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Subject: Raven’s Stars Raven’s Stars By Mikkiwriter This story is copyrighted to me its writer and cannot be copied in any way shape or form without my express permission. If you don’t like stories of a homosexual nature or are underage please leave now. Now guys if you love reading these stories on archive please think of giving a donation to keep it going. Follow the donation link on ‘s homepage I hope you enjoy the story All comments are welcome send them to my new email ail Mikkiwriter Nineteen year old Tom Hopton has always known he was gay but has never had the courage to admit it. Tom is a keen sportsman and plays soccer for the local team. Tom’s team mates have no idea about Tom’s sexuality. Tom’s good looks mean that’s he never without female company. Tom has never actually had sex with any of the girls but as far as his mates are concerned he is a babe magnet. Tom secretly fancied one of his team mates Will Benson. Will’s six packed smooth chest and wavy blonde hair often caused Tom to get a boner in his trousers. Tom found it really hard to keep his thoughts to himself when seeing Will and his team mates showering after matches but so far he has managed it by thinking of something else. Tom inherited his grandma’s house last year and now lives there alone. He visits his mum regularly. Tom is an only child and was brought up by his mum as his dad died not long after he was born. Tom’s mum worked hard to make sure had the best upbringing she could give him. Tom’s grandparents were well off and because of that they paid for him to go to the local private boy’s school as a day pupil. Will Benson was also a pupil at st James and that is where he first met Tom. They became firm friends straight away as like Tom he had lost his dad when he was young and was brought up by his mum but unlike Tom it was his mum who was well off and she paid his fees at the school also unlike Tom Will was a boarder at the school. When Will left school he decided to settle in the same town as the school as he had so many friends around the area and his mum bought him a swish apartment where he now lives alone. Tom persuaded Will to join the ravens a week after he had and the two lads are now the star players on the team. It was the usual Saturday routine for Tom taking his mum shopping in the morning and then straight to the football ground for the match. Tom’s team The Ravens had a good match beating their arch enemies The Badgers 2-0. The banter between the lads was really high and all the team were on top form when they hit the showers. Will was flavour of the month today as he had scored one of the winning goals. He had been held up hitting the changing rooms by the local press asking for an interview. Tom was soon in the shower. Will is another of the team that could pull a girl at 500 yards. The local girls always made a beeline for either Will or Tom. The other players were always a bit jealous of the two stunners but they had no idea that these two actually had a dark secret that they would never reveal. Tom was getting dressed when Will walked into the changing room and smiled and walked up to Tom and said “good game today we really showed them who is the boss” laughing and he headed towards the showers dropping his underpants as he walked into the shower area. Tom smiled at the sight of Will’s tight bubble arse. Tom and a few of the other players came out of the changing rooms to see a group of local fans waiting. Tom was swamped by a group of young lads and their dads asking for his autograph. Tom always thought it was funny when this happened it wasn’t like he was a big time player but unlike a few other players he always did the autographs. Will soon followed and as quick as Tom was swamped he was left with just a couple of stragglers as the rest made a beeline to Will. Tom finished and ran to his car and smiled as he saw Will struggle to keep up with the crowd. Tom waited in his car for a few minutes and then got out and walked over and said “come on guys Will needs to get on thank you for your support today and we will see you all next week. Will signed one last autograph and then walked away with Tom. Will said “thanks I thought I was going to be there all day” “Yeah they can be a drag if there is a big crowd like that” Tom said smiling Just as the two lads were getting into the car there was a loud bang and screeching of brakes. The two lads looked over and saw a young lad lying on the floor with his bike on top of him and a car speeding off. Tom recognised the lad as one he had just signed an autograph for. The lads recognised the car as one of the security staffs. But the lads and the crowd nearby ran to help the young man. Tom called for an ambulance. Tom was sat on the floor holding the lad still when the paramedics arrived. The paramedics were soon there alongside the police who were now looking for the driver of the car. The car belonged to Ryan one of the stewards who helps out at the ground. Ryan was still working and his car had been stolen from the employees’ car park. 18 yr old Brad Tyler had been watching the ravens and had locked his bike up. Before leaving the ground he had finally managed to get Tom Hopton’s autograph and was really happy as he had tried before without much success. He was heading home when the accident happened. Will and Tom stayed with Brad until he was taken into hospital. Will looked at Tom and said “he is in a bad way I hope he will be ok” “Yeah I hope so” Tom said Both Will and Tom gave statements to the police and finally after two hours they left the ground in Tom’s car. The Next Morning Tom got up at about 10am the next morning and put local radio on just as the news came on. 18 yr old cyclist badly hurt in hit and run police appeal for information. Tom listened as the reporter said “the accident which happened about 5 45 last night outside Raven Park football ground involved 18 yr old Bradley Tyler a ravens fan who had been to watch the Ravens win against local rivals the Badgers. The car was stolen from the car park and was driven away at speed. Bradley was riding home when the car appeared to hit him. Bradley’s condition in hospital has been described as critical. Raven players Tom Hopton and Will Benson were believed to be one of the first persons on the scene after the accident and are believed to have helped Bradley until the paramedics arrived on scene. No one from The Ravens was available for comment this morning. It was then that Tom’s mobile went off. Tom looked at the number and saw it was Will. Tom answered and said “hi mate” “Have you seen the news?” Will said “Well I just heard it on the radio” Tom said “Doesn’t sound good do it?” Will said “No mate it doesn’t maybe we should go the hospital to see him or at least go and speak to his family” Tom said “Yeah that sounds like a good idea mate maybe we should go together” Will said “Yeah ok I’ll pick you up in ten minutes then” Tom said “Ok mate” Will said Tom grabbed his keys and headed out. Tom came out of his door to be bombarded by photographers and local news people Tom just said “at this moment of time I have no comments to make thank you I just did what anyone would do” Tom drove off towards