A Permanent Visitor Ch. 01

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As usual, it was my mouth that got me into trouble. I shouldn’t have even been home that day. But, I woke up with the runs and called in sick. By noon, I was feeling fine and regretting the waste of a precious sick day. So, on a bright, shiny Tuesday afternoon, my doorbell rang, and I was actually there to answer it. She was panting and sweaty when I answered the door. Her shorts – Daisy Duke short – were grimy, but her cream-colored t-shirt (also short) was clean.

As soon as the door opened, she pushed right past me and then closed the door, the doorknob slipping through my hand. She leaned back against the door with her eyes closed, her chest rising up and down with her raspy breaths.

“Uh,” I began, but she put a finger against my lips. She held it there for a few seconds while she caught her breath.

“Are they still there?” she demanded.

“What –“

“Go look out the window and tell me if there’s anyone there,” she hissed.

Still off-balance, I actually did as she said. An old, seventies-green car crawled by, but the sidewalks were empty.

“Coast is clear,” I told her.

“Let me see.”

She edged over to the window and looked through without putting her face in front of the window. Seeing nothing, she got down on her hands and knees and lifted up a corner of the blinds just enough to peek out. Taking a good long look up and down the street, she let out a sigh and slumped down into a sitting position, her back against the end table under the window.

She looked up at me with deep brown eyes and asked for a glass of water.

“Are you leaving?” I asked her. I was getting the feeling that she was getting too comfortable in my home for this to be a temporary visit.

She carefully turned her head back and looked out the window again. Turning back to me with a resigned look on her face, she said, “Can I crash here for a while?”


“I need a place to hide. If I step out of this door – they’ll find me within minutes. I swear to you that it’s a matter of life and death.”

“I don’t know you and I’m absolutely certain that I don’t want to get involved with whatever’s going on here.”

She didn’t look like she was about to leave. And that was when my smart mouth kicked in. I could have said “Get the fuck out of my house!” or “Please leave before I call the cops.” But instead, I said, “I wouldn’t let you stay here even if you fucked me.”

That’s when her eyes lit up.

“I would.”

“And I just said that I wouldn’t.”

“I’m serious – every day that you let me stay here, I’ll sleep with you.”

Unfortunately, I’m a man. One that had been without sex for over a year. So I began to think about it. But I refused again.

“I’ll blow you and let you fuck me.”

She was cute. The soft and voluptuous kind of cute. I hadn’t felt a woman’s curves for so long. My hands ached to caress them. My mind latched onto that thought, and my eyes latched on to what appeared to be C-cup breasts, betraying the “no” that came out of my mouth. I could see the gentle swell of her belly poking out from underneath her t-shirt. All sorts of thoughts started to run through my head. She said nothing, sensing the battle inside of me.

I opened my mouth to ask her to leave, and then shut it.

“I’m ready to do it now, if you want,” she said, managing to put a hint of innocence in her voice. Not once in my life have I ever refused sex. Even the horrendously ugly women. Even sober. This was no exception to the rule, despite the awkward situation.

So I nodded to her, trying not to leer. She got up and kissed me lightly on the cheek. Her breath was hot and smelled of ketchup.

She checked the lock and then turned and took my hand. She was about to lead me inside, towards the bedroom, but my hand closed on hers and I pulled her back. I led her instead into the kitchen where I got her a tall, cool glass of water. She flashed me a smile and tipped the glass back. I watched her throat pulse in and out as she drained the entire glass without putting it down.

When she had emptied it, she smiled again. There was something in the way that she looked at me that made me feel like she liked me. Or maybe it was just gratitude, but in any case, it was that look, more than anything, that made me decide to go through with the deal.

“I saw some beer in there,” she said.

I laughed and pulled out two Coronas.

“No lime, I’m afraid.”

She ignored me as she took a long pull from the bottle. She leaned back against the counter and held the cold beer to her chest, trying to cool off from the combination of her run and the summer heat. Some of her sweat had dried off in the air-conditioning and I finally took a good look at her.

She seemed to be in her mid to late twenties. She had dusky skin and light-brown hair with blonde highlights pulled back into a small pony-tail. Her face was cute, if a little round. She had enough extra weight to give her curves without being enough to qualify her as fat – or even “thick.” I could see almanbahis şikayet her belly button peeking out between her t-shirt and the top of her shorts. She was wearing pink sneakers and her legs were long, muscled and shiny from a recent shave.

