it go at Ben”s house?”

One thing to know about my brother, is when he wants to tell me something big, he always stops, and thinks about it for a second before starting. This is what he did now and then, “Well, all the way to Ben”s house, Ben kept telling me how sorry he was that he was mean to you. Then it was how excited he was that you were going to be his big brother too.” He stopped here and gave me a hard stare, “I don”t mind sharing you a little because he needs a big brother, but don”t forget who your real brother is.”

I wrapped him in another hug, “Oh, I know who my real little brother is, because I love you more than anything in the world.”

He smiled, “I love you more.” He said with another big hug. “Ok, so I was not really listening to him on the way to his house, because I was really scared. I almost turned and ran back to you, or home to Mom, but I didn”t. We got to his house, and I met his Dad. He was really nice, so I relaxed a little bit. He was wearing this long bathrobe that was tied in the front. When he sat down on the couch his bathrobe came open, and there was his big cock. That scared me a lot.”

“I bet it did.” I sat on the floor with my back to the bed and Art sat right down on my legs without missing a beat.

“So anyway, Ben crawled up on the couch with his Dad, and they started kissing on the lips like Mom and Dad does with us. This was different though do you know what happened next?”

“How could I, I wasn”t there.”

He just giggled, “Oh yeah, duh.” He said and hit himself in the head with his palm. “Well, Ben opened his mouth, and his Daddy stuck his tongue in it. At first I thought, gross, but Ben was loving it, so I just watched. When they finished, Mr. McKay told me to come up on the couch with them. I did on the other side as Ben. Mr. McKay turned my head and started kissing me on the lips. It took me a little bit, but I decided I liked it. Then he rubbed my lips with his tongue, so I opened my mouth and he put his tongue in.”

He was really excited about what happened, but as much as I wanted to be ok with it, I was having a hard time with it. Part of me wanted to go over there and kick his butt for doing that to my little brother, while another part was mad at me. You see, I was getting hard as a rock listening to the story of a man molesting my little brother, how sick is that? As he went on to describe doing the same thing I did last night, my dick just kept getting harder and harder. Even worse, was the fact that while he was talking to me he was playing with it. I don”t think he realized what he was doing because he was so into his story.

“Then we started licking his cock, me on one side of it and Ben on the other.” Giggling, “We even licked each other”s tongues a few times. Then I noticed some stuff leaking out of his pee hole. I pulled back, but Ben showed me it was ok to lick it. I was not sure, but I tried it anyway. It was good, and Ben and I tongue wrestled over who would get it. That”s when Mr. McKay”s cock started getting bigger. All of a sudden this white stuff came flying out of it and landing on his chest and stomach. I was kinda freaked out, but Ben laughed and started licking it off. I didn”t want to miss anything, so I did too. Man, it tasted good.”

I pushed Art off of me and ran to the bathroom. I all of a sudden got this real strong urge to pee. I stood in front of the toilet until my dick went down, but then didn”t have to go anymore. I went back into Art”s room, “Did I say something wrong?”

“No, I thought I was about to pee myself, but then didn”t need to go. Ok, so now that you have done all of that, do you still want to be a Crossman?”

“More than anything. You aren”t changing your mind are you Rob?”

“No, just making sure you were ok with everything that happened.”

Smiling from ear to ear, “I am, I really am.”

Just then, Mom called us to dinner. Art told the whole story again to them. I got hard again as I listened to it for the second time. When dinner was over, we cleaned off our plates and put them in the dishwasher. Mom said, “Arturo, run upstairs and get me a book and you and I will snuggle up and read it.”

“Really? He said excitedly, “Don”t change your mind, I will be right back!”

I laughed, it didn”t take much now, in our new home to excite him. It got me thinking about our Dad, Mom came over to me, Roberto, are you ok? Is something wrong?”

“I am ok, I was just thinking about our Dad.”

Roger sat down next to me, “What are you thinking about?”

“I guess I am missing him. I miss him mostly when I see Art, so happy.”

“Why is that?”

“I think it is because we were so sad that last year of his life that I think that is all he saw. I wish we could have found a way to be happy, so that he could have seen us that way instead.”

Dad reached over and pulled me into a hug, “Never feel sad about memories of your Father. He knew how much you loved him, and maybe that made everything he was going through just a little easier.”

I hadn”t even realized I had teared up until Art came down the stairs and dropped his book. He came running over to me, “Rob, what is wrong, what happened?” He said in a panic.

I smiled at him, “Nothing happened, I just all of a sudden started thinking about Dad and how much I miss him.”

He climbed up on my lap and wrapped me in a hug. He whispered in my ear, “Me to, I miss him every day.”

Dad said, “Guys, I have an idea. Since Roberto is spending the weekend over at Jarod”s house, what do you say we get up in the morning, have breakfast, pack Roberto”s things, and stop by the cemetery to visit your Dad. After that we can swing into the mall and get you some new clothes, by that time it will be lunch and we”ll have something there. Then we will drop you off at Jarod”s.”

“Really?” I asked, “That would be great.”

I noticed Art looking sad, “What”s wrong little brother, don”t you want to visit Dad?”

“Yes I do, but if you are spending the weekend at Jarod”s, then I will be here all alone.”

Mom laughed and said, “That only hurts a little bit, and is not quite true little one.”

“I am sorry, I meant without Rob. I have never slept away from him before.”

Dad said, “We knew that, so we took it upon ourselves to plan your weekend. Tomorrow night, you will be spending it at Ben”s house, and Saturday night he will be spending it here.”

Art jumped off the couch and started jumping all around. He stopped and looked at Dad, “I have never spent the night at someone else”s house before. I have never had someone sleep over at our house either. This will be so cool!”

Mom sat on the couch, “Arturo, get your book and come over here.”

Art grabbed his book from where he dropped it, ran over the couch, and snuggled up to Mom. As soon as Mom started reading, Dad tapped me on the shoulder and signaled me to follow him. We went into his room and closed the door, “Are you ready for your next lesson?”

“Yes Sir, I sure am.”

He laid on the bed and spread his legs, “Let”s see what you remember from last night.”

I crawled between his legs, pulled his balls to one side, and stuck my nose into the area between his balls and his thigh. I breathed deep, until I started getting lightheaded. Then I licked his balls until he told me to start on his cock. After licking his cock for a bit, “Ok boy, it is now time to take me inside. Remember what we talked about last night; cover your teeth with your lips.”

I did as I was told. I took him in my mouth as deep as I could without gagging. He told me how to use my tongue around the head. I tasted a lot of pre-cum and swallowed it as fast as I could.

“You are doing a fine job Roberto. Here you were thinking that you could not be a Crossman because you could not suck a cock. Feels great to me boy. So good in fact that I am about to cum. I want you to swallow as much as you can, but don”t worry if you miss some, you can clean it up later.”

With that said, he put his hand on the back of my head. His cock got bigger in my mouth, and he started squirting his cum. I tried to swallow as fast as I could, but it was just too much for me. I started gagging and he released my head and I pulled off his cock. He shot a few more times before it just dribbled out. I thought about what Art said, so I leaned down and started licking it all up. It had a weird texture, but the flavor is good.

When I was finished cleaning him up he said, “You did very good for your first time. You will learn quick enough to never pull off a cock until you have swallowed every drop of cum, but again, great job.


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