Wills and spotted another group of photographers waiting. Tom drove past the photographers and rang Will. Will answered and said “I’ll be there now” “No come out of the backdoor and meet me at the top of the lane unless you want to make a statement to the press” Tom said Will looked out of his window to see the photographers and said “shit for god sake” Will left via the backdoor of his apartment building and headed quickly down the lane and into Tom’s car and said “I take it you had them as well” “Yeah bloody pain in the arses” Tom said The lads arrived at the hospital and parked up they were walking towards the main entrance when they saw the local news team. The lads went into the A&E dept entrance and then went through to the main reception that way. Catherine Brad’s sister had gone down to the reception area to get some fresh air when she saw Will and Tom talking to the receptionist. Catherine walked over just as the receptionist said “I can tell the family you came but at the moment Bradley isn’t having visitors except immediate family” Catherine said “hi I’m Catherine I’m Brad’s sister” “Hi Catherine how is he?” Will said shaking her hand “Well he is as well as can be expected at the moment but if you two hadn’t helped him he would a damn sight worse” Catherine said “Well we didn’t really do much just called the paramedics out” Tom said Catherine smiled and said “anyway come up and meet my parents I know they really want to talk to you” “If you are sure that’s ok we don’t want to intrude” Will said Catherine smiled and said “come on this way” Will and Tom were soon sat in the relatives’ room talking to Brad parents explaining what they heard and saw. Catherine was in the room sitting with Brad. Brad’s dad is also a big ravens fan but couldn’t make it to the game and usually he and Brad went together so he was blaming himself for the accident. Tom said “well if it will help maybe if me and Will organise the team to do a tape of us talking to him or something like that” Brad’s mum Lucy then said “yeah that might help but why don’t you go in and talk to him now see if you can get through to him”. Tom said “well we wouldn’t like to intrude we were told downstairs that it is immediate family only” Lucy said “well that’s what they say but as far as we are concerned if you can talk to him and get him out of the coma we will be happy for you to come here as much as you like” Tom and Will went into the room and were shocked to see all the wires and oxygen pipes that Brad were linked up too. Will and Tom walked over and both lads looked at each other and said “fuck”. Tom walked over and sat down and took hold of Brads hand and said “Brad I hope you can hear me get well soon mate from all your friends at the ravens and there will be a huge warm welcome for you when you are fit again” Will had sat down and had Brads other hand and said “yeah Tom and I will make sure you will be the star guest” Will and Tom sat there for a little while when there was some movement. Tom looked up and thought that Brad was slowly waking up. However brad stopped showing signs of waking as quickly as he started. The lads were hopeful that Brad might wake up soon and kept talking to him. They stayed for a while and started to go when Tom noticed that Brad was trying to open his eyes. Will also noticed and looked at Tom and spotted the bell and pressed it. The nurse came in and saw that Brad was slowly coming round and said “sorry lads I need you to leave us for a minute” Tom smiled and said “no problem” and Will and Tom left the room and went into the family room and said “I don’t want to build your hopes up but I think he is waking up the doctor is in with him but he is definitely stirring” Brads dad said “oh” Tom and Will sat there as a doctor came in and said “Mr. and Mrs. Tyler?” Mr Tyler stood up and said “yes Doctor” “I am doctor Harrison I am one of the doctors dealing with Bradley your son has regained consciousness and apart from a broken ankle and a broken arm he will be fine we cannot find anything to give us long term concern however he is still quite drowsy at the moment and we will need to keep an eye on him for a few days before he can go home” doctor Harrison said “Thank god” Catherine said “Yeah he has been a lucky lad” Doctor Harrison said Mr Tyler looked at the two players and said “thanks lads” Tom smiled and said “all we did was talk to him and tell him he would have a hero’s welcome at ravens park” “Well it was enough” Mrs Tyler said “We will leave you to it this is a family time we just wanted to come and show our support” Will said “Thank you lads” Mr Tyler said Tom and Will left the hospital and were bombarded by the media. “Like I said earlier I have no comment to make thank you” Tom said The two lads ran into Tom’s car and drove off. Tom was driving when Wills phone rang. “Hello” Will answered “Can you come to raven park please we need to talk” team manager Joe Trenton said “Ok boss I will get Tom to drop me off” Will said “Is he with you then?” Joe asked “Yes why?” will asked “Well I need to see him as well so the two of you come together” Joe said “Ok boss” Will said “What’s that about?” Tom asked “No idea Joe wants to see us” Will said “Oh ok” Tom said Tom pulled up outside Ravens Park and the two lads headed into the changing rooms. They walked towards the entrance and spotted even more reporters camped out they managed to dodge them and headed inside they walked towards the changing rooms and saw Joe sat in his office and knocked on the door. “Come in lads” Joe said Tom and Will sat down and Joe said “ok you put this club in a bad light with all this media attention and as a result I have decided to remove the both of you from the team” Joe said Will went mad and said “what the fuck we put the team in a bad light what a load of bollocks all we did was help save a young man’s life after some dipstick stole a car from our “Secured” car park and we get dropped well stuff you and your second rate team maybe I will sign for the badgers” Tom just sat there and then he said “yeah maybe we should or better still the dragons and then we can really give the ravens some shit” The lads stormed out the reporters spotted them but they had already got to Tom’s car. Tom started the car and then stopped it and got out and said to Will “come on” “Why, what you planning to do?” Will said “I am wondering what the fans and the sponsors would say if they found out that the two star players have been sacked for helping an injured fan” Tom said Tom and Will walked back towards the media people outside Ravens Park and the media spotted them and they soon bombarded them. Tom smiled and said to Will “action stations” “Ok I have a statement to make” Tom said “Yesterday evening Will and myself were leaving Ravens park ground after the match against the badgers when an accident happened we like any normal person would do went and helped that fan. We were called earlier to the ground to be told by the team manager that we have been dropped from the ravens team as a result of helping one of the ravens fans as you can imagine Will and myself are gobsmacked that a team that promotes itself as fan friendly thinks it is not acceptable for two of their players to help one of