She took another long pull from the bottle.

“Like what you see?”

“Does it matter?” I winked at her to take away the sting.

“I guess it doesn’t. You ready?”

“You wanna take a shower first?”

“Yeah,” she sighed and smiled. Then she screwed up her face and looked down.

“I didn’t mean that you were dirty — I just thought … our first time…”

She chuckled and said, “I would love one.”

I pointed out the bathroom to her and listened at the door as she cleaned up. I thought I could hear her humming over the sound of the water. I was just finishing my beer when she came out of the shower. She had a blue hand-towel wrapped around her wet hair and my own big white towel wrapped around her body. I noticed that her nose was slightly crooked. She followed me into the bedroom and sat next to me on the bed.

“Here’s the deal,” I started, “we do it and you get to spend the night. I’ll drop you off wherever you want tomorrow morning.”

She looked at me with her face down. I could see her eyes getting a little wet.

“I may need to stay for a while.”

“How long?”

“I dunno,” she mumbled, “but I’ll sleep with you every night.”

I blew out a long stream of air through puckered lips.

“I don’t know if I can get myself into this.”

“They’ll kill me. They really will – the moment I leave this house.”

Without actually telling me who was after her and why, she explained that she had come out of the apartments down the block. “They” would have the place staked out looking for her and there was simply no way that she could leave without anyone seeing her. There was only one way out of my building, and it led right out into the line of sight of anyone watching the apartments.

All that I could say was, “Oh…” I had already gotten myself too involved to back out now. Or so I believed. I looked down at my hands folded in my lap.

She gave me a moment to ponder, then, gently laying her hand on my arm, she asked, “Where are your condoms?”

I was deep enough in thought that her touch startled me. My arm jumped just a tiny bit and my head snapped toward her.

“We don’t, I mean, I guess…” she sputtered, misreading my surprise as anger. There was a cowed look on her face, not exactly fear nor submission, but something between the two. It turned me on.

In retrospect, I guess that I liked being the one in control. I had never been the one in charge with a woman before, but had fantasized about it often. Don’t get me wrong – I’m no S & M freak who gets off on treating women like slaves. It’s just that I’d taken my share of shit from women and revenge would taste oh so sweet. I liked that the tables were turned. She had to please me, or I could make her leave. I could push her out into the street and there was nothing that she could do about it. Except to make me want to keep her around.

I guess she saw the lust in my eyes, because her hands moved up to where she had tucked in a corner of the towel to keep it wrapped around her chest.

“No,” I breathed, and her hands stopped. My dick shifted in my pants, rapidly engorging with blood as I rode the high that comes with power. I put my index finger under her chin and pulled her face toward mine. I kissed her gently, my lips closed. Her lips began to open, but gentle upward pressure from my finger convinced her to stop. I kissed her chastely for a while, enjoying the taste of her lips and feeling her relax and accept my control. Slowly, I pushed her down onto the bed, my other hand supporting her back. I remained above her the entire time and never broke the kiss.

My lips lingered on hers for a few more seconds before I lifted my head up, severing the connection between our mouths.

“Uh …” she began, but I silenced again her with my finger against her lips. When I removed my finger, she squeaked, “condom?”

I should have said yes. I should have been safe. But not only do I hate those damn things, but it would have ruined my feeling of domination. I wanted full satisfaction from this encounter.

I shook my head no.

“I’m not on the pill,” she whispered.

“Don’t worry, I’m going to cum in your ass,” I said, without even thinking.

I was surprised with what came out of my mouth. I had never wanted anal sex before. In fact, I thought it pretty disgusting. But now it seemed not only right, but required.

Her eyes grew wide at that statement. I could see steel in them – a refusal to bend to my will.

“You can always leave,” I told her. She opened her mouth, but nothing came out.

“Just -” she said and then stopped, letting out a sigh. “Please be gentle.”

There was a look of resignation on her face. For a moment, my heart ached for her. I felt rotten for forcing her almanbahis canlı casino like this. It felt wrong, but yet my dick was rock-hard in my pants and I wanted to ride this wave. I leaned down again and kissed her. I could feel her rejection with lips hard and unaccepting.