their injured fans thank bursa escort you no further comments to make” Tom said Tom and Will then went back to the car and drove to Tom’s house and Will was still reeling from the meeting with Joe. Will said “I can’t believe that bastard actually sacked us” “Yeah I know never mind it’s their loss” Tom said Mr Tyler was sat in the waiting room at the hospital when Catherine came in with the local evening newspaper and said “read this” Mr Tyler looked at the headline “Ravens axe star players over hit and run” Mr Tyler read the story and said “what the fucking hell does that Joe Trenton think he is playing at” “Yeah I know all they did was help as this is the way they repay them” Catherine replied Tom was sat with Will when the local radio station news came on “Ravens players go on strike and sponsors walk away over sacking of two players” the newsreader read out “The raven’s soccer team’s future is in doubt tonight after the whole first team squad walked out on strike demanding that the team captain Tom Hopton and star striker William Benson are reinstated after team manager Joe Trenton sacked the players. The two young players have been dismissed after they went to help the victim of a hit and run outside the ravens home ground last night the injured fan Bradley Tyler condition is described as stable in hospital . The team’s main sponsor local car dealership Yattons also withdrew their support in protest. Tom Hopton issued a statement outside the Ravens Park ground earlier and the father of the injured fan have just issued this statement” “My family have been strong supporters of the ravens over many years but the dismissal of these two good young men has made me realise that maybe my family loyalty to the club was misplaced. Tom and Will have both visited Bradley this morning in hospital and spoke to him while he was still in a coma. While they were there Brad regained consensus. Thankfully my son will make a full recovery from his injuries.” In a further development police have arrested a 25 year old woman and she is now helping police with the enquires” “Wow I never expected that” Will said “No I knew we were popular members of the team but the whole team to walk like that is a shock” Tom said “I am glad that Brad is ok though” Will said “Yeah me too and I would do it again if I had to” Tom said “Yeah me too to hell with Trenton” Will said Will got up and went over to the TV to switch it on at the mains he bent over giving Tom a close up view of that tight virgin arse. Tom felt his cock spring up and smiled and then slapped Will. Will jumped and said “you will pay for that Hopton” Tom laughed and said “bring it on Benson” Will jumped onto Tom and the two lads started to wrestle. Tom had Will pinned to the floor and was leaning on top of him. Will decided it was now or never. He pulled Tom’s face down and kissed him. Tom didn’t resist and the two lads were soon stripping each other. Will looked up and said “wow I have wanted you for so long” Will then went down and took Tom’s 7 inches uncut cock into his hand and started to slowly wank it. He then slowly put his mouth over the cock and started to suck it. Tom was moaning loudly as Will licked and sucked his cock. Tom then pulled Will up and kissed him and led him upstairs into the bedroom. Tom the completely stripped Will naked and smiled and said “fuck you are so sexy” Will laughed and said “and you are fucking hot mate” “Let’s break all the hearts of all those girls who want us” Tom said smiling “You nasty bastard Hopton” will said smiling “Yeah but you know you love me Benson” Tom said “You got that right” Will said smiling Tom went down and slowly started to suck on Will’s nipples. Will groaned and moaned as he felt Tom suck his nipples. Tom went down further and started to run his tongue up and down Will’s rock hard cock. Will was moaning louder and louder as his hot team mate sucked and licked his cock. Tom then started to suck on Wills balls as Will groaned “fuck” Tom smiled and lifted Will’s legs up over his head and started to run his hot tongue up and down Wills arse. Will starts to scream “oh fuck” as he felt Tom run his tongue up and down and push into his virgin hole. Tom slowly pushed his middle finger into Wills tight virgin arse as Will groaned “fuck”. Tom laughed and pushed a second finger into Wills arse. Will was groaning louder and louder as Tom fingered his tight arse. Tom soon lined up his 7 inch uncut cock to Wills ready arse and slowly pushes. Will groaned as he felt Tom’s cock push into his arse. Will was groaning louder and louder as Tom fucked his arse faster and faster. Wills own cock was dripping precum and soon he shouted “fuck” as his cock throbbed sending a huge load of cum flying over his hot sweaty body. Tom was soon groaning louder and louder and pulled his cock out of Will’s arse as his cock gave a huge throb sending a huge load of his cum flying over Will’s chest and face. Tom collapsed onto Will and said “fuck that was hot” “Will laughed and kissed Tom and said “yeah god we definitely broke a lot of girls hearts with that session” Tom laughed and said “yeah we fucking did” A few days later The raven’s team were still on strike and Joe Trenton struggled to put a team together to play their arch rivals The Dragons away. He decided to put out the second team instead and unbeknown to him Tom and Will were in the stands at West Lane watching. The second team struggled right from the start and the fans were fuming at the decision to play this team. The dragons walked the game and won 8-0 it was the worst result in the history of the ravens but Joe refused to change his mind. The local press were all calling for Joe to go but the ravens owner refused to sack him saying he had the confidence of the board that the issues will be sorted and it was the current first team players that the fans should be placing the blame on for this dismal result and not Joe Trenton. The following weekend The first home match since the sacking of Tom and Will was an equally disastrous as the weekend before but this time it was much worse as the home side stand was empty. It was an equally disastrous result on the pitch the second team struggled against the devils and despite the devils being the bottom team in the league the Ravens lost 7-1 and the goal came from a own goal. There was one player in the second team who had tried really hard and he was fuming that they had been forced to go out as the first team for the last two weeks. James Mills wanted to join the first team and was hoping to prove that he had what it took to play in the main team. Tom and Will weren’t at the match as they were told that they were not welcome at Ravens Park by Joe Trenton. Tom’s Uncle Ben was a lifelong Ravens fan and went to the match but to prove the point he sat in the away side and supported the Devils. He noticed James and thought he was a good player wasted in the second team. At the end of the match there was a huge protest outside the ground by the raven’s fans. They were demanding that owner Paul Harris got rid of Joe Trenton and sorted out the issues with Tom and Will. Joe made things worse by still blaming the first team players for going on strike and said “I have today terminated the contracts of all members of the first team squad and I will start tonight to find replacements whether that is from our other teams or from outside I promise Raven fans that we will field a stronger squads ongoing it was their decision to go on strike that has caused these losses and has resulting in us slumping down the league if any of those players wish to speak to me directly my door is open but if they do want to return they will return on my terms and not theirs”. This made the protestors even angrier. Paul Harris watched the press conference in shock and knew he had to finally do something about this situation. Paul Harris has tried to support Joe in his decision even though he had taken it without board knowledge or permission but now he realised something had to be done. He hadn’t consulted the board about this development and that put Paul in a difficult position. Paul knew it was time to sort this problem out and when he saw the gate receipts for the game. He summoned Joe to his office. Tom and Will were sat listening to the radio when the local news came on. “Huge protest after another whitewash for the Ravens” read the announcer “Fans of the Ravens football club have staged a protest outside their home ground this afternoon after the team fell to their second big loss in two games. The fans who actually stayed outside and refused to enter the ground are calling for team manager Joe Trenton to be removed after he sacked two of the first team players and later the whole first team walked out on strike which is still continuing .The ravens have dropped from third in the league to 6th and today’s loss to bottom club the devils will be a huge blow to the club who were hoping to secure promotion this season. The fans have also said that the club have treating the second team badly expecting them to put the performance of their lives against other first teams and then also play their own matches. out of the performance today only one player shone and that was 17 year old James Mills who really put the performance of his life into the game and nearly scored a goal for the ravens their only goal in the match came from a own goal scored by the devils defender former Raven Gary Brookfield. The match ended with the score at 7-1 to the devils” Team manager Joe Trenton hit out at the first team players and also announced that he terminated the whole squads contracts this caused even more protests some of the fans were carrying placards with “RIP Ravens FC killed by Joe Trenton” “Wow 7-1 loss to the fucking Devils we will never live that down” Tom said “No we won’t babe I can’t believe they are still sticking to this stupid plan and using the second team players” Will said “Well they are babe and we need to think about where we go from here and now he has got rid of the whole team he is a bigger prat than I thought he was” Tom said “Yeah what a fucking moron” Will replied Just then Tom’s phone buzzed and he pulled it from his trousers and said “oh shit looks like we are back in the team babe” “What?” Will asked “Text is from team owner Paul Harris Tom please accept my apologies for Joe Trenton’s actions. He acted on his own back and not that of the board at the ravens. You and Will Benson are still a major part of the team at the Ravens and I expect to see you at tomorrow for training session at Ravens Park” Will smiled and pulled his phone out and said “snap” Tom put his arm round Will and said “well looks like we are playing for the ravens again babe” “Yeah sure does” Will said Tom leaned over and started to kiss Will. Later that day Will and Tom were sat watching the local news lying naked in each other’s arms when the newsreader said “in a late development tonight the raven’s football club have announced that they have sacked team manager Joe Trenton over the Tom Hopton and Will Benson affair. Team owner Paul Harris issued a statement pointing out that Trenton who had managed the ravens for four years had acted to dismiss the players without board authority. In hindsight the decision he took was the wrong one so to secure the future of the club we took this decision. I also feel that both Tom and William were wronged by the way the club handled the decision. We have also let our fans down which we hope will continue to support us in our ongoing journey. I have also written to the family of Bradley Tyler to apologise for the actions of Joe Trenton in the aftermath of the accident we have invited Bradley and his family to be our guest at the next home game Will and Tom and the whole current first team have been reinstated and will be at Ravens Park for training as usual tomorrow. I have appointed second team manager Gavin Newlan as the interim manager and I hope the fans will support him in his new job”. Tom looked at Will and said “wow can’t believe it Joe has finally gone” “I know but he was the wrong person for the job always thought Gavin would make a better first team manager” Will said “Yeah Gavin is fantastic” Tom said The next morning Tom and Will arrived at Ravens Park football ground for a huge welcome. Tom and Will met up with the new team manager Gavin. “Hi lads” Gavin said as Tom and Will walked into the changing rooms. “Hi Gavin” Tom replied “Hi mate” Will said “Come with me a minute please lads” Gavin said Tom and Will followed Gavin into his office and sat down. “Ok lads first of all welcome back. Now as you are aware your sacking got a lot of bad publicity for us at the ravens and we lost our main sponsor”. Gavin said “Yeah but that isn’t our fault that was Joes doing” Tom said “Yeah I know that lads but it means that we will have to change our kit and cut back on our plans for a training academy” Gavin said “Oh shit I was looking forward to helping out there” Will said “Yeah well it might still go ahead but will be smaller than we first hoped” Gavin said “So have you spoken to Andrew at Yattons about reinstating the sponsorship?” Tom asked “Well I haven’t had time yet but I will try but if they do walk away there will have to be cut backs here” Gavin said “Let me speak to him I know the Yattons family well” Tom said “Ok but don’t make it look like we are desperate even though we are” Gavin said “No problem” Tom said Tom and Will were soon out on the pitch and spotted lots of fans had arrived to watch the lads training. There was also camera crew from the local TV station. Tom enjoyed the session and left the pitch and headed into the offices. He picked up the phone and rang the number for Yattons. “Good evening Yattons Motors” the voice answered “Hi can I speak to Andrew Yatton please?” Tom asked “Yes who is calling please” voice replied” “Tom Hopton” Tom replied “Hi Tom mate how’s it going?” Andrew said “Hi mate it is going ok but I need to speak to you about the sponsorship of the ravens” Tom said “Yeah I heard they have reinstated you and Will and that Joe Trenton has gone mate” Andrew said “Yeah he has he acted alone without the permission of the chairman in our sacking mate and he has got his just desserts for his actions” Tom replies “yeah well as for the sponsorship well as far as we are concerned it is business as usual mate we took a stand as we didn’t like the way Joe bursa escort bayan Trenton dealt with that accident the way he