I was just kissing her, and doing a good job of it. Who was she to get all snippy? It’s not as if she had no options. I pulled off of her.

“If you’re not interested, that’s fine,” I said. “But then you can leave.”

She actually moved up onto one elbow as if she was about to leave. And then she looked at the door.

“You have five seconds to decide.” I hated being a hard-ass, but I wasn’t about to start playing any games with her. I’d been down that road too many times in the past.

She glanced at me, her eyes angry and her mouth set. Then, as abruptly as she had burst into my door, she was on her hands and knees on the bed, presenting her rump to me. The towel didn’t quite cover her ass, and I could see the dark crack between her cheeks, with a small tuft of dark pubic hair peeking out from between her thighs.

I smacked her ass with my open hand. Hard.

“Get up.”

She got another hard smack when she didn’t respond the first time. Reluctantly, she got up and faced me. There was a bit of fear in her, and she didn’t sit as close as before.

“We do this my way and we do it with your cooperation. Or you leave. Figure this out right now, if you’re going to stay.” She looked at me, eyes wet with tears. Normally, that would make my heart melt. I can’t stand a woman crying. Now it just irritated me.

“I think it’s time you left,” I told her.

“No! I – I’ll do whatever you want.”

That was a big mistake. The word “whatever” launched my mind into all sorts of directions. Things that I could do that I didn’t even want to do – except for the fact that I could. I’d never felt so powerful, so in control. And I loved it. I loved thinking about what I could get away with. Perhaps, in retrospect, it would have been different if I’d liked her. Maybe then I would have just done the things that I actually wanted to do.

In any case, at that moment, she became mine. I’ll admit it. I considered her my property. Not in the slavery kind of way – I couldn’t buy her or sell her. But mentally, she belonged to me. She was a prized possession. Not like a trophy, but the kind of thing that you covet and hide from everybody else, like a stolen piece of art. What a fool I was.

She was scared. I thought then that she sensed the change between us. That she understood how it would be. I began to warm to her. I wanted to protect her, even from myself. I reached out to her and enfolded her in my arms. She flinched a little – I imagined that it was because she thought that I was going to hurt her.

Yet, only seconds later, she relaxed in my arms.

“I feel so safe when you hold me,” she whispered. It was nice to hear that. I pulled away from her and flung off my clothes. I freed her hair from the towel and pushed gently at her belly, signaling her to get under the covers with me.

Her skin was so soft. I had forgotten how nice women feel underneath my fingers. I stroked her body, avoiding the obvious zones for the moment. There was tension in her, underneath the soft cushioning of her curves. But it melted away with my gentle caresses.

I became fascinated by the gentle arc of her waist. I stroked over and over along her side, feeling my fingers dip into her waist and then rise up to her hips. I pushed the covers down so that I could see her shape. It was more than merely sexy. It was beautiful.

I nuzzled my nose against her back. Her body, cold earlier from the shower, had warmed as she dried. I placed a gentle kiss on her shoulder blade and put my arm around her, feeling her breasts. They felt firm and rubbery, the nipples hardening in my palm. My dick had reached full engorgement and was poking her lower butt cheek.

“Show me how much you want this,” I told her.

She turned to face me. Eyes like pools of melted chocolate regarded mine. Her mouth opened ever so slightly, revealing just a tiny sliver of white tooth. A soft hand reached down between us to grasp my member. Her mouth closed into a shy smile.

“Let me stay here,” she breathed, “let me stay and I’ll make you so happy.”

I smiled. This was more like it.

“You’re such a big boy. Let me show you how good I can make you feel.”

I’m not usually much for dirty talk, but somehow even her clichéd words were affecting me.

“So nice and big – I bet you’re going to make me feel so good,” she continued. She was stroking my ego, and I loved it. I experienced enough to know that I was about average in size, but the compliment was nice. She lifted her leg and rubbed me along her slit. I was surprised to feel the slickness of arousal. It was as if she even wanted me.

Once the head of my penis was slick with her juices, she turned around and bent over, thrusting her ass towards me. Her hand almanbahis casino continued to hold my dick, and once she had positioned herself, she guided me into her.