dealt with it you would have thought that you two had run over that lad” Andrew said “Yeah I know” Tom said “so you can tell the Ravens board that as far as Yattons Motors are concerned the sponsorship we signed a year ago will be honoured” Andrew said “Thanks mate that means a lot to us” Tom said “Well mate I will see you soon at the next home game” Andrew said “Ok mate” Tom replied A few weeks later Will and Tom were now sharing Tom’s place. They were not out to anyone except themselves and their respective families. They made out that Wills family couldn’t afford to pay the high rent on his former flat and that it was cheaper to share Tom’s house. It was the first home match since the lads had been reinstated to the first team and they were looking forward to it. There was going to be a guest of honour there as well as Bradley Tyler was released from hospital a few days ago and the lads arranged for Bradley to have a day with the team and be there as their guest for the match. The game announcer called out over the PA system “ladies and Gentlemen let’s give a warm Ravens Park welcome to our guest of honour this evening Bradley Tyler. Bradley is the young man who was run over outside here a few weeks ago” The crowd on both sides of the stadium roared as Bradley walked out the Ravens alongside Tom who was captaining the team onto the pitch. Brad was in heaven as he walked out onto the pitch alongside his hero. Tom took hold of the microphone and said “ladies and Gents thank you for supporting us over the last few weeks but now we need to move on and tonight we hope to get the old Ravens magic back”. The teams started to warm up as Brad and the rovers guest of honour both went to take their places in the stands. Tom and the rovers captain Jeff stood in the middle of the pitch as the referee checked his watch and blew his whistle and the Tom kicked the ball. The game soon reached half time and the ravens were 4 nil up. Sat on the subs bench was young James Mills. Tom had watched the second team play a match in the week and was taken aback on how good James was and had persuaded Gavin to give James a chance in the first team. James was still reeling from the news that he had been picked for the first team even though it was just as a sub. In the middle of the second half Darren one of the midfield players pulled up and fell down to the ground holding his leg. Henry the team’s physio ran on but Gavin could tell that Darren’s game was over and looked at James and said “warm up” James smiled and took off his tracksuit and started his warm up while Henry tried to help Darren on the pitch. Henry helped Darren off and the ravens were left with ten men for a minute. Gavin walked over to the touch line with James and signalled to the referee. The referee blew his whistle and James joined the game. Will was running towards the goal with the ball and the opposition player tried to intersect he spotted young James to his left and kicked the ball to James who ran and then slammed it in the goal the keeper didn’t stand a chance. The ravens fan went mad as this new player had just scored his first goal. Will and Tom both ran to James and celebrated with the youngster. Gavin was gobsmacked he knew James was good but didn’t expect his to score on his first proper first team match. The referee blew his whistle to signal the end of the match and the Ravens had beaten the Rovers by 6-0. James was the darling boy of the local press and his team mates. James Tom and Will later met up with the Tyler family who had watched the match from the director’s box and were really happy to see the Ravens win again. James was shocked when Bradley asked for his autograph but did give it to him. The next morning Tom and Will had just got up and Tom was smiling when he saw the headline on the back page of the local newspaper “Young Buck does it for the Ravens” Tom and Will laughed as they read the article knowing that James would be shocked to see the publicity his first goal had had. Later Tom had arrived at Ravens Park he had been asked by Gavin to try and kick the second team into shape. Gavin had always thought that the second team players think that the first team players get it easy but he knew that wasn’t true and that is why he had asked Tom to help with their coaching. Tom had recently passed his coaching exams and was happy to give it a go. Gavin already had the team assembled and was giving them a pep talk. One of the players Ross said “why isn’t James Mills here?” Gavin said “well guys I have two announcements to make one is that as from today James Mills is a first team player and will no longer be playing any part in the second team set up and the second is a from today I will no longer be coaching this team full time. Your new second coach is going to be club captain Tom Hopton. Tom walked through the door and said “you guys over the last few weeks were put in a difficult position by the former manager but I will tell you now not one of you in this room would have cats in hell chance of playing first team football for the ravens. Your performance on that pitch went from bad to farcical I didn’t see the home game but the away game was a disgrace. To play football it is about team work and not trying to get one over your fellow player and what I saw that night wasn’t a team it was 11 players playing for themselves. I have also watched a recent second team match and I must say that wasn’t much better. There will be big changes in the way this team plays starting straight away we have a match this week against the badgers 2nd team and I cannot guarantee anyone in this room will be playing that match now I want you out on the training pitch in two minutes and you will have to prove to me that you are worthy of putting on the Ravens shirt” Tom was watching every player out on the pitch and shouted orders from the touchline. He even went onto the pitch and made the players watch his take a goal and said “now I want you lot to try” By the time the training session was over the players were exhausted and Tom played his trump card he made them all shower in cold water. Tom was sat in the office when Gavin came in laughing and said “Joe taught you well” Tom laughed and said “well I might not have liked what he did to Will and me but he was a damn good coach but that wasn’t Joe who taught me the shower trick that was your predecessor as second team coach Andrew Lewis he used it on us every time he had a discipline problem” “What about the team selection for Saturday?” Gavin asked “Going on tonight’s performance I will struggle to get a team out of them all well except Ross and Phil the goalie the rest are a joke” Tom said “now you know why the second team is in the bottom of the league I had told Joe that we needed to start to look for new players from our youth team but he always said no” Gavin said “The youth team playing tomorrow aren’t they?” Tom asked “Yeah they are why?” Gavin said “I might come a watch and see if I can move a couple up to this team and then we can start to get rid of some of the dead wood we have here” Tom said The next day Tom stood at the sidelines with Will watching the under 18’s team play against the rovers under 18’s team. Tom was really happy with two players in particular and Tom spoke to the youth team coach Ben. Ben used to play for the first team and knew Tom well. Ben said “so I take it this is not a social visit to the youth team” “Well no but I do think the first team players should be taking more of an interest in the youth and second teams” Tom said “I noticed you spotted my star defender Jason” Ben said “Yeah he is really good not first team good yet but a damn sight better than the idiot I have in defence in the second team at the moment” Tom said Ben laughed “yeah I watched that match they had with the devils” “So you are trying to steal my star defender then?” Ben said “Well maybe” Tom said “Well actually he is 18 in a few weeks so he will have to go anyway” Ben said The youth team had beaten rovers and Tom watched as the two players he had indentified came off he stopped the striker Harry and then pulled Jason back also and said “sorry lads I will let you go but I want you to report here tomorrow afternoon at 4 for a training session for the 2nd team if you are interested. Both lads were shocked but happy and said “sure thing we will be here” and Tom smiled as the two lads walked off. Tom showed off his two new recruits to Gavin and he was happy he had watched Jason progress through the youth team and he also knew Harry. Tom posted his team list onto the wall and current defender Paul was not happy to see he had been dropped. He stormed into Toms office and said “what the fuck is this some kind of joke you put a whippersnapper like that in my place” Tom smiled and said “I told you I was making changes and that is the first of many no player is guaranteed a place in my team you included” “You prick you are worse than Joe Trenton” Paul said Tom smiled and said “no I am not but I can tell you this I will not keep dead wood in this team my plan is to keep the Ravens second team in this division but with dead wood like you in the team we would be down to the bottom division in no time. Your performances in the two games I have watched was diabolical and don’t worry you are just one of several players who will be replaced in the next few weeks. We won’t be renewing your contract so I suggest you start looking for a new team maybe a bottom division team because I can’t see anyone in our league giving you a go” “I bet the press would love to hear how their darling boy is a fucking bender” Paul said Tom smiled and said “do it I couldn’t care less I just say that you weren’t happy because I turned you down now get out of my office and don’t come back” Paul didn’t talk to the press after his agent warned him against it telling him it would harm his chances of getting a new team. Ravens 2nd Team 6 Badgers 2nd Team 5 Tom was over the moon as his team had beaten the badgers. The introduction of the two new players topped by the other players realising they had to give it their all gave the team a well needed win. Over the next few weeks Tom and his team won 8 matches and they climbed up the table. Tom was also still playing for the first team and when the matches clashed Ben would take over as team manager for Tom. He was equally a task master and made sure that the players worked as a team. Paul finally joined the devils 2nd team but started to play for the first team a few weeks later after one of their regular defender Charlie was injured. Paul was looking forward to the clash of the Devils and the Ravens at home which was due in a few weeks and he was hoping he could cause havoc. Over the next few weeks Tom and Will alongside James were making sure that the Ravens continued to push for promotion and the next match they all knew would be difficult as it was the first time since the whitewash that the Ravens had met the Devils. The match was not as one sided as the last one but Paul did stop James and Will scoring but a mistake by his fellow defender Aaron let Tom in and he scored. This made Paul furious and he stormed over to Aaron and screamed in his face “you fucking knob” The referee blew his whistle and called Paul over he then lifted up a yellow card and warned Paul about his language” James was running with the ball into the penalty area when Paul tackled him and pushed him down. The ref blew his whistle and pointed to the penalty spot he also called Paul over and pulled out his yellow card and then the red card. Paul’s game was over and he was sent off in disgrace. Tom took the penalty and scored the raven’s second goal of the match. The third and final goal game from James helped by Will the raven fans were really happy as this result had sent the ravens to the top of the division as fellow promotion hunters the Dragons had lost to the Badgers. The headlines next day read Ravens show Devils whose boss. The Ravens went top of the division with the win after nearest rivals the dragons lost their away match to mid table team the badgers. The first goal came from a mistake by devils defender Aaron Harris which let team captain Tom Hopton through to score. The second came as ex Raven second team player Paul Gregory was sent off after a bad tackle in the penalty area on young new star James Mills resulted in a penalty which Tom Hopton blasted into the net. The third and final goal came from James Mills who managed to out play defender Aaron and blasted it into the back of the net. James is proving to be a young star for the ravens and as team captain Tom Hopton said at the end of the match proves that the raven’s academy will provide their stars of the future. James was until recently playing for the raven’s second team. Gavin was really happy and was getting ready to take the team up to the next division all they needed was a home win against mid table team the royals and the dragons to lose or draw against the third team in the division the scarlet’s and they would go up. Only one team from each division goes up automatically the other top two teams would have to go into a playoff against each other and the raven’s didn’t want that as they had lost in the playoffs last season. Tom was really nervous about this game as the royals are a bit of a bogey side for the ravens. Last season they lost both matches against the royals and they had already lost their other game against them this season. Saturday Tom was up early and had already taken his mum shopping as usual. Will had already arrived at Raven Park and was helping with the under 12’s game as part of his academy ambassador role. The under 12’s were playing a game against the Royals under 12’s and they beat them 2-0. Will hoped that this would give the main team a boost. The dragons played their match against the scarlet’s last night and had lost. The team news was also good for the ravens as the royals team captain Justin Jenkins and their star striker Henry Thompson were both out injured. The match went to plan and the Ravens finally conquered their bogey side winning 4-2. Tom Will and James all scored goals and the fourth came from Darren who had come on when another player had been injured. As the ref blew the whistle to signal the end of the match the announcer called escort bursa over the microphone “The Ravens are promoted let’s hear a huge cheer for Tom Hopton and his team”. The whole stadium erupted soon the stands emptied as