I love the feeling of entering a woman – the brief rough patch just outside of her giving way to the warm, moist softness within. I relished the nearly forgotten feeling, easing myself into her slowly. I stroked her as I thrust so softly and gently into her, more interested in feeling her around me than in any friction.

She let a soft purr of satisfaction escape her lips. I took my time, exploring her body with my hands as my dick explored her insides. I spent a lot of time on her breasts, the tips of my fingers rotating around her erect nipples until she gasped with pleasure. I tickled her belly button, ran my fingers through her pubic hair and cupped her sex, twiddling her clit lightly just for appearance’s sake.

Moaning softly, she thrust her ass back at me, increasing the tempo, but I pushed against her ass, slowing her back down. I had another goal in mind. My dick was coated with her wetness, but there wasn’t nearly enough to lubricate her ass as well. Because of my drought, I didn’t have any lube handy, but there was some massage oil by my bed that I used to masturbate with. I reached behind me and fumbled around until my fingers found it.

Her vagina clamped down as she guessed my intent.

“You still have the other option,” I told her.

“No,” she replied meekly, “I – I want you in my ass.”

Sloppily pouring oil into my cupped hand, I slathered it all over her ass. Streams of it dribbled down to soak into my sheets. As my hard-on still moved slowly inside her pussy, my oily fingers caressed her rosebud, pushing gently against it until my index finger popped in. Her asshole clenched around my finger and I rotated it as I pushed it in and out of her ass. She gasped in pain as I slipped in a second finger. Still rotating my fingers inside of her, I asked her if she was okay.

“I’m getting used to it,” she breathed. My fingers continued to stretch her as I nibbled at her collarbone.

“I think it’s okay now,” she whispered, almost too low for me to hear. I pulled my fingers all the way out and then pushed them back in together, testing the path that my penis would soon take for the first time. They slid in easily enough and I pulled my dick from her pussy. First I rubbed a little more oil on the head of my cock as I gazed at the curve of her back. Then I positioned it against her puckered hole, just letting it sit there and feel the textured surface of her hole.

“Push against me,” I ordered as I began my own steady thrust. There was resistance, enough to cause pain. At first, nothing happened, but then I felt the slightest give. I pulled back my hips just a fraction and thrust back in, sharper this time.

“Ouch!” she cried as I penetrated a little further. I held her hips in place as I eased down my pressure a bit. It was hard to tell exactly where my dick was, but it was apparently in far enough to continue. I maintained a steady pressure and asked her to push back against me.

“It’ll be easier for you if you control the penetration.”


She began to push back against me. Ever so slowly, I felt myself moving deeper into her cavern. And then with a pop more felt than heard, the large mushroom head of my dick was in her ass.

I placed a hand against her butt cheek to tell her to stop. I savored the feeling for a moment. The ring of her sphincter was tight around my shaft and her ass was warm and inviting. I gripped her hip gently and pushed myself deeper into her.

“Owww,” she murmured.

I kept going slowly. Part of me hated hurting her. Another part thought of it as payback for all the cockteasers I’d ever gone out with. And the biggest part just wanted to shove my dick anywhere there was enough friction to make me come. I slid up into her until she hissed “Stop!” I was only about three quarters of the way in.

I stopped long enough to let her get used to me. Then I continued. I wanted to be all the way in.

“You’re so big. You’re tearing me apart.” I imagined tears welling from her eyes.

“Relax your butt. Then try to shit me out.” I felt so nasty saying that. I realized how disgusting it was to have my bare dick in her shithole. But I was too far into it to stop now. I wanted to come and I wanted it soon.

I felt her muscles flex as she obeyed. There was a pleasurable tightening inside of her and I even slid slightly out of her hole.

“That does feel better,” she admitted.

I thrust slowly back in.


I thrust steadily into her, feeling the tightness of her ring grip my shaft just like my fingers do when I’m whacking off. My dick grew inside of her as I approached my orgasm. Then, without warning, I spurted inside of her. It felt like I came for at least a minute, but in reality, it couldn’t have been that long.

She pushed her face into the pillow so hard that her grunt of pain seemed more like a sigh. I continued fucking into her for a little while, enjoying the feeling of her ass surrounding me. Eventually, I was too soft to keep that up and I let myself drop down on top of her. My weight, probably not that much greater than her own, bore her down flat on the bed.

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