the raven fans ran onto the pitch to celebrate the win. Soon more news came through the devils had lost another match and were relegated. The season was nearly over for the ravens they had one last match to play the hated badgers away. Tom and Will knew that this match had no bearing on the season results as such but wanted to go out with a bang. Tom’s second team were due to play the badger’s second team on Sunday and Tom was doubtful that they would win the match. The local papers were full of the raven’s promotion and this made Tom even more determined to get the second team standards up to the same level as the first team. He knew that the two new recruits were helping to build the team but also knew he needed more new talent in the team. Tom arrived at Ravens Park the next morning feeling a bit worse for wear after the celebrations the night before. Gavin saw Tom and said “wow you look like I feel” Tom laughed and said “yeah it was a hell of a night” Tom said to Gavin “so what are we planning to do about the second team we need some new blood and the other teams haven’t got anyone suitable?” “Well I don’t know if you have seen the headlines this morning?” Gavin asked “No why?”Tom asked “The devils are closing their second team so all their players will be available for recruitment” Gavin said “Wow their second team is a lot better than their first team so why are they doing that?” Tom asked “Seem like they are short of money and have decided to plough all the cash they have into rebuilding the first team” Gavin said “Well let’s hope that idiot Paul gets booted” Tom said “He already as they terminated his contract after the match yesterday” Gavin said “Oh wow” Tom said “It seems that he punched fellow defender Aaron Harris in the changing rooms after the match and then threatened two other players who leaped to Aarons defence” Gavin said “Well he was always a hothead” Tom said “Well he was arrested as well Aaron is in hospital when he punched him he fell back and hit his head on the wall of the showers and he was knocked out. It looks like he is going to be charged with assault” Gavin said “Oh wow no wonder they got rid then” Tom said “i am surprised he lasted as long as he did” Gavin said “Well he was here for two years” Tom said “Yeah only because Joe wouldn’t let me get rid of him I wanted rid of him last year after that incident with our former striker Mark West” Gavin said “Oh yeah I remember that I never understood why he didn’t go then” Tom said “Well I reckon he had something on Joe because Joe was adamant that he stayed and Mark had to go” Gavin said “Whatever happened to Mark?”Tom asked “Well last I heard he was playing for a non league team as Joe made sure he couldn’t get a contract with another team” Gavin said “That’s so wrong what the hell did Paul have on Joe to make him ruin a good players career like that” Tom said “Who knows” Gavin said “I know this is a long shot but do you think we could get Mark to come back” Tom said “No idea but we would have to get the chairman’s approval first” Gavin said “Yeah good idea I will speak to him” Tom said A couple of days later Tom pulled up outside Grimton Park home of Westbury Albion football club. It was a classic non league ground with one major stand and the rest was just terracing. Tom walked in and bought his ticket and watched as Westbury played local rivals Upton Rovers. Mark was playing and Tom saw that he was still the fantastic player he always was. Mark had scored one of the two goals and assisted in the other goal. The referee blew the whistle to end the game. Tom walked down from the terrace where he stood and went out of the ground. Tom waited outside and saw Mark walk out. Tom walked over and said “hi mate” Mark looked over and was shocked to see his former teammate Tom Hopton standing there and said “what the hell are you doing here?” “I came to watch you play mate to see if you still got it” Tom laughed “Really why?” Mark said “well we would like to get you back to the ravens maybe not the first team at first but definitely the second team mate” Tom said “What you really think I would come back after what that fucker did to me” Mark said “Look mate we know we let you down big time but you know and I know that fucker had something on Joe Trenton and that is why you was dumped and not him” Tom said “yeah but no one on that team supported me and my family I went bankrupt and lost my wife because of what he did mate” Mark said “Look Mark believe me the whole team was basically warned if we made contact or had anything to say we would be next” Tom said “Look at me I am playing for a fucking non league team why the hell the ravens need me” Mark said “Look mate I watched you today and I saw that you still got it mate and I want you back” tom said Mark smiled and said “look I am under contract to Westbury until the end of the season then I am a free agent” “How many more matches are left before the end of the season?”Tom asked smiling “We have two matches left” Mark replied “Well I am sure we can wait mate” Tom said “Look I need to talk this through with my partner first” Mark said “Yeah I can understand that mate” Tom said “I will let you know what I decide I a few days ok” Mark said “No problem mate” Tom said “Oh that fucker isn’t still at the ravens is he?” Mark asked Tom laughed and said “I guess you didn’t hear then last time I heard he was on remand for assaulting a teammate at the devils” “Oh you are joking” Mark said “No he attacked a young defender from the team who coincidently we will be signing for the ravens tomorrow” Tom said “i hope he is having a hard time on remand” Mark said smiling Tom laughed “yeah we can live in hope mate” Marks partner Alice was really happy for Mark and told him he would be stupid not to take Tom up on the chance. Couple of months later Tom pulled up at Ravens Park for the first training session with his second team since the summer break. Tom walked into the changing rooms and immediately spotted his two new star signings getting ready. Tom was really happy that Mark had decided to take him up on the offer. Tom also signed the young defender Aaron Harris from the devils. Tom walked over and said “hi lads nice to see you here” Aaron smiled and said “it is great to be at Ravens Park never thought when my granddad brought me here when i was a nipper that I would be out there on the park actually playing for the ravens” Mark smiled and said “yeah the ravens are a special team and I never thought I would be back in this kit again” “Well the two of you have earned the chance and I know you will give it you all” tom said smiling “now Aaron for you to know Mark here was a player for us up until two seasons ago when there was a bust up with a certain player for later went on to cause havoc at the devils” tom said “Oh would that the same person who attacked me and is now serving a 12 month prison term” Aaron said “Oh he went down then” Mark said “Yeah last week I had my day in court alongside Ryan and Alex the other two players he assaulted” Aaron said Tom smiled and said “oh Mark did you hear the other news as well?” “Ummm no what about?” mark asked “Joe Trenton has been banned from coaching soccer for four years after the FA launched an enquiry about what happened here last season and they found some backhanders he had received” Tom said “Oh fucking hell it gets better two people that shouldn’t be anywhere nearer football” Mark said “Yeah I couldn’t agree more mate” Tom said Tom soon had his full team out on the pitch he introduced Mark and Aaron to the squad and said “these guys are training with us today but are actually reserve first team players” Later that day Tom left ravens park and was heading home when the radio news came on. “The headlines at 6oclock Former Ravens Footballer found dead “The former ravens and devils footballer Paul Gregory was found dead in his cell at local prison where he was serving a sentence for assaulting three teammates at the devils ground earlier this year. Paul left the Ravens after having a falling out with club captain and second team coach Tom Hopton. Devils Manager Harry Thomas said of Paul “Paul was a committed player but had a nasty streak which is why he ended up in prison he was only with us for a short time but showed great potential” As yet no one from the Ravens has commented” Tom felt terrible and pulled up outside his house and went in to see his partner Will sat the equally shocked Will spotted Tom and said “fucking hell babes I really didn’t think he would do that” “No he might have be a prick but he didn’t deserve to die in prison” tom said “i need to speak to Paul before I make a statement” Tom said Paul himself issued a statement saying “that the whole of the raven’s football club are shocked and saddened by the untimely death of our former second team defender Paul Gregory. Our thoughts are with his family and close friends at this time” Tom after speaking to both Paul and Gavin later issued a statement “Paul and I might have had our differences but the news of his untimely death has shocked and saddened the whole coaching staff players and supporters of the ravens and as the chairman has already said our thoughts are with his family and close friends at this sad time” Saturday The first game of the new season and before the Ravens kicked off against the scarlet’s there was a minute silence for Paul. The ravens won and Tom dedicated the win to Paul. Tom and Will headed home and were bombarded with press and one said “is it true Tom that you are gay” Tom was shocked by the question and said “what?” “You heard is it true that you are gay and that you got rid of Paul because he refused to sleep with you?” the reporter said “no it is not true that I got rid of Paul because he wouldn’t sleep with me he left the team because he wanted to play in the first team and there was no room for him here at the ravens” Tom said “So you not denying your gay?” the reporter asked Tom looked at Will who smiled and said “no” and walked away Tom spoke to Paul Harris and Gavin as soon as he got home and both said “Tom we are behind you all the way” The next morning Tom turned radio on just as the news came on “Ravens team captain Tom Hopton comes out as gay” The team captain of local football team the ravens last night refused to deny he was gay when he was asked by a reporter outside the ravens park ground. It was after the mother of late former ravens player Paul Gregory hit out blaming Tom for ruining her son’s life by dropping her son for allegedly refusing to have sexual intercourse with him an allegation that Tom totally denies” Tom was crying and said to Will “I’m ruined I think it might be better that you move out for a while otherwise people will put two and two together and it will ruin you as well” Will was fuming and grabbed Tom and said “fuck them all we know you didn’t drop that idiot for the reasons his mum is saying and i am not going anywhere i am here for the long haul” Will kissed Tom and said “get dressed we have a press conference to do” Tom looked at Will and said “what press conference” “The one where you hit back and tell the darling press everything about Paul Gregory and the way he thought he could blackmail people to do what he wanted and how he nearly ruined Marks career” Later that day Tom and Will had managed to escape from the house via the back door. Wills mum picked the lads up from the lane behind and they got to Ravens Park. Gavin and Paul Harris where waiting for them and said “are you sure you want to do this tom?” “Yeah time for all the lies to stop” Tom said Tom Gavin Paul and Will walked into the room and Paul Harris stood up first and said “ok ladies and gentlemen thank you for coming today before Tom speaks I have a statement to read from the former team manager Joe Trenton. “Paul Gregory might have come across as a nice person but he sure wasn’t. In my time at the ravens he found out about a dodgy deal I did and forced me to end the career of an outstanding player just because he didn’t like him. He had also made several sexual advances towards a younger player at the team who later quit playing football. So you see ladies and gentleman Paul was no angel and even now from the dead he is trying to ruin the life of an outstanding player of which Paul was not thank you” Tom stood up and said “the last conversation I had with Paul here at Ravens Park he threatened to out me as gay because he didn’t like the fact that I had dropped him from the team. This didn’t bother me because shock horror ladies and gentlemen that part is true I am gay and I am in a committed relationship I don’t go round demanding sexual favours to stay in my team” “Tom who is your partner?” a reporter asked Tom went to say “no comment” when Will stood up and said “not that it is anyone’s business I am Tom partner and have been for over a year” Tom was shocked he never thought Will would out himself. Gavin then stood up and said “i was the second team manager in Joe Trenton days and i worked closely with Paul and i was disgusted that he was not punished for his unprovoked attack on Mark West. That attack nearly ended the career of Mark who thankfully refused to give up his dream of playing football and carried on playing non league. We signed Mark back to our team in the summer and he will be playing this weekend’s first team game in place of Darren Taylor who is injured. Paul was a bitter man as was proved in the last game when our team met the devils last season he was sent off for a bad tackle on another of our rising stars James Mills. It was later that day that he attacked three fellow devils players which is the reason he was in prison” Paul then stood back up and said “the raven’s football club will not tolerate any homophobic behaviour from fans and we stand behind our two outstanding players in their decision to come out as gay. They have the full support of the owner’s manager and the coaches and players of the ravens and both will feature in our first team for a few years to come” Tom and Will escaped Ravens Park inside a van and left for Wills mums house for a few days away. Tom and Will got out of the van and ran inside scared that someone might see them. They got inside and Will grabbed hold of Tom and kissed him and said “i love you” Tom laughed and dropped to his knee and said “Will Benson will you marry me?” Will had tears in his eyes and shouted “yes” Wills mum said “thank god”

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